THURSDAY, OCTOLER 80, 1024. + y ah -- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | | J Are You Taking Advantage Of The Public Service Offered By This Page? BIRTHS. RT---At-472 Brock street, Kingston, SAR Thursday, October 30th, Mr. and Mra. C. A. Smart, a son. MARRIAGES. DIXON--SLEETH--On Wednesday, Oc- | tober 20th, 1924, at 2. George's thedral, Ki n, Nr the Rev. J. W. Jones, essie' May ) daughter of Mr. David teeth, Bat- tersea, to H. Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Dixon, Sunbury. prm---- tem DEATHS. MORRISON Suddenly, In Victoria Morrison (Dolly), ter of the late Michael Mirrisop. Funeral notice later. s MacDONALD-~In JFicton, Oct. 21st, Ca- therine MacDonald, wife of the late + David MacDonald, in her 67th year. MORRISON---Suddenly, In Toronto, on October 20th, 1924, at her late Tesi- ' dence, 321 Palmerston Blvd, Vie- torta RB. (Dolly), youngest daughter, of the Ite ichael and Catharine al on: her sister's residence, 211 . stréet South, 'on Friday moming at 8.45 to St Mary's Ca~- thedral where a solemn requiem anasg will be sung at 9 o'clock for the happy repose of her soul. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the mass. JAMES REID The Old Firm 254 and 206 a STREET Phone 147 for Ambulance ROBERT J. REIL. The Leading Undertaker Phone 577. 230 Princess Street M. P. KEYES FUNERAL HOME 49 COLBORNE STREET _ AMBULANCE PHONE 1880 SF GORRELIS, Paricrs, 274 Princess Street H. J. KNIGHT LNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER PFARLORS--Sydenham, Yarker, Verona, and Battersea. Ambulance 'phone 35. « HEARD ON THE STREET Local Briefs Gathered by Re- 'porters--What the Merch- * ants Are Offering. -- Help disabled veterans by buying veleraft poppies on Nov, 8th. Mr. Swaine, plano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, 'phone 564w. : The C.N.R. will run a special train ® from Montreal to Kingston for the y game on Saturday, "The residence of William Mecln- nes, Westport, was wrecked by fire on Tuesday night. The new fire ap- paratus proved effective in saving ev. W. L. Bennett, M.A., ¢use, N.Y., is a graduate of Queen's University and is a preacher of ex- ceptional ability and a truly succees- ful servant of the chureh. To-morrow night (Friday) is the p night of nights for the little folk-- Hallowe'en. As per usual, they will 'dress up" and make calls around the various houses in their neighbor- The Board of Education is adver- tising for an assistant in science in * the Collegiate Institute, the illness of W. J. Saunders necessitating the addition. J. W. Kelly will take the mastership, farewell sermon of the Very 4 Rev. Dean McDonald to his parish- joners of the Church of the Good Thief, at Portsmouth, is to be deliv- ered on Sunday next at the parish mass. The address and presentation from the congregation willlikely take place at the same time. In MARINE olRoLES | The steatner Cataract passed down to proutreal, The steamer Collier' No. 1, of the Steamabip Lines, passed The steamer city of Ottawa ar- rived from Montreal and cleared for pilten. steamer Yorkmisister is en from Toronto to Oswego she will load coal for King- o of the large car ferries on 1924, to | (Mamie 5: | Toronto, | daugh- | Byra-' ? !Bros., Limited, of Brantford, contrac- Lalonde is dismicsed, and she is di- j|rosted to Day one-halt of the cont of \ sg 2 | The British Whig . KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIF LED ADVERTISING. Indexed, ized and popular. ised according to All ads. are restricied to their preper classification, and to the regular Dally Whig style of type. CLASBIFIED RATES Daily rate per line ed consecutive ingert! Dally Thies Por Hie * outa. Casb Minium ca o days om Pe "3 { ! irths, Ingagements, Marriages, ! Hw; Sen, $000. ..... . crane Thanks Memoriam Ree Caanks §1.5¢; cash, $1.00 «ach insertion. Adv for irregular ordered insertions Lakes the one-time 'nser- tion ; ho ad. taken for less than basis four lines. Sount 8X average words to the Arged ads w will be received by nofie and if paid at The Brit- ish Whig Oftice within 6 days from the first day of 'nsertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day -and Stopped before expiration will only be charged for thy number of times the ad. appeared and adjust meut made at the rate earned. Rate per line for white space is the same a8 a line of type. Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject an classified advertis'ng receiving room. + ment. The. first thing you know with an unexpected fnterest. home." And you'll not lose. above-board. collection! \ Step Into Opportunity's Receiving Room The Whig's A-B-C Classified Section is Opportunity's It is where all the best opportunities of this city and surrounding territory are received, sorted, labeled and placed in orderly array for convenient finding----iike the stock room of any well systematized mercantile establish Step in and glance around! browsing among the different groups of opportunities opportunity which looks "just like getting money from You'll pause, ponder---and plunge! You CAN'T lose--when you make your selection trom Opportunity's receiving room where everything is spread out in front of you, open and There's not one blind chance in the whole classified : THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS, © ALWAYS THE SAM&--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY you will find yourself Toeh you'll see some one Automoblies Fores hone 243, ask for a waat ad. taker. Announcements Personals 0 CHEVROLET C. duck punt. Apply il ~-- Runabout. Also 243 Queen Street. . Automobiles' For Sale NOTICE--A large collection of ple-|g tures and descriptions of beautiful ladies sent free to anyone upon reé- uest. Address Prof. Ward, Box 5165, 'alley, Nebr. SKIN BLEMISHES -- _ Hair, Moles, Warts, Birthmarks, Skip Cancers, Bears, Pits. etc, removed permanent- 1) PECIAL-- For Saturday, Ford fos ster, looks and runs like new. cheap 10r quick sale. age. Phone 1410. PEED WAGON--New, Reo. Glover, corner Bagot and Earl 'Phone 47. ARPA: Ver, Callaghan's ar ly. Satisfactory Glasses fitted and furnished after others have falled. Goitre cured without operation. 38 jour experidnce. Dr. Eimer J. Lake, TWO GOOD special 'PHONE "Business Services. Ladics' Hair Parvior, 21a For appointment. By Frarx J. BR ha, 185 Wellington St. FRENOH MARCEL WAVING Water Waving, Round and Bobbed Curling, Hair Bobbing and Trimm Facial and Scalp attention given to Switzer, 267 Qu pointment 'phene Treatment. Spec Hair nen. Street. For 016. ap- BARGAINS -- Chevrolet touring in splendid shape. touring. Sales, Blue Garages. 'Phone 567. ye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin, 258 Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1135J PALMISTRY Mad Clair, famous Scotch Palmist and Psychologist, will be reading for a few days at 28334 King street, corner of Johnson St. Hours: 11 to 10. Readings $1.00. c Lost and Found 10 CLUB BAG--Ilost, black leather, be- tween Napanee and Kingston, Thurs- day morpang. Finder please return 0 Winig Office. GLASSES Lost, with tortiolee shell rims, on Friday evening in Public Li- brary or on Johnson street. Finder kindly return to 430 Johnson street, or phone 1501J. PAIR OF KNITTING NEEDLES -- Found, on Johnson street. Owner ap- ply to 148 Johnson street. NECKPIBCE---Found, small grey squir. rel, at corner of Sydenham and West McLau hand "Phone 2475w. FOR SALE Our list of good Used Cars at present omprises 1928 4 cyl. McLaughlin Coupe, Essex 4 cylinder Touring. Two McLaughlin 6 cyl. Touring Cars. Hudson Speedster. Chevrolet 490 Touring. Durant 3 Passenger Sedan. Boyd's Garage, Ltd. 129 Brock St. Phones 201w. Second-hand Parts for All Makes of Cars Gray *Dort, Chevrolet, Ford, Briscoe, por LADIES TRANSFORMATIONS Bebe bed curls, awitche singeing, curling, ion and ren's balr cutting. Mrs. Cunhi 66 Bay sireet, RKisgstoa, Phoae FRENOH MARGEL Water Wave, Hairdressing, Ladies' Hair Cutting, Curling, Facial aby Realp Treatments, eto. ein, a specialty. MRS. WiLKINGON, 360 Frontenes Street. Phone lusts, Sor appoint- ment. Sad Chin: ham, si3w. Hemstitchihg 21b FANCY WORK--And Ladies' Exchange] BAL Taped Mae od atetiala for working; the newei es ns ing patterns; high cl 844 Jno o Cohila.| ren"s wear a etary Mrs. % Duns lop, 181 Alfred Street. 'Phones 101F. .Open Tuesday and Friday evenings. EDGING Ssmatitoning, Eg. Work guarante Fel ha 5 Barrie Street, near PL) Street. 'Phone 3433). Successor to Mra. 1ifi, Studebaker. Also seocnd- ires, Auto Tops and Cushions. H. ROSEN, 140 Rideau Street streets. Owner apply to 173 Barrie Street. Business Service ++ Business Services Offered 19) Hat Cleaners 2c HO W--About your Ny hat ? The 1 Sin ter, 90 Pri is here. next al eens eet, > Pione hone. at 3, Bank of Nova Scot _lasurance gr ir eaagal apply rg res Street. PURSE -- fomaning sum of money, picked up the post aftice lobby. Ap- ply to Postmasten Stewa AUCTIO! est dealing, NEER---Fo¢ courtesy and hon. W. A. rise. 192 Barrie Street. Phone 88 PAIR OF GLOVES--Found, on the road between Seeley's Ba and Brewer's Mills. Owner andl 20 Paul Tierney, R. R, No. 1, Seeley"s Bay, O PARCEL-- Found, on Princesg street, near Wellington, containing dary goods. Apply Lackie's Bakery. SIDE CURTAIN---Found, side cuntain,|. for ear. Owner apply 716. Princess Street. *® SUED FOR $15,000, PETER D.. BROWN---Piano tuner MUSICAL INS David and repairer. 13 Markland Street. Tele. phone 2671-w. Expert Plano Tuning. Player-Plano Adjusting. 'Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED RUMENTS -- Repaired. J. Coates, 393 Division Street. Pupil of O. ¥ Telgmana School of Music. any But Hamilton Auto Party Was Given Only $1,600. On Oct. 15th, while a party of Hamilton folk were returning by automobile to their home from Kingston, where they had been visit- ing, a barrier across the road be- tween Oshawa and Whitby ditched the car and two of the party were severely injured. Mrs. Elisabeth Stin- son brought action against Johnston tors, who were working on the road, for $12,000 damages. Her leg was broken above and below the knee. Her daughter, Mrs. Mabel Lalonde, who owned the car and was driving, sued for $1,000 for injury to the car. Marion Lalonde, five-year-old daugh- ter of Mire. Lalonde, sued for $2,000 damages for a broken ankle, On the verdict of the jury, who found that the contractors were neg- ligent in not placing a red light on the barrier, and who found that Mrs. Lalonde might have avoided the ac- cident by putting on her brakes when she™was dazzled by thé searchlights 1 1 her when she reaches the age of years. The claim of Mrs. Increase on Parcel Post Overseas Ef- Canada is informed that the British Postal Administration has found it necessary to raise the rates of post- age on parcel post exchange betwgen "Canada and Great Britain, commenc- ing November 1st, . parcel post matter for Great Britain, including Northern Ireland, will be at the rate of 24c for the first pound end 18¢ on each additional pound or fraction thereof. will be 44c On the first pound and fraction thereof, township of Edwardsburg, appeared before Magistrate Adams aj Pres. cott on a ¢harge-of bigamy, to which he pleaded guilty. On account of his advanced age, years old, he was dealt with lenient. 1y and wes sentenced to four months in jail. i and tredsurer of HIGHER POSTAL RATES. fective Saturday. FIR IN SURANCE~Only J. B.C OUR~8ickness and Tt W. P. HEWGILL & SON---Repr "lesion ant) ict' £ Sedge i and Business Services Legal 28c. pri Ba , Clarence & iain) Kingston. ningham, K.C.; Cyril M. Smi it, > DAY AND RE EE enalTisters Jug solicitors, 639 Saree Street, KI ngs ston. . Ba evel. Mortgages arranged. Phone 30K. HODGINS, W. C.-- Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Public. Office: 38 Clarence Street. Over C.P.R. Tglegraphs. Te phone 1980. REYNOLDS=J. Cl Barrister and So- licitor, 58 Brock Street. Money to loan. SBHEA---~Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and Solieftor. Law Office, corner of King and Brock, over Roysl Bank. Money to loan. 'Phone 1999. DON'T use unnecessary words and don't leave out Begensa' ary words when you write a classified ae Repairing 20 FURNITURE FixNI INGO all kinds. Call and see . 23 Jobn street. Phone 298F. » UPHOLSTERING--New or used furan ture; work guarantesd. Call or drop a card W. J. vine, 216 Bagot Street. UPHOLSTERING--ana géneral repair- ing, leave 8 Jrders at oL drop a card FW, Hargid, 104 Clergy Street. Phone 1600J. Employment er wugybr, shu, Avddtleh RL LE Help Wanted--Female a" COOK -- Female, salary $55.00 month. Food and lodgl ferences required. Apply Quartermaster Royal Mi itary College. v MAID --<For general housework. Ap-| LEATH ply 200 Queen street. MAI 1D---Clensral, Muar ne ety cook. Small family. No was e froning. a 9 Wellington ry near City Park. Real Estate For or Rent Rooms For Housekeeping o NEAR UNL VIBRSITY -- Bed ating room and kitchen, ground floor, gas, electris ace, furnished or unfurnishs ed, To De itotm if desired. Apply Box ery po Oftice, ROOMS -- Merchandise Articles For Sale CLOTHING + New and Men's Overcoats, Suits, Army Boo! Rubbers, Blanke er Vests. Bargains In every line. A. Shapiro, 45 Princess street. COAL--One car high grade Pes iarge size, $11.50, delivered Rhone 1962). G. W. R illialn street. Sr d hand, ts, or usnished, suitable -- ene Keep. bed tod, Souple or ry gr le forad avy reform a linea" 1 ohveniguges. Seer convamencas. niin Teal poder | ties Pies For RE! STORES---To rent, 342 Princess s also new 3 alse tare Shes be completed rey at 316 tehardson, AE COCKSHUTT GANG PLOW--Foot MNft, one No. 4 Wilkinso plow. one single Blow and points a 'al ferent ki eap for cash. - Alarie, 311 Brock street. "enone 1185w. DINING ROOM TAB In Wain round and haaDLEE In up! nt no, $45.00. Antique Shop, incess Street. leptons 2810. ENGINE---Used, ten horse Jower. In- ternational Shathe and Vissott. { rind. er. Apply M. B. Yad, 413 Pr 88 | Street or phone 1538J. Apartment at HARD BODY WOOD---Mized wood, hard| Bouse 8 Mon 80d ott slabs, rough and dressed Jum. Cohen & Company. Dar; shingl Bl) L560 or thousand and I F For R St. Catherine St. Yara on ontmicn Street, near Divi sion. 'Phone 3302w. HARD COAL COK Jots $2.75. slabs and cordw amount Rt jo. ihe a Wood, 2. 5s Double So $5.00, or & 1-4 W. C. Bruton, 200 Wel- Noes Sree, corner Ordnance street. "Phone 2440w HAVE--Your Stoves and Qirnaces put in order and buy your Quebec Heat- if Stoves and nges at Taylor & iiton's, Tin hs and Plumbers, LAMP SHADES" rincess Street. Phone 418. 'We styles; all sizes. "Phone ° above si entis o § Barrie = Apply F. ARM--A pron fifty acr AR Ting or 1 Gelingh yg rey if reagired all improverien month. Phone 19025. Apply HOUSES---Two, at 8 Queen street, at 41 C Also Hog Ten) arre 10.00 to 1-4 ton woft wood | % load. Double ng 25¢. extra. best quality, Houses For Rent, HOUSE-7 rooms, arage. $82 ork street. othr, Sot Al Seg Apply 188 Quee dogn. Rent resonatl 988 TO LET OR FOR BALE--Splendid down; 500 ons. 66. Part: Wire and Iron Works, Street west. ns, Ring ER SET---3 piece, suitable for den or living roo Also couch. Al- most new, CE crifice for quick buyer. Apply 200 na street. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS -- See our window. Lots of bargains. Every in- strument at cut price. Stewart Gram- gular $15.00, this week for town Hesidence, 1 resides a ola aa LoTR , tures, iia oy} hs rock ~, #8 BARL STREET-Cen 3 rooms, ooORIBg® SlestHa LT wird ¥- £ lam sto --y Beating y warm A waar new! and decorated. 4 a i 4 Barrie Stréet. Ly Tod or WANTED Men and women to earn §8 to $256 weekly at'home.. No canvas- sing, experience unnecessary, distance immaterial. For particularg dress The Auto ter losiery Co. Ltd. Dept. C-19, Toronto, Ont. $£ 00 --Eiders Clgar Shop. Real Estate For Sale Farms And Land for Sale. 63, 718 AC ACRBS--AlL tillabie. ONE HALL HBATER--And one elec Arie grate, Apply 'phone 1886J. Help Wantea--Male as MAKE MONEY AT HOME--§1 to $2 ti an hour for your spare time writing howocardg us. ass Li nstruet and West-Angus Arne 17 Col- Toronto, borne RBuil ~~ To represent a mpahy Kin, qu de to P.O Box 19) Relp--Mala or Female Canadian ton, die xpeh ston, On i AN OF PORTUNITY-To. arn, from Zhe SCA. to three hundred until Christmas, Sih, pri) Hw Tine "ot Personal Greeting C spare time, Samples as The tor information. Master Kraft Greeting ard Co., Toronto, Ont. Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 85 AGENTS--Get in a profitable, alls commission busines' your To B ph oct Nias Bundred Saree ser ad 1 1 every a cmplaid ag u m a and it i Dominion Nasiziohons frie W i: £ie podhy PG and Casualt, re Mn MM. © ley, 410 Earl a: Phone 1782M. the most Jelianis Strange, abRinel in doen. Hes. " Clarence Street, o te Post KE--Lite, re, Accident igknosn ih rel Eu la trict manager, piapsnial 1 Lite Phones: Office §03w. ley w Nil nsuran 30 rotect Jour; salary, late Glass, Street. c BE. viliams, resantin, all branches of insurance; a havin assumed Business of Col. G. Hunter Dstivle, 381 King Street B. 'Phone The Post Office Department of Moving, Trucking, Storge 2 SHES---Cleans gut of calisn Nigrost reas In oneequence, dating from the st of November proximo, postage on For the Irish Free State, the ratés STORAGE~--For furniture, Tha wer ee clown . noma 225 clean, y sell Sirect. Spaces; yur own 1 fou 308 nn st. ey A Res Seow. Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 snited Tho. thmpins m, 73 alr rooms Aud St ok Phone i 8¢ on each additional pound or W ON RAINING 3. 8 Robinson, rear Charge of Admitted. Prescott, Oct. 30.--W. J. Pelers, he being seventy-two ei tern David A. Dunlap, ios: president the Hollingers LUCY-Drs. trom ¥. and sonis A. Kingston. 18 EPRI Lr Samp voll West 28¢. 1ro- "a ab Bradt" to 3 and um. 9 a ook tia, i ied by ! fie $39 AD " EVERYBODY ~ THE WORLD STARYEC ? (FRE RT = AN AGEN - feiiea TeReliabia ha unrépre districts, od pay, pea Ws are the largest edie bs Ab rr nd 0 pAmental tr n Cantda. Sell raery, 0, jo , Youswill Be Sucoeeary aL Welter ' Nursety Co. Toromto Situations W 87 YOUNG MAN----Bxperien in groce hand mn ia, Tree In atiernoons A 4 Whis Office. "or wy Bet; Financial Money to Loan 40 FRONTENAC -- L --. loan and Investment rir fide vioe ru ab Do Fartwright, ve ta to Ba cats ; deposits and celv "boven interest pa a on monthly balance. Carters Li Cihrence Gree ston. Instruction Ce Pivate Instruction 88 |= cole fate work =e tes Apply Box ox B 29, his Office. Live Stock . , | ¢ Horses, Cattle, Implenients., a" JERSEY BULL -- (Yearling), OK resin. TRS) Tan! co +» Elsiasure, On HENS---15 Whits. eghommns. one large hall si Ag be Alte Ap- ply $17 Albert street. a-- A Poultry and Supplies i ier after § oo ELE Fa WHITE NB abled. Write for particulars, An Burgman, Locke, Now York R. Be 300 ACRES -- Farm in township, good buildings, two 4 ings, plenty of woud oe er. Ci to tactory, school and c! to John Heaney, R. R. 1 BURDULY Houses For Sale HOUSE--Cherry street, 8 rooms, tric He lant, Norse lot, Tot winiatie Jor w PHONOGRAPH -- Edison Pho raph and 60 records. Apply F. H. Lloyd, Bath, Ont. PIANO--Bijou Upright Plano. Good practice instrument. $10. wig $12 . Lindea; © » $5 per month. » adr 13% Phinoace Bi Ts SALE-of Bicyole Tires, $3. Car ages Focribed and Bll 0 Xovy ler's Bicycle Works, "a -37 street. © 'Phone 1861w. 1 King SEE--Our $39 ore buying. cess street. obec six Vor 381 be- n's, - p ae s, 7 Prin iG A ings, Lit + "50 t 9 ston. pS Cp aay 1238. THIS--<Week's Special. F ens, all in with art ticking fe Toll edge Frontenac Mattress Co., 5 street. "Phone 19615, : i VIOLET RAY-- Generator, jreat ment 9 ap) PArhtus, Felieving quiere g C. Smith, 10s Co 9 Colborne Toor ose. WOOD--Dry hara ba soft Nod: hard cut 20d nlivered: ne Peters & son, corner Brook - tp streets. 'Phone gi a new and nd- terms, ledo fe 69 Pa tncens t. Rnd? trick Ry phone 730w. reoma, Stactrio lk BE. W. MULLIN Real Egtate and Insurance Broker Johnson and Divisiun Streets Phone -538w. Bee adv. Page J. EB CUNNINGHAM Insurance nd Loans 79 Clarence Strest 300 acres, Aaa. ell fenced. "Fall a ty Ray rn a cl for I No "reasonable offer refus- HOUSES for or sale of the "ya and 48 Tet in, A. parte. 314 Barrie, Sereet ; fuser OR raed 40c. Suitab 2 Sutets, tor or household i ory Bray Whig. WINTER OVERCOATS--From $25.00-- ! u f A ! sual ¢ bn o stedit. Specia Yalus, MERCHANDISE TAKE Nor. ICE ERE J. Turk's RADIO---From $27.00 stoves at tie Atte. PHONE 106. £ Inthe [TT radio by fan oo you any onl io your in Bhi - a y Sper Rade Dre Btores. ores. Open oS Rooms For Rent TRE TIR-- Rooms With Board , 67 BOARD--Reasenabie. - ' Bi Gory street west. Rooms Without Board es BEDROOM nicely fyrmisted or students tle. or phobe 1 a eee C| hg datvion Shed. "SIP BEDROOM---Well fur. conv married referred. App phone 852w. Two Cars, Dry Body Hard Wood Cut in 12 inch lengths. A few pieces in the furnace takes the chill off the house. $4.00 A LOAD * James Swift & Co., Limited 'Foot of dohuson Street INSURANCE BROKER 'Writing Fire, Life, bile, As. HE s of Insuranes, 13 B 8T. "PHON® Diy p cee: 'Abply 70 Wil fo af SOE trict, Rots a G-30, Waig| | IT WILL not "take Jon you want if yeu ke long to lo and ntleman p opportunmny ny Peat Aver, or Wi... 1 Fo section is saying, on me," the --e----------