~use Borden's St. Charles Milk. Iwill improveevea Jou best recipes use 8 3 is 00 rich and creamy. because twice #8 rich as ordinary milk. Four sizes. Write for St. Charles Recipe Book: Our Repair Department Is an important factor-- never slighted. Temples lengthened or shortened, mew guards, or old omnes securely fixed up, a loose screw tightened or lenses re-adjusted. Annoying mishaps quickly rectified at little or no expense. -R. ARTHEY, RO. VISION BPECIALIST 148 PRINCESS STREET Phone 2108. Open evenings by appointment. CADILLAC The Master of ELECTRIC CLEANERS New Ball Bearing Motor, exe clusively-a Cadillac feature, No Sr Ean Sn J. R. C. Dobbs 44 Clarence Street. 'Phone 810. 'TIS BETTER to be sure than sorry. Be glad that you can fol- low the Whig's Classi- fied Ads. to make sure you are getting your money's worth. - Read then: to-day } 5 1924, By Lasil L Smith 2 explorer MacMillan says live communistic lives. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG LOOK ARTER WALES' RANCH. Here are the caretakers of Alberta. They are Professor W. L. Carlyle and wife. in The the Prince of Wales' ranch Carlyles make their home on the ranch permanently. --------, BLACK DONALD MINE. Installing New Electrical Apparatus ~--A Fine Improvement. Black Donald Mine, Calabogie, Sept. 22.--The mine is progressing under the able management of C. N. Daly. Mr. Bradley, Ottawa, is installing new electrical apparatus in the power house and around the | mines, which will be a great im- | provement. The trucks are making there usual trips to Calabogie. . The Roman Catholics ae holding there annual mission here this week. The American tourists have gone from R. F. Bunting's cottage, on White Fieh Lake. Miss Daphine and Miss Dorothy and Wiliam Bunt- ing have returned from the United States to resume their studies. Mr. and Mrs. W. R." Wagar and fam- ily attended Parham fair last week. Thomas Katrongue and 8S. Marion motored to Renfrew fair last week and report an excellent tile. Mrs. A. Wagar is convalescent after her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. I. Jer- vis have a new vietrola and M. Mal- off has a new organ. Mr. Dennis, Maberly, is visiting his sons, Fred and Charlie. Mrs. E. Dunn called on Mrs. Charles Deslamia. Miss Grace Mountany called on Mrs. I, Jervis and also Mrs. W. J. McCumber last week. Our teacher, Miss J. A. Lorrian will uttend the teachers' convention at Renfrew this week. Mrs. H. Sovia's mother has returned to Hull, Que. Guy Wagar and his father P, BE. Wagar, motored from Parham on Monday to visit his brother and sis- ter, A. Wagar and Mrs. 8. C. Morey. W. R. Wagar returned with them, Frank Tennin spent the week-end with friends at Matachawan. Jack Wilson makes his usual trip to Cal- abogie each night with his car, Mrs. J. Dodge and daughter, Espanola, called on Mrs. I. Jervis on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Kazar' have adopted a girl from the children's home, Galetta, SEEKING WILD DUCKS. Hunters Are Scouring the Lakes About Ardoch. Ardoch, Sept. 22.--Wild duck shooting is being indulged in by several of our citizens, also tourists from Carleton Place who are camp- ing on the Mississippi river. R.'M. Best, of the McCallum Granite Co., Kingston, made a business call here last week, Mrs. George Weber still remains in poor health. Dr. Moon, Sharbot Lake, was summoned on Saturllay. Roy Hamilton's have taken pos- session of the dwelling situated near the old Watkins mill, Miss Iola Smith, who was in Plevna taking a high school course, was obiiged to come home on account of the scar- let fever epidemic. The school is closed, and a few are under guaran- tine. Mrs. Cuddy, Harlowe, also Miss B. McGrath, teacher of that place, and Charles Champange, of Flinton, mo- tored here today. Mr. and Mrs. Jameg Derue, also Fred Hermer and Hugh Fraser attended the fair in Renfrew, Mrs. Andrew Simpson and sons, Andrew and Robert, Clyde Forks, recently visited her mother at F. Hartman's, also renewed old time acquaintances. « Mr. and Mrs. John Kingston and son, Elmur, motored from Prescott, Sunday, to visit at the latter's par- ents', J. P. Watkins', They were accompanied by J. G. Fraser, who has lately been employed therey but will spend a few days' vacation with his family here. } Miss E. Ireton and Guy Watkins were Sunday : visitors at Samuel Gray's; Mr. and Mrs. O. McClellan at . White's, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Weber at J. B. Myer's. A number from here attended the dance at George Salmond's, Myer's Cave, on Tuesday last. TO CAN MUCH FRUIT. The Women's Institute to Meet at Date. Early Moscow, Sept. 22.--The next regu- lar meeting of the Women's Iastitute will be held at the home of Mrs. Ly- All Milsap.The members are =ontribu- ting canned fruit for the Sick Child- ren's hospital.Others wishing to con- tribute may have the privilege of do- | Ing so. Rev. Roy McWilliams, B.A, a turned missionary from Japan, Is expected to conduct the services at the Methodist church on Sunday, Oct. Sth. » The W.M.B. of the Methodist church will hold its district conven- tion on Oct. 8th. Miss Mabel To- ner spent the week-end wich her uncle, James Fisher. Our school is progressing favor- ably under the management of Mrs. Alma Alkenbrack and Miss Gertle Hill. A number from here attended | Centreville fair. A great number of our citizens attended the Kingston exhibition, All report the fair, this year, the best yet. Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw, Tamworth, spent the week-end at Mrs. Charles Amey's, Mr. and Mrs. Pense and Mrs. Val- leau, Toronto, spent Friday at Rob- ert Asselstine's. Misses Lottie As- selstine and Lila Bell left on Monday to attend Normal school at Peter- boro. We were sorry to hear of Stewart Bell's accident. He is im- proving. Mrs. Boyce is visiting at Mrs. Ottis Huffman's WELL ATTENDED FAIR. Was Held At Lombardy on Septem- 'ber 18th. Lombardy, Sept. 23.--Miss Mollie O'Donnell, Brockville, visited friends here last week. The annual fall fair, held here on Saturday, 13th, was well attended. The exhibits 'were above the average. Miss A. O'Meara, Ottawa, spent the week- end at her home here. Quite a number from this vicinity attended Delta fair last week. Mrs. John Burns returned to her home in Delta last Wednesday, after visiting friends here for some time. Mrs. Oscar Blancher and Mrs. Sherman, Watertown, N.Y., have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Frayne. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Leeder, Brockville, spent the week-end with relatives here. Miss 'Mary Houze leaves Tuesday, 23rd, for Kingston, to attend Queen's University. The Masons attended sérviese in the Methodist church on Sunday after: noon last. = . FALL FAIR DATES APQOR. ... ci cusses ne w0OCT Arnprior.. ... .. .« ..Sept. 23-26 Demorestville.... .. «. +.0Oct. 11 INVOrary.. .... «« «sss «.00t 1st Kemptville.. .. .Sept. 24pand 26 Madoc.... «. .. .. ..Oct. T and 8 Odessa.... .. .. .. . Sept. 25-26 Pleton.. .. .. ... . .Sept 33-26 Port Hope... . . .Sept 30, Oct. 1 Stella, . ....... cv av ve. Sept 30 Tweed. ... ssoce oo ++ +.0ct. 3-3 Vankleek Hill . .Sept. 35 ani 2& 'Wolfe Island Sept. 30, Oct. 1 At Mountain Grove, Mountain Grove, Sept. 32, -- George Baker is threshing in this vicinity. Kingston Exhibition was well attended from here this week. The Maple Leaf school, wiih Miss Resor, ag teacher, weat .on Friday and took part in the parade and suc- ceeded In carrying off one of the prizes. Through the kindness of R. Bushell, manager of the fair, the children were given treats and free rides in the midway. Needless to say it was a wonder- ful day for the children and the only regretful remark heard was to the effect that it would be a whole year before they could attend an- other fair like that. The stork flew over the village this week and left a baby boy at J. Cox's. Wedding bells ire ring- ing. Clare Price, one of our most popular young men, is being united in majrimony today to ome of Mid- dleville's fair daughters, Miss Kath- ryn' Taylor, who was formerly a tea- H, Thompson spent the week-end at his home here. Miss Reesor spent Sunday with Miss Knox at J. Price's, $y 3 Cn . Yk ) ; 4 250s) E OF [O71 GENT Fy © [> O Jd J [Rel For two weeks only--by special arrangement with the makers, the 'Jrug Stores in this City will give, absolutely free, 1 cake of Winsome Toilet Soap to every purchaser of 1347) Pa 3 cakes of Winsome at 25c¢. Hr Thousands have enjoyed the de- lightful, cleansing and purifying pro- perties of Winsome. . want 5,000 new users of this delight- ful soap in the City of Kingston, and this offer is specially made so that you can test by actual use, how fine, purifying and refreshing Win- some Soap really is. The makers Simply buy three cakes of Winsome for 25¢ and you get an extra cake FREE. This special offer is limited--for two weeks only. Act at once. Go to your Druggist, and purchase Winsome from him today. All you have to do is to sign your name and address, stating that you obtained the special offer of-one extra cake of Winsome with your purchase of three Winsome for 25c. VINOLIA COMPANY LIMITED Soap Makers to H.M.TheKing & HR.H. The Prince of Wales LONDON PARIS TORONTO A FINE OLD OOUPLE. One Aged Man Sings as He Drives To Cheese Factory. Harlowe, Sept. 23.--Two old and respected residents are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Whiteman, he being eighty- five and she eighty-three, living on the farm that he cleared up and do- ing their own work, Mr. Whiteman has drawn his own milk to the fac- tory up till the factory burned, and would be the first man on the route, generally singing or humming some tune, as he would be driving along. Those who have threshed Lhrough our neighborhood report a good re- turn of grain. Potatoes and garden vegetables are in abundance. Mr. Sea, Arden, purchased a drove of cattle and calves through here for shipment last week. Mrs. Robert Cuddy visited with friends at Ar- doch, on Sunday, CTil Miller, Miss Hazel Black and Miss Irine spent Sunday with Miss Kathleen and Lilia Gray. Mi. Mec- Lane, from Calgary, and Mrs. Daek, Breckville, are visiting at Thomas Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott are planning a trip to Huntsville in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. J. Huffman were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Whiteman, on Sunday, Guests Still Remaining, Charleston, Sept. 22.--Tacre are twenty-two guests still at Cedar Park and more expected. Mr. and Mrs. Morrie Slack and little son and Mr. and Mrs. Heaslip, Wilstead, were recent visitors at Harry Webster's. Miss Sarah Hudson was called to Frankville, last week, by the serious {llness of her nephew, Master Carl McKenney. Albert Morris received slight injuries when his buggy and Hilbert Spence's car collided. Mrs. Rowsome has disposed of her cot- tages, one to her daughter, Mrs. R. Hemton and one to her son, Ernie Rowsome. R. Hanton, Frankville, visitor to the lake on Sunday. Silo filling has commenced among the farmers, A great many from this section attended Kingston fair. was a Were Quietly Married, Cole Lake, Sept. 23.--Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Shillington, a son, on Aug. 19th. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pe- ters, Wilton, spent Sunday at Wil- liam Shillington's. R. Butterill, Perth, spent Sunday at Thomas But- terill's. Mrs. E. and T. Butterill, who spent a few days with Mrs, Manders, Perth, arrived home Buns day. Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson and children spent Sunday in Water: town, N.Y. A. Jackson has returned to his home in Newton Falls, N.Y, Mrs. C. M. Kennedy spent the week-end In Verona. Mr. and Mrs. S'las Mar' tin at T. Duffy's, Smith's Falls. A number from here attended the Kingston fair. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Martin spent Sunday at Verona. Miss Mary A. Clow, Cole Lake, and Edward Hicks, Echo Lake, werd quietly married on Sept, 17th at Sydenham, Much happiness is ex' pressed for the young couple. Presbyterian. Synod of Toronto and Kingston goes on record in sup port of the O.T.A. A little higher in price, but -- what a wonderful difference a few cents make.