An extensive range of these beautiful Scarfs await your choice for the Fall. JOHN MKAY Linited 'BRANIGAN'S DRUG STORE, LIMITED 268 PRINCESS STREET - NEXT TO STRAND THEATRE PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, : WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE "SERVICE THAT WILL PLEASE YOU" "PHONE 18. PROMPT DELIVERY. BUY THE KIND YOU LIKE MARMALADE We have in stock Wagstaffe's Orange Marmalade in jars and tins ----Upton's Orange, Whethey's Orange, Keiller's Orange and Lemon, and Blackwell's Orange, Hartley's Orange, Eagle's Orange, 'Robertson's English Ginger Marmalade, Wagstafl's Greey Fig, Cairns English Gold Fish Marmalade, Millar's Orange Marmalade from Belfast, Ireland. We have them all, but try WAGSTAFFE. HENDERSON'S GROCERY 'Phone Established 279. 1868. HOUSEKEEPERS, ATTENTION! Now is preserving time and we are ready with a complete stock of Preserv- ing Kettles, Fruit Jars, Fruit Jar Rings, etc., etc. Call and see us before buying. attention. LEMMON & SONS Telephone 840 = = - 187 Princess St. "Phone orliers given prompt | "YOU BUY WHEN! The e Reptional tone quality in the Weber ex Piano appeals to the most ascethetic taste, HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCEL. AT C. W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms, AI --y. WE SERVE GOOD MEALS Good meals served to your liking. EVENING PARTIES given first class attention, THE VICTORIA CAFE 854 King Street. Slug Lee and Gan Lee, Props. Telephone 762. Creamery Butter-- b. ..h ii 380] Corn Flakes Quaker (save the coupons) 3 for 28¢ - Bran 1 Post Bran, | il i is IH Clover Leaf Sal ack. rt pak] Shredded Ee | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG NENORIAL TABLET UNVEILED IN LANARK it Was Reared to the Memory of the Late William ©. Caldwell, ex-M.P.P. | Perth Courier. Friends of the late W. C. Cald- well, B.A., ex-M.P.P., assembled in the town hall, Lanark, on July 16th, to do honor to departed merit. When Miss Catherine Lewis, granddaughter of deceased parted the vel that con- cealed the tablet and while the fit- ting words of the poem "The Inevit- able" were monotoned from the plat- form, hundreds of heads bowed reverentially, The inscription done in relief on a bronze base tells the story: 7 "This tablet is erecféd to com- memorate the long and faithful public service of W. C. Caldwell, A. eldest son of Alexander Cald- well, born at Lanark township, May 14th, 1843---died at Lanark, January 7th, 1906. Representa- tive of the North Riding of Lan- ark in the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario for 30 years." The hall was filled with friends from Ottawa, Carleton Place, Perth, Almonte and other outside points, countryside and village also being largely represented. On the platform were Robert Robertson, chairman; Dr, R. F. Preston, M.P., Senator An- drew Haydon, T. A. 'Thompson, M.L.A., T. B. Caldwell, Robert Pat- terson, David Findlay, Ben Willis and Dr. A. M, Downing. Among the audience were Mrs. W. C, Caldwell, her daughter, Mrs. A. Goldyer Lewis and her sons, Col, A. Clyde Cald- well, Ottawa, Major William R. Cald- well, Carleton Place, and J. Boyd Caldwell, Ottawa, When the audi- ence were seated twenty young girls of the Girls' Guide came in proces- sional carrying maple leaves and singing "The Maple Leaf," also at ll | the chorus in recessional leaving the || hall singing ""O Canada." In his opening femarks Mr. Robert- E son paid high tribute to the memory of the one whom they wished to honor that day, his probity, manli- ness, and human gympathysmade him loved by all classes and creeds and it was one of the fine remembrances of the speaker's life to have known him intimately and to have associat- ed with him so many years. Benjamin Willis, reeve of the vil- lage, commended the friends respog- sible for the tablet. It was a good thing to do. Long ago Mr. Caldwell had won such a recognition by char- acter and ability. From this plat- form his voice had been heard on many occasions, and it was fitting that his public record should be marked by this permanent token. The council were unanimous that the tablet be placed in the town wail where it would serve to remind this and future generations of one whose life was an inspiration, whose mem- ory was a benediction. Following the unveiling, Senator Haydon ad- dressed the meeting, reviewing in de- tail the family history and 4he poli- tical career of deceased. His own life and that of Mr. Caldwell in some respects were analogous, Both were county of Lanark men, one of the east the other of the west. Both were graduates of Queen's Univer- sity, both of the same school of po- litical thought. Mr. Caldwell's entry into political life had woven itself into and was coincident with great national events. But from the first it bad been successful and continued with but one interruption for nearly thirty years. J T. B. Caldwell, the next speaker said that ne had never been impress- ed so much by any ceremony befgre. In referring to his cousin it brought to mind many incidents of days gone by, but the outstanding feature of such a memorial was the good effect it had on the minds of the younger people who might see in such an ex- ample a life worthy to emulate, Dr. R. F. Preston expressed the pride and pleasure it gave him to add his word of testimony to the irreproachable character of deceas- ed. They had been through many political fights together representing parties of opposing political faiths, but no matter how bitter the fight might wage when it was over they were as good friends as before. He thought it his duty to be present that he might vontribute something by his presence. Messrs. Robert Patter son, David Findliy and Dr. A. Down- ing added to the eulogistic words of the former speakers, and T. A. Thompson, M.P.P., referred at length to the impression that the lives of such men made on the national char- acter. Mrs. J. M. Strang sang very aec- ceptably two solos "in the Garden of My Heart," and "My Task," accom- SPARKS' CIRCUS, JULY 81ST. The Spirit of Youth is Vividly Inter. preted. In her feature dances on a delicate wire in mid-air, little Naida Miller, by the lightness and grace which animates every line of her perfectly formed body, interprets the Spirit of Youth in all its charm and loveliness. She will be seen with the Sparks' Circus when it exhibits here on Thursday, July 81st. With the Sparks Circus this year are trained elephants, lions, tigers, seals, polar bears and leopards, and over twenty arenic displays by top- line circus performers. With jts mile long street parade, big menagerie of strange animals from foreign lands, and performance in which the highest class amuse- ment is pregented by the best acts obtainable, the Sparks Circus has be- come the ideal three-ring show. PRESIDENT CLEVELAND VISITED THE ISLANDS Folger Bros. Gave the Use of Steamer 8t. Lawrence for Water Trip. y S---- The Observer in the Clayton om- the-St. Lawrence says: Although weak and nervous from illness and hardly able to write legi- bly here is an almost forgotten story of connecting incidents of comedy and tragedy that but few of our pres- ent day residents have ever heard or read of, and that will be of interest to all, In an editorial in a recent issue of the Watertown Times, it was stated that Grant was the only president to ever visit our Thousand Islands re- sort, but the facts are that two others, Arthur and Cleveland, have honored us with their presence. Soon after the marriage of Presi- dent Cleveland and Frances Folsom, they came by special train, and with a party of personal friends to visit the river and for a tour athong the islands. § = Mqtor passenger boats, were un- known in those days, and Mr. Foiger turned the steamer St. Lawrence in- to a private boat for the day, mo other passengers being taken. Our entire village had become in- formed of the intended visit of fhe distinguished guests, and all were "THE HAT STORE" LADIES' HATS over four - seventy - five. Most of ad are: iA $1.00, $1.75, $2.75 aioe and Balloon type. Open Evenings. Our Service Department will give you full MOORE'S BALLOON TIRES DOMINION OR FIRESTONE--SEE US NOW ! Have your car fitted with a set. We will allow for your old Tires. particulars on Genuine Full Balloons, Semi-Balloons Open Evenings. We have the best Vulcanizing plant and largest stock of Tires in this city, . 206-8 WELLINGTON STREET priced ,........... Pure Wool Bathing Suits $3.50 Misses' and Women's All pure Wool Bathing Suits in "smart, new styles in all the wanted shades. All sizes. Specially ceeeen.. $3.50 each $3.95 MANNISH COATS Misses' and Women's Brush- ed Wool Manish Style Coats --all sizes, popular shades. Special ...... .. $3.95 each WOOL MOTOR RUGS, $5.00 O.V. Brand Motor or Steam- er Rugs guaranteed pure wool, in beautiful new Plaids, in medium and dark shades, A real buy and a good, large size at $5.00 each 100% ~ 1 shades for Fall. Special .... Sport Flannels 85¢ . 32 inch pure Wool Sport Flannels in all the popular, new testes seeeas naa... 85¢ yard LJ Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY, STORE hE eager and anxious to be at the rafl- road station at the time of arrival of the train. At near the mid-day meal time, when several of thé patrons of a boarding house that used to be near the entrance to the village park were awaiting the welcome sound of the bell, several street youngsters went rushing past in wild haste calling out "The president's train will be here In five minutes." Men, women and children along the street and from the residences joined in frantic rush to the station. > The 'hoarding house proprietress ceased preparation of the meal to allow cooking implements to drop anywhere and to fling apron aside started on a run across the park, she being nearly the last, five rods be- hind her, and also running with hat id hand, came the local Catholic priest, Some one of the onlookers who couldn't or wouldn't run to see a democratic president, to the great amusement of all within hearing cafl- ed out--"'say! what would a strang- er visiting us think of our town if to see a priest chasing a woman along the public highway." The St. Lawrence, with party on board, crossed Eel Bay to the Cana- dian channel, when Capt. Milo Estes from the hurricane deck just above the heads of the passengers called cut "Mr. Cleveland! as I understand our constitution and laws our chief magistrates are forbidden to visit foreign countries during their terms of office, You are now, and will be for the next half hour in Canada, therefore the United States will have no president in that time." For a minute there were expressions of sur- prise on the faces of the entire party, Locations of Doctors Graduates of Queen's Below is given the locations of twenty-five of the young doctors who eraduated at Queen's University this spring: : Hospital, Detroit. pital, Brooklyn, . C. Hugh Branigan, Columbus Hos- pital, New York City. Keith G. Burns, General Hospital, Seattle. tal, New York City. pids, Minnesota. Herbert L. Edwards, Norweg! Hespii, Brooklyn, N.Y. (after Sept. ). Thonias W. Faulkner, B.A., Bon- ners Ferry, Idaho. Austin G. Friend, General Hospi- tal, Seattle. E. R. Froats, State Hospital, Ogdensburg, N.Y. 'W. T. Gratton, Mowat Sanitarium, George C, Hamilton, St. Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton. Douald J. Holdcroft, Coney Island Hospital, Brooklyn, N.Y, when the president good naturedly! pital, Eng. replied, "Captain, the information you offer us is not terrifying nor en- H. 8. Roote, Vassar Brothers Hos- Ys pital, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. J. E. R. Smith, St. John's Hospital, Brookiyn, N.Y. : D. H. Stewart, Western Hospital, Toronto. G. T. Whitty, Hotel Dieu of St. Joseph, Windsor, Ont, PLEASANT DRIVES FOR KINGSTON MOTORISTS There Are Now Two Circles of Tarred Roads Leading Out of the City. It will be of interest to motorists to know that there are now at their .! disposal two circles of tarred roads leading out of the city into the county, offering pleasant drives alter rains. The one is about 20 miles in Charles S. Appelbe, B.A., Harper I Jesse K. Bigelow, St. John's Hos- Emest A. Clark, Riverside Hospl- William H. Costello, Grand Ra- | dan || ofling of the highway from Montreal street to Cunningham's Corners, which bas just been completed, affords the other circuit. R. Fair, County ®n- gineer, recommends "Quelque Fleur" Gibson's. Few are qualified to shine in com- pany, but it Is in most men's power to be agreeable. "Pebecco Tooth Paste." Gibson's.