Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Aug 1924, p. 2

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a ® THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG TURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1024. rl si re-- Designed in Muskrat, Mole, Caracue and Lamb. Attractively priced for August -- $35.00 and up. New Supply of Vanishing and Cold Creams All the popular makes. POWDER COMPACTS in Gold, Silver, Gun Metal and Black. Branigan's D Ib LIMITED 268 PRINCESS STREET 'PHONE 18. FILMS DEVELOPED and PRINTED. Buckwheat ........ ........$ 9.00 per ton Egg, Stove and Nut . .......$16.00 per ton All coal carried 50c. per ton extra. SOWARDS COAL CO. Phone 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. Auto Batteries Made and Repaired When you need your Battery repaired or one made to order, al- so automobile repair work, it will pay you to see us. ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON 210 DIVISION STREET... I PHONE 10m. FOR SALE FRAME HOUSE--6 rooms, 8 bedrooms, lights, gas, 8 piece bath, separate toilet, garage, henhouse. Good 10--$3,0 A DOUBLE HOUSE--Roughcast, electric light, 8 piece bath, good cellar, garage. Price $3,200 __ M. B. TRUMPOUR - 270 PRINCESS STREET [BOOTS REGESAN | Fruit Saline y Just the thing to keep yom ll « cool during the hot weather -- || . cools the blood and cleanses the |i stomach. $1.00 MAHOOD Drug Co. Ltd. THE KODAK SHOP : Corner Princess and Bagot Sta. : Telephone 519. Groceries At the Right Price. SAVE THE DIFFERENCE SPECIAL | Ammonia (Handy) $8 for 2ic. Lux, per pkg. ........ «+o 10c, Eddy's Matches ..8 pkgs. 25c. Excellent Black Tea, 1b. . .55¢. We have placed on sale a wonderful collection of $2.50, $2.75 and $3.00 lines in the best makes. WHILE THEY LAST *1.98 SEE OUR OTHER SHIRT SPECIALS AT $1.20 and $1.50 Now is the time to anticipate your Shirt meeds. CAMBPELL BROS. CEE "THE BARGAIN SPOT OF KINGSTON" THE TOWN OF PICTON A Men's Party Given at "The Outlook" --Visitors In and Out. Picton, Aug. 18.--Mrs. Hogan and two sons, Carl and Bernard are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brad- shaw at Chapman. Miss Doris Palmer is holidaying with her paredts in Picton. Mr. John Grimmon has bought the home of A. G. Knight on Barker street. Mrs. Frank Mastin is this week moving into her newgbungalow on Maple avenue. On Thursday afternoon, William Thibault was host to a large party of gentlemen friends at his beauti- ful cottage at '""The Outlet." Cars conveyed the party thither, and the fun was fast and furious, Jasting far into the evening. Mrs. Thibault and daughter, assisted by lady friends, served tea on the wide verandah, overlooking the wa- ter, after which speech-making was in order. All voted it the very best of the summer's outings. Miss Muriel Brown of Oshawa, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Clara Brown, Centre street. Miss Edith Harris returned to her home in Madoc after a two weeks' visit with her aunt, Mrs. H. 8. Mil- ler. Mrs. C. J. Stratton of San Fran- cisco is renewing old acquaintances in town and county. Misses Marion and Bessie Steet are enjoying a ten days' visit in Smith's Falls. Mrs. J. O. Allison of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Bras Way and daughter, Helen, motored to King- ston where they were guests of their sister, Mrs. J. M. Root, Earl street. Mrs. R. E. Wright, of Toronto, is spending a few days in town with Mr. Wright. Vincent . Lavoie of Kingston is the guest of W. N. Cairns this week. Miss Jessie Redmond left on Tuesday for Kingston for a few days before returning to her home in Fort William. Mrs. O. K. Palmer has come from Des Moines, Iowa, to spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. Ar- thur Pope. Master Lorne, Kingston, return- ed to his home in Toronto after spending two weeks with his grand. Juother. Mr. and Mrs. John Tenny, (Gena Branscombe), léft for their home in New York on Sunday last, after being in attendance at the funeral of the late Dr, H, W. Branscombe, Mr. Ivan Martin is in attendance at the horse show in Cobourg. Mr. Jack Carter and family have returned to their home in Port Hope after holidaying at their home here. Temperances Forces Meet, An enthusiastic and representative meeting of the temperamce forces was held on Friday evening in the public Iibrary. Representatives from nearly all parts of the county were present and the following county officers were elected: Presi- lent, Iva Morden; secretary, Charles Pierce; treasurer, W. R. Ireland. Officers pro tem for each municipal- ity were appointed, they to call meet- ings for their own municipality where permanent officers are to be appointed. The . officers, pro tem, are: Picton, Mayor Blakely; Wel- lington, A. A. Morden; Bloomfield, A. Weeks; Hillier, H, McCartaey; Hallowell, Clayton Burr; Amelias- burgh, J. L. Gerow; Sophiasburgh, Rev. Mr. Rickert; Athol, Elgin Wil- liams; North Marysburgh, Frank Eaton; South Marysburgh, Stephen Dulmage. Short addresses were de- livered by Rev. Mr. Wilson, presi- dent of the Bay of Quinte confer- ence; Rev. D. N. Morden, Toronto, and Rev. John McGillivary, St. Tho- mas. Mrs. James Stout, Stirling, is the guest of Miss Ella Welsh. Miss A. Strawbridge is visiting friends at Stella, Amherst Island. Mrs. M. Smith and Miss Genevive are holidaying at Kingston. Mrs. Daniel Bongard is at Main Ducks. Mrs. (Dr.) Elwood A. Kingston and daughter, Marjorje, of Lockport, are guests of the doctor's mother, Mrs. J. J. Kingston. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Kingston and son, Maurice, of London, are also guests at the home. Mrs. J. 8. Pickering and son, Percy, have returned to their home in Peterboro after a visit with friends in Picton. Master Ensor Beamish, Toronto, is spending two weeks with Masters Roland and Harold Herrington, Elmhurst. } Mr. and Mrs. Milton Storms and son, Arthur, and Miss Ethel Dixon are away on a motor trip which will include Ottawa and Ogdensburg. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hyneman and the Misses Myrtle and Velma, of Watertown, N.Y., are guests of Mrs. George Knox, Queen street. . the IN MARINE CIRCLES Ei The steamer Mapleboro arrived from Toronto with package freight and cleared for Montreal, The steamer Kingston arrived and went to Prescott this morning. She will clear for Charlotte on re- turn this afternoon. The Frontenac Dredging Com- pany's outfit has completed work at Wolfe Island and is lying at Rich- ardson's wharf. : : 'The steamer Brockville is a special excursion from Trenton to Picton to-day for Trent Lodge No. 38, AF. and AM. i The steamer Genvegan passed || down to "Morny Face Powder." Giosoa's. LAWN SOCIAL HETD. At Cataraqui To Buy Gifts for Meth- odist Church Children, In spite of the threatening wea- ther and the heavy showers which came on laie in the evening, the lawn social held by the Methodist church Sunday school at Cataraqui on' Tuesday was a big success. Ev- erything offered by the' .!"dies in charge was sold, with the axception or a small quantity of ice-cream and soft drinks, and the very large crowd In attendance had an even- ing of enjoyment. An orchestra from the city and several lady vo- calists, who kindly volunteered their services, gave a splendid musical programme which was presided over by Rev. G. A. Sisco, the pastor. The affair was held on the parsonage Open Evenings. lawn, which had been beautifully de- | corated by the committee in cgarge. | Superintendent C, J. Graham ex-! tends his thanks to all the work- ers, musicians and donors of gifts and supplies who helped to make the event such a success. The pro- | ceeds, which were between $60 and | $70, will be devoted exclusively to | gifts for the children of the church next Christmas when the annual Christmas tree is held. SHIPPING STOCK. From the Canadian Pacific Station | At Mississippi. | John Noonan, Perth, and Jack | Palmer, Snow Road, shipped two | carloads of stock last Saturday. Miss | Ethel Olmstead has gone to spend | a month's holidays with her sister | in Kingston. Stanley Geddes spent | tke week-end at his home here. D. Scott has sold his driver to Lindsay Duncan, McDonald's cor- ners. The two C.P.R. bridges are about completed. T. Dowdell and Master R. Fournier spent Thursday with Mr."and Mrs. J. H. Fair, Shar- bot Lake. Miss Eliza Kirkham, who has beer laid up with" an attack of bronchitis is recovering nicely. J. Rhodes, accompanied Mrs. J. Hanna to Renfrew one day last week. John Riddell and Mrs. G. Olmstead 4nd son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. McDougall, Elphin. W. A. Geddes attended council on Mon- day of this week. Misses Maggie and Hanna Simm, Renfrew, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Geddes. Visitors at Junetown. Junetown, Aug. 18.--Mrs. J. Wooding left for her home in To- ronto today after spending the past month at H. Scott's. Miss Beatrice Avery visited friends in Lansdowne last week. Miss Aileen Avery en- joyed a few holidays last week at Rev. Mr. Dowdell's, Lyn, Walter Purvis is somewhat improved in health. Mrs. Barnet Ferguson is seriously ill. Mrs. Jack Guild and daughter, Detroit, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Tennant. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Scott and fam- ily spent Sunday at Edward Scott's, Yonge Mills. Misses Vera and Edna Scott, Fairfax, spent Sunday with their parents here, Mr. and Mrs. .G. P. Scott. Mr. Taylor Frank- lin is spending some time in Smith's Falls. Dr. and Mrs. B. T. McGhie, London, Ont, were recent visitors at W, H. Franklin's, Kiwanis Community Dance, Free, Everybody invited. Market Square. Thursday night 8 to 11. Woman Pays Liquor Fine, Picton, Aug. 20.--Inspectors Cou- sins and Gooderich swooped down on Mrs. Noble Brown's hotel at Ross- more on Sunday night for the pur- pose of searching for "wet" goods. That thelr search was rewarded is plain as Mrs. Brown paid $200 and costs in the police court at Picton. Rotary Steamer Come to, Clayton with Moonlight, Friday, 7.30, Waubic. "Harriet Hubbard Ayer Cream." Gibson's. The mind has its methods. It proceeds from principle to demon- strations. "Morny Talcum." Gibson's. FOR CASH WE WANT TO BUY TWO FORD SEDANS TWO FORD COUPES Must be in good condition. MOORE'S Open Evenings. 206-8 WELLINGTON STREET New Linens For Gifts KARRICK MACROSS Pure Linen Centre Pieces and Tray Cloths with beautiful real lace txjmmings. All sizes and moderately priced. CLUNY LACE Doilies, Tray Cloths and Table Covers, pure linen, centres lace trimmed, real beauties. All prices up to $15.00 each. MADEIRA Real Madeira Hand Made Doilies, Tray Cloths, Centre Pieces, Serviettes, Scarfs and Table Cloths; all sizes in designs and marked at popular prices. pretty Pure Linen H all sizes. Priced $ emstitched Cloths, 1.00 each and up. Scarfs and Tray Cloths, new oval designs, Beautiful Irish Linen Table IRISH LINENS Cloths and Napkins, in the separate and in sets to match; Cloths $5.00 to $15.00 each. Napkins $4.95 to $15.00 dozen. Pure Linen Lunch Cloths, pretty designs, $3.75 each. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY. STORE all sizes. o : DEATH OF THOMAS CONNOR, The Remains Were Laid in Little Cemetery on Hill, Harlowe, Aug. 18.--A gloom was cast over this community, on Tues- day afternoon, when word was re- ceived that Thomas Connor had passed away. He had been sick for some time, and had been moved to the Hotel Dieu, but all human help was unavailing. The funeral ser- vice was conducted 'by Rev. Mr. Bick in the Methodist church and the body was lald away in the little cemetery on the hill. Mrs. Connor has the sympathy of the surround- ing community in her sad bereave- ment, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott are visiting friends at Napanee. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Sturgeon, from Al- bany, N.Y., visited with friends at Harlowe last week, Miss Anna White and Claud Parks took tea with Mr. and Mrs. R. Cuddy on Sun- day. Miss Gladys Thompson spent the \ "KINGSTON'S FAMOUS FUR STORE" AUGUSTE FUR SALE We Urge You to Save By Buying Now Our August Sale of Furs affords a chance for you to save money on good Furs. Hundreds, both in advantage of it. Our entire stock marked in plain figures. and out of Kingston, are taking of Furs is on sale--overything MUSKRAT COATS ~ We have scores ready for your choosing in all styles and lengths® and they will be in big demand this season. [hey are ideal as a ser- viceable, good wearing Coat and made as ours are in a way that enhances their beauty by wonderful Fur workmanship, they are - i $65 to $195 Remember, that if you are not prepared to buy outright, for a reasonable deposit we will hold and store free until required, any Furs selected during this Sale. Lat day, Wednesday, with Miss Anna White. Mrs. Carrie Huffman has been on the sick list for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. been renewing acquaintances this last week with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Black, Arden, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Parks and family, Mr. and Mrs, H. Black and family. Mr. and Mrs. J Miller, William Black and some young people, twenty-seven in all, motored to Bon Echo and spent the day sight-seeing and with sports and report a grand time, MARRIED AT NEWBORO. Couple Are Warmly Congratulated---- Visiting Old Home, Phillipsville, Aug. 19.--Harley Elliott and party of friends were callers in the. village. Mr. Elliott spent his boyhood days here and is now holding a responsible posi- tion in Belleville. Morley Willows and bride, former ly Miss Mary Poole, Portland, who were quietly married in Newboro, are receiving the congratuiations of their many friends. The League picnic will be held Wednesday of this week at Portland Lake. Several from here attended the sports day celebration at Delta | and report a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Preston, Montreal, were at Robert Preston's on Mon- day. Farmers are busy puiting in | thelr grain, which is proving a very good yield. Mrs. Robert Preston spent a Tew days at John Laverin's, Athens. Miss Clela Tackaberry and Br- nest Tackaberry are spending part jo their vacation in Toromto with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gibson. Mrs. Mulville, West- port, spent a few days wilh her daughter, Mrs. M. Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kelly, Lom- bardy, were Sunday visitors st the home of Mrs. T. H. Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Sirell, the junction, were at Mrs. Mary Dwyre's recently, His Condition Is Serious. J. Marcellus, principal of the Ma- doc high 'school, is dangerously iil. Mr. Marcellus took a special course at Queen's University this summer, {but was unable to attend the last few lectures. Since his return home he has grown steadily worse and is at present in a critical condition. 0¢, dancing. Hearts may be attracted by as- isumed qualities, but the affections 'are fixed only by those which are real. "Johnson Baby Talcum." Gibson's. Yes and no are very easily said, but before they are said it is neces- | sary to thiak for a long time. "Harriet Hubabrd Ayer" powder. Gibson's. Thomas Bone have f A desirable property | on Princess Street, near University Ave., detached brick, seven rooms, three piece bath, gas, electric light, hot air furnace, fireplace, right of way. Possession at once. Four and ft Woy ve room flats to Fined for Assault. ap Tromss Funan, Ivy Les, paid & fine of $5 and $14 costs following conviction of having assauited Mr. McLeod, a New York 'Suest > ud

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