THE DAILY BRITI®Hd WHIG WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 17, 1024. a -- Ai WIA HE ages WL 2~Out pf sight owt of harm's way--~i8 the Parker se- Button er. Blok Tight be- 'cavide of the extra sleédein- side the Duo- Sleeve Cap. Mede in Pris a in the Along Life's Whole Career Its Jewsl-Smooth 25 - Year Point Gives Yous Hand the Speed new situations unerring Parker worth its weight in gold! When this hand-size, rapid, - beats the toot Slane. - pass a or complete the work in hand, Its Oversize Barrel holde that extra ratios of ink that will tide you over a Better r this ins, h poi -tipped lacquer red barre! makes it hard to mistay. An, pen counter will sell you super-pen. 'The Parker Fountain Pen Co., Limited Toronto, Ontario | Mahood Bros. 118 PRINCESS STREET THE ONLY AMBASSADOR. Here is the only full-fledged ambassador in China. He is Lev Mikhailovitch Karakhan, newly appointed Russian envoy. Here he is on the steps of the president's palace in Peking, after he had presented his credentials. Other countries have only ministers in China. : DROVE 'WOLF FROM SHEEP. INJURY TO HAND, But This Happened as Long Ago as | David Carswell Hurt In Cranking a Year 1841, Car, Herlem, Sept. 13.--Apropos inci- Matawatchan, Sept. 10.--Farmers dents of early times the writer asked | in this vicinity are gomewhat handi- W. B. Phelps, Philipsville, if he re- capped with harvesting, on aecount membered the story his mother told | of the numerous rains, David Cars- long years ago of his alarm when yet well had the misfortune to injure his in his high chair. He was watching | hand while cranking a car. W. his father's shebp through the open Smith, Black Donald, is spending a door when a wolf attacked the flock, | few days at his home here. Miss A. chasing them towards the barh via a | M. Fraser, Ardoch, has been engaged lane which ran by the door. The lit- | as teacher In the village public tle lad, only three years old, cried school, and Miss K. Odber, Arnprior, "the woof, the woof after the nans." | in the R.C. separate school, Camel W. B.'s mother caught the broom, a | Chute. lady cousin, who was visiting, a long- Congratuldtions are abroad for handled frying pan and a Mrs. Mary Shannon, and Harry Leclalre, Davidson,| seized a handy club from who were recently wed in Renfrew. the wood pile and met the wolf after Mr, and Mrs. John Hunter and Miss the frightened sheep had passed the | A. Fraser motored to Griffith, Sun- door. The wo, doubtless thinking | day, and visited at G.,Godin's. All| discretion the better part of valour, are looking forward to. the annual slugk away to his lair. Aunt Dolly harvest dinner to be held here, Fri- was in her girlhood days. - Dorothy day, of this week. Phelps had come to what {is now John Flake, Plevna, is in this Philipsvile from New Hampshire vicinity buying cattle and lambs with the United Empire Loyalists. | for Toronto market. William War- W. B. does not remember what was lich, who spent. the past week at sald but he distinctly remembers Plevna, has returned to, resume his seeing the wolf and says that it was | duties as blacksmith Miss Myrtle in 1841. Hutson is attending continuation ---- school at Denbigh. CHEESE FACTORY BURNED. The One at Harlowe Was Recently Destroyed, Northbrook, Sept. 15.--Farm- ers are hard pressed between show- ers to save their wild hay and many marshes are well covered with water. Russell Sedore Is home trom Chicago for a few days. Ernest Vanness has a fine pair of live red foxes for swe. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lloyd have returned from Munro, Mich., where they visited relatives. Many are planning on attending Kingston ex- hibition. during the week. Mr. and Mre. H. Saul attended the sale of houséhold goods of Mr. Lindsay at Napanee, Saturday. y Miss B. Cronkite, Portamouth is ably caring for our « 1, Mrs. Willlam Kehoe is spénding a few weeks with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Schanaur, Ardoch, Mr, and Mrs. C. C. Thompson and Mr. and 1 Your Name In Gold Letters put on all Parker Duo- fold Pens--Free of charge Mrs. H. Lloyd were among those who |: spent Sunday at Ivanhoe camp meet- ing. Herbert Sedore and threshing crew are working our vicinity, Mrs. Lawrence Woodcock, Mountain Grove, is visiting Mrs. Asa Harten. We are sorry to know Harlowe lost their fine new cheese factory by fire, MAJOR W. J. BAXTER, M.C. n. Tinited Atvortinmy Sod, Ferkds- Mre. Harry Richards, Clayton, | succecds wor late TMS Sonar. + Ont., died suddenly at Almonte, on Toronto office of the Thursday. She had been {ll for about two months. Deceased was fifty-one years of age and married Bell Rock, Sept. 15.--The school twenty-six years. A husband and| pag again opened with Mrs. Barl|" two children survive. 'Martin in charge. Owing fo so much Mrs. Charles Hubbs and grand- | rain a lot of the farmers still have daughter, Miss Mary Vanderberg, Some grain in the fields, Mr. and who spent the summer with rela~| nrg. C. Grant, Verona, spent a tives In Picgon and country have re- couple of days at Sidney Grant's. A turned to Indian Head, Sask. number from here attended -the Rev. James Rattray, Mattawa, school fair at Harrowsmith on Mon- modetator of the North Bay presby- | day. George Sanborn and John Car- tery, has resigned. He will retire roll, Syracusk, N.Y., called on friends sfter thirty-five years in the minis | here last week. Several from here try, After Oot. 1st he will reside attended the Friends quarterly meet- in Perth. ing at Moscow last Sunday. Mrs. Rov. Dr. Shorey, Picton, is slow- | James Meeks spent Saturday in ly improving in strength and his Kingston. Mrs. Zara Reynolds has friends are hoping for his return returned home from visiting friends < in Michigan and Niagara Fails, i W. Burleigh and family, King: ston, called at Al. Smith's on Sun- day last. Mr. and Mrs. M. Reed and Miss Lottie Reed, Harrowsmith, at Roy Moit's. A few from here took in the fair at Parham on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark spent Sun- | day afternoon with Mrs. D. Ball. Mr. 'fand Mrs E. Percy have gone ta Kingston, Mr. Percy having secured work there. Mrs. Ross Paul and tw) children and Mr. and Mrs . Finley Bell and children, Tam ; = evening recently at Mrs. J." Tim-~ mins'. Mr. and Mrs. F. Amey, Sétby, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Bauder, Desert Lake, at D. L. Amey's. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cassidy, Enterprise, at Thomas Perrauit's. . ------------------------ Clara J. Thibault Griffith, wite of David J. Griffith, qied Sept. 6th at 'her home in Utiea, N.Y. after an illness of one year. She was bora 'fin Clayton, Sept. 3rd, 1875, a o the late Anthony T. and Susan Heeslip Thibault, . J.D: Kenney, who last term taught In the new Willowbank school, is now teaching at Shanty Bay, Ont. 5 ~ 0 0.00 0 0000 00000000000000000000000000600 0 ? ---- TM ©000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Oo 'The CLUB The Biggest skpAN Closed Car Value Today We sincerely believe that no- where else can you get-such a genuine and generous value in a closed car, as the Hupmobile Club Seda affords you. The Club Sedan Doors frofit and rear, standard sedan width, permit en- trance and exit with- out interfering with other passengers. Generousseating space and leg room. eats five passengers incomplete comfort. Trunk at rear unus- ually large. A great value at its price We mean, of course, real Features of value, measured in terms of low cost, reliable service and brilliant performance, as well as in the dignity, comfort and convenience of thie body. : The Club Sedan possesses every practical advantage a closed car should have. It JOHN MORRIS, Whitney Hotel Market Square seats five passengers in uncramped comfort. Its wide doors allow easy, inde. pendent entrance to the rear and to the front seats. Perhaps you never expected to see a closed Hupmobile, noted for its fine, substan- tial, long-lived mechanism, priced so low. The value of this car is so great that it is making Hupmobile owners of many who find they have no reason to content them- selves with lesser motor cars. upmobile J Because No 0 + Friday last the employses of Mrs H. F. linnes' mill, Carleton | leading a bh , Presented a white bedspread | in ihe Miss Ivey Reynolds on her leay- ag there to get darried to Richard fon Stansil. The wedding is to Sept; 24th, = Master Teddy Rees, sou of Mr. aad Robert GUM-DIPPED BALLOONS Perform as "= No OtherTire Can- ther Tire is GumDipped . 'Balloon Gum-Dipped Cords remarkal high millage per tire in 5,300,000 miley of cer cably tests. For comfortable motoring, for greater safety in . fell and winte: i now with Firestone full- size Balloon and Steam-Welded ip is based on proven merit. per Dollar five years, diced at her parents' home, fn Alice township on Sept. 6th, after ninetesn months illness. She was school nurse at Pembroke for sev. eral years, : T. L. Traynor hag been appointed collector of taxes ih Carleton Placy at a salary of $300. : wa