THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1934. sls ni sais t -- INTS "FoR % ih HE ° ALBERT L.CLOUGH YOUR ROOFING TROUBLES Copyright, 1924, by The internationai Syndicate us supply you with Shingles or Roof Rims that has a reputation for quality. - . They Must Be True On Their Wheels And Tight g os . """ . oe . """ Vv $ Quality" remains long after "price" is HERE IS A BIT OF ADVICE for anyone who is just beginning to forgotten. Operate a car: Rehearse the operation of removing and re-applying one of your demountable rims, so as to be sure you can do it quickly 'Phone 1042. ing and correctly, when it has to be done, which of course may be in dark- ness, in the rain or under other unfavorable conditions. It will pay to have had the practice this obtainable. Before starting on a long trip be sure of three things: That your jack i{s on board and in working order, that you have a rim-wrench and that your spare rim has a serv- iceable tire on it which Is fully inflated. Cers with tires which do not run true are seen everywhere and it is a fact that the commonest cause of this is not untrue axles but improperly applied rims. The rim is not up against thc inner flange of the felloe band, all the way around. Bither the rim is not forced fully into its seat or in securing it, ali the wedges on one side are tightened before the rest and the rim thereby is canted out of true and fails to come into a correct seating when the rest of the wedges arc set up. The rim should be put fully on through- out its circumference, a lug on one side should be partly tightened, then the one nearest opposite it, then the ones nearly quartering from these and finally the intermediate ones. The same order, should be observed in the final tightening and if the rim still is out of true with the wheel, as disclosed by spinning the wheel, the lugs should be loosened and another attempt made. The treads of wobbling tires are "scuffed" off rapidly. Before removing a rim it is advisable to oil the threads of all the bolts and after a newly applied rim has run for a few miles, all the nuts should be tried for tightness, for if a rim is run loose it "works" enough to cause squeaking and to spoil the bolt threads. Rims that have accidentally become bent cr deeply dented had better be discarded at once. 3 PRESSURE IN THE COOLING SYST! - Goodyear Does It Again! The story of a sensational improvement in tire-making, of greatest economic interest to every car owner ly know that the modern, In ether words, it was demonstrated in these Oy Irobably balloon tire is made with tests that, ply for Ply Goodyear -SUPER- thinner sidewalls and greater flexibility TWIST cord fabric literally doubled the than other tires. : carcass life of the tire. These characteristics favolve pew problems Ceruainly this justifies pe, oi Me i i i rtan requiremen eater 1 I Se important sete NY than SUPERTWIST has been recorded since ial requirement of the success the introduction of the co! re 3 Fis most essant is a open kind of cord fabric, The superiority of Goodyear SUPERTWIST of extreme elasticity and endurance. is due to its greater elasticity and power to No ordinary cord fabric can withstand the flex, with consequent wider distribution of balloon tire's continuous and Zcpeated flexing, shock and eater freedom from stone-bruise i i iously resist severe a ike injuries. 25d at the same Sime victor y This incomparable material is now used in In its laboratories and its own cotton mills regular Goodyear production and is built into Goodyear has solved this urgent problem-- all Goodyear Balloon Tires--to fit new wheels, by perfecting a remarkable and exclusive cord or the wheels now on your car. fabric called SUPERTWIST. For Goodyear Balloon Tires to fit your present Tests made with tires embodying this new wheels, sce the Goodyear Selected Dealer. material, showed that a carcass made of Regarding new smaller wheels and rims, with SUPERTWIST delivered more than 100% Goodyear Balloon Tires, sce the Goodyear greater service than a carcass Sentaining an Selected Dealer, your car dealer or the nearest equal number of plies of standard cord fabric. Goodyear Branch. Goodyear means Good Wear a rt 1. ---------- Pn efresh ~ Yourself You see the name, Coca-Cola, brightening the streets and cor- ners everywhere --more familiar than the names of the streets themselves. That's because this beverage has individuality-- distinctive charm. Drink of focus. Don't you think that, of this 259 the greater proportion are Fords? The .lights of these cars are the worst on the road, in my belief, What can be done about this? Answer: We are ready to leave it to the rest of the readers of "Hints for the Motorist" as to whether you are right or wrong. What the remedy is, we do not know, but we believe that it is the duty of the "powers that be" to enforce the glaring headlight laws, against all violators, far better than they have yet been able to do. | The danger from dazzling road lights is too serious to'be dallied with, MADE IN CANADA BALLOON TIRES AND SPEED- - OMETER READINGS he, NY a " GOODYEAR TIRES FOR SALE AT VANLUVEN BROS. 34 Princess St. upper tank of the radiator has be- / x y ST come stopped up. This is an un- en wa el usual oocourrence, but there may W, A. T. writes: Hoyeral times slnee putting my car Into commis- slot this spring, when I have started to remove tho radlator-cap to see If I had water enough, there has been quite an escape of steam and I have had to walt a while to keep from getting scalded. I never had this trouble before. What causes it? Answer Apparently pressure developes In the cooling system Sold everywhere---in bottles and at soda fountains, a Delicious and Refreshing The Coca-Cola Company of Canada, Ltd. Head Office: Toronto 2H ran a tras ------_--_-- PRA 1 A on MY TY FOR SALE SEMI-BUNGALOW---S8olid brick, 6 rooms, 8 bedrooms, lights, &ns, 3 piece bath, hot water heating, fireplace, hard wood floors, wall and floor plugs, nice verandah, extra wide lot, 210 feet deep, beau- tiful lawn 60 ft. from house to street. This place can be bought for much less than cost price if taken this week. One of the finest loca- tions in city. Please enquire at office for price and location. M. B. TRUMPOUR ~ 'Phone 704 or 2072w . - - 270 PRINCESS STREET have been sediment in the pipe, when you laid the car up, which hardened and obstructed it. You better try to run a stiff wire through the pipe to open it up. If exoessive steam pressure developed L. ki, asks: Will changing from ordinary cord tires to balloon tiret affect the accuracy of speedometer readings? Answer: Not unless the actual Cut Softwood Slabs. . . ... . . . . $3.50 per load Cut Hardwood Slabs .......$4.00 per load Small Hard Coal . .'. ........$12.50 per ton Split Pea Coal ............$10.00 per ton SOWARDS COAL C0. Phone 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. In the system It may start the radiator to leaking. i -------- THE BLINDING HEADLIGHT EVIL diameter of the wheels is thereby altered. The cross section of the tire makes no difference in the op- eration of the speedometer. For instance, the change from 82 ffich cord tires to 32 inch ballon tires should not affect the speedometer readings, C. R. F. writes: In one of your articles, referring to headlights, you say that 269% of them are out Qopyright, 192}, dy The International Syndicate Adding Electrical Equipment Don't Spoil A Reliable Installation By Trouble Breeding Extensions A LARGE PROPORTION of motorists sooner or later make additions to the electrical systems of their cars. Among the electrical devices most commonly installed as accessory equipment are cigar lighters, windshield wipers, trafic signals, 'spot lights, parking lights, backing lamps, mixture heaters and hand warmers, All these are conveniences and are capable of giving good service, if they are carefully installed And there fs battery capacity to operate them. However, the more tomplicated and extensive an electrical system becomes, the greater the likelthood of 'trouble with it and a single weak spot in any part of the layout may be capable of putting the entire outfit out of service. The ignition, the horn and the head and tail lights are necessary to the operation of a car and no additional equipment of a less essential aature should ever be installed in such a manner as to jeopardize the reliability of these three vital parts of the system. Nevertheless extra squipment is often carelessly attached and by developing short-circuits, runs down the battery, blows fuses at inconvenient times and occasional- ly starts fires. The original system as Installed at the factory is laid out as carefully as the rest of the car and is as nearly trouble proof as engineering skill anc. experience can make it, but when additional Sevices and circuits are later put In, it is often in a less safe and substantial way. Unarmored or improperly insulated wire may be used and it may not be properly supported away from possible ground con- tacts. Fusé protection may be disregarded or existing fused circuits may be overloaded in such a way that trouble in one of the accessory circuits may put the horn or the lights out of business. In adding elee- trical equipment, all the wiring should be up to the highest professional standard, the circuits should be fused independently of the original car eircuits or connected to a special automatic circuit breaker. Manu- lacturers ays the generators of their cars for charging rates sufficient to take car® only of devices included in the original system and if a lot more electrical apparatus is added, a higher charging rate is gen- erally required or the battery will run down frequently. Electrical ac- Svssaries are Jalusble aluncts to any car but unless so installed that cannof erfere with the operation of th prove liabilities instead of assets. > orieal sYsam, may IGNITION SYSTEM IS DEAD ignition system could have been disarranged by having the batt discharge through it. - OIL PRESSURE FALLS OFF B. E. T. writes: Lately I have noticed that when I first start the engine of my car, there is an oll pressure of four, when it is pulling, but this drops, after a while to about one and a half. Heretofore, it always started out at about four, but never fell below two and a half at anytime, when the engine was doing work. Is this anything'to be alarmed about? H. L. writes: The last time I I have just refilled the crankcase. ased it, I left the ignition of my wv car switched on and this morning I found the battery dead. I immediately had it recharged If not, the on that the ofl you are at present Auto Tops and Seats Recovered Side Curtains, All Kinds of Bevelled Glass Lights R. SINCLAIR 860 BARRIE STREET 'PHONE 1684. UNDER PARENTAL ROOF, Mr. and Mrs. J. Godfrey Entertaived For Newly Weds. Mountain Grove, July 8. --S8, Stinchcomb loaded a car of calves, pigs, etc., on Monday. D. McDonald motored to-Parham on Sunday, to attend the funeral of the late G, A. Smith. Rev. and Mrs. Gall arrived on Saturday. He will take charge of the mission for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. J. Godfrey entertained a number of friends on Wednesday evening, in honor of the newly- weds. J. Johnston took their little Monday, where she will AUTO TOPS New and Repaired CUSHIONS We Can Regrind Your Cylinders square with the base round and true with a heavy duty cylinder grinding machine, giving verfect work in every respect. Automotive Grinders Limited SLIP COVERS FORD TOPS RE-COV. iD $12.00 SEDAN TRRININ GS | | 299-305 Queen m-- FROST'S rmests SELECT AUTOMOBILE PAINTING glad to see Mrs. H. Card home again after her recent serious iliness. Miss M. Sanderson, Kingston, and Mrs. ing Clark spent Sunday at Bethany. J. Drew has purchased a car as also A. daughter, Winifred, tg Kingston, on; York and D. Hastwick. Kenneth undergo | Thompson, Watertown, treatment for appendicitis. All are} Miss Grace Thompson, Toronto, are ~~ Aye under the parental roof. "Miss Eloise Price has returned home af- ter a visit with friends at Long Lake. Miss Ethel Cox has secured a position with E. Barker ag telephone operator. 4 3 Ho who rests satisfied in mersly défending himself against sarcasm and abuse is always a loser. John B. Sanderson, are visit friends in this vicinity. J. D. N.Y, and and supposed all would be well. The starter cranked the engine all right, but firing did not take place using does not maintain its viscos- ity, when hot, nearly as well as the former oil did. Reduced | ap. | asap I ) ¢~ clusive features at no added ) \ Ve Ws 2 (fra { HID ol SUE : \ ; HIN 8 To the acknowledged su- } premacy of Dominion Royal \/. Cord Tires has been added the increased dependability and mileage of the Web Cord and Sprayed Rubber processes, ex- cost, » oil gage indications from and 1 found there was absolutely evap i a sult thus N otasiins Ro spark at the plugs. What do | the resistance to be overcoms in you suppose happened and how can | circulating it th I get the sugine | Fusing again? On general princip Jr the system. We sugges" Answer the resist- that you try some other kind of ance unit--the ring shaped | high gfade oil and if the pressure | coll of bare Wire, mounted on the not hold: up better, write side of the distributor-head-- | again. burned out and opened the pri ignition circuit, although this is an unusual gtcurrence, You can tem- porarily short-circuit around th resistance-unit, with a piece wire, .and if this establishes igni- tion, you will have to install a new unit. If this is not the trouble, you may find that the ignition coll was damaged by overheating, You can have it tested at any electrical can bost be supplied at our store, for we carry' a complet stock and BINDER SECTIONS, GUARDS, etc., for all makes. Paris Green, Arsenate of Lead, and Potato Dust. Our prices are right. service station and settle this point. These are the only ways that the LEMMON & SONS ||| sé dm niyo yal / : Bestred, enclose selt-addressed. stamped envelope. Telephone 840 - : : - -- -- Miss Gertrude Bennett, former| Mrs, Fred Bennett, Rockport, has ¢ o lady superinteddent, of the Broek-|been bereaved by the death of her ville General Hospital, has been ap-| brother, W. B. McGarvey, Water- pointed lady superintendent of the|town, N.Y. ~ : new Ottawa Civic hospital. : Mrs. M. J. Littlejohn and daugh- ' Mrs. E. 8. Bissell, Mallorytown, is | ter; Gananoque, have eft for Earl- spending a week at "Echo Lodge." ton Jet. Ont. Auto Insurance premiums for 1923 5 amounted to nearly $225,000,000. taxed he| Lossés of $100,000,000 were paid out, ani