TAXI SERVICE | 1315 Phone House ven Also at Yellow Striped Tax! Service phone DELCO-LIGHT | The complete Kleetrie Light and Power plant for every country home. W.C.CANNON 164 Barrie Street. "Phone 1150J. TT HOLET Furnished House--October 1st to May 1st. 9 rooms, 4 bedrooms, all con- veniences. Central location. $65.00 per month. --Qoctober 1st to May TA Oe Bedrooms, all ocon- veniences. = Central location. $60.00 per month, General Insurance. R. H. Waddell Phones 326, NOG. 86 Brock Street PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine street. 'PHONE 134. DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON --urner of Johnson and Wellington Canadian homes are so well heated in the fall and winter months that many people feel [1s Somfastable jn ively light weight er el > fact oe would bot ind i heavy JAEGER pure wool under wear is manufactured in #0 light and soft that feel is like silk. On a biting day in winter these give you protection. hey conserve your vitality, Indoors they light and Pure Wool ADDRESS DEPT. C. The Jaeger Co., Limited Tovemto - Montreal Winnipeg P0009, 5 Seer Streets. Telephone 368. ---- For Moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE UF EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. MACHINE WORKS 234-236 ONTARIO STREET Opposite Fire Department G. A. Wright & Son Have removed to their new bullding PHU. 37T. KVENINGS 2331. TC 163 WELLINGTON STREET DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN Dental Surgeon DENTIST DR. J. C. W. BROOM Gas for Painless Extraction OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT L.D.S., D.D.S. Wellington and Mrock Streets. Entrance: 100 Wellingt: Evenings "Phone 1850 EE -------- of Dr. H. A. Stewart. OFFICE: 84 BROCK STREET Evenings by i Phone 2002 specialty. Automobile Radiators 'repaired. 69 IAGOT ST. tr Wellington Street Rr -------- Dental--Dr. Alex. M. Clark will continue to conduct the practice Walter Cannem Tinsmith and Roofing Jobbing a 'PHONE 2158m. Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. designs and wedding Fuser to order, Phone 1763. Residence 1187. Tas RIGAN, late of First class QUEENS HOTEL o br Jotrensge ia selisited. 119 BROCK ST. - - . taken over by M. J. BER- Hotel, Hotel Service ia assured. Good yard and stables in commection. PHONE 750, DENTIST Evenings by appointment. Dr. Vincent A. Martin 27% Princess Street. Phone 20485w, DENTAL BUHGEON Corner of Friacess and Barrie Entrance: ie Barrie Street. PHONE Z494J. J Office Ilours: 5.30 a.m. 10 § p.m. W.R. McRae & Co. Dr. Ww. O. Vicoman, Golden Lior Block HEMSTITOHING, 3 PICOT EDGING & PLEATING MRS. H. J. SHALES National Cleaners Thiswould be a Sad Old World Phone 2108. Bagot and William Streets without fire. Fires you must have, and they might as well be FOR SALE KINGSTON anp DISTRICT Will Instruct Nurses. Miss Leita Arnold, B.A. has left Athens for Montreal to take a posi- tion as téacher to the nursesin- training at the Royal Victoria hospi- tal. -- Belleville School Overcrowded The Belleville High School is ov- ercrowded, with an. atiendance of 500 pupils. Eleven new typewriters have been purchased for the com. mercial classes. On Friday the an- nual school sports will take place. -------- Gift For a Lady. The members of the Methodist Sunday School, Ceatreville, present- ed Miss Hazel Milligan with a travel- ling bag and four pleces of ivory, together with an address. She is moving from the neighborhood. ------------------------ Gets Stiff Term. Charles Nash, alias Simpson, a Belleville young man, was at Cam- bridge, Mass., sentenced to serve from four to five years in the state prison. He was found guilty of stealing an auto. The culprit had a police record in Belleville. Library Officer Resigns. At a recent meeting of the Smith's Falls Library Board, J. C. Douglas, who has been secretary for 18 years tendered his resignation. It 'was ac- cepted with much regret as he was very capable and very active. Dr. McBride was elected to fill the vac- ancy. Are Leaving Picton. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fargey are leaving Picton to reside in Toronto. The congregation of the Baptist church where Mrs. Fargey has been a capable organist and choir leader, presented her with a handsome ebony clock in recognition of her; services, Preacher the Jubilee Sermon. Rev. Binney S. Black, pastor of Good Will Congregational church, Syracuse, N.Y., has returned from Stratford, Ont., where he preached the jubilee sermon in the First Con- gregational church, built fifty years ago by his maternal grandfather, Rev. W. H. Heu de Bourck. Mr. [ Binck 'was given an enthusiastic re- ception and manywof the older par- ishioners related incidents of his grandfather's ministry. Rev. Mr. Black is a former Kingstonian. To Observe 96th Birthday. Capt. John Oliver, Oswego's old- est active marine man is preparing to celebrate his ninety-sixth birth- day on Sept. 30th. Bora near King- ston, in 1828, Captain Oliver still keeps active with his motor boat which he has moored in the river. He made his first trip when he was thirteen years old and has sailed all over the world. He ocassionally now crosses the lake with his son, Capt. James Oliver. Objective Likely Réached. The bazaar held here for the Perth Great War Memorial Hospital dur- ing the last three days of the week, ending Sept. 20th, was a great suc- cess in every way. The people of Perth and district were very liberal in their response to the appeal of the ladies. The main object of the function was to raise a 'sum suffic- fently large to make an extensioh to the n¥rses residence and it is ex- pected that this objective. has been reached. School Needs Being Met. Miss Burns, Oshawa, has been en- gaged as an additional teacher on the Smith's Falls Institute staff, as the imcrease of pupils after the op- ening of the school in September necessitated the services of another teacher. Miss Burns has been en- gaged at a salary of $1,600 per an- ties. At the recent meeting of the | Board of Education, Principal Evans | asked for additional accommoda- {tion and seats to accommodate the | extra and great demand. Ee -------------------------- Contest For Bowls, Tweed bowlers have been busy competing for two sets of bowls put up for competion among the club members. The finals were between J. G. Frost and C. H. Kerr, winners in the first division, and Dr. Denyes and T. Fanning sharing honors in | the second division in the final. With the score standing 13-14 in his fav- GALE WRECKS OLD WHALER The famous old whaler Wanderer fell a victim to the hur- ricane that swept the Atlantic seaboard. She was tossed onto the treacherous shoals off Cuttyhunk Island, Mass. Fears were expressed for the crew's safety, but every man since has begn reported safe. MRS. KNOX SUFFERED tell of our beautiful Summer Clim- num, and has commenced her dut- | or, and two shots lying against him, Mr. Frost made a beautiful draw and captured the trophy. In the second division Mr. Minorgan substi- tuted for Mr. Fanning, who is ab- sent on his holidoys, and defeated the doctor in an interesting game. Had Wound Redressed, Frank Leggett, the Circle-8ix player who had his heel badly in- jured when it caught in the spokes of a motorcycle near Deseronto om Monday while or the way to Belle- ville, was at the General Hospital on Wednesday to have the wound re- dressed. Dr. Elliott is attending him, Canadian Apples For Folks And Friends In The Old Country. This year's Christmas for our folks and friends across the sea can be made happier by a small remem- brance from Canada of a box of our Canadian Apples, hand picked and hand packed; their luster and taste ate. Your grocer can fill such an order--The Canadian National Ex- press will transport and deliver by rapid express service including re-|" frigerator stowage on steamer to any station in Great Britain or Ire- land from Montreal, Que., and Que- bee, Que., up to November 15th, and afterwards from Halifax, N.S., and St. John, N.S, at a rate of THREE DOLLARS per standard box of ap- ples not exceeding one cubic foot eight inches in measurement or over fitty pounds in weight. Consult any Canadian National Express agent as through express rare from your town. FAREWELL WAS SAID and Mrs. John Skinner! Are Removing From Camden East. Camden East, Sept. 24.--OGn Mon- day evening a number of friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joha Skinner to bid them farewell before their depar- ture to a new country namely Brownville, N.Y., where they intend to spend a limited time. A very pleasant evening was spent in a social manner after which a dainty lunch was served. This was fol- lowed by short addresses by differ- ent ones present, as to the regard in which Mr. and Mrs. Skinner are held by their old friends. Although Mr. Skinner has been an invalid for twenty-four years he was always cheerful 'and glad to see his friends at any time and was interested with all the topics of the present day. Mrs. Skinner was a faithful worker In different organizations in connec- tion with the Methodist church and' will be greatly missed. She has been in poor health recently and it is deemed a change the best thing for her health. Although all are sorry to lose such true friends we know our loss will be 'another's gain. As a slight token of remem- brance they were presented with a purse of money. They will be heartily welcomed again at any time. Mr. Skinner was born in this place and has lived here all his life. All joined in singing "God Be With You Till We Meet Again" and '"'Blest Be the Tie That Binds." After bid- ding them farewell their friends took their departure, i Miss Bessie Steadman left on Tuesday morning to resume her studies at Queen's, Kingston. A few who attended, from outside of vil- lage, the send off for Mr. and Mrs. John Skinner were Mr. and Mrs. R. Breethen, Switzerville; Mr. and Mrs. James Baynes, Storms' Corners; Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Edgar, Yarker.- A variety shower was given to Mr, and Mrs. Brown at her father's home, W. Simmons, Bicknell's Cor- ners, on Sept. 15th, and was largely Mr. SILOS The successful dairy farmer must have a silo for wintering his stock. We can supply them any size. Com- plete with Staves, Lugs, Doors, Roof, etc. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bigs. BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1571. "Radio That Satisfies" Is Always Obtainable at "Radio Headquarters" Only one word needed to describe the famous Strom- berg-Carlson Neutrodyne Re- célver--"Wonderful"--{s what everybody says after hearing this instrument. Demonstrations arranged anywhere, any time. Just write, call or phone. Sets from $27.00 (complete, Descriptive literature upon request. CANADA RADIO STORES 269% PRINCESS STREET. 'PHONE 1207-J. "Radio 1s oun ONLY Business--NOT a Sidelime". . The One Beat Radio athieu's SYRUP oF TAR & for HUDSON SEAL COATS unodlrres see-- FOR OVER THREE YEARS St. John Lady Was Nerv- ous and Had Severe In- digestion That Caused Intense Pain "It has been nearly two years since I took Tanlac, but I am more grateful to the medicine than ever, for I have felt just fine to this very day," declared Mrs. Lena Knox, 61 Hilliard St. St. John, N. B. FARMS---Small or Large--FARMS 47 acres, close to Kingston, 20 acres choice garden soil, plenty of work land, good buildings. Sacrifice price of $8,600. Easy terms to a responsible party. 110 acres, in prosperous section. New barn with stable accommodation for 46 head of cattle in stantions. Drive house and horse stable, ma- chine shed, beautiful 9 roc house, hot air furnace, 90 acres of good, till- able soil. Sugar bush. Plenty of fire wood. Spring in re. Wind mill at house. Price N Write for our list of Farms for Sale. - E. L. MARTIN 237 BAGOT STREET Phones: 220---1423m res. or 11811. good ones. We have the coal that makes the best kind of good fires. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 183, Grove Inn Yards mesa cts | ~~ AR. We Sell New & Used Lumber GOURDIER'S Brock Stheet. attended. The Mission Circle corn roast was held at Cedar Crest, Varty Lake, on the evening of Sept. 16th, George Babcock has a number of men employed in fixing the road on the Methodist chureh hill. It pro- mises to be a good road mow. A large number attended the Kingston fair last week and also Centreville fair on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. : : Se Wedib as A Wright, Calgary, Alta., arrived on a : 9 Friday last to spend the winter with : her sister, Miss L. Martin. : . y Mr. and Mrs. 8. L. Williams and " | LE family, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Saul and | Greta and Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Saul] 9 : Fall Overcoats and Suits--Men's and Young Men's Models "For three years, indigestion and nervousness caused me such agony it beggars description. T was actually afraid to eat; at night I would lie awake, nervous gnd sleepless for hours, and finally be- came so weak and thin I was almost a shadow. "But Tanlac gave me a splendid L.Cohen & Co, 267-275 UNTARIO STREN, day at her brother's, J. W. Skinner. COLLEGE SUPPLIES PHONES $36 and 837. appetite, calm nerves and a diges- tion that is simply perfect. 1 sleep the whole night through and have \E. C. Skinner has installed a radio and is hearing excellent entertain- ments. D. K. Saul left on Salurday $18.00 to $30.00 Mrs. W. Vine in. Napanee on Thurs- - ENGLISH GABERDINE RAIN COATS $16.50 to $25.00 doughnut making business in home. Mrs. Cyrus Edgar spent Fri- nnn 'ESTABLISHED 1871. HANLEY'S gained such weight, strength and energy that I always feel at my best." "Tanlac is for sale by all gzood druggists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. for Perth where he has secured some contracting work. Mrs. J. Cpmeron spent last week at her brother's, W. Hinchey, Centreville Mrs. McNaughton and son, Montreal, visited her aunt, Mrs. E. Sherlock on Monday. A. Dickson has returned after spending a few days in To- routo. William Bell was renewing old acquaintances last week-end. ---- To have knowiedge in all the ob- Jects of contemplation is what the mind can hardly attain unto. The 1 | ' : instances are few of those who have For full particulars apply or write , : TT en ne BE 1 ts in any measure approached toward 3 MANLEY. CP & TA. CN. Ry : : A DH Rice: otal we | = ; 4 Both Elation, coruer Johnson and Ontarlg| _GUeIDh's population ls reported by Streets, Ki Ont. Open the assessment commissioner as aud night. @ 99 and 1433, showing an increase of 344. 1090X Tanlac Vegetable Pills for cone stipation; made and by the manufacturers of Tanlae. Waterman, Parker, Wahl, and we have a point to suit you or we will get it for you. Loose-Leat Note Books Open end or side, leather or paper, and refills for any size. AGENCY FOR ALL Rue loner? in pads, quire or in boxes, and also . . OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES |ff iouaes stames for your con- Special attention given your or friends going to ov returning frog 'the Old Country. Passports Dépendence is a perpetual | } upon humanity, and a greater incite- | ment to tenderness and pity thar any other moive whatsoever.