Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jul 1924, p. 1

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CAPITOL | : ° | be * CAPITOL TO-DAY 5 MON .--TUES. BETTY BALFOUR { " - N ; LENORE ULRIC wae | GR Bay Beitish In| == YEAR 01; No. 162. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 11, St . : LAST ENTION SENATE TALKS | ssa WILL NOT SIT CHURCH UNION Se #988 | ON JULY 12th . } : . koman territory, according to i ; 4 3 The Go Mal : His Mother Stood in Park Opposite the : Te Bil, Huy Jo the [ne Goreme oes Cons Jail During the Execution. Seal A NOTION IS REJECTED i [PROGRESSIVE PROTEST Pioneer, The remainder of the cavalry escaped to Bujnurd, whither reinforcements have been sent. 2 I With H So Wh W H INCREASE PENSION be ha " 4 . | a ; : [ : : Spent Night With Her. Son Who rote Her a oe | To Refer Bill to Special Com-| Against Suspension of Business ; 2 otally led Soldiers Fro : Eh : : : et Pathetic Letter Just Before He: Met or 8800 to Wooo, mittee---Property Rights ~Western Members Want ; ttawa, July 11.--The H t i { § 4 Death On Gallows. Commons committee on ie oo) . ary : & : (lange etained. p To Get Home. : & sion, in its third report tabled in the ; : i . IB Ottawa, July 11.--Continuing the Ottawa, July 11.--The House will Valleyfield, Que., July 11.--Wal.| G. Foster, United States consul-gen- th he Sper yoot: Fecoutsiends ; yd dobag > hi union bill, yes- not sit on the "Pwelfo" Tee Oe ter Muir, of New York, was hanged | eral. fifty percent. be absorbed into the ' terday, Senator A. B. Gillies said that tion for Saturday and morning sit - N union among the Methodist churches tings of the House of Commons, com= here this morning for the murder of basic pension rate. This would make wi fay ; Henri Laviolette in this town: on Focung. Ran Higm His | the permanent increase in the rate of i SPR le TA or Presbyterian churches in the past £ gencing July 12, met with strenuous Valleyfield, Que., July yr---- : Was no argument for union among . b opposition yesterday afternoon when Jew | Pension for a sing] t i o September 22nd, 1923. The hanging | mother, Mrs. Mary Muir, of New | Polis TIE ys ue 8 Sotally disabled distinctly different churches now. Ho ; nl I moved by Hon. George. P. Graham, Of Muir followed long-drawn-out ef. | York City, arrived here last evening od a 7 ¥ declared that the General Assembly ; minister 'of railways, who was leads at six o'clock in an automobile. A z 0 S d t representa- ing the government. Finall the gov. > Suzanne Out of Olympic. * at Owen Sound was not repres g 5 y g etles In New York and Canada, to | Oman in the early forties, ber face Paris, July 11.--Suzanne Lenglen GENERALUAVERESCU - tive of the sentiment in tlie Presby- "ME UND FIDO" ernment agreed to grant Saturday as btai 1 h distorted from much crying, she pro- Former leader of the Rumanian min- terian Church on the question of] This isan exclusiye new pose of Wil-| a holiday, beginning morning sittings Obtain a reprieve for the twenty-one eded straight to the jail, where |S definitely out of Olympic tennis. | jstry, ie reported" leading a revolt helm. once kaiser afd long since a mere the followi year old New York student who kiil- | °® h t of the evening with | This information was wired by the [against the king, union. The Church funds were in ;resident of Doorn," taken in the gar-| © the following Monday. ed Laviolette during a petty argy- ie Spent mos ror for Hun- | famous French star, in reply to g -- the hands of the union propagand-|den with his dog. When Mr, Graham moved for Sate ment about a dog In a tavern. Et- Po ok: Saving Query from the leading French sport- | Heavy Loss by Fire ists, and it was Wazeasonabie to sup. ejay sings W. a Boys (Couservas forts to save him were continued u : ing paper L'A pose that many ministers whose ive, Sou mcoe) sa a e until almost the last hour of the cy The population here is discussing | !08 Paper L'Auto, which discovered In Strath "more, Alberta TORONTO IS VISITED thought the importance of the day --g-- her in h y - salaries partly came from these ihe Sage: freely, and opiniod is well f Ber Pot 3 ile little wii funds might be influenced. Dealing BY $200,000 FIRE | bad been unintentionally overlooked. an, : : Ssineg Jun sentenced to hang on |¢ivided and defined. Batistaction Is rs Daville gs. he shores i] olga, Ms. July 1 Fite with the question of Church union ; Many of the members had made en i 1 but feelin s . " Which started in the Masonic hall at April 4th last, but his friends were SXpegsed senernlly i and all her friends, has been suffering for | Strathmore Alta, late yesterday in fe West, ge pointed gut hay I The Conboy Carriage Company Sagements sai Bong ano - . * s ut h - fuetenntul in Suiatulug a stay of trial] Plante, who escaped, one with eigh. | Some time from heart trouble, through an exploslen of a coal oil ag ready ong di the work| Plant and Warehouse, |, ual to resort to Saturday sittings M48 taken to court. Justice Greep-|!¢en months in jail, the other scot Brockville Cheese Be Bound lamp, and which rapidly spread would be greatly handicapped. That Queen Street, Destroyed. until the House was: in sight of pro- . through the business section of the the west was not in favor of coer. rogation. At present there was na &hields refused the appeal, but said | [Tee Brockville, July 11.--A¢ th - NYY te regU-| town, was nis under control cive church union measures, he con-|{ Toronto, July 11. fire last even. |Buarantee when prorogation would Allahabad, British India, July 11.--Three hundred Persian cavalrymen were killed by Tur- 4 i ---- ." --_-- [060000000 ss0n00e + WALTER MUIR IS HANGED [:onoseesreeees : KILLED BY TURKONIANS + > + < ---- 4 komans during a night attack % near Gumbad-I-Kabuz, in Tur- » + + $e 9 $E24 449000200300 00 forts by influential persons and soci- 'that he felt that a verdict of man. 1 ti i to Mother. ar meeting of the cheese board, shortly after night. No estimate aughter would have met the ends vor etic qe nly 11.--Wal- [there were 4,291 boxes of cheese of- of the loss has yet A made, but it Sauce from the asenpt 10 lates le Yestruyed ho Bast ot He Cons Le vison. __ replied. that on this ustice, ; . h -|tered, of which 3,266 boxes were ; : 10,000 last year in the fout west-|boy Carriage Com ny on Queen . The execution was carried out in ~ ay iy ange this mera. colored and 1,015 boxes white. The Jo undersiond We damage will be, provinces for this purpose, and (street, near the Do.bridge, also the | dUestion, the government was in the the local prison yard at 7.35 a.m. ngs Ind hig When the final ap- | LOD Price bid on the board wa. 16% y. not more than one-quarter -was re-, warehouse and stick of the Domin- hands a the House. Members of standard time, and within sight. of Bis other, a the. Ottawa [Per Ib., which was %e per 1b. bere T/T) alized. Instead of Church union as-|ion Stores, Limited, and thousands | the Cabinet were giving up their Tneyiccle of the crime for which he ata yo DD LANE re ME Te week, and was sisting Immigration, he felt it would [of feet of lumber belonging to the! ays pleasure of sitting in counetl bald the Supreme Demalty. Muty| Suther thetic tele ram to the sec- |refused. At this date last year, work an injury, as Scottish people | Riverdale Lumber Company, as well | In order 10 Jntena the mesting of walked twenty-five 'steps to the scat- | Dt a pa oe goa shington, beg- [3,590 boxes were sold at 173s would not come to a country where |as half a dozen railway box cars, the | Parliament. No slight was intended fold with a steady step and when he | "tary of state at Washington, thelr church did not exist. The un- total loss reaching about $200,000. | ©n the day, The house had sat on Dominion Day in order to try and 4 tion. She followed her (Per 1b, % glanced down he smiled at those pre- | 8'08 interven lon leaders had become dictators,|The Dominion Stores occupied the or w wi ---- ! son in an autoriobile when he was in FOR T WORI D and refused their church members | second storey of the Conboy build-|&et through business, The govern- ' sent. k Revolutionists In Control. Dn tgage a Aid, Washington, July 11.--The Goy- the right of vote. Another objection Ing. Auto tops in course of manu-| Ment would un io Aipange the peo. Spent Night in Prayer. cial orn enroute from Mont- | ernor of Sao Paulo and other state wag that of depriving Presbyterians | facture, materials'and the building A ol Be BE rally Muir was pronounced dead four- real to Valleyfleld yesterday, and | officials have withdrawn from the of the right to call their own min- Sonstiinte the loss of the Conboy to be abel. teen minutes by the doctor of the spent the evening with her boy. She (capitol, which is entirely in control j ted ila oH pif mii started in iy ---- irl " {| of the revolutionists, a despatch Predic unionists wou n ey had bu s . > Five minutes after the trap stood in the park opposite the jai sts espatch to the shell and missed the substance |the employ of the Dominica Stores, Under Consideration. Was sprung Coroner Bessner stated | while the execution took place this | the state department to-day from 3 i Rt. H ' ited. - Hon. Arthur Meighen asked if the pulse of the youth was still morning. Just before dying, Muir [Consul Heeberle in Sao Paulo de- Before the Great Power - Jho Fresyienias Church would | Limited the government had decided tr in formal owing to, his perfect physica! wrote the following letter to his mo- | clared. troduce legislation for the benefit of Spent the night praying with, his spi-| « tbroken mother, my Progressing Favorably. ¥: ne I advisor, Father M me then must be sul-| Winifred, little daughter of Mn |. London, July <=The whole civi- | the west was due chiefly to the ex. a 4 a) -- fe St uaday eeldsration. : : ro: a) Bilt you must | and Mrs, I A. J ni} ized wor, be served. pectation. ot organic Church union ; v now," replied Mr: Grats nore : Tonk Rd ®. Was operated on at the King. | bY 8 vas predates req oad: | throughout Canada. The people 1n : Mr. Melghen then said that ber : d in the state of | ston General Hospital for appendici- | ¢asting, it was predictéd today be- that part of the country were wait- fore the government was able to grace. Always think of me, as I]tis. Little Ray Wagar, son of Mr. | fore the world power conference in {ing anxiously the consummation of Misun derstanding Threatened | 1 the date of prorogation. before int contribution made by W. J. It will be watching and praying over [and Mrs. Ray Wagar, Mountain|2 Jo J union. i even it was prepared to say what An hour before you until you join me in Heaven. It | Grove, was alse operated upon. Both | Brown, of the metropolitan cities of He felt that if the overseas Pres-| tO Destroy the Good Work legislation would be Introdfced it tion the condemned man at- wi 1 Great Britain, and*Dr. W. H. Easton, |, terian vote Lad been polled In Already Do i } as the will of God that I should |are progressing favorably. y rea ne. was askin riiament to sit on oly mass and later request- leave this earth at this time. I am of the Westinghouse Electric and 1915, it would have been largely un- y Saturday. NE avs out ho not '® Ught breakfast. He refused sti- | ; a Manufacturing Co., of the United' lonist. He thought it was unfair to L Jul --P ying a happy boy. I love you, mo a ondon, July 11.--Prime Minister called parliament until the end ot bad eng any kind. Owing to the ther, with all my heart and will F ERS States. The system, it was stated, | yge the term "dictator" toward un- MacDonald declared yesterday in| February, in startling contrast with . ------------ condition. The condemned man . ---- Senator Gideon Robertson said a" ther: that the progress in Church union in MACDONALD TELLS Houre Bank depositors. Sg i i feeling that the case had created, od. always for you. Good- would be based on the use of inau- lonist leaders, who sought harmony | pe House of Commons that he had i S un town looked Mke an armed gar. gad ghey ay God bless OF HIS ARM AND JAW dible short waves sent out by large in union and the betterment of the made his trip to Paris in order to Me Pench a om Thursday until Friday|,or "yoo loving son, Walter." stations 'aud caught by small local! churches. This unten iit uc sald, [remove an unfortunate situation morning sittings before the sessional 1 " Sul rived 3 + 4 Stations WhiSh ou Fe od oudeast had made m liberal provision for which had threatened to destroy the | programme was available, h fulr arriv ere at two em on audible wave lengths, minorities than any other such meas- work which had been done to make H. C. Hocken (Conservative, To 'clock yesterday afternoon by the Angler Nabs Jeweled Leonard Ferguson, Barriefield, Np -- ure. In objecting to the use of the possible the holding in Londo, | ronto West) oy that the prime W 'York Central train, hundreds Eel, Netting Him $5850 Badly Injured--William Gor- Coe Hill Young Man ballot in the vote in congregations. | yy1y 16th, of the inter-Allied con-| minister and the minister of rafle Of local people were on the platform. ' : don, Cushendall, Breaks Leg. Is Placed Under Arrest! he pointed out that it was unfair ference on the experts' report. ways had both intimated that mothe The condemned man was escorted by Greenwich, Conn. July 11.--An for Parliament to Intervene in al "My MacDonald sald ib British | ing important would be taken up on, Chiet D. D. Lorain, of $HO provi: eel caught by Albert J. Kane, of| Fractures of the arm and jaw and |. poterbore, July 11.--Provinclal | Purely domestic matter in church |Government had taken the view|Saturday. Why, then, should the Police, and a number of his sub- Greenwich, at Field Point Park, injury to the skull were suffered by Constable N. F. Maker journey to | affairs, that the experts' report should be| House not adjourn? It was no are barman. mop an hse 38 SE are; he seus on of| Cod Hl sa are 8 snag nn Ho Sereno many as Samant Lom hat bch . rri ¥ n e sserte a man etails ous n the 1st ould sit of fisherman more than $550. Tunis rerun, o -- foro A - Sho s0me Hut S50 Nui leased on Receives Second Reading. would -have to be settled conter-| the "12th. He thought that the morning. The boy, who is about| o¢ per trial on a charge of seducing | The Dill received its second read- {HCE preparatory to carrying out the; House should mot have sat-on the : twelve years old, had been sent out pis sister-in-law, a young unmarried jus and. when I Na eins Moved report. j first. It looked very much as if this alvad | to harness the horse. He had just 1 Mio com ie motion had been made for next Sate ¥ him in ve sil . six sapphires. A Greenwich jewel- girl. I ep : 3 in impressive silence ler placed the value of the ring at|f8nished when the animal took fright He was liberated conditional upon | White (Pembroke), protested 400,000 Malaria Cases urday just because it was the 12th. $650 or more @t his throwing something into the pis appearance before Judge Huycke | 282Inst this as not permitting of the Reported In Ukrainia| Mr Graham replied that the Goy~ "Cabinet Decision, : rig. He hung on to the reins and) to comply with His Honor's order | *Pression of opinion o hose mer, . ernment wished to be reasonable, but "Ottawa, July 11.--Although the .| Was injured by being dragged. Dr. providing for the maintenance of | ®5t€d. as was done in the ouse. o also wanted to get through the busi- rongest pressure had heen brought Timely Rain in West. J. F. Sparks took him to the General the child. Commons. He moved, seconded 'by 1 REarkoy; Russia, July JA na ness, bear to prevent the execution, the| Winnipeg, July 11.--The timely | Hospital, where he is doing as well| The mother of the child, through | Senator Mulholland, that the bill pe ig al ep em ¢ Suns out re na} TG. McBride (Progressive, Care binet terday afternoon re-af. [rainfall early this week has materi- |as can be expected. her solicitor made application under | Teferred to a special committee. |is assuming serious Proportions, | hoo) said the western mefbers want ih : fon against any inter. ally 'improved crop pro ts * fn On Thursday afternoon, William | "The Children of Unmarried Barents' | Senator Robeftson, who has charge | more than 400,000 cases having been ed to get home. course of the law. Manion, Atcording to the report orden, ot Sushandall, broke his leg| Act" for a court order after thle birth of the provincia agricultural de- low the knee when it caught in| of the child. received proved unavail- | partment issued to-day. the wheel of his milk wagon. Dr. R. Upon being summoned to attend Throughout the entire province, {J. Gardiner is attending him in the before Judge Huycke, the defendant 2 that Muir should damage from frost, hail or pests has | General Hospital, refused to appear, thus a warrant stands" asserted the Minister been negligible, Two employees of the Collingwood | was issued for his arrest. after the Cabinet Council, Owing to the lateness of the sea- Shipbuilding Company, suffered pain- those who endeavored to se- son, 1 tis expected that the hap crop | ful injuries. On Thursday afternoon, ency for Muir wes Hon. J. will be somewhat lighter than usual. |A. Stephens, § Ontario Street, had "paled when he saw the and walked quickly to the au- le which waiting to con-| "Inside the elongated fish the fish- to the prison, keeping his [erman found a platinum dinner ring | well down. The population re- [containing seventeen diamonds and of the bill, opposed this on the | recorded during the last five months, Thomas Vien (Liberal, Lotbiniere) ground that Parliament was near its| In some villages the entire popula- argued that the House should not close, that all . information neces-| tion has been stricken by the disease sit on the 17th of March or June sary was already available, and the | which is of the malignant tropical | 24th 1f it was going to take a holiday effect would be to carry the bill over | type. on the 12th of July. Some of the till next session, when all the work | -- members wanted this holiday so as to would have to be done over again. make speeches and pass resolutions Senator J. D. Reid strongly urgea ENGLISH ELECTION, which® would not meet with the ap : that the bill go to a special com- Retat I proval of others, : his arm badly pinched when a ream- mittee, and stated again that it was | Tories sion Hold - . Divi -------------- | er caught his shirt sleeve and twisted being. railroaded through the Sen- London, July 11.--The Conserva- DOMINION A UE. it tightly round his arm. Only the ate. ig Solment Was defeated by | party still retains its hold on| . : prompt action of' his fellow em- , . ot a vote o o 19. : ployees in stopping the machine pre- h : . 'The House then went into, com.) '® Lewes division of East Susser. A Decrease for, June as Compared pi For Unmarried Men of Per= 1t f the whole on the bill. Sen. the by-election there Thursday hay. With Last Year. vented very serious results. He was CF D al mitiee of ihe . Ing resulted in the election of .Cap- Ottawa, July 11.--Total revenues taken to the General Hospital, where| Manent Force ator Lynch-Staunton moved that tain Tufton Beamish, Conservative MARCELINE TALROY Gardiner had an X-ray tak oli Anti clause § of the bill be struck out. . * {of the Dominion of Canada decrease On "Some Modern Wives" on Frigey| Applications Anticipated. This deals withghe property rights Sa Tr crazed contest, Cable during June by more then six . -- n- od ; . morning H. Graham was struck Ottawa, - July 11.--Applications | 0f congregation§, and he claimed it didate: and nd Williams rd million dollars, as compared with They say: "MARRY IN HASTE | Any more--at least. not Sein hu this) with a crowbar and] from NC.0/ and me of IIEEHON Oe ater aie Slalime the | Liberal nominee. at ay Juris. 1023. Total revenue : "and Those whose happiness is had to be taken home. ; dian permanent force for discharga Toney Seba - uerites to Hi The vote was as follows: Beamish, lun ih Imaunted te 4 nan. . y y po J a '1 9.684; Hall, 6,122: li - : : . ---- 534; , 6,122; ily To KEEP MOVING. Quebec provincial civil servasts | reguintions. radios Frog ind PER oy TG 2. Wane, 2. Le a0, 140,T40. Bpntites riod TIMES have CHANGED, are to be tied and are to bene- married men have been anticipated | Cisuse 10, which deals with the| "n.. by-election 'was necessitate | P25t MOBth totalled $25,448,744, as Fv fit from a new scale of Day effective { by the Department of National De. | Question of voting inte or out ot 'by the recent appointment of Lt. against $27,014,810 last year. Cus A MAN used to buy a HOUSE trom September, fence, according to G. J. Desbarats | church union, and which was the | col. Ww. R. Campion, former Conser. | O™$ Tevenues for June dropped And put his wite in 1t and. An office of the receiver-general deputy minfster, here. Mr. Desbargts | Subject of much debate in the House vative member for Lewes, to the goy- | 0™ $10,382,154 last year to $8.- may be opened iz Vancouver, Pointed out that the pay {0 unmar. | Of Commons was severely criticized erorship of Wester Australia. | 504/476 this year. - Bxcise tax col- They BOTH took ROOT; LY a i ried men to-day was, in spite 'of the | bY Senator W. R. Ross and Senator ; ils jection Jan A. J10a18,122 1a Now, ' t 'than G. G. Foster and they moved a re- : nN 345,942. o + 4 he has enough money, tetettr0tvrnrrnen ie st Higher thax =, 'solution to the same effect as that $9944 42904¢850 440 trom excise duties was approximate He buys her SEVERAL and : ALLOWED TO CHANGE 3 been received by the department, as | Moved in the House of Commons by|® rw # ly the same as in June of 1923, and She spends a few months in HIS PLEA OF : y were matters for the officers | the anti-unfonists, which makes the | # 40,331 CHINESE ARE. 4 totalled $1,192,104. GUILTY & he) the various units. The | YOUNg on the question of leaving the | ¥. IN CANADA # Pe or 0 and the rest of the time . ; redilction of pay had been made me. | UNI0D bY ballot, {stead of oper ror -- ®| Unfilled orders of the United the - ry by the cut in the estimates ins. Senator Robertson protested |® a Sty 11.--When the #|Sfates Steel Corporation on June world - department ; against this interference with the]¥ Period allowed for registration & {30th totalled 3,262 505 tons, a de-. GET TO THEM. ; or the depariment,", right of the churches in matters of 3 ot Cilsese in Saada Fovired 3 HN Cio Gd or ae in bois i EAL wi ¥ EE T haraeter n June last, 40, hi Jee ; w his plea of guilty snd o uly 11.-- hue Question was still under dis- she Elin the -- frre istence to devise : Gold, but some of the Modern : 3 ; cussion when the House rose. o a : pr: " one of not guilty to the ¢ | v ---- 4 given in the House of Commons ¢ Ontario farmer planned. . Ee or pr + y Variaty seem more like charge of murdering Joseph then sis les. an ho Ta 3 yesterday afternoon 15 answer #| Rugsles motor truck plast at Lon Silver--QUICK SILVER at thaty aurer, drug clerk, in a hold- lerst '8 3 ity yi ] Three members of provineial po-|# to a question of A. W. Nefil, In. don taken over by paremt company, \ x * 'a Bn. 1 lice force, Toronto, are dismissed % dependent, Comox-Alberns. and partially reopened. \ i > ered 82 at. with: | following official investigation ofie 3 San Francisco welcomes British 3 o"ma 'minutes opped to 70. wrecking of police car, = : te900000%c0000000 BavAl SQUAGNOM to Golden Guts, , 3 ¥ = cK Sas 000000000 00000 6

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