Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jun 1924, p. 10

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LUX ¥ = | ciation yesterday, Smart, Indeed are the newest sport togs--= but can they be washed-- safely? Rest assured, they can--with Lux. Lux will not shrink or fade Tow sport clothes. The rich ux suds clean gently, with- out the rubbing that is so injurious to any fabric, Sold only in sealed packete--dustproof! THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | GREAT SUNDAY SCHOOL ADVANCE IS REPORTED In Japan, Korea, China, Philip=- | pines, Brazil, Argentina, Syria and Palestine. | ---- 1 Glasgow, June | 21.---In presenting his report to the ninth convention | of the World's Sunday School Asso- Dr. W.'G. Landes, i of New York, general secretary, re- viewed the work of the association | since the Tokio convention of 1920. That convention established with-| the value of | out question, he sald, | the organized Sunday-school work as an efficient factor in the great world- wide missionary programme: It brought the aSsociation into a new | position of influence and strength. 'Those who participated in the var- fous tours during the past four years found open doors on every hand and |a readiness to learn of the methods employed in promoting the Sunday school as an evangelizing agency. As a result of this awakened in- terest, new National Associations have been organized in Ceylon, Bur- ma, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Aus- ria, Spain, Portugal and Chili. Co- operating committees have been formed in North Africa, Constanti- nople, Rumania and Jugoslavia, The Japanese National Sunday School Association, Dr. Landes said, +schools "and | will be made unnecessary. {icy of the Association must be to | has steadily grown in constructive influence and is now recognized as an important factor in the educa- tional life of that nation. Recently the Tokio authorities had requested LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED NTO L434 a -------- the assistance of the National Asso- i 1 ciation to furnish a regular period of Christian teaching in all the prim- ary public schools of that city. MECOGNTIRD POR YEARS AS A STANDARD NE. MEDY FOR THIS DREAD AFFLICTION. QUICK. LY AELIEVES AND OVERCOMES IRRITATION. Sewing Machines, Phonographs, Guns, Rifies repaired and refitted. Parts supplied. Saws filed, knives, scissors and edge tools ground. Locks repaired. Keys fitted to all kinds of locks. All makes of Lawn Mowers sharpened and re- paired. We can repair anything that is repairable. J. M. PATRICK _ 149 Sydenham Street, Kingston Phone 2036J. At no period {n the history of the Association had there been such { close personal contact with the fields {and to study needs and hold helpful conferences as in the past four years. | Groups returning from Tokio have | visited remote fields and inspira- tional meetings had been held at all | stops. | 'The past four years have wit- | ressed a marvelous advance in Japan, Korea, China, India, the Philippines, Brazil, Argentine, Syria and Palestine," Dr. Landes declared. "Our secretaries in these countries | work under the direction of well or- | ganized national committees repre- | senting the co-operative action and | will of the missionary agencies and " The new age is a rampage. | church bodies occupying the fleld. Fach national organization has well | defined plans for the training of an HEN Do 'not suffer another A a ing, or Pro Ti Be ae Ne LL operation required. Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once and afford lasting benefit. 60c a x; all dealers, or 'manson, Dales & Co. Limited, Toronto. Sample box free YOU BUY WHEN! The exceptional tone quality in the Weber Piano appeals to the most ascethetic taste. HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCEUL. AT C. W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms, Something More! After meals you want something more--a bit of sweet with a change of flavor. WRIGLEY'S ig that "something more" and it's more than that! It is a great aid to your good health, as medical authorities say. This is from a recent book on health: "Many physicians now recommend gum chewing . . . . for a better and more complete change of the starches into dextrin." 'WRIGLEYS after every meal --means that your digestion is aided while your pleasure is served; teeth and digestion both benefit. Your choice of several flavors, all of the WRIGLEY quality-- sealed in its purity package, Wrigley's makes the next cigar taste better | indigenous 038 teaderehi ip. np. Special pre- pared study courses for leaders are | iven in summer assemblies and training camps, theological semin- aries and schools, special training schools and institutes, classes in local Sunday cireulating ity training With i | | depart- | | ments in Christian colleges, commun- libraries. | the growth of the indigenous or native church and the training of a native leadership, we naturally look forward to the time wher the guid- ance from foreign or outside sources | The pol- | increasingly surrender authority and | direction to native leadership as | rapidly as such leadership can be se- | cured." The visits made to the varicus | parts of the world fleld during the | past four years have revealed the | great handicap under which secre- | taries and the missionaries labor be- | cause of the meager and unsuitable | literature supply with which Sunday school work has to be promoted. Dr. Landes urged an initial effort in some part of the world field, in the creation of an indigenous lesson committee and the assistance of that committee in building and producing a complete scheme of lesson study courses that will more clearly inter- prete the Christian way of life, and be more definitely identified with the history, cligpate, ideals, tradition and evils of the people. Declaring that If we would "avoid the repetition of facing in the future the solving of another war repara- tion problem' larger investment must be made in the teaching of the Christian religion, and he urged a far more liberal budget than that with which the association has had to work. NELSON PARLIAMENT LEAVES AMELIASBURG ny pr Friends Make Presentation to the Former Member And His Wife. Picton, June 21.--Hon. Nelson Parliament and Mrs. Parliament were waited on by a number of their friends on Monday evening and pre- sented with a cut glass water set and tray prior to their removal from the old home at Ameliasburgh where they have lived all their lives, Captain and Mrs. Goodwin of the Salvation Army made a flying trip to Toronto on Tuesday last. Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Adams of the Nova Scotia Bank left on Wednesday morning for their new home at Woodstock, New Brunswick. Before leaving Picton they were waited on by a number of their friends and presented with a handsome floor lamp and a smoker's companion as a mark of appreciation. They will be much missed in social circles, and the best wishes of a host of friends g0 with them to their new home. The 1.Q.D.E. are putting on a June fete at the armouries on Friday eve- ning, June 27th. A rummage and home cooking sale will be conduct- ed in addition to bridge and card playing. Mrs. Harriette Welsh is visiting friends in Canandaigua and Roches- ter, N.Y. Myron Cheesebro, Ferguson street, has gone to Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. James Livingstone have returned from a motor trip to Peterboro and Kawartha Lakes. Mrs. W. C. Gorsline was the guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Robinson, Kingston. T. O. Crandall, Dr. A. C. DeMille | and Isaac Baker are in attendance at the I1.0.0.F. Grand Lodge Guelph. Mrs. E. A. Theaker and little daughter, Kathleen, of Marotick, are guests at the home of H. G. Mc- Gregor, Paul street. Mrs. Annie O'Hagan, visiting relatives and tocwn and county, Mr. Frank of Guelph, is the guest of his"son, Dr. R. W. Frank. Miss Rouse and Mrs. Roland Brown went to Belleville last week to attend a funeral. Iva E. Martin and Miss Martin entertained at "The Castle" in ho- nor of Miss Lillian Boulter of Los Angeles, who has come to spend the summer in Picton, Dr. J. H. Walmsley is in Ottawa this week attending the medical clinic being held in the city. The doctor was accompanied by his mo- ther, who will be the guest of Mrs. Clark and Miss Greggan of that city. Miss Gaden, superintendent of Frince Edward county hospital, left on Monday for an extended holiday. Mrs. R. Davidson is spending this week in Belleville witlr her daugh- ter, Mrs. C. Douglas Reid, and at- tending the U.E.L. celebration, at Oshawa, are friends in LATE JOHN DONNELLY, 0SO. Passed Away on June 15th, Aged Eighty-Eight. Sharbot Lake, June 19.--One of the oldest residents in the township of Oso passed away early Sunday morning last in the person of John Donnelly. The deceased was eighty- eight years of age and had been a very industrious farmer in Oso for many years. He had been sick only a few days, though he had been in falling health for some time. He leaves to mourn his loss three sons, Ephraim Donnelly, Neil Donnelly, John D~nuelly, and three daughters, Mrs. © eighen, Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs. L.shop. A very large circle of friends, neighbors and relations assembled at the house, and proceeded to St. Paul's church, Zealand, where the funeral service Was held. The rec- tor, Rev. J. Cantrell, conducted that most impressive and comforting ba- rial service of the Anglican church, and preached from Mark IV, 18 and 19. He also referred to the esteém and respect in which the deceased brother was held in the community. "he following hymns were sung at MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1924. Want to F there's one time in the year more than any other to feel at your best, it's in the summer. Summer is the Time You This delicious, laxative cereal is helping millions to better health. You want to take every Feel Fit that you want advantage of your leisure moments to get out into the fresh, clear air--swimming, yachting, or wherever your fancy leads. But you can't enjoy yourself to the full unless your system is in tune with health and vigor. Millions are daily stepping forward on the way to better health with Post's Bran Flakes.. Freeing their systems from the poisons introduced by modern eating and living--through eating as their morning cereal this delicious, laxative food. These crisp, toasted flakes of bran--far more delightful and nourishing than ordinary pe Bran! means of health regularity, just as nature intended. Made in Canada Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Head Office: Toronto Factory: A Laxati the service: "Forever With the | their money well spent and congratu- ( Lord," "Where the Light Forever| lated Mr. Oliver Kirkwood, who did | Shineth" and "Hush, Blessed are|the work, on its beautiful appear-| the Dead." ance. A hearty vote of thanks was | also given to those who so willingly | | helped in many ways with the re- Tichborne, June 19.--The warm | modelling. The sum of $10 was vot- weather and showers are making!ed toward the upkeep of the Sunday | everything look fine. William Steele school. The ladies intend purchas- | has a gang of men working on the|ing curtains for .the class room in | north and south road. William An-|the Sabbath school. { derson motored to Toronto on Thurs-{ At the close of the Aid meeting day last, for his new Sedan. The Mrs. James Greenless, Jr. read a Ladies' Aid meeting was held at Mrs. | short address and Mrs. McBroom John Steele's, Jr., on Wednesday presented Mrs. R. A. Donaldson with | last. The missionary play put on by | a small gift of silver knives to show | Parham people, on Saturday night, | the love and appreciation for her was well attended and enjoyed by all. | work while being the president. The | | William Robinson has installed a; | missionary executive reported the new radio in his home. Robert Craw-| quilts ready for the bale to be sent | Tourists on Lakes Again. harsh bran, because other parts of wheat are left in--afford a natural Post's Bran Flakes is all the breakfast cereal you require. Ready for serving--with milk or cream. At all grocers. Insist on seeing the name "Post's Bran Flakes" to make certain of the genuine. Limited RRN FLAKES bith Other Parts of Wheat Pow gol Windsor, Ont. DELICIOUSLY MALY FLAVORED A LAXATIVE READY 10 Lap" ve Food Speak not at all, in any wise, tin | for the truth of your speaking. you have somewhat to speak. Care| kindles the great. aot for the reward of your speaking, Absence is to love what wind is to but simply and with undivided mind | fire. It puts out the little and ~- ford has bought a new car. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Kennedy, Jr., at William Kennedy's. | Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kennedy Sunday evening at George Thomp-| gon's; a car load motored from Fall-| brook to Willlam Kennedy on Sun- { ie July. refreshments at close of meeting. Mrs. Wilfred Wilson, Windsor, Tier husband and his friend who'| motored down, have returned home. The annual Sunday school conven- | Mrs. Johnston served dainty | is | spent | visiting relatives at Brewer's Mills. | | | i day last; Mrs. John Steele, Sr., at; tion was held at Sand Hill Presbyter- | Mrs. William Steele's. Thomas | ian church on Monday last. A good | Swerbrick motored to Kingston on! crowd was present at both afternoon | Sunday last. Miss McKewer spent ard evening sessions. The people! the week-end at Bob's Lake. Wil- | were somewhat disappointed as their liam Steele and family also John! speaker from Toronto did not make Kennedy motored to Westport, on| connections, but his place was ab'y Sunday last. A number of tourists filled by Rev. Mr. Cooper, Rev. Mr. are on the lakes again. Lancaster and Rev. Mr. Doggett. The | ladies served refreshments at the close of the afternoon session for those from a distance. Missionary and Sunday School Events This Week. News of Cataraqui. Sand Hill, June 20.--The monthly Cataraqui, June 21.--Rev. Mr. meeting of the Ladies' Aid and Mis-| Cassidy, Montreal, preached in the slonary Society was held at the home | Methodist church on conference Sun- of Mrs. Anderson Johnston, Sand | day. Rev, Mr. Craig, Ottawa, an- Hill, on Tuesday afternoon with a other former pastor, was also a good attendance. The business done | visitor here. Miss Margaret and was the paying of $240, bills for ma- | Miss Gladys Quail, Los Angeles, Cal., terial and wérk done on the base- have been the guests of their aunt, ment of the church. The ladies think rMs. R. Curran. Bernard Curran, » Bank of Montreal, Napanee, has also been spending the holidays at his home here. Miss Bessie Gordon is {having a birthday party this after- i noon. Rev Mr. Mick and Mrs. Mick, Stanstead, Que., have been the guests of Rev. G. A Sisco. Rev. Mr. Mick baptized the wee daughter of ithe parsonage. F. A. Smith, BA. ' MEETINGS AT SAND HILL. TE EERE SEC {1s visiting his parents, Canon and |} Mrs. A. Smith. Miss Kathleen Mor- ris is also at rectory. Some of the local sports attended the U.E.L. cele- ! bration at Belleville. ; 'Thought is valuable in proportion as Lt is generative, Extremely Popular Sandals You will need them as soon as the wea- ther changes. --Sandals in Suede. --Sandals in Buck. --Sandals in Patent Leather. Many new styles to choose from. The Sawyer Shoe Store Phone 159. 184 Princess St. ICE CREAM Made the better way--pasteurized and homogenized. The purity and delightful flavors of our Ice Cream in- sure satisfaction. Sold, wholesale and retail--in bulk and brick. We ship everywhere. GEO. MASOU { 238 Princess Street.

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