British Columbia Fir Doors are becom- ing v some , Stiles and th carry a 1 Prompt delivery. | ALLAN LUMB grown in the tropic sunshine of far-away, lands -- Coca-Cola!~--of popular. The two-panel is a hand- r, made with Edge Grain Solid ree ply Rotary Cut Panels. We assortment of stock sizes for ER CO. "Phone 1042. Delicious and Refreshing The Coca-Cola Company of Canada, Ltd. Head Office: Toronto MAKE YOUR WORK EASY ; Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort--Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc. ELE CORNER KING AND PRINCESS sT8, PHONRW. y i | weeesioes$ 9.00 per ton Egg, Stove and Nut c+vvnes.$16.00 per ton C CO. All coal carried 50c. per ton extra. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PICTON IS EXCITED Over the Drawing for a Ford Coupe Up There Saturday Night. Much excitement will be manifest in Picton on Saturday evening next when the drawing for the Ford coupe and other prizes will take place in front of the Armouries at ten o'- clock. This valuable prize is being given away by the Picton Customers' Club. Many Picton friends are intorest- ed in the marriage which took place recently at Edmonton of Miss E. Jose- phine Redmond, B.A., to Lieut. R. j | Howard Elliott, M.C., B.8.A., of Cam- rose, Alberta. Miss Redmond is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Redmond, of Picton, and a sister of Mrs. W. R. Monroe, county Secretary of Women's Institutes. A host of friends join in congratula- tions to the happy couple. Ray Walters of Detroit, holidayed with friends fn Picton last week. Miss Barber was the soloist at the Methodist church on Sunday evening last, rendering "Face to Face," in a very pleasing manner. Lester Doxsee has bought a steam threshing outfit of Harold Rolston. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tilly, Elizabeth street, are Mr. and Mrs. George Henneberry and Mr. and Mrs. Mingo, Boston. Monte Shannon was host to a dancing party at the Sand Banks on Tuesday evening, when a very Jolly time was spent. Miss Ruth Jones was pianist for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. C, F. Vanhorn, of Toronto, are spending a few days with Mrs. W. J. McCornock. A. E. Calnan was in Belleville on Monday where he delivered an ad- dress on his recent tour with mem- bers of the Canadian Weekly News- paper Association through Belgium, France and Great Britain, He spoke before the Rotarians at their regu- lar luncheon. Mrs. Edna Raynor has returned to her home in Ottawa after a short visit with Mr, and Mrs. E. P. Cox at their home, West Main street. Miss Margaret Harper, of Toronto, is spending holidays with her cousin, Miss Helen Tully, Mary street. Miss Muriel Brown left for her home in Oshawa on Wednesday after visiting friends in Picton and vicin- ity. Mr. and Mrs. Verro Welbanks, of Syracuse, N. Y\, are on a motor trip through Prince Edward county and renewing old acquaintances. ---------- NEW CHIEF JusTicE NAMED IN ALBERTA R. Boyle Receives Judgeship. 5 No---- Ottawa, Aug. 29.--Appointments to the supreme court of Alberta con- sequent on the death of Chief Jus- tice D. L. Scott were announced here Wednesday. Hon. Horace Harvey, chief justice of the trial division of the supreme court, becomes chief justice of Alberta and president of the appellate division of the supreme court, ' Hon, William Chetles Simmons, Judge of the trial division, ed to the chief ¢ vision and becomes ex-offici of the appellate division of the su- Preme court, ' "The vacancy on the trial division is filled by the appointment of Hon. John R. Boyle, K.C., Edmonton, who Succeeded Hon, Charles Stewart, now minister of the interior in the federal government, as leader of the oppo- sition in the Alberta legislature. Mr. Boyle is appointed a Judge of the trial division and ex-officio a judge of the appellate division of the supreme court, N.Y, Aug. 20.--The steamer Yennek of the Gananoque- Clayton ferry line broke down on the noon. trip 'from Gananoque to Clay- ferry aleo had four automo-| Psu On board, and ss many of the were motoring home they all afternoon awaiting al of the boat with their Late in the a 00D 8 severe came wp, and the boat wag around in the waves but Fei TOURISTS POURING IN. The Fishing About Tichborne sun Tichborne, Aug. 26.--The show- ers are keeping harvest backward as it is hard to get grain dry. Two more new cottages are being erect- ed on the shore of Bob's Lake. A few from here attended the dance at Parham on Thursday night. 8. §. No. 9 Bedford is improving the school grounds with a new fence. W. A. Steele had the misfortune of falling and hurting his back. | Friends hope for a speedy recovery. Practising is the order of the day for the annual bazaar and concert which is to be held on Wednesday, Aug. 27th on L. "A. Cammeron's lawn. : The tourists are still flocking to the lakes and report good fishing. SE We are glad to know that Master | Ji James Steele has fully recovered from his severe illness. Visitors: Mr, and Mrs. Everton Dermott and |} family at J. Kennedy's; Hector Campbell at Joseph Steele's; Lolo Dermott and Lily Kent were recent |} guests of Miss Jean Cammeron. Mrs. David Henderson, York, at John Kennedy's; Steele and family at Mrs. Alfred John Steele's Sr. Miss Ethel Steele, Miss {i Lena and Edith Bovee at W. A Steele's. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mec- | |i Ewen at T. Burk's, Oso. -------- PASSED EXAMINATIONS. Congratulations Offered To All Couple of Young Men. Junetown, Aug. 25.--Mrs. wil | |i New | | In Navy, BI from 34 to 44. liam Purvis and mother, Mrs, Mec- [i Crimmon, were in Wednesday and Thursday last. Mrs. Z. Beaubiah and children, Holland, were Monday visitors at G. P. Scott's. Mrs. William Hall spent last week with friends in Water- town, N.Y. son is slightly improved in health. Brockville | J Mrs. Barnet Fergu- | PLEATED SKIRTS ack, Cocoa, Sand and Pearl . Grey--Knife and Box Pleated combined. Sizes Perfect fitting and well ® + Cesena oe WITH CAMISOLE TOP Sessennnns SWEATERS WITH LONG SLEEVES Pure Wool Sweater with fancy Silk trim- ming. Sand, Navy and Grey only. Specially 3 95 PRICO Ab v's oveaenss sunavn oabessosits ® Cedric Scott left last Tuesday for |} Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glenn, Ivy Lea, were week-end | guests at G. P. Scott's. Congratulations are due Messrs. Taylor Franklin and Wil- fam Purvis on their success in the recent departmental examina- tions. Jamee Breakenbridge, Rock- field, spent Sunday with friends here. Messrs. George Henderson and Harold Winton left Thursday on the harvesters' excursion for the wast. Miss Beatrice Avery is this week a guest of Miss Dowdell, Lyn rect- ory. Taylor Franklin, Smith's Falls, spent Sunday with his parents here. Miss Laforty, Lyn, is nurse for Mrs. Claud Purvis and baby son. EX-MAYOR OF YOUNGSTOWN, O. Passed Away at Chaffey's Locks, While on a Vacation. Chaffey's Locks, August 26.--Ran- dall Montgomery, one of Youngs- town's, Ohio, foremost citizens, died bere on August 14th. He came here a few weeks ago with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Orr, the former his nephew. His body was taken to Youngstown where the funeral was to be held on Satur- day. Mr. Montgomery is survived by his sister, Mrs. John 8. Orr, Youngs- town, Mr. Montgomery was an ideal friend, genial companion and beloved by all. : Mrs. T. J. McGary has returned home after spending a few days with her relatives. Mrs. W. D. Heslin, To- ronto, is visiting her parents. Dr. Berliner and family, New York, are enjoying the summer in their new cottage here, The fishing has been better here this year than ever, and more tour- ists and campers have enjoyed the good fishing. E. Acton and family have returned after spending a month in thelr cottage here. H. Howell and family, Ottawa, are at J. W. Sim- mon's. The Hotel Opinicon is well filled with tourists, ------------ Moscow Personals. Moscow, Aug. 26.-- The Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Gonu the first Thursday in September. Mr. and Mrs. F. Diamond: have been Spending a few days with relatives here. Miss Close and Mrs. Doupe Jats been visiting Mr. 'Close. = Mrs. er Van Luven, is visit- ing friends here. a As- selstine spent Sunday at home, ac- ropanied by Mr. and Mrs. Tread- T. and Mrs. OC. Amey and Helen spent a day : red to hér home af. ter visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. Allen. Ee ------ Canadian Pacific. City ticket office, 180° Wellington street, report the following arrivals of their steamships: : HIGH SCHOOL P) CIPAL Has Arrived at Tamworth to Begin Work There. Tamworth, Aug. 27.--Rev. Mr. Foster, Madoc, preached in the Methodist church on Sunday night last. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chant, Ottawa, were in town visiting friends on Friday last, after an absence of thirty years. "All stores will be closed on Monday next. Dr. Moore, with Mrs. Moore and children and Miss Hattie Moore, Syracuse, N.Y,, with Mrs. George Hinch and Miss' Young, Camden East, called on Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Floyd on Saturday last. Rev. Mr. Clark returned home last Saturday after having had a very pleasant time on his vacation. Mr, Creick, late of Gore Bay, has moved to Tam- worth, as principal of the high school. Tamworth defeated Wolfe Island 15-14 at baseball to-day. Howard Armstrong and Mrs. Arm- strong and Mr. 'and Mrs. Sagar passed through from a pleasant trip holidaying 'at Long Lake. Miss An. nie Paul, Oshawa, is visiting her brother, Ross Paul. Mr. Fry and son, New Jersey, and Mr. Hodson, Buffalo, rturned 'home Wednesday of this week, after avery pleasant holiday on the back lakes. They stopped with C. A. Nails. Mr. and Mrs, Fletcher visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Floyd Wednesday. The Wolfe Island visitors in town for the baseball game went home feeling sad. 3 ---------------- CANADIAN PACIFIC EXHIBIT. At Can, Nat. Et. Contains Many Original Fi A full sized moder of a huge Canadian Pacific engine 'apparently coming through' the 'wall of the building 'with whistle blowing, bell ringing and a sound of movement made by compressed alr together with & hunting scene with a painted background of 16 by 60 feet so realistic as to make the visitor to the Canadian Pacific display in the Railway Building at the Canadian National Exhibition, immediately consider a trip into Northern On- tario, are a few of the features that greet one on entering the building. Characterized as always by artis- tic skill and educational vaiue, the Canadian Pacific display this year Promises to elicit more than ord). -nary val, SILK HOSIERY First Quality Fibre silk S50c Fibre Silk with Reinforced Toe and Heels. Shades: . Navy, Peach, Sand and Grey. Specially priced for Saturday. SILK LISLE ; , With Silk Clocks 69c Fine quality Silk Lisle with Silk Embroidered Clocks, in Sand, Grey, White and Black. Cone trasting Clocks. Specially priced Saturday EE 69c, Many Visitors at the Lakeside Death of W, Pappa. Sharbot' Lake, Aug. 27.--Arlie Marks' play was quite a success, over $90 being realized. Mr. and Mrs. J. Collins, Cobden at W. Davis'; Mrs. Stratton and little daughter at L. Kelll's; Mrs. Dr. Josephs also Mrs. A. Garrett, Pembroke and daughters at J. Gracie's; 'Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Leggett and children, also Mr. and Mrs, Watt, Woodstock, are camping here and are also vis- iting their old friends. Mr. and Mre. J. Warren and son also Mr. and Mrs. J. Bourk, Oso, spent Sunday at J. Bourk's; Miss Iva Duntan, McDonald's Corners, also Mrs. Jack Green, Bolingbrook at Mrs. B. C. Walroth's; Miss Thomson, Kingston, N.Y, at H. Thomson's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Avery of Perth visited over Sunday at M. Avery's. Mrs. Brownscombe and son, Ottawa, at M. R. Reid's. Mrs. J. H. Fair has gone to Toronto to visit friends. Mrs. R. Robinson and children, Toronto, also Mr. and Mrs. R. Butler, Ottawa, at Mrs. John Allen's. Miss Norman, Gravel Hill, spent the week-end at Mrs. A. Buell's. Mrs, W. Mallett is in Smith's Falls. Miss Phyllis and Madaline Carey, Smith's Falls, are spending a few days here with friends. Miss Bessie Erwin continues to improve. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin motored to Perth Mon- day. Bert Buell, Ottawa, at A. Buell's. Miss Hurdman, New York, at Blake Buell's. W. Pappa, Espanalo, passed peacefully away after only a few days' illness at His home here. A short service was held in his home conducted by Rev. Mr. Coleman, Parham. Sympathy is extended to his family. The remrctny were * laid to rest id Oconto cemetery, Rev. Mr. Eagleson was called to attend the funeral of his nephew. Myps. R. Gray | and daughters left for Norwood on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott spent the week-end at Point Ann. Mr. and Mrs. R. Culbert have left - | for their home at the Soo. Summer .{ bas visited a number of our homes recently. Miss Ruth Galbraith has Nor returned from visiting her cousin, Myrtle Rogers, near Newburgh. Miss Laura Alkenbfack went w Kingston hospital for an operation on the throat. She is improving nicely. Eigin McWilliams = epent Tuesday with his sister, Mrs. Con- nolly, Yarker, Mrs. George Jeffrey, Glenvale, visited at Garnet Jeffrey's recently, Mrs. Sarah Connoly, Yarker, and Mrs. Myrtle. McWilliams returned after visiting relations at Frank. ford and Stirling, for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Genren, Moscow, Mrs. Purdy, and Mrs. G; Jeffrey were Rin Mre. Edith = Alkenbrack on 'ednesday. * ha el pa Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Jeffrey and baby spent Tuesday in Kingston, Misses Dorothy and Jessie = Hamil- ton spent over night at Croydon, ---- The small boy is apt to doubt the wisdom of his parents when they tell him what is best for him. "TIS. BETTER . to be . sure than sorry. Be glad that you can fo}. low the Whig's Classi- fled Ads. to make sure you are getting your money's worth, + Read them to-day! Ay HH Copright, 1934, by Easil L Smita' I ----------------------------------------------)