i Sn i Wp er ne CF oy A mg PR Perri as Art? a re / Founded 1847 Livingston's THE SEASON'S GREATEST SAVINGS ON Suits That is because of the determined manner in which we have entered in this great effort towards stock reduc- tion--clearance is the big issue with us now--oprofit goes by the board--a sit- uation which develops for you the greatest savings of high quality Suits that the men of Kingston have had ac- cess to in many a day. 20% Discount Off All Men's and Boys' Ready-to-Wear Suits LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" rs Anderson Bros. Lid. June 19th, 1924. FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS Place all orders possible on Friday to catch early deliveries. First delivery leaves at 8 a.m. to all parts of the city; also 'Barrie- field and Portsmouth--four deliveries daily, two in the forenoon and two in the after- noon. Please order from list below. FANCY BISCUITS Wedding Bell Creams .. .........40c Ib. Chocolate Soldier ..............40c. Ib. Meltrose Creams oe vin evs 300: 1b. Colonial ...35c. Ib. Opera PRIN... | Fruit Cake . 45c. We have a full line of Cakes and Pastry of all kinds. WAGSTAFF'S JAM--Crab Aprle Jelly, 16 oz. Orange Marmalade, 16 o Brapiblly JOHY, 15 02... .... ic. cove iniinsiuiie 0c. Pineapple Marmalade, 16 oz. Somme Soap 8 bars for 25c. Get Jour Comfort Soap Coupon Wrappers redeenied here. Classic Cleanser . 8 for 23c.| Corn Flakes 8 for 25c. 8 Minute Oat Flakes 12% ec. and 25c. 4 1b. tins pure Jam Dates 8 boxes Matches, Eddy's oe 29¢. | 1 1b. tins of Anderson's Baking 2 2 tina Lombard. § Plums, . . .19c, | Powder 25¢. Fresh Crisp Soda H. P. Sance--regular 35c. FISH FOR FRIDAY Restigouche 3 Salmon (Sliced) .......38ec. piece ...... . . .35¢. Fresh White | Fish22¢ | Fresh F: illets . v'eiCs - Fresh Trout . ..20c.|Finnan Haddie .18c. Red Jpring Salmon (sliced) ........32c. thepiece ............. ...30c Halibut (sliced) Exot vas aaa ts ide a 30e, Bythepiece ....... .......:. 2%. ' MEAT DEPARTMENT Lots of choice Spring Lamb for Saturday cut to order. Mint free. Fresh Pork Tenderloins ..... ......50e. Fresh Pork Kidneys . .........2 for 25c. Fresh 3 reRibs .............2 for 25¢. ade Sausage .........2 for 25¢c. § roah Made Sauseg perlb. ........... 286. OUTSIDE MARKET Special car of assorted Fruits and Vegetables, imported and home grown, marked at lowest prices. Do not forget to eit this department oo Saturday. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG THURSDAY, REDUCING NUMBER Fl METAGAMA COLLIDES OF COUNTY JUDGES 3 orm vessews roa St. Johns, Nfid.,, June 19.-- Bill to Amend the Judges Act : The Canadian Pacific Huet Mat» - agama collided with the Italian Given Third Reading in l& iteamer Clara Camite seven Commons. jf miles off Cape Race during a ---- | + dense fog yesterday. The Meta- Ottawa, June 19.--A bill to amend | + gama's stokehold is reported the Judges' Act in regard to the re- | 4 full of water and the cabin sdence of county or district court|+4 was badly damaged. Both ves- { judges In Ontario was given a second | % sels are bearing for this port. reading in the House of Commons | 4 | Yesterday afternoon without debate, e444 2444424 +++ ES 0 | | and was then discussed in commit- | ----------isimi | | tee, which gave it third reading. The | TELEGRAPH AND | | Minister of Justice, Hon. Ernest La- TELEPHONE BUSY | | rointe, explained that the bill was | na FEA 2242000440 | designed to co-operate with the pro- { {| vince of Ontario in reducing the [As The Result of of The Postal | number of county judges. An On- Strike--Business Cannot tario act provides for the consolida- tion of two or more counties to form Be Delayed. & judicial district, and the object of the present bill is to permit the gov- ernor-in-council to" fix a plaéde of residence for a district, whereas at present he is required to reside within a county. "It's an ill wind that blows no good," runs an old saying and as a result of the tie-up of the mail ser- vice, the telephone and telegraph | companies are doing a rushing busi- | ness, as business men and citizens in | general having important business | LOCAL NEWS ITEMS to transact, cannot afford to wait till the strike is settled. -- "Is there any mail for me?" This | Brief Items of Interest Picked | was the question asked of the man Up by the Whig Re- on the general delivery wicket all Thursday morning and as a result of porters. the strike there were a great many -- disappointed people. Mr. Swaine, piano tuner. Orders | 'Just got three letters this morn- recelved at 100 Clergy street west, | ing," remarked one leading business 'phone 564w. | man to the Whig. "Gee! but it's The daily service on the Kingston | awful not getting your mail." and Toronto Canada Steamships ser- "Do you think you will have any- vice began today. thing for me this afternoon?' was Think what Victorian Order of | another question asked at the post Nurses means to Kingston. You are office delivery wicket all morning. asked to support it. Buy a tag Sat- "We cannot say," was tlie answer. urday. ---------------- One Kingston man has been touad ? | | who enjoys the postal strike, He Y.M.C.A. NOTES i ; M.C.A. says it may hold up the outside bank drafts. ? Bank clearings at Kingston for The Y.M.C.A. is planning to again the week ending June 19th wera 2 - .,, | throw open for the week of July 7th $743,142.35 corresponding with ri | $793,550.56 last year to 12th the use of its swimming pool | ? : Jeal. and shower baths to the 'boys of Kingston who can't swim, offering BORN ABOARD SHIP to teach the art to every boy. A TINY JAP I8 BRITISH | group of good swimmers is being A lined up to assist in the campaign. The Baby Is Named After An| Classes will be held by half hour | periods from nine to twelve o'clock. Ottawa Doctor Who This free offer on the part of the Officiates. "Y"" is not confined to members of the institution but is open to any Vancouver, B.C., June 19.--Be-|boy over ten years of age who is not cause he was born at sea under the [able to swim. Boys who already British flag a Japanese baby, who [know how to swim are not expected first saw the light of day twenty-;to participate. four hours out of Yokohoma on the Every boy should know how to Canadian Pacific S. S. Empress of |swim. One can never tell when the Russia, 'will be registered in the knowledge of this simple art may parish of Stepney, London, England. | save his own life or those of friends. The Empress of Russia docked |The Whig, realizing the number of here yesterday afternoon from the!youthful fatalities in the local har- Orient, and of her 1,000 passengers |bor through boys not knowing how, 250 were Japanese men, women, and | has always been a strong advocate children intent on entering the|of teaching young people to swim United States before July 1st. The|and was largely responsible for the baby was named Anson, for the organization of swimming classes ship's surgeon, Lieut.-C&#i! Anson 8. [for girls last year. Registration for Donaldson, D.8.0., M.D., of Ottawa, [the tree course opens June 27th, and formerly an officer in the Canadian |closes July -4th. Army I2edical Corps, and later in emt -- charge of the S.C.R. at Calgary, Alta, THE BEST STRAW HATS There were almost 100 kimona clad Japanese picture brides among| You've Seen in Many a Summer. the third class passengers. Sunnyfield, our feature straw Rr ----.--. hats, is as good looking as any straw Japanese Are Rushing hat you can buy. Is the best feature hat value we have ever shown. Try To Beat Alien Ban "Sunnyfield" on and you'll take it home. Its a hat that speaks for it- t Seattle, Jane 3 --~lmmigration self. The largest range of straw hats nspectors, examining Japanese |)oiween Toronto and Montreal. The who arrived yesterday aboard the Lion Clothing Co liner President McKinley with pass- : ports from Japan found scores who claimed long years of residence in Mayor At Celebration. this country who could not speak a| - Mayor Thomas Angrove was in word of English, according to of-| Belleville on Wednesday, officially ficers of the immigration station. |representing the city at the United Advices received by the depart-| Empire Loyalist celebration. He ment in Seattle asserted that 2,700! Was the guest of Mayor Mikel, re- Japanese will seek entrance to the|POrts a wonderful time at the cele- United States through this port be-| bration, and states that the commit- fore July 1st when the Japanese ex-|!e¢ of management is deserving of clusion act becomes effective. Doz-|B8reat praise for the success of their ens of brides and bridegrooms were | PI& undertaking. Mayor Angrove at- among the passengers. tended the ball game between King- Laidlaw's ston and Belleville. \ Bazaar. In aid of Church of Sacred Heart, 1 ft tence For Theft. Wolfe Island, June 10th to June} sori: Lo ce. cofirt on. Thursday 20th, 1924. Meals served in Hall | fo 5: ROss Brawley appeared on from 12 to 2 and from 6 to 7 pm lwo gr obi ki Hy local * | store. n arges e , was iStandure Time). Dinner, 50¢, Sup- sentenced to not less than thres months in jail and not more than ik Sa Mur 5.3 nine months, sentences to run con- Friday evenings. : Admission to currently. He plgaded guilty at Dance, 25c. Supper, 25¢ extra. Wednesday's sessign, Come and enjoy a good time! May C 1 Li os To Hold Liberal Rally. Louis Sugel, a second-hand deal- It was announced this afternoon = appa red Jelfore Slagistuia by Ambrose Shea, secretary of the arrel on Urscay MOM Bg OR 180 local Liberal Association, that the charges . that efx reséiving stolen Hon. Duncan Marshall, Liberal orga- 5904s and neglecting to aks a pro. nizer for Ontario, will be in King- pet oairy inhi Books. Hin fué ston next week, most likely on Fri-|175t charge he was fined § an day, June 27th. A Liberal rally will costs and on the other latter charge be held on that occasion and a large sentence was suspended. A recom- turnout Is expected, mendation will also be made to the police commissioner that his license be cancelled. Permanent Force Reduction. Ottawa, June 19.--The recent re- One of the new cars of the larger duction in the permanent force of|tyPe was put on the road for the Canada totalled four officers and | first time by the Kingston street 176 non-commissioned officers, and | railway today. It is a fine piece of men, the minister of defence inform- | work, with pay-as-you-enter system, ed W. G. McQuarrie, Conservative | Push-button service. It will be much member for New Westminster, in| appreciated by patrons. \ answer to a question yesterday. DAILY MEMORANDUM. Gordon W. Dead Fre Se 3t Bildery Grove, Sydenham, Manchester, rag 19. --Go: Tea ai a John's School y .» June 19. r- s School don Woodbury, former United States nome Tian Tune son, 4-3 pm. Ad: Assistant Secretary of the Navy, St. George's urch, Societies Xt and for many years a leader in the | fiona) o : oe oe. Democratic party politics in this | No admission. Al welcome = = state, dropped dead in a store in ---- this city yesterday. TR British agent is still besieged in office in Mexico City by Govera- ment troops. { At Woodstock, on Tuesday, only 15% ¢c was bid for cheese. No sales. Fabrics for Summer Frocks Beautiful summertime is here--giv- ing you an opportunity to wear bright, cheery looking dresses. And these can be made so easily at home. Read over the list of materials below and note the savings you can make: New Ratlines Ratines are increasing in their popularity more than ever. They are serviceable, washable and are just the thing for Ladies' and Children's wear. French, Plain and Silk Ratines in Mauve and White, Sand and White, Peach, Sand, Grey and White, Grey, Green. 36" wide. Prices from $1.00 to $1.75 a yard. Charming Voiles Changing styles only mean new ways of using Voiles--new ways in which to bring out the natural beauty of the material. Range of shades includes Lavender, Navy, Copen, Grey, Sand, Green. Prices 50c. to $1.25 yard. Gingham Every woman knows the value of Gingham. We have a variety of Checks .in Blue, Green, Mauve, Tangerine, Red, Pink. 32 inches wide. Prices 30c. to 45c. yard. Dress Linen Summer Dresses made from this uncrushable Linen will have a fine appearance and will wear well. 36 inches wide. Shades are Peach, Grey, Blue, Lavender, Green, White. From 60c. to 95c. yard. Sheer Crepe This dainty, Sheer Crepe is Silk finished, and is very beauti- ful. Suitable for Underwear, etc, Floral patterns and plain shades in Pink, Lavender and White. 32 inches wide. Price 60c. yard. English Pyjama Crepe A splendid material of good quality, suitable for Ladies' or Gents' wear. Fast colors. Stripe patterns on Blue, Sand, Grey, Mauve. 27" wide. 40c. and 50c.