Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Aug 1924, p. 9

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thé Estate of CHARLES HAMIL- IN, of the Township of Ernesttown, the County of Lennox and Adding- Farmer, Authorized "Assignor. NOTICE ig hereby given that Charles Hamilton, ot the township of Ernest- , in the County of Lennox and Ad- in, did on the 27th day of July an authorized assignmefit of all roperty for the benefit of his and that. T. Milne Asselstine, 1 receiver, has appointed me to custodian of the estate of the debtor UB the creditors at their first meet- shall elect a trustee to administer estate of the debtor. OTICE is further given that the fif8t meeting of creditors in the above State will be held at the Official Re- iver's Office at the Court House, in City of Kingston. on Friday, the th day of August, 1924, at two o'clock ia le afternoon (Daylight Saving . To entitle you to vote thereat, proof ¥ peo claim must be lodged with me ore the meeting Is held. Proxies to be used at the meeting be lodged with me prior thereto, 'And further take notice that if you have any claim against the debtor for Which you are entitled to rank, groos of such claim must be filed with me hirty days from the date of this and after the expira- tion of the time fixed by subsection 8, of section 37, of the said Act, I shall distribute the proceeds of the debtor's state among parties entitled there- regard only to the claims of 1 ve then notice. ATED at Kin ton. Ontario, this day of Augu CYRIL M. SMITH, Custodian. "T0 CONTRACTORS Sealed tendets will be received by the undersigned up to nodn on August 13th for the construction of & sewer for Mowat Sanatoriym, Portsmouth, Dat. for the Kingston Health Associa- on. ' : Plans and specifications may be seen at the undermentioned office. The lowest or any tender may not be accepted. POWER, SON & DREVER, Architects. 81 Brock Street, Kingston, Ont. e! ° to, havi which This year's crop is excep- grade. "PHONE 1307 Kingston ce Co. Lid GROCERY Fine and Coarse Hen Feed. Try our Extra Special Black Tea [| BE ci icraasersracavss BO0 Ib J 'Fhons Your Order, No. 14. Union street west roadway is being ------ AMUSEMENTS ------------------------------------------ What the Press Agents Sey About STARTLING DRAMA AT CAPITOL "For Sale" 1s an elaborate society drama at the Capitol Thedtre to- day and Thursday. The theme of "For Sale" /is--should a daughter be sacrificed at the altar of love to save her family their gocial position? This was handled with extreme de- Heacy and acted with sincerity by a splendid cast. Claire Windsor is Eleanor Bates, whose battle between love and duty to parents almost ruins her life. Adolphe Menjou takes a part that is finer and more likeable than any he has ever had. Mary Carr is a distinct surprise as the snobbish, selfish society matron. Op- posite Mrs. Carr is Jim Bridger of "The Covered Wagon," Tully Mar- shall, and this actor lends his expe- rience and sincerity to ome of the best performances in the picture, Robert Ellis who plays the hero, is oqually well-cast and does some splendid acting. The balance of the cast includes Vera Reynolds, John Patrick, Finch Smiles and others. STOCK MARKETS (Reported by Johnston & Ward, 86 Princess street, members of the Montreal and Toronto Stock Ex- changes). ee -- New York 2 pm.-- Amer. Loco.y wees os Amar. Caf.., ...e joo aldwin Loco. ay 14 AE Dias anne ns Chandler Motors .. .. Cosden Oil California Pete. , Corn Products .. 79% «ve 25% we 121% ae we ee .e vol ere ee me fee ore Crucible Steel Cuban Cane Sugar Com .... Cuban Cane Sugar pfd .. uw. Gen, Asphalt .... .. GBT oe. iil International Nickle Kelley Springfield Imperial Oil... .. Marine pfd .... Mack Motors .. Marland Oil .... N.Y. 0.... New Haven .... .. Pacific Ol .... Fan. Amer. Pete .. Pan. Amer. Pete. "'B" ,. .. Producers & Reflners .. . Studebaker Sou, Pac. .... Sou. BY.» +v.. Sinclair Oil.... nese Standard Oil -of California Standard" Oil of New Jersey Texas Oil Union Pacific .... U. 8B. Steel .,.. Rock Island "eon vow awes sone ee se mess "een sel ee es 94% 64 17% 59% 36% 41 141% 108% 33% ome, co eel ae "s wees ween se seas Montreal Stoeka. Abitibl Power ........cc... 59 Asbestos ... Atlantic Sugar .... ; Bell Telephone « ..u jo vores oo: Brazil .... Brompton British Empire Steel 1st Pd. 'British Empire Steel 2nd Prd. Can. Converters wei «cue ov Can. Cement COM. wu veimrmeses 85% Can. Cement Pid. .. wens 103 Cuban Can. Sugar Com. ...... 7 Can. Steamship Com. ..mewime~ 10% Can, Steamship PId. .....eupee. 46% Dom. Textile ...... wenrmnnw 5634 Detroit United ... « 27 Industrial Alcohol cu jes eenw 34% Laurentide ...... « ionnapm 87% Montreal Power ............170% National Breweries Com. .... 563% National Breweries Pid. ...... 9% Oglivie_...... tte are 'tee nies sine 330 Ottawa Power nemscan 38 Ont. Steel Products ......... 39 PONIMANS + oer menmnnmnald? Price Bros. ....... vu manne w 40 Quebec. POWer ....q wives 86% Spanish River Com. ..... enl07Y Spanish River Pfd. ....cn...115 Smelters .. oc... cncvinine 38 Shawinigan ...... --nmenenl33 Steel of Canada cfm seen 74 Toronto Rails... mowewana' 98 Twin City ER ttle ad ate oe) 47% WADREBO vu o/s soos sis iv sivinun sae 48y Wayagamack ...... lemme im 33 GRAIN QUOTATIONS. -------- cov teem premien cw 34 co asses W 33 Wheat-- SOpt.ios soe neruianiee a 1208 Dee. 133% May.... Bae eee oe ceee wg 138% Corp . ia TY SE OR A a, 114% DOCu os ses wrk on wes 108% Oats May.... 55% 44% sees save sees se ene 52% "HES SENE sees ese we - $e Sree we wes» DOBosivasses so vanes os» ayy sense ve oe sees oo 137% iG. Entre ssscnsgae oo 133% THES tess sues bw een .e cha' anmalion san mele Flax-- sr Summ eM eee Hem om 3323 sas saee nscale oe se 333 seve 8e Mee emo gd ms oo 318 Ot. coin ov sone snes oo 93% dormitories, which were open- ed this week at the Y.M.C.A., already have a tenant. 5 Oat harvest com in South- eastern Saskatche Corfu and Patras are infested ty : charming as severe mm 138% [ GYPSY MARRIAGE BIDN'T HOLD Queen Annie Butch of a gypsy tribe became the bride of a "gypsy king" when she jumped over a broomstick on the arm of her hus- band-to-be. Incidentally, her father received $2,500 from the groom. Now Queen Annie has been declar- ed single by the police of Boston, Mass., after her hushand beat her. And--her hubby will not get back his money. It has been used to establish Annie's father in business. PERSIAN RULER This is the new premier of Persia --His Royal Excellency Reza Kham. Hs assumed office at a critical tims ~=fust after the assassination of the American consul-general, Major Im- brie, ai SPORT 'WALLIE" CUSICK PRESENTS BEAUTIFUL TENNIS TROPHY The Kingston Tennis Club has been exceedingly fortunate in hav. ing presented by ""Wallle" Cusick. one of its members, and proprietor of the College Inn Cigar Store, a magnificent silver trophy for compe- tition in men's doubles play. ~The trophy is about eighteen inches high and of a unique and pleasing design. t is one of the finest of any kind ever seen here. Tha rules for competition are that the cup must be played for at the end of the seasons It is the perma- rent property of the Kingston Ten- nis Club and can never be owned by any individual. The winners may hold it from year to year and it is to be turned in to the club secretary each season, 3 Needless to say the executive of the Kingston Tennis Club is "tickled pink" with this fine present from Mr. Cusick, Circle Six' Left. The Circle Six team, with Umpire George Sullivan, President Kane of the City League, and Secretary Buf- fam, left early this morning for Ottawa to meet the Ottawa Boys' Club in #he first of the junior O.B. A.A. playoff games. Efforts will be made to have Desmond Burke, win- ner of the King's Prize at Bisley, throw the first ball.. The return game is in Kingston next Wednes- day. WITH THE BOWLERS. Tuesday night's bowling Queen's resulted as follows: J. A. Lemmon A. A, Tottey C. Smart T. H Stewart J. A. Newman E. Walsh H. Angrove J. McFarlane Skip--14 Skip--12 at G. Wright C. Wood C. Sleeth J. Derry Skip--5 _~ J. H. Mitchell J.8. Asselstine W. Frizzell R. 8. Graham Skip--16 or F. Conway T. H. Ferguson J. C. K. Munsie J. M. Elliott Skip--11 F. Harold J. T. Hawkey W, Montgomery L. Bleeth SKip--12 F. L. Newman _ Dr. Knapp R. McClelland J. Chatterton J. J. Newman BE. Johnson H. W. Newman Dr. Cartwright Skip--13 ~ __ Skip--12 This game required an extra end. In the singles, R. J. McClelland won from J. McFarlane. x Gananoque Golf Notes, Gananoque, Aug. 5.~--The match for the Mullin cup was played last Saturday and won by Dr. Bird with a score of 66. W. T. Sampson came next with a score of 71, = On Monday, F. P. Jones, Montreal, and Dr. R . E. Webster, Ottawa, were in Gananoque and spemt the day on the golf links. Both these gentlemen, who are members of the Gananoque Golf and Country Club, will go to Kingston tpday with the team that will play a match on the Cataraqui links. In the match for the semi-finals for president's shield, Hubert Shor- tall defeated Dr. C. H. Bird with a score of 7 up and 6 to go. Yester- day Dr. Bracken and W. T. Samp- son played their match, which was won by Dr. Bracken, Next week the finals will be pliy- Led for the shield and the competi- tion between Hubert Shortall and Dr. Bracken and should prove a very keen one and will undoubtedly Prove one of the most interesting on the season's programme, R. Sloan W. Chapman E. Baker W. N. Linton Skip--26 A. Meiklejohn W. McCartney J. J. Baker M. Manahan 8kip--19 A. Brundage H. Caldwell] J. H. Hoppes C. C. Hodgins Skip--13 F. W. Barth C. Creer T. Frizzell A. Turcotte Skip--17 HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG INTELLECT THE BIG FACTOR IN SLAYING Chicago State Attorney Starts to Shatter the Leopold= Loeb Defence. Chicago, Ill, Aug. 6.--State's At- torney -Crowe has started to shatter the "Teddy Bear" defence, the baby talk defence, and to blow up the rhantasies of Leopold and Loeb as being causes of their committing the Franks murder. Mr. Crowe is com- ing out able and strong. He forced Dr, Healy, not by declamation or force, but by an appeal to his intel- ligence, to agree that it was intel- lect, not phantasy, that governed the accused when they confessed, and that caused them to exhibit fear as tc their final safety. Dr. Healy explained that he and his coHeagues among the defence's specialists had agreed td come to- gether to make a fair scientific study of the defendants, to accept no ex- traordinary fees and to give their findings to the state's specialists and attempt to agree on a joint report. "The approach was made," sald Dr. Healy. He and Dr. William A. White, 'he said, talked with the state's alienists, but the offer to join in a report was not accepted. "What compensation was agreed on for your making the investiga- tion?" : Dr. Healy replied :"Two hundred and fifty dollars a day. There was a distinet understanding that no one was to receive any more." Mr. Crowe asked where Dr. Healy had got his facts of the murder of Robert Franks. From the newspapers and from & report by other medical men who examined the boys, was the reply. Dr. Healy, whose specialty is the study of behavior, particularly in youths, seemed little interested In the facts of the crime, He had said that his interest was to make a scientific study of the boys. Loeb Admitted Killing Boy. Chicago, Aug. 6.-- Dr. Bernard Glueck, New York, testified at the Franks hearing to-day that Richard Loeb, throughout his mental exami- nation of him, had admitted that he struck the blow which killed Bobble Franks. Throughout the investiga- tion the connection of Loeb and Na- than Leopold, Jr.,, with the murder, the matter of who actually struck fa- tal blow had been an unsolved mys- tery. Both youths, while confessing to kidnapping and slaying, accused each other. . Describing his conversation with Loeb, Dr. Gluecfl stated that the boy had related details regarding plan- ning and the execution of the crime without squeamishness, remorse, re- gret, passion or love. He seemed to be devoid of emotional responses. He even did not take seriously his pres- ent situation. Princess Murat of France is ac- companying her husband and a par- ty of friends, quite a few of them Americans residing in Paris, on a trip through the ancient cities along the banks of the Sea of China. The expedition intends to visit Saigon, Onom-Peuh, Angkor, the forbidden town of Hue and other historic places. Raspberries, Columbia - variety, eight boxes for $1.00, Thursday morning at Carnovsky's. Paper mill workers in Newfound- land go back on jobs. ON SALE THURSDAY $ pm 50 Only SUMMER DRESSES Regular values up to $18.95 VOILES, RATINES, CREPES, and FANCY SUMMER MATERIALS 95 Sizes 16, 18, 20 to 38. Che ]- AMSNAB -~ -- luastern Ontario Chain of Women's and Misses® _ Ready-to-Wear Stores Co. LTD WHY 1 SHOULD EAT AT THE . "GRAND CAFE'. FULL COURSE DINNER 60c OPPOSITE CAPITAL THEATRE. 60c | PETER LEE, PROP, Open from 6 am. to 2 p.m. MELODY SHoP PE NOW OPEN 1 Mississippi, Aug. 65.--Mrs. Wil- liam Gibson and family, Kingston, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Gibson. Mrs. Daniel Buschell, Toronto, a former resident here, re- newed acquaintances this week. Mr. and Mrs, J. Barr, Miss Maggie Bu- chell and J. McCullough, Toronto, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Geddes. A gang of men have started to build the new road around the hills of J. Isatts. Mrs. J. Hanna, Creighton Mines, is spending a few days with rela- tives in the village. Robert Gib- son, accompanied hig brother, 'Wil- liam, to Kingston to spend a few days. Mrs. B. Revell, Toronto, visit- ed with friends here last week. Tho- mas Myers, Oso, is the guest of his daughter, Mrs, Willlam Hanna. Ed- ward Vanalstine is spending a few days with his daughter, Mrs. D. Fer. Out for Huckleberries. Selby, Aug. 4.--There was no ser- vice here on Sunday night on ae count of Mr. Anderson's absence. A number from here are attending the Chautauqua at Napanee. A number 'have gone north looking for huckle- berries. Rev. and Mrs. Anderson sre spending some time in Toronto visiting Mrs. Anderson's sister, who fell. Mr. and Mrs. J. Grange and 'Mrs. Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. R. Paul, attended the funeral of the 'Mr, and Mrs. Fletcher and Mr. and Mrs. E. Anderson, Bowmanville, and i £ 3 ; E : E i 8 ¥ i 3 f i g 5 3 " ge PR #0 £88 3 AT 282 PRINCESS STREET (Opposite Price's Dalry) | - With a complete stock of all the latest musi- cal selections, popular and classical, and a full line of Musical Instruments. "EVERYTHING MUSICAL" Telephone 153, Phone SMITHS 1317 1 1b. tins Red Salmon ....,...20c Oranges at t00 400 0m mee 15c. domen Large, Ripe Bananas ....20¢c. dos Choice Creamery Butter .......85¢ Pure Lard .... sess 100 7 Ib. sacks Pastry" Flour uo .....209c | Corn Flakes ..........3 pkgs. 20c Shredded Wheat ......2 pkgs. 25¢, Large, family size Box Matches 20¢, Cherries in heavy syrup verads 100 Soap, Laundry ........7 bars 40¢c. Tollet Paper ..........6 rolls 25c. A 's n Ld drinking Sup. ful of / Call 1817. We deliver. Corner of Barrie and Colborne Streets Visitors at Bath. on Bath, Aug. 6.--Miss Elia Shep- hard is visiting her father, E. P, Shephard. Mr. and Mrs. Jamey Hogle, Chicago, are visiting his slg ter, Mrs. J. M. Wemp. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Brown, Newark, N.J., are at Mrs. Agnes Sharpe's. Mr .and Mrs. Robert Stevenson and family spent Sunday at L. Clarke's, Wilton. Miss Carrie Davy, who underwent an ap eration on her nose in sister, Miss Mary Davy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mellan and son, : nee, spent Sunday at George Davy's. James Aylesworth, who has been quite iil, is improving. Miss Hap ris, Kingston, is visiti £5: 258853

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