pS EV ransfer Co. and STORAGE OF JARS 30c. & 00c.~TUBES 50s.--AS all Drug Stores Phone 316 Godkin's Livery For Bus and Taxi Service Buggies and Saddle Horses BUS FOB CATARAQUI CEMETERY Daily except Monday and Saturday at 1.45 p.m. Cuticura Talcum 2 KINGSTON a> DISTRICT A Great Bargain In Boys' Bloomers. Get your boy a pair of these good, strong bloomers for $1.39 a palr, sizes 26 to 34; just the thing for school. The Lion Clothing Co. Financial District Meeting. The financial meeting of Kingston Methodist district will be held in Queen street church, on Wednesday, Sept. 10th, at 3 pm. A missionary banguet will be held in the evening in Sydenham street church, followed by an open session in the church au- ditorfom, Rev. D, P. Casey Recovering. Rev. D. P. Casey, P.8.M., Thurles, Ireland, who was operated upon in the Hotel Dieu, Is getting along splendidly. He is the brother of Rev. Dr. Casey, editor of the Cana- dian Freeman of Kingston. The Schools Open Thesday. The public schools and the Col- legiate Institute will open on Tues- day next. It is expected that the Collegiate Institute will have a larger attendance then ever. The schools are fully equipped with teachers, three or four new ones in the Col- legiate Institute and as many more in the public schools. Should Stand Together. The citizens of any prosperous town are always public spirited and united. Stand together, work for the interests of the whole town. Al ways stand ready to do your| part. Don't grumble and spend your time in prophesying failures, but help to make every enterprise a success, be it great or small 7 'Travelling Is Abnormal. This has been a great season for holidays. 'The travel is huge by rail, steamer and auto. The number of residents of the United States wisit- Things Old And New By ELEANOR GUNN Something Old and Something Blue, By Eleanor Gunn. Something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. The old adage is as good today as ever and the ething blue, more important. than ever and easier of accomplishment. Something = old means of course the antique fabrics and something blue is of course pow- der blue, fashion's choice of spring colors. The August bride will not | have to resort to a blue garter for § her talisman. Her smart blue topcoat' | will be an omen of blue skies and its cloth will be no less azure. Ma- donna blue, some call the lovely shade which is so much in evidénce for topcoats worn at Southern re- sorts this winter. Powder blue is another interpretation, Parrish blue a name graphically descriptive to those who know the biue of a Par- rish picture, . ing Canada is very large. Every day cars are seen from all parts of that country. Missouri turned in one a few days ago. Every province in the dominion hag been mppresented on Ontario's fine highways. ---------- Engagements Announced. The engagement is announced of Miss Annie Genevieve MacFhee, eld- est daughter of Mr, James MacPhee, Alexandria, to Mr. Hugh MacMillan, of Seattle, Wash., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hugh 0. MacMilan, of Alexandria. The marriage will take place early in September. Mr and Mrs. Horace Wilson, Arn- prior, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ethel, to Dr, D. L. MacKerracher, Arnprior, the wed- ding is to take place early in Sep- tember. Repairs to Street, McKay street, Pembroke, will at last be paved from the Canadian Pacific Railway corner to Bell street, the work to be of a permanent cha- racter and to cost $74,000, This work will be begun this fall, that is, stones will be got out, and next year the work will be dome. As McKay street .is a connecting Mak in thé county good roads system, it is likely that the county council wili remem- ber this fact by way of & substantial grant towards the work. Pembroke Sold. By the purchase at Ottawa of the stock, building, assets and liabilities of the estate of Delaheys Ltd., by Harry Cleaver, Toronto, it is likely the name of this firm, which has been one of the business landmarks of Pembroke for over two score years will pass out of existence, Sev- eral interested parties were present at the meeting of the creditors of the estate at Ottawa prepared to make an offer for the stock and building and Mr. Cleaver"s offer was accepted. By the terms of the offer Mr. Clea- and baby, Adolphustown, spent Sun- day at John Thompson's. The dance held In the Masonic Hall on Friday evening, in aid of St. John's church, was a decided success, in spite of the inclement weather, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, Buffalo, N. Y. are visiting at Robert Calver's and William McGuin's. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoselton, Rochsster, N. Y., are visiting at Mrs. Lavinia Ho- selton's, Mrs. Philip Abbate and family, Mre. Charles Bell and family, Buf- falo, N.Y., and Miss Hozeltog, Brown- ville, N.Y., have returned to their homes after spending some time with their mother, Mrs, Lavinia Hosel- ton. Harold Bharpe left on Satur- day for W Canada. \ Recent gu at Mrs. Agnes 's included Miss Grace Surch and friend, Fournier, Ont.; Mrs. Ten- pant, Belleville; Mr. Schuster and family, Belleville, and Judge Mad- den and wife, Napanee, Mrs. Prin- gle, Stella, was a recent visitor at William Brown's, John Babcock and family, wil ton, spent Sunday at Edward Wemp's. . Miss Olive Smith, To- ronto, is visiting at Harry Mott's. Ver takes over the splendid store building, together with all the assets and Habilities, and the transaction will involve a sum of between $48, 000 and $50,000. sp ----------. Additional Donations. Frank Terwilliger has donated an interesting lot of relies for the plo- neer house on the Prince Bdweard county fait grounds. Among them a flail, ox-yoke, hetchal, muzzle-load- ing shot gun, powder horn, shot pouch, steel brand for branding cat- tle, cast iron bake pot and lid, sau- sage stuffer, candle lanterns, bed wrench and many other articles. The articles, coming from Eden, Manito- ba, were donated by Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Scott of that place. Only Women Present. Renfrew Model school has reopen- od with an attendance of twenty-one teachers in training, the majority of whom came from Renfrew county homes. Last year the number was much larger, with some coming from points farther away. Last year a few young men were enrolled; this year the fair sex only is represented. W. T. Baker, who has been principal of the school for gome years, is again in charge. He spent most of the summer vacation as a teacher in Ma- doc summer school. Passed At Mallorytown. The following Middle school can- didates of the Mallorytown Consoli- dated school passed the examina- tions set opposite their names: Lawrence Guild--Algedbra, physics, Jean Hodge--Eng. liter, Eng..comp., algebra, French auth., French comp. Mildred MacDonald--Eng. liter. British history, algebra, physics, French auth., Frénch comp, Charlie H. Mallory--Eng. liter, Eng. comp., Brit. hist, Algebra, French euth., physics. Leola Waugh--Eng. comp., alge- bra, French auth. Oso Station News, Oso Station, Aug. 26.~--The farm- ers are busy harvesting. Maxem Summers has gone west. William Warren spent Sunday at Crow Lake. Joseph Warren, also Mrs. Edward Warred, and sons spent Tuesday last in Perth, Mrs. Willlam Tag- gart and family spent Tuesday last with Mrs. Joseph Warren, also Mrs. Willlam Kimberly, Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Bourk, also Mr. aud Mrs: Joseph Warren and son, James, and Mr. and Mrs, John Bourk spent Sun- day at Joseph Bourk's, Sharbot Lake, Miss Dora Carr spent Sun- day at William 'Conboy"s. Mrs. Carr and Philip Carr spent Sunday at John McOharies'. Miss Bthel Townsend spent a couple of days 'with Mrs. Joseph Warren. Many people ire glad to see Wiltred 'Bourk on the mend. His Miss Ellen Bourk, Perth, and Mrs. W. Dixon, Toronto, are staying with him. Mrs, Edward Warren, John Warren, Charlie Bedard and Mrs. Webster, spent Sunday st William Kimber: ly's, Sharbot Lake. Mis, William Macpherson and family, also Mrs. John D. Bourk, spent Monday after.' noon with Mrs. Joséph Warren. eo i Don't just sak for Melasen's. Sey No picnic complete without them YOUR GROCER CAN SUPPLY YOU McLaren's McLaren's lavindile Jaily Powders, Quick Pusdings and Flavering Butrocts Mavinsibie! Ales wk for ---- Nowisa saves worry ; We can furnish the very best Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes. : _ 'S." ANGLIN CO. LIMITED time to fill the Coal Bin-- ter on. SALE OF BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS *4, *6, *7.50, *9 Boys' Bloomers $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.76 PREVOST'S | Phone 508J. Gents' Furnishings and Clothing. 55 Brock St YOU BUY WHEN! The exceptional tone quality in the Weber Piano wisn to the no AT C.W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms, ascethetic taste, HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCED. \ Princess Street $1.00 up. The: Sawyer: Shoe: Store Phone 159. Feet and Pocket Both Profit IN BUYING OUR SHOES Every kind of Shoe is here--sport, every-day, evening, low or high heels. Many lines of White Shoes from a 184 Princess St. for HUDSON SEAL COATS wollen see-- Ed ag GOURDIER'S