THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG IY, SEPTEMBER 36, 199¢. |) / wine mm-------- Sparkling - Wine-like "Relieves four oclock fatigue E. BEAUPRE, Distributor for Kingston. > Ee m-- Egg, Stove and Chest Small Hard Coal Buckwheat...............$ 9.00 per ton | car Semi-Anthracite Smokeless, suitable for Range or Furnace, $12.00 per ton, delivered SOLID BRICK HOUSE, double; with frame kitchen on stone foundation. 5 rooms each, two bedrooms, lights with nice fix- tures, toflet, newly decorated, good shed in rear of lot for each side. Driveway. This house is in splendid repair and excellent location on Brock Street. Now renting for $16.00 per side. This property is an excellent investment at $8,000. sss 1 2ivens+$12.90 per ton BUY ADVERTISED GOODS New Ideas For Your Comfort ICE CREAM "The Cream of Creams" Pasteurized and Homogenized. We freeze to please. Sold wholesale and retail, DELICIOUS PASTRY-- ELECTRICALLY, BAKED "Phone 980. We mest or beat all Come in and let us prove it. | School Fairs BEDFORD. List of prize wipners at the Bed- ford School Fair held at Fermoy on Saturday, Sept. 6th: Sheaf oats--Lionel Steele, Ray- mond McCarthy, Lloyd McEwen, Cardwell Bresee, Austin Kennedy, Chas, Hickey, Four quarts Steele. Sheaf barley---Cardwell Lionel 'Steele, Chas. Hickey. ' 8ix ears sweet corn--Helen Mec- Carthy, Ethel Truelove, Fraser Mec- Ewen, Verdun Crozier, T. J. Breen, Vincent Mulville. Single ear sweet cori--Helen Me- Carthy, Fraser McEwen, Lynden Thompson, Grace Robinson, Ethel Truelove, Hazel Sweetman. Sheat sweet corn--Fred Butterfll. Six eats fleld corn--Urban Mec- Carthy, Delbert Cochrane. Single ear field corn--Urban Me- Carthy, Delbert Cochrane. Twelve Irish Cobbler potatoes -- Lionel Steele, Lynden Thompson, Gladys Robinson, Jerome Mulville, Lorna Bresee, Fred Butterill. Peck Irish cobblers--Lionel Steele, Lorna Bresee, Urban McCarthy, Ly- den Thompson, Edith Kennedy, Au- stin Kermedy. Single Irish cobbler--Mazie Tur- ner, Lynden Thompson, Anthony Coulter, Lionel Steele™ Clara B. Kennedy, Austin Kennedy, Twelve Dooley potatoes -- Chas. Hickey, Raymond MeCarthy, Am- brose Walsh,. Marjorie Bresee, Richard Swerbrick, O8wzald Barr. Peck Dooleys--A. L. Saunders, Marjorie Bresee, Raymond McQar- thy, Verdun Crozl®r, Oswald Barr, Chas. Hickey. Single Dooley--TFraser MacEwen, Marjorie Bresee, Clayton Barr, Os- wald Barr, Arthur Robinson, Ray- mond McCarthy. * Peck Irish cobblers from old seed ~--Oswald Barr, Lionel Stecle, Stel- la Barr. Six beets-- Cardwell Bresee, Helen McCarthy, Laura Kennedy, , Hilda MacEwen, Clinton Steele, Clara Kennedy. Single Maysee Turner, Hilda MacEwen, Hazel Sweetman. 8ix carrots--Melvin MacEwen, | George Swerbrick, Helen Cameron, Margaret Barr, Freda Thompson, Francis Lee. Single carrot--Ethel Truelove, Thos. Fitzgerald, Melvin MacEwen, Laura Kennedy, Freda Thompson, Grace Robinson. . Five turnips--Jerome Muiville. : Single turnip--Jerome Mulville, T. J. Breen, Jas. Fitzgerald, Chas. Fitzgerald, Six Onlons--Clayton Barr, = Os- wald Barr, Kathleen McCarthy, Wil- fred Bonner, Stella Barr, Cardwell barley--Lionel Bresee, beat--Card well Bresee, Helen Cameron, Laura Kennedy, Five winter apples -- Claude Steele, Cardwell Bresee, Masie Turn- er, Clara Kennedy, Lynden Thomp- MecEwen + Oatmeal cake--Sara Welsh, Agnes MacGregor, Hazel Sweetman, Clara Kennedy Stella Barr. One crust ple with meringue top One loaf whole wheat bread -- Marguerite Barr. Can of vegetable, fruit and relish ~--Stella Barr. Pint jar of salad dressing--Helen Cameron, Sara Welsh. Tray cloth--Clara Kennedy. Half yard crochet edging--Haasel Sweetman, Stella Barr: Towel rack--Jas. Butterill, Lion- el Steele. Weather vane--Lionel Steele. Model stock loading rack--iLionel Steele. * Collection of wild flowers--Stella Barr. Collection of twenty-five insects-- Marjorie Bresee, Lloyd MacEwen, Stella Barr. : Collection of fungas diseases -- Austin Kennedy, Writing, capitals ang small letters --Cardwell Breses. Writing, "God Save The King"-- Marjorie Breses, Vincent Mulville, Francis MacEwen, Jerome Muiville, Agnes McGragor, Stewart Revill. Writing, "Maple Leaf" -- Hilda MecEwen, Steele. Gérald Revill, Laura nedy, Agnes MacGregor. Writing, '"0O' Cenada" -- Lloyd MacEwen, Hagel Sweetman, Stella Barr, Ela Fitsgerald, Austin Ken- nedy, Lynden Thompson. » Crayon or chalk drawing--OClaude Steele, Sherwin Lunn. Water color drawing -- Hasél Sweetman, Clara Kennedy, Gerald Revill, Austin Kennedy. Bssay, 'The North American, In- dians" -- Lloyd MacEwen, Clayton Barr, Hasel Sweetman, Laura Ken- nedy, Austin Kennedy, Gerald -Re- ville. be Five minute address -- Howard Woods. Hitching and driving contest for boys--Jim Fitzgerald, Anthony Coul- ter, Howard Woods, Gordon Coch- rane, Lynden Thompson. Nail driving contest for girls -- Stella Barr, Ella Fitzgerald, Ruth Steele. School Parade--S8. 8. No. 1, 8. 8. No. 9, S. 8. No. 2, 8. 8."No. 186. Boy winning highest number of points--Lionel Steele. Girl winning highest number of points--Stella Barr. ARGUMENT CANNOT BE USED SAYS SIR HENRY Ken- Bresee. Single onion--Kathleen McoCar- thy, Clayton Barr, Oswald Barr. Stella Barr, Hilda MacEwen, Card- well Bresee. Twelve ~ asters--Lorna Morgan Mulville. _ Twelve Salpiglossis Thompson. Twelve Calendulas--Lloyd Mae- Ewen. Twelve Coreopsis--Freda Thomp- son, Vera Welsh. Table bouquet of mixed flowers-- Marjorie Bresee, Stella .Barr, Sylena Barr, Lynden Thompson, Kathleen McCarthy, Margaret Walsh. Potted house plant in bloom -- Stella Barr, Clinton Steele, Marjorie Bresee, Marguerite Barr, Molburne Martin. } Two pullets and one cockeral -- Marguerfte Barr, Ruth Steele. Cockerel--Sherwin Lunn, Mar- guerite Barr, Lloyd MacEWwen, Ruth Steele. Pullet--Sherwin Jann, Marguer- tte Barr, Lloyd MicHwen. Cock and hen ¢rdm home flook-- Kennedy, Stella Barr, Barr, Arthur Robinson, Cardwell Breeee, James Butterill. Draft colt--Victor Steele. Roadster colt--Clayton Barr. Trained colt--Victor Steele, Clay- ton Barr. Bresee, Jewel Dairy calt--Fred Butterill, Mel- : Regrets Bringing O.N.R. Int Federal Politics In The ' . United States. ---------- * Montreal, 'Sept. 25.--In an ad- dress delivered to the Chicago ter- minal committee, who were the guests of thé Canadian National Railways at luncheon in the Wind- sor Hotel yesterday, Sir Henry Thornton, chairman and president of the Canadian National Railways, took -occasion to voice his regret that the Canadian National Rall- ways should have been introduced as a factor in the dispute between the major political parties in the federal election campaign in the United States. After pointing out that the prob- lem of success on the Canadian Na- tional Railways is almost entirely a problem of first increasing the population of the country to a strength sufficient to support the | system, Sir Henry showed that this does not mean that the same prob- lem faces the railways in the Unit- ed States, and that therefore thé sucoess or failure of the Canadian National Railways could not be used either as an argument for or against the nationalisation of the United States roads. 2 bourne Martin,. MN rm ---- tangle is at C ; streets meet. Street cars, {. sy AES YE POL The law helps those who help a a TE New mobiles would be in a constant tangle, £sffic police forever kept at the Clara Kennedy, Claude ] 'PHONE 2009. Fh The Newest Fashion Notesfor A utumn' Sounded in : Silk and Cloth Dresses FOR WOMEN AND MISSES $ 1 995 secured them specially for Saturday's selling--a group o Room samples--stressing the delightful néw things of the Autumn season. All the smart, new colorings: Sand, Navy, Brown, represented in their Canton and Satin Faced French Charmeen Cloths and finest Poiret JUST ARRIVED ! SPECIAL NEW FALLS <9 2.95 Cloth Dresses 2 4 . Coats Travel anda Motor 22,75 Smartly styled and carefully tailored from imported, All-Wool English 'Whitney cloths. Half Silk lined. Sizes for Misses and 'Women. Smart PoloCloth *12.95 'PHONE 2009. Coats KINGSTON The ]- AMSNABB Eastern Ontario Chain of Women's and Misdes' Ready<o-Wear Stores BROCKVILLE I BELLEVILLE Co. LTD. PETERBORO TURKEY TO JOIN LEAGUE, Geneva, Sept. 5.--Fethi Bey rep- resentative of the Angora Govern- merit, told the United Press Turkey will apply for membership in the league in November, as soon as the national assembly has discussed and approved the project, to which there is no opposition. Picking Cherries Second Time, Milton, Sept. 26.--Cheérry picking was resumed on the fruit farm of William Englehart, Palermd, this week. This is the second crop of cherries this year and the quality of the fruit is said to be real good. ~4 NIN The envelope purse made of satin or moire finely pleated and with a monogram of brilliants ig the smart est handbag one can carry at the monrent, If you have only a limited amount of chicken salad for a luncheon, serve it in scooped out tomatoes, ond the helpings will not seem small, Coy mi "SPORTS).ANSHIP;, A Record by H.R. H. the Prince of Wales (Speech) H.R.H. the Prince of Wales Guards and Male Chorus 'His Master's Voice')-Victor Record - '