onl! Thrills!il Cladus Foremost £m in math g EXTRA! QUEEN'S vs. VARSITY Rugby Game, Sat, Oct, 18th, at Kingston, taken by our own | CAMERON GEDDES HELD cameraman. Is a candidate for | MAYOR 1925 Eniieth about his record as an ans and ll | race said to be one of the most real- Il Chow" 18 founded on the ll| Thousand and One "Arabian Nights." Me out on masse '| see the stheen version of his most | popular movel, AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions OVER AT THE OAPITOL By special request of many King- ston music-lovers who have heard and enjoyed the singing of Mr. Cam- eron Geddes, who ds filling an en- | sagement at the Capitol Theatre, | the management has decided to hod | { him over for the balance of the | week. Since the beginning of the | webk thousands of movie and concer? patrons have heard Mr. Geddes and acclaim him to be the best vocalist to visit Kingston. Mr. Geddes' list of songs ficludes many favorites as well as populer opera hits. Owing to booking arrangements it will be impossible to keep Mr. Geddes at the Capitol after Saturday. The feature fm attraction for to-day and Saturday is "The Cyclone Rid- er," a Willlam Fox spectacular Melo- | drama, written by Lincoin J. Carter. ' Jt has mo rival when one considers 'the 'everdncreasing speed and ac- 'tion as the story unfolds, displaying hair-raising escapes and the dar- ing of the young hero, James Kent, while wipni the love of his sweet- heart, Doris Howard. The leading Howes, Alma Bennett, William Bailey, Margaret McQuade, Charles Conk}n, Ben Deeley, Frank Beal and Evelyn Brent. There is an auto- mobile spill during the big motor | istic ever filmed. Another film of | interest is the Queen's-Varsity game played here Saturday.' "CHU CHIN CHOW." Commencing Meaday at the Capl- tol Theatre. for three days, will * be the screen spectacle, "Chu Chin Chow." The story of "Chu Ciiln agesold story of "Ali Baba snd the Forty Thieves," which has come down through the mists of antiquity In Arabian legend and was presented to a wondering western world by Burton in his translation of the Betty Blythe takes the leading role of Zahrat, the desert flower, "Chu Chin Chow" when presented on the stage as a musical play Hdd pheno- menol success. It ran for over five years at His Majesty's Theatre, Lon- don, three years in New York, two years tn Chicago and over a year in Boston. The screen production fis not only a magnificent Eastern spes- tacle but a romantic drama which grips and thrills and is yet relieved by touches of delightful humor, laid in a background of opulent splendor and gorgeous settings. "WHEN A MAN'S A MAN." The Haxold Bell Wright fans will, this week to "When a Man's a Man," which is showing at. the Strand Theatre. An ideal cast has been chosen to portray the well-known characters | in the book, with John Bowers head- ing the list as the ~ 'Honorable Patches." Marguerite de la Motte plage Helen Wakefield\ot Cleveland, and Robert Fraser is Wild "Horse Pht. il Toronto Appeal Dismissed. London, Oct. 24.--The city of To- rouito's appeal to the privy council against the award of the arbitrators on the amount the city should pay the Toronto railway company in cofi- L.nection with the city taking the the judicial committee on the privy council to-day. The Toronto railway's counter-ap- peal was allowed with regard to certain claims made by the company on the city, but in other respects the ompany's appeal was dismissed, : ° Thank You. The Whi le the Y.M.OQA. for the use of a ure machine and a pro- tern at the Plebiscite Fight. to ¥. piesoe 3 aon lant in Memorial Hall Without those "very ] Standard Ofl reilway was dismissed with costs by | very much indebted |. : t ad-} juhets, the meeting could not have I on -- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG STOCK MARKETS (Reported by Johnston & Ward. | 86 Princess street, members of the Montreal and Toromtp Stock EX: changes). . Montreal, Oot. 24--(1.30 p.m.). Abitibi Power.. .. AtlanBc Sugar. Bell Telephones. [Brazil ..... Brompton . .e British Empire Steel Com .s British Empire Steel 2nd Pfd Can. Conventers.. .. .. Can. Cement Com. acer an Can. Cement PH. ... aiees Cuban Can, Sugar Com .. . Can. Steamship Com ., .. .. Can. Bteamship Pfd.. .. .. Dom. Textile:... .... Dom. Bridge... .. ++ +» Detroit United. ves Industrial Aleohol bo Laurentide Moatreal Power. ve ae National Brewerieg Com Ogilvie. . ve PE Ottawa Power. a Ont. Steel Products. v Penmans. . ohhracters are played by Reed | pice Bros... .. .. Quebec Power. . . Spanish River Com .... Spanish River Pid. Smeiters,. .. Steel of Canada. "ry Toronto Rabls., .. «. «. Twin City. . Wabasso. Wayagamack New York. Oct. 24.--(1.30 pL) Amer. Can,. .... . Baldwin Loco vo 110% B. & 0... «sea 8194 Chandler Motors .... .... 32 Cosden Oil wea. 2098 Crucible Steel Lo Bd C.P R.v .iu+ 148% Corn Products ies: 1% California Pete ..j.... .. . 22% Cuban Cang Sugar Com .... 10% Cuban Cane Sugar pfd .. .. B57 General Asphalt .. .. .. .. 42 Marine pd .. ..iv aves ooo BT Mack Motors .... «. «... 101 Marland Ol. . soe «0 «0» 35% Imperial O11 ,.{. ... 108% International Nickle 198% Kelley Springfield 16% New Haven .... .. .. .. 25% N.Y. CH... .. ..).... 108 Pacific O11 .... oe BYR Pan. Amer. Pete. . 51% Pan. Amer. Pete. 50% Sou. Pae.. . 94% Sou. Rlwy .. alee ae" 108% Sinclair Off ...... .. .. «» 171% of California 58% Standard Oil of New Jersey 36% Studebaker: .. .. .. .... 38% Texas Oll.... .... .» NY Union Pacific .. «vjee +... 139% U.S 8teel .. .. .. «4 +v..107 Wabash ae ae nea 1088 Rock Island .. .. .. .. 33% ROBERT SAYERS IS DROWNED AT CONSECON Frail Duck Oraft Upsets After Being Buffeted About by Waves. ..132% Se Belloviile, Oct. 24.--Robert Say- ers, of Consecon, 32 years of age, 'was drowned in Consecon Lake on Monday morfiing about nine o'clock. He was eugaged in duck hunting | SPORT nn meson Loyola To Be, Here. In order to correct am impression caused by a paragraph in 8 local newspaper, Queen's Athletic Board of Control this morning emphatical- ly announced thet Loyola College intermediates will play here on Sat. urday afternoon against Queen's seconds in the intermediate intercol. legiate semi-finals. The false impreg- sion was created through some mis. understanding about the Loyola jun- jors, who will not be here at all. CONSOLATION TOURNEY. Held By The Kingston Quoits Clul Last Night. The foliowing are The resulis of the Kingiton Quoits Club's Consolg« tion Tourney held on 'Thursday eve. ning: First round--Vanalstine "defented Taugher; Rice defeated Sudds; Hub ley defeated Mcintosh; Fowler de- feated Seaton; Givens defeatad Newinan, Second round--Rice defeated Van. alstine; Fowler defeated Hubley; Copeland defeated Givens. Third Round--Fowler defeated Rice; Copeland defeated McLeod; Butlin defeated McOulla. Semi-final Copeland defeated Fowler; Hitsman defeated Butlin. Final-Copeland defeated Hits. man. This evening the Kingston post of- fice staff's team of ten men will play the Kingston Quoits Club. Al are invited to attend, There is no admission charge. AT QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY By Our Student Correspondent. Sydenham street Methodist churah is to hold its ahnual students' re- ception Monday night, As a means of finding likely mg. terial for Queen's championship basketball team, practises, beginn- ing next Monday, have been arranged in the gym for the freshmen. The arts sophomores are enter- téining the freshmen Friday after- noon. The cast for "Arms and the Maen' is to be chosen by the Dramatic Club Friday aight. A party of students is taking the 2.556 a.m. train for Montreal Saturday morning. In the semi-finals of the men's tennis singles Ian Mclochlan has won from G. B. Sexton, In the mix- od doubles, first round, Misses Brian apd. Jeffrey have won from Misses Wiliiame and Gillespie; Miss es Jeffries and Jones - frgm Bestdn and Lindsay, 6-2, 6-3. In the girls' tennis singles, third round, Miss Bryan won from Miss Campbell, 6-5, 6-1; Miss Kerr from Miss Norris, 6-2, 6-3; Miss Williams from Miss Whittaker, 7-5, 8-0, 6-2, Dean Skelton was to sail for Cans ada on Friday end is expected home next Saturday week. "In Hands of Jury Toronto, Oct. 24--.The jury in the assizes in the trial of Peter Smith, former provincial treasurer, Aemilius Jarvis, Sr., Aemilius Jarvis Jr., and Harry Pepall, charged with conspiracy to defraud the province, went out to consider their verdict shortly after noom, after Chief Justice R!'M. Meredith isnot v re ling die dpe will doas Cine VICTROLAS costino more 'Look for the trade mark JIS MASTER'S "His Master's Voice* Misses] » "You Said It, Marceline!" MARCELINE TALROY ON "KEEPING BUTTERFLIES" BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLIES evolve ~~ From HOMELY GRUBE, And REVOLVE also; That is what many MEN Do not UNDERSTAND. LOVE, for instance, turns Masy a PLAIN Hite GRUB Of a GIRL fffto a very Beautiful BUTTERFLY, But MARRIAGE often Turis 's BUTTERFLY BACK INTO s grub, And it invariably. Dépends upon "THE MAN" A MAN can make a woman Beautiful and KEEP her so 'For just AS LONG as He can KEEP HER | 1a LOVE WITH HIM; But when s women FERLS the Gossamer GLAMOUR of love Has GONE, she often Reverts BACK to the Grud and becomes PLAIN, Practical and UNINTERESTING. Ot course, a GIRL who LOOKS like a GRUB To ONE man may look Like s BOTTERFL Y to This makes life interesting Put hard--on the POQR man. Comyrient, 1024, Premier Syndicsta. Tea i33 BROCK ST. Surday Specials Fresh Shoulder Pork Roasts, Peamealed Cottage Rolls 22¢ I Fresh Hamburg .....10e Ib, Fresh Black Puddings 15e. Ib. Pure Pork Sausages . 2c. 1h. |Chotce Homemade derauniiiebininey ».