Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Sep 1924, p. 11

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Plebiscite O.T.A., 1924 | HINTS iy = e / Electoral District of Addington - | FOR : 1 THE W¥ Apert L.cLouGH Notice of Sittings of Revising Officers . Detecting The Fiat Tire INEXPERIENCED MOTORISTS do TAKE NOTICE that sittings of the Revising Officers for the purpose of flat or nearly flat hearing complaints or appeals with regard to the Voters' Lists to be used at the taking of the Plebiscite under the Ontario Temperance Act, on October 23rd, 1924, for the Electoral Dis'rict of Addington will be held at the fol- nearly or quite deflated, from puneture, a lowing times ana places, namely: defective inmer tube or a leaky valve, the steering wheel turns harder > [ Domini R than normally and the car tends to draw over to the side on which the f ORE than ever, on oyal TOWNSHIP OF KALADAR, ANGLEASEA and EFFINGHAM Soft tire Is located, more power is called for, bumps in the road are / S " M Cords are the leading tires in Can- At the Town Hall, Flinton, on Monday, 'September, 29th, at 11 am. sharply felt at the stering wheel, there usually is rattling at the front {i HH gt 1 1 TOWNSHIP OF BARRIE of the car, and some noise from the wheel carrying the deflated tire, A . wy | bi ada. Users enjoyed unequalled satis- At the Town Hall, Cloyne, on Tuesday, September 30th, at 10 a.m. propeisies owenteaing rear tire is evidence by an unusual call' for / » fa ion before the introduction of the "TOWNSHIP OF KENNEBEG ' vengers and unusual [7 Web Cord and' Sprayed Rubber pro- At the Town Hall, Arden, on Thursday, October 2nd, at 11 a.m. especially a rear one 1 . £ Domin; cesses (exclusive oe el of. ion At the Town Hall, Centreville, on Thursday, October 2nd, at 10 a.m, all the small road irregularities to the car. The moment a flat tire is X J res mn ana . y wa : ¥ VILLAGE OF NEWBURGH dotected, the car should be fully slowed down and driven only until the CN increased mileage and dependability, due 3 ' liearest-wide and level spot in the road is reached, where there is a h ' g h At the Standard Bank Hall, on Friday, October 3rd, at 2.30 p.m. suitably firm surface upon which to set the jack. i li to the use of these processes, they stand TOWNSHIP OF OLDEN ENGINE STOPS OF ITSELF [or WEAK WHEN SLOWED pe | ; alone as the supreme tire value. 1. At the Town Hall, Mountain Grove, on Thursday, October 9th, at 10 a.m TOWNSHIP OF 080 At Buell's Hall, Sharbot Lake, on Friday, October 10th, at 9 » : i rs A | | TOWNSHIP OF HINCHINBROOKE ' io = At the Town Hall, Parham, on Saturdsy, October 11th, at 9 a. i ; 4 \ | pt F 5 TOWNSHIP OF SHEFFIELD 4 R iy \ et Fs At the Town Hall, Tamworth, on Saturday, October 4th, at 10 ar. { . ik H | -.. = oJ TOWNSHIP OF DENBIGH, ABINGER and ASHBY : At Charles Both"s Hall, Denbigh, on Tuesday, September 30th, at 10 a.m | TOWNSHIP OF CLARENDON and MILLER ! At the Town Hall, Plevna, on Wednesday, October 1st, at 10 a.m. M. W. writes: After my TOWNSHIP OF PALMERSTON NORTH AND SOUTH car hes been run 5 or 10 miles, the| H R My 1928 NANTO engine sometimes stops, just as if CAr runs very smoothly on level the switch had been thrown Off and | going and also on hills on which a + Atthe Palmerston Town Hall, on Thursday, October 2nd, at 10 am. It is very hard to start it again. fying Start can Bo Adeursa. but if NG OF Finally, after backfiring a few/ it going up a fairly steep grade REVIS) FICERS times, it starts and runs well for a | And it slows down 0 16 m. p. h,, it fur (he sald Manlelpalties respectively, and Clerks respectively of the set | short time, but If a hill is encoun. | 4°elops a jerky motion and { have Revising Officers will be as follows, namely; tered it begins to buck as if it were have been eround me pile raives t getting enough gas, t is For the Township of Kaladar, Anglesea and Effingham, Judge Mad- he Wha system: gone over. Would weak den, Revising Officer, Napanee: Moses Lessard, Clerk, Fifntay. Et Wethag you are right | ary Dring cause his trouble? For the Township of Barrie, Judge Madden, Revising Officer, Napanee; about its not getting enough gas.| Answer: It may be that one or Stanley » Clerk, Cloyne. The instant that the engine stops ore cylinders of Tagine ate For the Township of Kennebec, Judge Madden, Revising Officer, Napanee; in this way, next time, try the car. | "®8k. on acount of ¢ arge leak- J. A. Marshall, Clerk, Arden. buretor float depressor or open the | unnoticed at mish sponge oTetimes For the Township of Camden, U. M. Wilson, Revising Officer, Napanee: drain-cock In the carburetor bowl | up prominently at low speeds under DOMINION { IRES T. E. McGill, Clerk, Centreville. and if you find the float is down inf load. We suggest that you try the & the bowl or if gasoline falls to run| com ression of each cyl - SOLD BY + For the Village of Newburgh, U. M. Wilson, Revising Officer, Napanee; Pp e cylinder sep ' Charles Welbarks, Clerk, Newburgh, gut freely for some time, you can arately with the hand-crank and it } be sure that the carburetor does You find one or more in which com. 9 GE LIM TE For the Township of Olden, W. Pp. Deroche, 'Revising Officer, Napanee; not keep filled. This may be be- pression is weak or nearly ack BO Y D S I D W. P. Bender, Clerk, Long Lake. Snuse the Sasburetor strainer Heels this will explain the jerky action 129 BROCK STREET : TELEPHONE 201w. Vi = ; cleaning or a € vacuum tan Although the valves tay b 1 : For the Township ot Oso, W. P. Deroche, Revising Officer, Napar ee; H. G. is not working right, for some. of £004 condition, leakagy Sa \ -- » Clerk, Sharbot Lake. the following reasons or others: Pistons will account for faulty ; RR : RRR R inchinbrooke, W. P. Deroche, Revisin Officer, Na- The strainer in the gasoline draft compression. Should -- i] Sx For Sate Balbo Risctiubronke, W. 2 pipe is obstructed. There are cylinders Practioatt ag ral T d | AUTO TOPS. Pp » BA id . . leaks in' the suction or draft pipe | buretor adjustment may explain uto ops an We Can Make | Jor the Township of Sheffield, G. S. Reid, Revising Officer, Napanee: John or their unions, The draft pipe is your trouble and you had bute. N d R . E. Parks, Clerk, Tamworth. Shogged. The main tank air vent 1s | have the sect sns gone over. We Seats Recovered Your gasoline engine as pow- ||| ew and Repaired For the Township of Denbigh, Abinger and Ashby, C. W. Vandervoort, obstructed, ae um Sani ay hardly think that weak valve erful as when new. Arrange il Cushions visin or, Napanee; Paul Stein, Clerk, Denbigh. rot aairce. Its flapper valve | springs are present, as their effact * ith us to have the cylinder [|i Revising Offic: pa . & | does not seat tightly. Unless you | woul§ be noticeable at high speed Side Curtains, A and fitted with over- SIDE CURTAINS. For the Township of Clarendon and Miller, C. W. Vandervoort, Revising can draw about a pint of gasoline | and lower throttle openings. Are ! . { i Call and il 'Also Officer, Napanee; J. F. Card, Clerk, Plevna. out of the vacuum tank drain, right You sure that all your spark-plugs All Kinds of Bevelled size piston and r i Oa f pm I "o For the Township of Palmerston, North and South Cananto, C. W. Vander- after the engine has stopped (as are Sound as regards their core in- see our Heald regrinder. {| FURNITURE U LSTERIN . ¢ voort, Revising Officer, Napanee; T. G. Burke, Clerk, Ompah, above), it does not keep filled. sulation? : Glass Lights Automotive i I G. P AUL * The sittings in each Municipality will commence at the hour above stated Bouncing Tires » - : I 414 Will continue until the appeals have been disposed of. Inflation Should Be Adjusted To The Load Being Carried R. SIN CLAIR GrindersLimited |[lf 392 Princess Street S ! 'Phone 1640F. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any voter who desires to complain DID YOU HVER GO ON A TRIP alone, in a five passenger car, with B90 BARRIS STREET 220 Wellington Street i i that his or her name or the name of any person entitled to bu entered its tires fully pumped to thelr recommended pressure? If you have, you 2? . pea on seid lists has been omitted from the same, or that the naines of any ' , rattled and how poorly it held persons who are not entitled to be voters have been entered thereon, the road. These tires were overinflated for the load they had to carry ee A may on or before the THIRD DAY (exclusive of Sunday) before the and, failing to absorb slight road irregularities, as a preumatic tire P - Ios date fixed-for the sittings as above set out, apply, complain, or appeal to should, bounded off them. The average conscientious motorist, if he rompt, Courteous Serv ---- | have his or her name or the Dame of any other person entered on has driven for some years, retains in his mind the old time high infla- FE or removed from the said list. \ tion pressure figures, which it was essential to live up fo if any sort of 299-305 Queen Phone 526 é : btained from the tires of former days and still pua- . i t a must be in writing in the pre- milage was to be o ot r : i 'And further take notice hat Such Sypesls ai anc ag IE the pre- iahée himaelt by adhering to them a or nllation lise SELECT AUTOMOBILE PAINTING Surface Satinbicaoi - Rutter -- Clerk of the Revising Officer for the proper municipality, or left for Ways been vised ardep 1 hocure ue sea Tass oN bX for outside and inside address as given above. resultant operative economy, pra & one grade--THE BEST. such Clerk at his comfort. Not many years ago tires cost practically twice what they ott J. H. MADDEN, do now, and the incentive for getting maximum mileage from them was a ern Reduced price $1. quart. : m reli Sold by: v Chairman of the. Election Board for correspondingly greater. Moreover the tires of that day were by no eved TRICOIL Il W. G. VEALE County of Addington. means as durable as present 'day ones. Ordinary tires, now being mar- are pro 814 BARRIE STREET n 9 keted, are both cheaper and better than those of few years ago, and it D8 THOMAS' ECLEC Dated at Napanee, this 15th day of September, 1924. has become feasible to obtain greater riding comfort, without undue expense, by running them somewhat softer than would formerly have been considered justifiable," Dasier riding qualities are constantly being demanded, and those obtainabl by the use of balloon tires creating a mew standard. Thig is as far as possible Women May Avoid Headaches br Sho regular of "Kkovah"--a glass of "Kkovah" acts as a tomes up the whole system. ou SF wp 9 , Generally speaking, a tire can hardly be considered ry rinflated unless, when runging under load, ft shows A A pronounced flattening at its point of road contact. show that locked gears are causing the trouble. Ri cn] HIGH GEAR TROUBLE L. B. B. writes: My 1917 car runs fine in low and second SEE US FOR fl i: Bowed "dowels, TUBRITE in high. EDISON 'MAZDA LAMPS [| (€ J mission. "What cancer Th The price of the best tube is little higher than The direct drive clutch : of this car is of the aot type and, that of the poorest. . . IH : filter io Jany years of évice. it . All Sizes Carried in Stock ll brs "iemeng mma 2 But the cost of the poor tube may be many BURKE ELECTRIC cO. fll -& art (hs Sermo S48 Ten hralied Sowa: Si ote times that of the best. Distributors. ! Hi pried or Tn he ove Rea robably = 1 the ti : hi the handerank? Is A F tube, causing under- or to constantly use the tire gauge 78 Princess Street 1 EE] teria age lost motion s . to, : A ll thy au ng costly and air-line, ing L 2 asing. + transmi a casing, Goodyear Tubes are laminated-- : ber of built layer on layer of tissue- --_ . le fiywheel gear. back y ease a you Sie is likely tht these have worn Poor tubes leak air all the time, im- thin be. easily inspected and . oe ~ mat some end play exists, which ] perceptibly. Being usually made kept absolutely free of any flaw. : y.! nd the clutch members. If of one thickness of rubber, they e sake of casings, A RESTAURANT THAT eel pk na Ca Se pe? SO You hive tiny flaws which it Is impos Goodyens Tabes. poe ng ae WILL 'PLEASE YOU ¢ the above theory is well founded. : sible to prevent or detect in the comfort and convenience use Good- . 3 . They cause you to = year Tubes, For long, satisfactory Drop in and have your meals with us, ccessful, th : ~ edly ran your tires under- tube Goodyear Tubes. We have everything you could desire at reasonable prices. removed > : A Diana afte Roars ars frced : Ye Goodyear means Good Wear : % - failure, but Open from 7.80 a.m. to 2 a.m. inspection that the pinion 203 PRINCESS STREET . ; eT me enon a -- G : D lh Saksssasnsms anonnnd Questions Interest to the motorist will be amsweres dy _ ' : ~~ x Mr. this c Spacq Permitting. If an immediate answer is , Stave and Chestnut ... . .. $16.00 per ton || - es ra N CANADA SP Bad Coy rt +21 $16.00 per ton tm iJ a. Seen + Sn en pe cat...............$ 9.00 per ton PRT Gttawer "mber. from here attended . | car Semi-Anthracite Smokeless, suitable for NI TAIARRNE | || The school fair was peid on Satar|| ; Range or Furnace, $12.00 per ton, delivered ffi| PUTNAM'S ": ny Steyr and. Promise to te GOODYEAR TIRES | SOWARDS COAL (0. Phone 155 | Gpu XTRA! S| SSETEESE) VANLUVEN BROS. DWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE x13, tng friends fa Fallbrook: | Chatle

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