y y 1 FOR $125.00 You can buy a McKay made, beau- tiful, full furred Muskrat Coat, 45 inches long with full collar and deep cuffs. The very latest style Coats are & beautifully made and w lined, and will give years of wear. By buy- ing a Fur Coat you se- cure for yourself warmth, health, happi- ness and a good look- ing Coat you and your friends appreciate. Remember the snowy - days are coming. A Cloth Coat will not keep you warm then. A small deposit and we you require it this Fall. . Satisfactory credit terms may be ar- ranged. " The McKay label in any is an assurance put it away until fo REEVE HALLIDAY 'Has Been Asked to Serve In Olty Oouncil or Public Utllities Commission. -------- JAMES HALLIDAY, | After a contiauous service of ten years as Reeve of Portsmouth, Janes Halliday is retiring at the end of this year. In addition to this long term as reeve, Mr. Halliday also ser- ved in the council a few years. Dur- | ng the years he has been connected with the cotncil he has rendered able service and has been untirifig in | his efforts to promote the interests {of the community. His friends do {not want him te retire, but Mr. Halli- ofl | day feels that the time has come for peo | him to step aside and give others a 8 ANNOUNCEMENT We beg to announce to the Kingston Public that we hay bee . appointed the exelusive, agents here for . » BETTY BROWN Old Style Home-made Candies 8 | | chance to take over the work. Not only in the Portsmouth council has | Mr. Halliday given able services but | | also in the Frontenac county coun- | etl. He has served as warden of the cougty for one year. A number of Mr. Halliday's friends | have asked him to serve in the city | conncil or on the public utilities | commission, and although he has BM | not yet given his decision, he may ci rift of the county and a couple o TNs DAILY BRITISH wniG sn ------ee------------ "THE LOVE TEST" . COMEDY AT GRAND | RETIRING THIS YEAR| Is a Splendid Production--To | Run On Friday And Saturday. "The Love Test," a quickly mov- ing comedy wit plenty of punch in| [ it, delighted a large audience in its | | first presentation of a three-day run | iat the Grand Opera House last! | might, | 2 | | It was another of those splendid | plays put on by the special company ; of players of Theatrical Enterprises, {| Ltd. Two jail-birds, a stranded ac- | tress, a home town girl, an affection- ate mother, a village cop who was- n't so foolish as he looked, the she- | {local crooks of fiean degree go to make up the cast which carries out |a nice plot in attractive mauner. { | All those taking part were good but the palm for the performance goes this time to Arthur Mack as Freddie (Spike) Tryon and Ada! | Howard as Florence Lee. Their ex- changes of crackling sarcasm keep the audience in fits of laughter and they make the most of the funny { slants in each. situation. William | Armstrong, as Harold Brenizer, is 8 proper cake-eater and Roger Al- {len handles the part of old August { Brenizer, the village despot, to a | nicety. "Buck" Buckmaster, .the | constable, station master, ticket | agent, express agent, porter, sani- tary inspector, deteetive and general factotum of the town, is taken by Henry Gurvey. Esther Pinch and Jessica Paige take the parts of Mrs. Hudson and Molly Collins, respec- tively. Evelyn Watson plays Mrs. Spelvin and Wm. Sheafe takes the part of the sheriff, It's a great show and should draw bumper houses for the rest of the en- gagement which lasts for the re- mainder of the week with matinee on Baturday, Most of us 80 to the theatre for entertainment, and, if possible, for a laugh. You'll get a hundred laughs out of "The Love Test." A Bargain In Boys' Bloomers, We have just received a ship- ment of boys' bloomers in nice dark pattern to go at $1.45 a pair, sizes | 27 to 35. The Lion Clothing Co. \ "Eversharp Pencils," Gibson's. a op i SPE SEE WINDOWS CIAL DOLL SALE BIGGEST DOLL BARGAINS EVER OFFERED BUY FOR CHRISTMAS DRESSED, UNDRESSED, FULL JOINTED and MA MA DOLLS EVERY DOLL WILL BE CLEARED. SPECIAL--13 INCH MA MA DOLL MOORE'S 20638 WELLINGTON STREET Seve vaiesaeiterieivionn S80 SEE WINDOWS Good, heavy "these." Special THE LATEST IN DRAPERIES Special Values for Saturday Shoppers BED SPREADS, $2.89 - weight Honeycomb 72x84 inches. Regular $3.25. You are Bed Spreads, in a large size, sure to need one or more of .. $2.89 buy........ "es 0 WOMEN'S VESTS, 50c. In a good Fall weight, with low neck and half sleeves . . 50¢. each , a good WOMEN'S BLOOMERS, 75c. In a Fall weight. Pink or White, with elastic at top and bottom. Special ...... ... did weight for school Saturday Special PURE WOOL 36 inch pure Wool Serg wear, SERGE, 69c. e in Navy or Black; fast colors, a splen- Regular 85¢. quality. sizes 5} to 91. Saturday «wes 0 niente SCHOOL STOCKINGS, 25c. Children's Ribbed Black Cotton School Stockings; fast colors -- meret CASHMERETTE HOSE, 50c. Women's heavy Black Cash- te Hose. Sizes 8} to. {0. Nice Fall weight. . 25¢. pair Satard ay NEW MADRAS, 29¢. YARD Curtaining in a new range of pretty designs, in wear well; regular 39c, quality. Branigan's Drug LIMITED 208 PRINCESS ST. \ Next to Strand "Phone 18. ll | accede to the wishes of his friends 4 {and allow his name to 80 before the { electors as a canddiate foP the com- | BBY | mission. With his practical khow- | "THE HAT STORE" New Fall 36 inch Madras natural shades; will launder and ------. YOU BUY WHEN! _ The exceptional tone quality in the Weber § Piano appeals to the most ascethetic taste. ; HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCE, AT C. W, LINDSAY'S Warerooms, Princess Street ---- fLes2 in the electrical business, he | would be a valuable addition to that | body. Mr. Halliday has been in the elee« | trical business for upwards of thirty years. Z He made his start in the els f setrle plant at Gananoque, owned hy { J. M. Campbell. After serving with Mr. Campbe!l for some years, he took | ai position with the Kingston Light, Heat and Power Company, and lat- er on was connected with the King- ston street raflway" compiny, and GROCERIES FRUITS AND OUTSIDE MARKET Belleville Creamery, 1b. | Granulated Sugar, 10 Ibs. White Mealy Potatoes, pk. 5 1b, pail Table Syrup .! 80c. Clover Salmon (large) 89¢ Comfort, d, Sprprise, P. & - @., Wonderful, Somme, 's Mixed 18 bars $1.00 Machine Sliced Bacon, 1b, 80c, Large Bananas, dos, Mixed Sugar Cakes, 1 Kippered Snacks, ="! land and new homes. See Our Special All-Wool Socks atd9. Our new stock com- prises all the best | makes and the styles value at the price. NEW CAPS ings Sree 8 4 for six years Was electrical supefin- | tendent of this company. Hs Jett the'| | failway company to go into the elee- fi trical business himself. { "THE COVERED WAGON." | Is Attracting Largie Crowds at the Capitol Theatre, A good story, a striking poem, a f beautitul song, an attractive play, a fine motion picture--none of these | ever grows old, and that is why crowds of peoplel are streaming to the doors of the Capitol Theatre daily for the showing of "The Cov- ered Wagon," one of the greatest pictures ever filmed, which openelf a three-day engagement last might. There are pletures which are just beautiful stories told without any great setting. Then there are oth- ers which are all setting and not story. But "The Covered Wagon" is a combination of the two with great awe-inspiring scenes and views and a wonderful story interwoven all through it. . The action is the trek of one of the first wagon trains to cross the continent, headed : from the east i) away to Oregon, id search of fine And it is a real wagon frain with hundreds of the great prairie schooners in line, loaded with the effects of the plo- neers. The latter part of the story follows when the train has reached its destination. The thread of the story itself is built around the love of Molly Win- gate, daughter of the leader of the caravan, and one of the captains, Will Bation, a veteran of the wars in Mexico, with some cloud obscur- ing his name which pretty nearly wrecked the romance. 'There are fully a thousand full- blooded Indians in this great pio- ture and they thke an active part iin many of the best scenes. A com- I Hats FOR ALL Hats for Men Hats for Ladies. Saturday v's New Floor Oilcl Hats for Children. '§ With leading lines in' |} each department for | to-morrow. | f " AN 'Hats for Ladies « All the very latest creations in Trimmed and Tailored and Sport Hata are to be found here. We are still having a big run on Felts -- more on sale to. morrow At $2.95 ment on the production would be in- |. complete without reference to the splendid work of Ernest Torrence, which enlivens nearly every scene. em app------ Frontenac Home and School ~~ Olub Elects New Officers A meeting of the Frontenac Home and Club was held at the school on. Thursday evening for the purpose of selecting the executive. The following officers were chosen: lo: president, E. Thompson, prinéipal of the school; president, Mrs. G. D. Pollitt; viee-presidents; Mrs. Blierton, Mr. Richards: school secretary, Miss Pound; treasurer, Mr.» Stacey: secretary, Mr. Clow; | mothers' committee Mrs. Boyne, Mrs. | Wright; social committee, Mrs. Bauder, Mrs. Bews, Mrs. Singleton; | fathers' committee, Mr. Parton. 3 A vote of thanks was tendered to jie retiring officers and best wishes for the year were extended to de | new execttive. - z x prices, , Linoleums and Rugs, all kinds, at popular Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE yard ANOTHER BIG CROWD AT THE PICTON FAR Miss Edna Wildman Goes Through Musfoal Ride With R.M.C. Riders. Picton, Sept. 26.--Another very large crowd was present at the third day of the Picton fair Thursday. Up until the present time all previous records have been smashed, ahd it is expected that Friday, which is the closing day of the fair, wit be one of the best on record. The historical pageant of Prince Edward county and Picton which is being presented each night in fromt of the grand stand, is attracting large crowds who are delighted with the performance. One of the features of the fair on Thursday afternoon was when Miss Edna Wildman, aged ten years, daughter of Edmund Wilaman of Picton, mounted one of the horses belonging to the Riding Establish- ment of the Royal Military Coilege, and went through the musical ride. She took all the jumps with the same ease as any of the artillery men who have been making them for some years, The results of the were as follows: horse races Fred Medium.. .. Pauline. . es ae we Tea sa es Best time--2.29 1-4. Dolierty, letter carrier, is retiring on Oct. 31st. During his long on the "walk" Mr. Doherty made a wide circle of friends. retire with the best wishes m Amey » ,- postal clerk, retirement was afmnousced in a short time ago, will also The Right Hat at the - Right Price PARISIAN MILLINERY 322 BROCK STREET CHILDREN'S WEEK Week--Qood Programme Prepared. division of the Religious Education Council have arranged Whig recently announced. This partments of the Sunday schools. being visited by the teadhers of the given invitations activities of the week, " An interesting programme of events has been arranged for the week with special services on Sun- parents and teachers fn Sydenham street Methodist-Sunday school hall. This meeting includes all the parents and teachers of all the children in the Sunday schools of the city who are taking part in the observance of this special week. The children are looking forward to the automobile drive and party to be given on Thursday afternoom, and a sing-song and moving pictures on Friday evening. ' -- NEW HIGH SCHOOL INSPECTOR. Registrar of the Department of Ed- : ucabon fs A _ R. W. Anglin, registrar of the Op- tario department of Education, Nas been appointed high sohodl inspector in place of J. A. Houston. Mr. An- . glin is a former high school prineci- pal. R. A. Croskery ,associate reg- istrar, has been promoted registrar, and his oid position has been abol- | ished. Mr. Anglin is a former resident of Kingston, having itved on Union street, and is father of Arnold An- glin, who played on the Queen's sen- for rugby team last fall. Mr. An- gin is a cousin of Prank A. "and Charles 8. Anglin, of the firm of 8: Anglin & Company. I8 TO BE OBSERVED | Beginning Sept. 28th For One ||| | The work board of the children's |i to observe {ji "Children's Week" beginning Sun- ||| day, Sept. 28th to Oect. 4th, as the || division vepresents the cradle roll, | |i beginners', primary 'and junior de- (|i The aim of children's week is to || emphasize the need of religious edu- || cetion of every child, Every home is || children and the parents aie being | Ji for the different [Ji Cay for the parents aad children, and (jf. on Wednesday evening a méeimg for J | DST | $4.500--Double UR Real Estate 81,1004 room Bungalow 82,0005 room frame dwelling. $2,300--Double frame, 1d: good i condition; revemue $360 per Ji Year, Earl Street. 4500-8 room frame dwelling with three lots: frame dwelling, J te. 7007 room all improveme $3,.250--Frame dwelling, 7 rooms, hot water furnace, electric light, gas, garden, extrs lot, sarage. $3,700--Dwellt » 7 rooms, het air furnace, oteic Hght, gas, each, electric Tne wrod are Come to office and get list of our bargains. Wire Insurance. Dominion of Canada refunding bonds at market price, * MULLIN . Book 000 14a, "Side Pork... . . 15c. Pork Roasts ... 16c. Shoulders Larab 18c. "Phone 694 "Fresh Olive OIL," Gibson's