Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Sep 1924, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ee rac service: | NNRIBMEM | KINGSTON AND DISTRICT | SILOS Phone House ........ yf LN REE 1315 4 ! ; Register for Plebiscite, ture on the staff of the normal|daughter of OCI Reynold d Th ccessfu iry Be sure your name fs on the vot- | school. Eh ee ero Reyho S . e suc . 1 dai farmer rhust have a silo for wintering his stock. DELCO- LIGHT J ers' list, enquire at Plebiscite Com- ------ daughter of Danlel Reynolds, the | mittee office, 2nd floor, of Y.M.C.A. A Leader In The West. first white settler at Wellington and We can supply them any size. Com- Hleetrie Lisi 224 10-12 d 2-5 py ' - a.m. an -6 p.m., phone 66. Mayor William Clare, Saskatoon, {a United Empire Loyalist. He erect- Notice of appeal should be in before Sask., visiting his brothers, Tice |ed the first house east of the Metho- plete with Staves, Lugs, Doors, Roof, etc. Oct. lst, | Slate, Belleville and George Clare, | dist church. The stone was collected i ---- | Huntingdon and other friends has |from the beach by Indians. Until in| Sposial mes in Men's Overcoats. left for his home. Mayor Clare is {the pineteenth century this house | S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED r fall and winter overcoats one of the many Hastings natives was pwned by his descendants. Mrs. Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins. . have arrived and it will more than who have made their way forward Wilder leaves six daughters to'| BAY AND \GTON KIN N, ONTARIO. . | ND WELLIN IN STREETS, GSTON, 0) | Telephone: Private Hranch Exchange, No. 1571. | | | | nl pay you to see our range before buy- not in Western Canada but in| mourn her loss Furnished Hoube--October 1st to od £77 ing. The Lion Clothing Company. other parts. Mayor Clarke is one of ist. 9 rooms, 4 bedrooms, al [ : # J -------- {the leaders in the development of Central location. $65.00 ; ll Was Awarded Prize. fhe ace Pp FOR REAL SMaRry John A. Saunders of Queen's Un-| Hats and Caps Come to The Lion iversity has been awarded a special Farewell To Miss Clarke, Clothing Co. Furnished House--October 1st to May Lge bedrooms, -- 1 i. 8 looms 4 location. $60.00 g prize by the Ontario W.C.T.U, In A jolly crowd of young people| Our stock is now complete in| venlences. Central . per month. . the essay and poster contest. | gathered at the home of Misses Ilah| men's felt hats in grey, fawn and General Jusuronte. Chips off the Old Block ---- ee land Annie Waring, Waring's Corn-| other new colors. Be sure and see 75¢ $15 00 NR JUNIORSe=Littie Nis Broke His Arm. |ers, so say farewell to Miss Blanche! our range before puying. The Lion ® The Boys' Coat Sweaters, Heather | Young Men's and Men's Suits, R. H. Waddell Sime LE | J. M. Bennett, Perth, met with Clarke, who was leaving to train| Clothing Company. plier dA oa Brack Street Bold By Your Drugzist an unfortunate accident in breaking for a nurse in a Toledo hos- Mixture, size 24 to 82. Regular | Dark Grey, Brown, Blue Chevi- -- ms his arm while working on the good pital. After a very pleasant evening A Splendid Christian Woman. value $1.25. ot. .Sizes 34 to 44. Regular roads in Porcupine, Northern On- an appropriate address was read by The Napanee Beaver records the value $22.00 to $35.00. PIANO TUNING i FEEL IT NEAL tario. [Carman Burr, and Miss Henrietta| death of Mrs. Grace Raworth, Cedar ing, Repairing and mr Foster presented Miss Clarke with a| Vale, at the age of ninety-two years, Fi 150 Tuniss. Reps ng pd % Cues To Penitentiary. | handsome leather writing case and|three months and seven days. She 75¢c 1 75 H. Butcher, 27 Pine 'street. Bougat a ral Yio 3 Iougtain pes. Her n icady i pi in 1880. bbed . ? "> { 0 al- er husband passed away in 0. , > "wR PHONE 134. TIRED FEET SKIN-IRRITATION, BRUISES | ment plan and sold it while there | Which Will It Be? In the fall rw same ar her Nea * Ri NW Sus wuly Mess Nerking Trousers. Sizes | dARS 30s. & 00c.--TUBES 0c, --At all Drag iors | "2° YO 8 llen on it, was sentenced| Gananoque council being divided! home was burned and she went to $1.35 and 5 ar value | 32 to 44. Regular value $2.50 to two years in the Portsmouth over the bridge across the river|live with her sister, Mrs. Sidney wi an $1.50. to $8.50. : penitentiary, there at the Punch bowl, some want. Huffman, and after her death she . G A Wr t & So ing a foot bridge and others a traf-| went to her brother's at Hay Bay | o n ri Showing Duprovement, {fic bridge, it has decided that a by- for a while, and then to Bowman- ! DENTAL SURGEON MACHINE WORKS ents of Rev. Dr. Shorey, Plic-jlaw be voted on at the next muni-|ville, She resided with Mrs. L. Phone 508). Gents' Furnishings and ton, a former pastor of the Metho- cipal election, whether a trafic! Mason, Sr., for nineteen years. She Clothing. 55 Brock Su ohnson and Welli Have removed to thei bulld | Corner of J Wellington plead on) STRERT "a8 || dist churches at Napanee, Belleville, bridge be erected or not. The esti-|also lived with Mrs. W. Cryderman Streets. Telephone 863. Opposite Fire Department A || Picton, Peterboro, Lindsay and Co- mated cost, including approaches| and Mrs. W. M. Noble, all of whom Fer Moving of ee bourg, will be pleased to learn that 'and roadway, is about $10,000, In| gave cheerful testimony to her ami- FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SATE, bls condition 1s very much improv- the event of the said by-law not be-|able disposition and consistent char- P1ANUS, CART and STN) ed. {Ing carried by the electors this year|acter. In 1917 she went to live with BEVERY DESCHIFPTION MILLAN [ing s year| ; . DR. RUPERT P. | council recommend to the 1925 her niece, Mrs. James Carroll, Tam- ston Transfer Co | DENTIST # A Br pound Cabbage. !council that a foot bridge be Stent | orth where she remained until . mammoth cabbage, weighing ed without delay at an estimated her death. Eight weeks before her 257 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont. Telephone 1283m.: . 84 Princess Street. "Phone 1850 a PiU. 3T. fav RNINGS 2231. Gas for Painless Extraction twenty-four pounds, and measuring cost of $2,500. death she fell and broke her hip and n 3 | dn confined to her bed until death OPPOSITE THE STRAND THEATRE 138 WELLINGTUN STREKT OPEN EVENINGS BY fifty inches in circumference, was APPOINTMENT grown in the garden of James Alex- A GREAT BARGAIN. relieved her. At times she suffered FALL AND WINTER GOODS ARRIVING DAILY ander, Campbellford, and was among terribly, but bore it all with Christ- LADIES' DRESSES Dental eon the vegetable exhibits at the fair on In Men's Tweed Trousers. ian patience. Never was she heard to Fresh, beautiful styles, fine qualities, v moderately priced. Friday. We have just received a quantity murmur. She was buried beside her Materials are Flannel, Wool Crepe: Poh Twill, © " | : $5.45 to $12.50 veniences. per menth. Re ------ DR, J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S, nos, » Bish of tweed trousers in dark grey and |pusband, at Bath. Prices from Wellington and rock Streets. shop Invested Prelate. brown, which are a regular $4.00 ears---Navy Blue Serge, several trance: 100 Wellingt. , 2 . Entrance: ie limgten 80. woRM At Pembroke Right Rev. Mgr. | value to go at $3.00 a pair; sizes 32; Canadian Pacific. $3.98 to $4.50 : Phone $70. Lorrain was invested with the Order to 44. The Lion Clothing Company. | City ticket office, 180 Wellington | u Domestic Bo 5jate by Right Rev. -- | street, report the following arrivals - F. Ryan, Bishop of Pembroke, on To Remove To Pembroke. of their steamships: Whi y JT rt ----y te, Bi y irey = | Tuesday morning. He is rector of] The Thomas Lee Company, Cob-| Montroyal, from Quebec, due White un and White, Sand and White, Grey and St. Columba Cathedral, Pembroke. {dem is to remove its plant from Cob-| Liverpool, Sept. 26th. olors: Black and { Montlaurier, from Glasgow and White, Brown and White, Grey and White 98c¢. WA 71 18 ; den to Pembroke. Thomas W. Lee . y informed The Observer that he had!Belfast, due Quebec, Sept. 26th. ALL-WOOL CASHMERE STOCKINGS, Black or Brown 69c. ? -- ™ M Tugagemsn Suownced {purchased a site in the southeast{ IMontrose, from Liverpool, due "FLEXCELLO" SPECIAL, elastic ri top, all Cash- * People' look: smoeas Hmm Te section of the town Bear the. Rox Quotes Sept. en. ae kine, Black © "me eop S thelr daughter, Nellie Grace, to Pital. He stated that the re-| Melita, from Antwerp, Southamp- to Black or JOCKINGS--reinforeed with Lisle, ribbed borst Frank 8 Ackerman Windsor. son turn of the firm to Pembroke) ton, Cherbourg and Queenstown, due 80c. "sm y : : iis now practically assured and that| Quebec, Sept. 26th. STORE WILL BE CLOSED DURING THE JEWIS] of Mr. d Mrs. G Ack ' H HOLY 177 Wellington St IRENE ERR EERE Dror he aa 3 IeFIAD, he was in negotiation with contract-| Minnedosa, from Montreal, due DAYS Ingt Reet : : ors for the erection of a factory] Cherbourg, Sept. 24th and South- Monday and Tuesday, September 20th and 30th, and Fresh d Plants daily, * 1 fetl . Fancral designs and "wedding Hopkinson's Groc Plate: quietly Mis month : building on the property he had ac-| ampton, Sept. 25th. \ Wednesday, October 8th, ery quired. Metagama, from Montreal, dug bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Residence 1187. MARKET SQUARE On Normal School Staff. Antwerp and Belfast, Sept. 26th, -- . = + Miss Luella Barrigar,- Bellamy, The Late Abigal Wilder. 1 Empress of AustraMa, from Van- who joined the staff of the Horton Abigal Reynol@sp wife: of the late) couver, arrived Yokohama, Sept. school, Brockville, at the commence-' Rufus Wilder, passed away at her, 23rd, and due*Hong Kong, Oct. 1st. ment of the present session has left late residence, Washburn street, Ple- Empress of Canada, from Hong = Kong and Yokohama, dué Van- & for Ottawa, where she has been ap-| ton, at the ripe old age of eighty- pointed instructress in physical cul- one years. Mrs. Wilder was the couver, Sept. 29th. for i - Cabbage, winter----B. Spicer, Mrs.| Lambert, A. H. Mabee. HUDSON HORTICULTURE SHOW H. Munden. Z Squash, Hubbard, green--Miss A. t Caulifiowers--A. H. Mabee, Mrs.| Fairman, A. H. Mabee. : ny E A I H. Munden. Squash, Boston marrow--- Charles Was Held at Gananoque Last Celery--Mrs, J. W. Thompson, A.| Wray, A. H. Mabee. Week--The Winners of | H. Mabee. Salsity--Mrs. T. Lambert. TL, 2 Prizes. Citrons--J. W. Thompson. Tomatoesy named variety--Mrs, C. » "AND * Corn, Golden Bantam--B. Spicer.| M. Sheets, Mrs. J. M. Thompson. COA w THE MELODY SHOPPE Gananoque, Sept. 25.--The splen-| Cucumber, slicing--Mrs. D. Cart-| Tomatoes, any variety--Mrs. Nut- | JACQUETTES nm IPHONE His tid efforts Cr Gananoqe. EA wright, Mrs. Thos. Nuttall. tall, Mrs. Patterson. eultural Society which have been so Cucumbers, pickling--Mrs, C. M. Turnips, yellow suede--B. Spicer, Sheets. Mrs. Wadsworth, : Svident 'throughout the season in Muskmellon--Miss. A. Fairman. see-- ' various ways culminated last Onions, yellow globe Danvers -- llectio: » Co n of vegetables. -- J. W. Ww R. McRae & Co. Thursday and Friday when the an- Mrs. Patterson, J. Watswortn, Thompson, Mrs. Thos. Nutiall. Te? Tv nual exhibition was held in the Onions, red Globe--J. W. Thomp- Golden Lion Block | Sotiims Livery um Shur mu tut, in iel ouom rai CoE of en 3 shoo ' " tation upheld. Following are the i pup : Buggies and Saddle Horses ., 3 § are Onions, white, Globe J. W. BUS FOR CATARAQUI CEMETERY | Prize winners: Thompson. 8 : Daily except Monday and Saturday Onions, any variety--Mrs. T. Lam- Annual Flowers. Brock Street. at 1.45 p.m. Vegetables, bert, Mrs. D. Cartwright. Asters, white -- B. Spicer, F. : Wt Beans, white-- 1st, Mrs. C. M. Parsnips, H. Crown-- Mrs. J. M.| Wright. Asters, red--Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. 5 . Sheets; 2nd, Mrs. Nuttall, Thompson, Mr. D. Darling, Thiswould be a Look F or Us Beans, colored--Mrs. C. M. Sheets, Potatoes, Irish Cobblers--Mrs. H.| J. W. Thompson. Mrs. Lambert. Munden, A. H. Mabee. Asters, lavender -- Mrs. Nuttall, Sad Old : World At The Fair Beets--J. W. Thompson, B. Spic-| Potatoes, Green Mountains-- Mrs. [ Mrs. Lambert, er. ; Asters, purple -- Mrs. Nultall, F. without fire. Fires you must Thomas Nuttall, Mrs. D. Cartwright. Carrots--B. Spicer, A. H, Mabee, Potatoes, Rural New Yorkers-- | Wright. Petunias, single -- Mrs, D. Cart- have, and th 1 b : good ones. "We dur Ng 2 ackages Corn Flakes, J. W, Thompson, Mrs. C. Sheets. Carrots, long--B, Spicer, J. Wads- Pumpkin, pie--Miss A. Fajrman, | wright, Mrs. C. Sheets. that makes the best kina ot | | package Post Toasties, |, 2" Chaler Weds Pansies --Mrs. D. Cartwright, J. 800d fires. 1 ack Cabbage, summer--J. W. Thomp-| Pumpkin, field---Chas. Wray. W. Thompson. package Grape Nuts, | Ct PODPArs. Buy varity = ines. T.1 Phler, Drammond-Mre. H. Mun. BOOTH & CO. 11 package Health Brand, - ' den. / . . wa Zinnias -- Mrs. Nuttall, J. WwW. "Phone 133. Grove Inn Yards Extra package Corn por 1% 3 x Thompson. a Flakes and a big Shop- {a d ag BS reo an Fall Overcoats and Suits--Men's and | : Young Men's Models ping Bag--all for 25¢. Mi ae Ww George Gilbert. : Marigolds--Mrs, Nuttall, Mrs. We Sell MITH' Lh : ; : x Nuttall, : reat : New & Used Lumber S 1517, 'We P'S | a A : Ty: mors. 0 hai $18.00 to $30.00 Iron Sheeting # aR 2nd Colborne Streets $ § r : BSE basket of ut Sees Mes. sh, r H. Munden, Mrs. J. W. Thompson. ENGLISH GABERDINE RAIN COATS x :. . ar -- |i Se NR 7 Most artistic bouquet -- Mrs. D. i At Lowest Prices : RB Ee : a JB Cartwright, Mrs. H Munden: $16 50 t 25 ; : | wha i artistic f asters--M. : aN. I. Cohen & Co, ||| . ' £2 Ee pc Lao rr 20 to $25.00 267-275 ONTARIO STREKY ] | Na | 1 Reap Sollection of a in vase I ¢ _ PHONES 936 and 837, OPP. YMCA, Phine i 5 Flower colleation by school pupil See Our Indigo Blue Serge Suits -- -- BR El i +. | --Catherine Kidd, Louis Lambert. 4 A hoy Potted plants--Best fern--Mrs. C. A . TTT ---- Sn | . | M. Sheets, ) ESTABLISHED 1871. ! 3 E> Fruit --gab apples--Mrs. Shep- 2 g pard, A. H. Mabee. ' 4 rn i : N ve of Lamb ......,.... ] |: Grapes--Mrs. T. Lambert, Mrs, C. HANLEY'S { I | fret : . ih. |. | Jelly, white currant-- Mrs. Lam- Srever aan. AGENCY leg of Pork ........... FOR ALL Rae : STEAMSHIP LINES Sliced Bacon .......... Lol : a Miawherry-- Mn. Lambert, : -- Belleville Creamery ..... He ; erty x N Mttshtion gives Jamil y fa 3 Fae - Raspberry -- Mrs. Lambert. bly + hon uralag from A 54 Canned strawberries - Mrs. D. am : 3 oT Nr } Sul Cartwright, Mrs. C. M. Sheets, Mrs. omatoes--Mrs. Sheppard, Mrs. | ee + Peasident e Humbert, of Italy, (left) when he : '1 Mined pickles, plain, sour-- Mrs. Beflovilie General nera Somie rode with it Alvear, of Argentina, on way to the Sheets, day as the result of inj Janied rom the Haliah warship. een riers Prince Bad pours ses Siespert TT | Lai. en, Vn rye. | dal puer on 8 gr = 3 ad - ow n . x Jelly, grape--Mrs. Lambert, - Jelly, apple--Mrs. H. Munden a PRIBER

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