Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Oct 1924, p. 10

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10 ~ . ° THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG cense Commissioners for 1922, where he will have irrefragable proof of | . | LE | | ERS the good results'of the act, not only : {in reducing drunkenness, but in the To The Editor | reduction of every other specjes of ---- ! | crime, Sin i Neither do we need to "prove" Alr Padsages Open at Rev. J. W. Forster's Opinion. | that Mr. Hearst's passing of the O.T. Kingston, Oct. 20.-- (To the Edi-| A. was the cause of his political LR tor): @ Dear Sir,--The Moderation downfall. If it were, then he fell in 12 your nostrils are clogged and | [ecagne has been at the pains to re-| a good cause, and if he so fell, pos- F i head stutted Because of satarrh print a letter from the pen of the!sibly the non-sympathizing recreants 'any drug store. x ey a little of this Rev. J. W. Forster, of Kingston, | of his own party had as much to do p , antiseptic, germ destroying which appeared in the Toronto Globe | with it as anyong else. But Mr. o | Hearst is not ashamed of the course : into your nostrils and let it| in August last. As one reads it, one | Shake-| he took, and I have myself heard him penetrate through every air passage | is reminded of the words of of your head and membranes. Instant | speare: | declare that: he has no regrets for "In religion, . 'it, and would do the same if the de Food it doeia. Your head 18| what damned error but some sober | thing came to be done again. Po- dear, our postH 3 are Se * brow . . litical leaders "of every party Who : ) ead colds and ni Jd Will bless it and approve it with a have to take hold of this liquor ques- g ZF A, 77 Sa tion with all the forces that are be- . 3 y ; . / 4 «Moderation" Sg hig . 'yield like magic. Don't stay stuffed text." 9p, choked up and miserable. Relief| And the friends of error of every bind it must be willing to pay the : ; § is sure. kind are mightily delighted when | price "in scorn of consequence" if Fel 7 * 1 Ng : they are to do the right thing. Even ¥ ps . ~~ " ~~ | they can 'get some Balaam to bless 2 A a : what ought to be cursed or to curse now Mr. erguson may be saying Gg ; - Popular in Britain, & c / : ¢T eardown the dike, "London, Oct. 21.--Oranges were what ought to be blessed. Mr. For- "save me from my friends," and ' Z ; 7 : R Mr. Ontario, and gonsumed in greater numbers in ster's "arguments" are very like the wishing that some of his political 3 \ : friends were in tophet before they : A sweep it back with Great Britain this summer than ever | type of paper upon which the Moder- ; before, Fifteen million gf them were | ation League has seen fit to have | got him entangled in this matter of * g i a broom". ported from the California groves, | them printed--the cheapest of the) plebiscite, or he may wish it some ¢ Q ; i je OF three times as mauy as last year, cheap. Indeed, any arguments which | day soon. . > J \ in addition to the heavy shipments I have seen from the Moderation Why should we bother .to prove pp her | that the O.T.A. had anything to do PEN Il He Ke 'from South Africa and Australia. f League are like that unfortunate son of Jonathan, Mephibosheth, lame of | With the defeat of the J.F.0. gov- <A i " I) ee some Son Toronto Kiwanians visited Tim- both feet. The only reason why the ernment? Most of us whe have not too short a memory can find a 'num- I AL i ns, Iroquois Fall t Moderation League goes out of its vy rippin s and gthior points ber of better reasons, one' of the ---- Mn I AL New Ontario, way to publish the effusion of Rev. Mr. Forster is that a clerical sup- {chief being the internal dissensions of its own leaders. porter of their side is such a sort ' 4 of rara avis that he is sure to at- Anyhow, why does Mr. Forster re- : | : . act more attention thai-if he were |surrect these remote Issues {For © O aR tO 1] fr just an ordinary member of the dead past? They have mo bearing rs : : genus clerious--just fike a chicken | on the question before us in the bal- , Ce * . Be ok PLY PL Not Tear Down the Of course, if youw'heard a parrot say want the O.T.A. continued, or Te- » é "Corby," you would listen, while you placed by a Jo-galled Jystem of gor . ~ 1 : might inwardly think that his {n- | ernment control. Unless, indeed, e . 1 ® 4 y » . 3 a have. unght ba | vant to muddle the politcal bull The real issues of the plebiscite of October 23rd are: | something better to. say. And no | minds of some men, and by appeal ~ / ; De® THOMAS' ; | doubt the garb of the parrot lends ing to thelr Jotiteal partizenship : ' -. . . . nterest to T a al for ers . . ECLECTRIC || aioe sis son ats, "hud ul 0 oe ] Beverage sale of intoxicating liquor : PROHIBITED under the O.T.A. ------ ALLOWED under government sale. O i i daw. It is always a Dity when one | tion at all. finds anyone willing to be .the par- Mr. Forster cries out for a "sane" - | rot of such thinking as the Modera- | temperance law. Why does not he o " . . ro tion League represents, especially | Or some other protagonist of the li-} Bootle in Booze . : 3 . ET where one expects to find more quor side produce such a measure, £ . : - ( ADII | Al : brains than a parrot has. and submit it to us, that we may PROHIBITED under the O.T.A ENCOURAGED fer" t : In every temperance campaign In judge whether their vaunted substi- The Master of which I have had a part, I am re- tute is Shunt as good" as what we . i Ah . . 3 5 minded of that old toy--a little have? ven Mr. Ferguson has not Imp rta f li . ELECTRIC CLEANERS manikin so constructed that no mat- given a hint of how Government Con- 0 tion Oo intoxicating quor ® ; ter how often you knock him over, trol in Ontario is going to be bet- New Ball Bearing Motor, ex- || he bobs u tor than in British Columbia or in -clustvel Caail p again as serenely as ever. er than in Britis umbia or a ya lac feature. No Like some others, he is weightjer in Quebec. But hold, I forget; he does ofl or grease used. Why wait, his feet than in his head, If I were not say it is going to be better, but Ontario Must Reject Government Sale, or-- Ey $4.50 per month will buy a cartoonist I could draw a proces- only that it is going to be different sion of little manikins, labelled "Pro- --djifterent, yes, but not nécessarily ; : 1 The MANUFACTURE of booze will be enormously increased; ; one. ¥ hibition does not prohibit;" 'More petter. Mr. Ferguson is not a super- g A f 0 liquor sold under the O.T.A. than | man who can achieve what has been . ah & Co. ) vq A Q PROHIBITED under the O.T.A. ---- The Courts myst decide under "Sale". ander license;" "You cannot make found impracticable everywhere and NSUMPTI » . ; men sober by act of parliament;™ in whatever shape it has been tried. : 2 The CO. ON of booze will be increased ten-fold; 44 C1 «prohibition is class legislation; If he has up his sleeve a trick which r TE . . renee. tron, ; it 3 DRUNKENNESS will increase in proportion to the ease of access to booze; Phone 819. "prohibition makes Mars, thieves, would knock out bootlegging, would have been good strategy to bootleggers, hypocrites, ete.;" "per- ' x have brought it out at this juncture. : AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS will be much more n i of sonal liberty invaded;" and a whole Hl RAEUMATISM! lot of others, and I would draw cer- It might have made some votes for . increased facilities to obtain intoxicants; tain other figures managing the Question II, but I am afraid "there r RUB THE PRIN AWAY manikins to see that they bobbed up {s no such animile,"" within the men- 5 HOMES will become drinking places, and comfort and harmony will be i just when , and where they were agerie of Government Control at Stop dragging! Rub soothing, | wanted. Our little friends are bob- | least. y driven i : ne In = : o Mr. Forster, in the charaeteristic out; acobs Oil right into| bing up again like the figures at : : / Fh fashion of those Who talk his way, 6 Our BOYS and GIRLS will be faced with the ensnaring appeals of the Jour sors. Sif, ach: which one shoots in the midway at a : fa oints, and re-| Kingston fair, and one doesn't even tries-to blame the O.T.A. as being re- (P list 'comes instant, get a prise of u.doil for knocking | sponsible for the production of an booze shop and the pocket flask. ; (P| 1, 5 dacobs Off fi over. "But it is good target Abnormal oR OL CATE, Tike. ME. CHI For the Honor of Old j mathm 1 "| practice anyway, and some of us have | boot-leggers, thieves, and the e. ' ; or Ontario mation lintment, | JC C4" cin over so often that we | He might at well say CL S08 U0 The 'call of HOME, LDREN aad -- mark your ballot thus are becoming quite expert at it, and 1s responsiblé for multiplying the COUNTRY is heard heaven-high above the sly $ ¥ er th yo! cant ath joy the-f thing it was made tb prevent--the rn the skin. rather enjoy the-fun. ng as made pr pre . BD . . Get a 35 cent bot-| One hesitates to spend time ans- laws agiint mander make murder- whisperings of the liquor interests. tle of St. Jacobs Oil| wering such a production as that of ers, an e laws against theft makes . cota! Me. Forstor--it {s so lke titing at a; thieves, and so the _ laws against Shall Ontario stop the leaks, or destroy the and ii a moment! windmill. He challenges us in funkenness make more drunkards dike ? you'll be free from | series of ten problems to "prove" |than ever, hnd more of the crimes Are you in favour of the sale 'pain, soreness and f this, that, and the other. He is just|that go with drink. Which ma . ae stiffness. In use for specimen of the splendid logic com- On October 23rd make the majority for pros-- in ed $5 Tors for rheumas| drawing a red herring Rctols the to all tht ts of th perity, sobriety and happiness least half spirituous liquor in sealed pack- tism, sciatica, neu-| trail to switch 'people off into the |mon a arguments 0 of! 1 1 i : ; , lumbago, backache, sprains, | wrong track. He is like the cuttle- Moderation League and its support- ior * To ." a ages under Sever ers. The O.T.A. does not make these Wee yy soure the real situation. We do not | enemies of good; it only reveals their if << existence, and when we do see them have to "prove" this and that to ) : . 4 -- make good our case. Some of the they do mot bear the marks of be- ; -- SG ; BN things ho asks us-to prove are quite longing to the supporters of the O. e ée te Committee SBN beside the present question. Quebec T.A. ~ ; " ' ' may be a more paradisaical provinfe| 'We who desire the continuance of icholson airman Baile i 8 1 than Ontario, It certainly is for the| the O.T.A. do not denounce all who G. B.N Ch : John 4d Secretary T. Albert Moore, Director drink-lover and tha boot-legger. But | do not see the benefits accruing from 3 5 > : Xi Mr. Forster's implication that there|its operations. We only pity them. i i lem Sunken se" in that province | We would like to send them to an n in On not borne out by | oculist. Their eyes have they blind- | aw 3 cheer the facts, and comes at a bad time|ed that they cahnot see. And when gg TRE 3 nest dor to Who are 0 The a in the rush just now, when the police probe go-|a man shuts his eyes It is wonder-| 1914, hor: 199%, 16: Sudbury: 1914, | There ate wounds to be headed, thers ing on in Montreal has uncovered| ful what he can make himself think 1,643; 1923, 193; : Toronto: 1914, are breaks we must end are Jandisions. ol be found an7Riers that he S088: 2.073: 1922, 2,011. These are but| There's a cup of cold water to give; , Has Mr. Forster notl I ref Mr. Forster to the offic- | samples from & very much longer | And the men in the road by the side read Cardinal Begin's statement that | ial veturns of the Ontario Board of | jist. but they are eloquent as to the of his friend 2 1 under the existing system In Quebec | License Commissioners for 1923. I|efrect of the O.T-A. in regard to its is the man who hes learned bh {they are in danger' of losing all the append a few figures as to the de-| own proper work, Can Government live. X raw Hat fruits of the temperance labors of| crease in arrests for drunkenxess in | Control anywhere produce a. €om- ae many years? But the question is| several of our large town and cities: Only yesterday WY not whether Quebec has less or more | the report compares 1914 and 1932. a ; Then tell we no more of the house drunkenness than we have, it is' Barrie: 1914, total number of ar- by the road, whether we can show that the O.T.A. | rests for drunkenness, 140; 1932, ¢; io 4b There is oniy oge place T,can live: has reduced drunkenmess in Ontario | Belleville: 1014, 63; 1923, 8; Brock- it's there With the men who are %o 8s fo warrant us in asking that ville: 1914, 62; 1922, 0; Hamilton sHeation of ; tolling along, AS it be continued in Joud werk. 1914, 603; 1932, 178; Kingston: | sia: or Who are meeding the cheer I can I would refer Mr. Forster to the|1914, 129; 1923, 47; Napanee: 1914, |g nd le will' make sive. schedule on. page 29 of the Fide 45; 1923, 1; Perth: 1914, 22; 1993, | ype of them." Bxac : It Is pleasant to live in the house by: Report of the Ontario Board of Li-| 0; Peterboro: 1914, 143; 1933, 12; ar aaa0a. the : 5 sh, squirting a black juice to ob- ¥

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