T HE DAILY -- BRITISH WHIG * YUESDAY, AUGUST 2%, 1924. NEWS AND V | LIFES sociAL SIDE Miss Marion Rankin, Coilin's Bay, © gave an exceedingly pleasant picnic on Monday afternoon, Tac party motored from Kingston to the bay Where they embarked on tie tug Da- wis for Stella. The sail up was a de- Hghtful one and upon the arrival Of the party at Stella Point a base- BAM metch and swimming gave the " plenfckers an appetite for the sub- 'stantial tea provided for them. They returned to Collin's Bay and danced on the wide verandah of Mrs. An- thony Rankin's home for a few hours Before returning to town. The guests included Miss Marion and Miss Mary , Miss Gwendolyn and Miss Doris Folger, Miss Kathlean Bibby, Miss Edith Carruthers, Miss Louise HH, Miss Cecil Macnee, Miss Ruth MeClement, Miss Nora Connell, Miss : . Apella Minnes, Miss Jessie Mair, Miss Betty Fair, Miss Edith Raakin, Miss Harrjet Vair, Miss Kitty Torrance, David Rankin, Mr, Bert Vair, Mr, Leslie Smith, Mr. Jack Nelson (New York), Mr. Donald McClement, Dr. Reginald Third. .. The marriage took place at Brad- ford, England, on July 30th, of Miss Janet Dykes, of Bradford, to Rev. W. T. McCree, M.A, Presbyterian minister at Stella, and fellow in Hebrew at his Alma Mater, Queen's. The officiating minister was Rev. Mr, Hutchens, cousin of Sir Sandford Pleming, late chancellor of Queen's university, Rev. and Mrs. McCree are at present the guests of Mrs. E. L. Bruce, 98 Bagot street, but will take up residence on Amherst Jsland. * . -. The marriage took place on Aug. 18th at the Church of the Annuncia- tion, Buffalo, N.Y., of Virginia 'Frances, eldest daughter of Mr, and " Mrs. A. J. Webb, of Buffalo, and George Patrick, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. P, J. G. Doyle, formerly of Kingston, now of Buffalo. The cere- mony was performed by the Rev. Father Gonter and the happy couple took a week's wedding trip to To- ¥onto and western Ontario points. The groom has many friends in Kingston. * * ss On Wednesday evening Hon. W. F. Nickle and Brig.-General A. E. Ross, M.P., will entertain at dinner at the Cataraqui Golf and Country Club in honor of the executive of the Liberal- ive Asgociation and the Mrs. R. G. Betts, Willlam street, & family dinner party on Mon- evening for her brother, Mr. James Devlin and Mrs. Devlin, Win. 'mipeg. Covers were laid for fifteen ) afterwards some young people in for a dance and music. ® oo 9 78. George Nicol announces the ment of her youngest daugh- Helen, to Mr. Jack M. Hickey, of the late Mr. and Mrs, John ey, Kingston. e * and Mrs. Wil Mcintosh enter- Mr. and Mrs. German Wagar, their daughter, Maude, of Enter- at tea hour on Friday after- 8 ee Miss Mangan, Earl street, is en- ning at the tea hour this af- n. . » . ~The Misses Lootburrow with their and the girls of Frontende Camp, Milton Island, will leave on Wednesday for their home in Chi- cago. Some of the party will visit Niagara Falls on the way home. Miss Kay Lyons, Earl street, has returned from a trip to Montreal an Fort Covington, N.Y. ; Mr. George BE. Mfles, pageant mas- ter of the John Rogers Company, is at the Randolph hotel. . . . Miss Hazelle Ashley and Mies Edna Laynon, New York, are visit- ing the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ashley, Livingston ave- nue. Miss Edith Ashley, who mo- tored to New York to visit her sis- ter, has returned to town. Miss Hilda Calvin has returned to Garden Island after having visited the Misses Eliot at Fernbank. Miss Calvin, who is a graduate of the To- ronto Conservatory of Music, was a soloist in the First Baptist church, Brockville, on Sunday. w . * Mrs. James Morris with her baby son, Junior, returned home to "Bim- wood Farm' from Brockvilie, where she has spent a week. Mr. and. Mrs. 'Charles Kirkpat- rick, Victoria street, and Master Clare are spending a few days at Bath with the Misses Daly. Mrs. Tryon, Watertown, N.Y. who has been visiting Mrs. George Henderson, Earl street, left for her home on Tuesday morning. Prof. and Mrs. L. F. Goodwin, Brock street, have returned from Collin's Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Devlin and their little danghter, who have been with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Devlin for three weeks, will return to Winnipeg on Friday. . Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Purdy. and their daughter, Mrs. Bentley, Port SILK FALL FROCK This silk frock Is just the thing for early fall days before it becomes! necessary to wear a coat. It is of, fallle silk with a self-pattern and a particularly soft finish. The distine- tive feature is a lapel of the silk that may be adjusted by means of buttons to be worn open as in the photograph' revealing a vest of embroidered or- gandie, or closed over to form a per- fectly plain blouse with a Jenny neckline. A strap trimmed with but- tons trims the tailored sleeves. "PHONE 2009. McNabb's Super - Coats For Fall and Winter $19.95 , . There are many superior features found in these Coats that will not be found in Coats' much higher in price. Best English Witney Clothes. Expertly fashioned by long ex- 'PHONE 2009. Value vers Ontario Chain MSNABB: of Women's and Misses' Ready-to-Wear Stores in baking isassured when you TT It contains no alumand leaves no bitter taste Rgrry, visited the former's cousin, Mrs" W. H. Frink, Odessa, also rela- tives at Sydenham, and Moscow, motoring home on Monday. Mr. E. B. Bloodeough and his fam- ily, who have been visiting Mrs. George Henderson, Earl street, left en the Cape boat for Albazy, N.Y. Mrs. Clarence Chown and her lit- tle son, who have been spending the summer with Mrs. Chown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Lambert, Ciergy slreet, are returning home this week, and will be accompanied by Mr. Chown, who joined them for the week-end. " Mrs. Button, Sr, Mr. and Mrs. D. Button, Mrs. Roseboom and her little daughter, Mrs. F. Paddock, Binghamton, N.Y., were visitors for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Prue, Tamworth. Mr. Sidney Prue motored back to New York with them. . * . Mrs. St. Pierre Hughes with her daughter, Mrs. John Gzowski, have left for a visit in Western Canada. They will join General Hughes in Vancouver and go to Victoria where they will be present at the marriage of Major Laughlin Hughes of the Royal Canadian Artillery, son of General and Mrs. Hughes. The ceremony will take place on Septem- ber 24th. Mrs. J. Benn and Miss Benn, Queen street, have returned from Hamilton where they spent three weeks. They motored home through the Niagara fruit district and had a most enjoyable trip. . * * Miss Monica Doyle, Camden East, is spending her vacation with Mr. and Mrs. William Caigh, Picton. Mr. and Mrs. C. 8S. Wright, King- ston, were in Peterboro on Saturday to visit Mrs. Wright's sister, Mrs. P. Carroll. Miss Evelyn Nickle, who is taking & course ip training at the Royal Victoria Hospital, is leaving this week to spend her vacation with her parents, Hon. W, F. Nickle and Mrs. Nickle, at "The Shelling." Mr. Earl Waterman, who has been visiting friends and relatives in Pe- terboro for the past two weeks, has returned to his home in Kingston. ' * '. ® Miss Elizabeth Hawkey and Miss Bertha Budde, who have been' the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Haw- key, Court Place, left for their '| homes in Chicago. on Monday. Principal Taylor has returned from Chicago. ! Mr. Stanley Clexton, Montreal, is the guest of his mother, Mrs. M. Claxton, Uppér William street, Miss Helen Brooks, Brooklyn, N. Y,, is the guest of her aunts, the Misses Brooks, "Court Place." Mr. Lewis' Brooks, of Brooklyn, who was also thelr guest, returned home on Monday, * - * Mr. and Mrs. J, S. McDonell re- turned to the city Monday night af- "I don't know but two women that don't envy men and they're =] and would look awful in Pants. . g - TOMORROW'S MENU Breakfast Bananas Cereal Coffee Scrambled Eggs 5 Toast Luncheon Corned Beet Hash Pickles Lettuce, French Dressing Iced Cocoa Biscuits Jam Dinner Clams Club Style Baked Potatoes Beans Peach Salad Coffee Raisin Pie Answered Letters. * Young Housewife: "Does cut angel cake?" Answer: No.«One pulls it apart with two forks. This also applies to sponge cake. one Mrs. Dot: "Is there any 'differ- ence between the words 'peel' and 'pare'? Answer: Yes. One peels a fruit or vegetable whose skin is loose en- ough to be removed with the fing- ers, but one pares a fruit or vege- table whose skin can only be remov- ed with a knife. . Careless: "I have stupidly gotten some axle grease on a white dress. How is this removed?" Answer: Rub the spot well with lard and then wash with soap and lnke-warm water. You are lucky to have gotte:. it on a washable ma- terial rather than a non-washable. However, axle grease may general- ly. be removed from silks or wool- lens by being sponged with chioro- form, changing the cloth and pad beneath the spot as often as they become soiled. Mother of Three: - "The small blackboard which I keep for the purpose of teaching my children their A, B, C's, has gradually lost aN ; TEXANNA Loos £he first woman dn the Uniteq States, and perhaps the world, to conduct a ra- dio Sollege, Her institution is ag Wash- ington, D.C. 2 ter spending the week-end in Glen- Sarry county. Mr. and Mrs. T, M. Graves, Prin- €ess street, are spending a few days in Toronto. * Mr. Bruce Moore of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Ottawa, and Mrs. Moore, are spending their vacation with Mr.-and Mrs, William Caigh, Picton. Mrs. Percy Thompson and her son, Ralph, Enterprise, are visiting the former's brother in Watertown. Misses Gladys and Rita Macdonald have returned to Belleville after spending their vacation at Kingston, That the majority of citizens are in favor of using the building given by the late G. Y. Chown as a library. ston and in the opinion of experts venient library. Clarence Park is one of the beauty spots of Kingston as it is at present and is constantly resing place. It is unique; the green Square with its gay flowers, its drinking fountain and the spoils of the last great war in the shape of guns taken from the Germans, set between the old grey stone buildings and shaded with fine trees is a treas- use which other cities would give Laure A. Kinkmen its black surface. Ig there anything I can do restore it? I know tha: | a new blackboard would not cost me a fortune--but with six little feet to keep in shoes, to say nothing of other expenses with three children, I don't want to spend money on a thing that I can possibly repair." Answer: You are a housekeeper. It is improvident to spend money for a thing which we tle longer. Not only are there little shoes now--but educations in the future to be considered! I am glad to say that I can tell you how To Renew the Surface of a Blackboard: Dissolve four ounces of glue in one and ome-half pints of hot water. Add three ounces of flour of emery and enough lamp black to color. Stir till smooth and then apply the mix- ture to the board with the end of a roll of woollen goods. You will have to give the board three coats of this for best results, Any first- rate hardware store can sell you the | flour-of-emery and the lamp black and glue. Keep up the good work of economy! It.is a pleasure to me to help so thrifty a mother. Entertainer: "I am going to give a party and my decorative candlas on the mantle are soled. How can they be cieaned?" Answ.r: They will look like new it you sronge them with a pieca of The Editor Fears l B= It is near the residential part of the city, quite large enough for King- should make a handsome and con- used by citizens and visitors as a cipes. r All Inquiries addressed to Miss Kirkman in care of the "Efficient Housekeeping" department will be answered in these columns in thalr turn. This requirss considerable time, however, owing to the great aumber received. So if a personal or quicker reply is desired, a stamp- #3 and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question. Be sure to uss YOUR full name, street oumber, and the names of your city and state. ---The Edito.. nomen in Kingston during the week of the Industrial Exhibition. Pretty girls will take part in the dances, the Boy Scouts and Giff Guides will make themselves useful in various parts and every one will help to make the celebration a success. ' lean That this is the season for corn roasts and every evening the shores of the lake and river will be ablaze with beacon lights that will tell the Passing travellers that some happy People are enjoying themselves. A int comes to us that the best way to roast corn is to dip the cob, shucks and all into the water, throw it into the hot coals, cover it up and wait until it is cooked. It will be steam- ed and more easily digested. Perfect Seal Crown Gem JARS 3 sensible | can patch up and "make go" a Mt-| absorbent cotton wet with alcohol. |i Tomorrow--Some Good" Fish Re- [| EWS FOR WOMEN READERS VELVETEX VELVETEX, VELVETEX EHE<rE< Ku-n<drmd DONT THROW YOUR OLD CARPETS AWAY HEHE <rm< KE-m<rme ANSCO Cameras and Films, LRINCESS PHARMACY Special From Our Linen Department Oyster Linen Squares and Runners, hemstitched and scalloped edges. Squares 36x36 at $1.75 and $2.00 each Runners 38x45 at $1.25 and $1.50 each. "Madeira Serviettes, beautifully em- broidered in six different patterns from $6.00 a dozen. Baby Pillows in Madeira or Irish embroidery, very neat designs at $1.00 $1.25, $1.50 to $3.00 ea W. N. Linton & Co. The Waldron Store "Phone 191, WHY BE WITHOUT MUSIC in the home when you can install it at such small cost? These Organs, which we have specially priced for quick sale, are exceptional bargains, and to accommo- date those not wishing to expend the full amount at one time, we will arrange EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT - As an all-round business asset § is hard to find anything that cag equal honesty and fair dealing. ¢