THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PRIDE IN APPEARANCE. HIGH SCHOOL SUITS FATHER USED FORCE 10 SECURE HIS CHILD Was Fined $2 And Costs For Assaulting His Mother- in-law. The armistice was signed about six years ago, but the fighting is not over yet--at least there is a good deal of it going on, as the evidence given in the police court from day to day will show. On Thursday there was a story told before Magistrate Farrell about women fighting with mops--in fact one entire family was alleged to have been implicated in the fracas. In the police court on Friday morn- ing was unfolded the old, old story of a father putting up a fight to se- cure possession of his child. But the father in this case overstepped the mark in going into a home where he had been forbidden to enter, in or- der that he might get his child. Said house happened to be that of his mother-in-law, and following the vi- sit, the mother-in-law laid a charge of assault against the father, and after much evidence had been taken, Magistrate Farrell found the father guilty and imposed a fine of $2 and costs, The mother-in-law had her inn- ings in the box first, and she told about having her daughter's' child at her home. The father came to the house to get the child, and forc- ed his way into the home. There was FIRST LONG TROUSERS Pride in appearance means a lot to the Young Man in high school. His fellows are keenly critical of his ap- pearance and his standing often de- pends upon the clothes he wears. Suits $15 to $25 BLUE SUITS High School models. tany yarn, indigo dye, in Twill and Herringbone weaves. $25.00 . Dress well and succeed. no welcome on the mat for the fa- ther, but in spite of the frost on the window panes, the father came to the house, along with his sister. He demanded that he be given his child, but the mother-in-law said '"'no.¥ But the father would not take "no" for an answer, and in the row that followed, the mother-in-law fell on the floor and hit the back of her head. It was alleged that the fa- ther struck her, but the father, in his evidence, declared that his mo- ther-in-law stumbled over a chair and this caused her to fall, However, the magistrate stated that he be- lieved the evilence of the plaintiff. Magistrate Farrell said that al- though he found the accused guilty of an assault, it was not of a serious nature, - He well understood the cir- cumstances. It was the old, old story of the husband desiring to get possession of his child, but in this case the father had used force. He should have taken the proper means to secure the child, , A sad touch to the story is the fact that the mother of the child is LIVINGSTON'S : 75-79 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" QU MAIN STORE--Cor, Princess and Division Sts. POND'S SEEDLING PL GRAPES----Moore's Early. Per basket . PPLES Creamery Batter "15 14>", eh ee quite 1l1 in hospital. 'The father said that he wanted to take the child to the hospital so that she could see her mother. At the pre- sent time the youngster is being cared for at the father's home. "Fountain Pens," at Gibson's. ONS--Niagara Grown stock, Ib. . . . . . . 4 UMS_6 qt. overflon: pack vhs No. 1 select Duchess, bush. hamper 1b. prints . . ... Fresh Whey . . . . bes... is Spring Lamb | ERiigh. "(Mint free). Meaty he... 18 ; oasting Chickens Western Beef Ibs. Select, Meaty, Stewing C Roasts, Ib, Mee eh S108 Roasts, Ib. . . . .....12}c. "ee sense en Leg Meaty Shoulder Chops, Ib. . 30c. Young Boiling Fowl. Poultry drawn on request. Cuts uts, Ib. ....... ses ea sag Sc. - Hamburg Steak . . . . 3 for 25¢. instead of butter for many GeRib Roasts, Ib... 120ei | 0.0.00. 2a 26, 10c; Kidneys 15¢. Spare Ribs 15¢ HEARD ON THE STREET ants Are Offering. "Beautiful Compacts," at Gibson's. American stamps for sale at Whig Office. Music Teachers' Supplies--Dut- ton's. Lombard plums, big baskets, 50c, Saturday at Carnovsky's. "Jade" Powder at Gibson's. Dr. L. J. Austin spoke at a medi- cal gathering at Galt on Wednesday. "Welsh Cobbles" coal sold only by Mitchell & Co. Mr. Swaine, piano tumer. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, 'phone 564w. . Rotarian A. D. McConnell has re- turned home from a trip to Oitawa and Hull. While in Hull he attend- ed a meeting of Hull Rotary Club. -- Light, clean, ght; "Lackawan- na" coal, all sizes; one trial always brings repeat orders. Mitchell & Co "Fountain Pens," Gibson's. Claude W. Cole, Cape Vincent, N. Y., who obtained a court order to obtain possession of his granddaugh- ter, is now fighting, in the appelate court, to secure the vacating of the order prohibiting Mr. Cole from fur- ther proceedings to possess the child, pending appeal. , "New Compacts," at Gibson's. The funeral of the late Miss Mar- garetta C. Patterson, took place from her late residence on Thurs- day afternoon to Cataraqui Ceme- tary in charge of. John Cernelius. Services were conducted by the Rev. J. K. Curtis. The pall-bearers were: John Murphy, James Cotter, James Tweddell, Harry Patterson, David Patterson and John Patter- son. GREAT DAILIES ARE SEVEN-OOLUMN PAPERS The Whig's Big Lead Thursday In Carrying of Advertis- Ing. Some of the greatest newspa- pers in the world are seven- column page ones. The Chrls- tian Science Monitor of Boston, Mass., has a seven-column page. Most of the great London dallies also use the geven-column page, and their circulations run Into the . millions. The Whig bas real good examples in those big metropolitan papers. On Thursday the geven-col-' umn Whig issue carried ten more columns of advertising than the Princess street news- paper, \ I --------------. Car Turned Turtle. ; On Wednesdsy night at Mallory- town, a Chevrolet touring ear driven "by E. Edgeley, resident of Rockport, 'turned turtle into a diteh from unknown cause. Mr. Edgely was pinned beneath the. car and had to kick his way out through the wind- shield. He was cut and scratched. about the head, neck and arms, but fortunately escaped. serious injury. The car was badly damaged. The owner was en route to Prescott at the time and was driving at a mod- erate rate. Wolfe Island Fair. To be held on Tuesday and Wed- nesday, Sept. 30ith, and Oct. 1st. Ball games both days. Trials of speed Wednesday. Boat leaves foot of Brock street Tuesday, 8.30, 11.30 am. 1.30 and 2 p.m. Return 5.30, Wednesday, 9, 11.30 a.m., 1.30 and 8 p.m. Return 5.15 and 6.30 p.m. Come and enjoy yourself. . Removal Notice, Eastern Canada Maxotire and Rubber Company, A. Neal, manager, formerly of 284 Ontario street, are now located at 194 King street, corner of Gore street, phone 2050. This firm is also distributors for Aero Cushion Inner Tires. Arrived in Kingston, J. B. Hawley, M.A, a graduate n_ Queen's, is in the city after spending the summeér on a survey along the Hudson's Bay coast. He spent last year at Madison, Wis., at the university taking a post-gradu- ate course and Ne will return there to spend another year. - ema --. Saturday Morning NEWS Announcing Items of Interest < Coa ts Every Coat in this The fabrics are assortment is a big vetyne, Plaid value--in fact they Boek and Velour -- were made to sell $ .50 TH nf i averine at's much higher mT Brown, Br price. They are Taupe and Sand --- carefully made and fully lined and a styled in the newest serviceable interlin- models. ing. Sizes 16-42, Belted backs-- col- ors Blue, Brown and Green Heath- er. Extra good quality, large Coon Collar. Half lined. Specially priced. These models are very exclusive in design and tailor- ing. Nowadays milady wants style as wéll as comfort. These Coats pre- sent both. 15 Only Good Quality--Irish Linen Table Cloths These are unusual values despite the fact that they are slightly imper- fect. All pure linen -- assorted pat- terns. Size 70" x 70." Regular $3.25, $1.95 -------- Also 15 better grade, All-Linen Cloths--size 70" x 88" -- variety of designs--slight imperfections. Regular $4.25 $2.50 Flannelette Blankets You are getting extraordinary value in these Blankets. Made from soft, White Flannelette with pink or blue borders. Very. good quality -- large size, 12x4. . Very Special $2.75 pr. i John Laidlaw & on Ltd. 170 Princess Street