FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1 Ee m-- Design. REBUILDING SALE SECOUD FLOOR PLA PES This nouse avoids the commonplace in design; in every detail it shows unusual character; fi: that would stand out in distinction from its neighbors. Yet there is nothing freakish about the design, it is throughout, in the best of taste and, at the same time, | it Is unusual and distinctive. It follows the old English Type. The architects have so handled the roofs that a pleasing variety in form and outline is obtainad. The entrance gable has the roof eaves brought down 'to the tops of the first storey windows, and the plain stucco! walls of this gable form a fitting setting for the heavy oak doorway. = The half-timbered gable gives an inter- esting variety. - The walls of the house are finished in stu '0, preferably white; the roof is slate of various colors-and sizes; the chimney is hard burned red brick, and the timberwork, window frames, etc., should be stained a weathered gray, preferably quite dark. This would give a pleasing color scheme that would be quite in keeping* with the design. Al windows are of the casement type. The plans of this house present a livable arrangement of good size rooms, the result of thorough study on the part of the architects. { The necessary coat closet and the very desirable toilet room are both provided near the entrance door, where they are most convenient, | A small stair hall gives entrance to the living-room, the dining-room, and provides the stairway. Steps | from the main stair platform to the kitchen (with a door) eliminate the service stairway. On the second floor three bedrooms are well laid out. A large bath is provided. There are plenty of closets. A cellar 1s provided under the entire house, and here is the heating plant, the laundry ,and such. This house should have a lot with seventy-five feet frontage, to give it proper setting. Cost about $11,800. Complete working plans and specifications of this house may be obtained for a nominal sum from the! Bulldifig Editor. Refer to House A-86. { is a house | | HARDEST GOLF HOLE AT OAKLAND HILLS The eighth green of the Oakland Hills course. Detroit, Mich. A creek races across thirty | © yards in front of the tee. To get home in two the drive must bear off to the right, skirting a | ~ trap of generous proportions. A carry of 220 yards will clear. | NI | | | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ABRAMSKY'S $1.00 Delivers to your door any Renfrew Refriger- ator BALANCE ARRANGED FOR. 50 beautiful models to pick from; made by the Renfrew Refrigerator Co., also makers of the famous "Barnet." Priced from $11.95 up. Inspect our large Chesterfield in any way, $25.00 Delivers any Chesterfield Suite WE HAVE IN STOCK--BALANCE ARRANGED FOR. 3-piece Chesterfield Suite--heavily overstuffed--Spring con- struction throughout--Curved Pillow Arms--very comfortable. Regular Prica $215. ...... ........... SALE PRICE $139.00 3-piece Damask Suite -- Marshall Spring Construction-- heavy Pillow Arms--guaranteed to last. Blue Velour. Regular price $245. . .. _.. SALE PRICE $139.00 stock--it will not obligate you Damask trimmed with $10.00 Delivers a Beautiful Solid Oak Dining Room Suite 50" Buffet has very heavy British Plate Glass. Table has 6 legs or pedestal if desired. Chairs have solid leather Slip Seats. SALE PRICE (Balance arranged for) GIBBARDS' SOLID MAHOGANY BEDROOM SUITES $199.00 5 pieces, including Bowfoot Bed, beautiful vanity large size Dresser, Chifferobe and Bench, complete. A most beautiful suite, wonderfully finished and guaranteed solid Mahogany. Made by Gibbards, where you "BUY WITH ASSURANCE." $20.00 places this Suite in your home. Balance arranged for. NEW NESCO AND NEW IMPROVED CLARK LORAIN COAL OIL STOVES Newest improved Smokeproof Oil Stove --complete range in stock. 2Burner ......... $24.50 3Burner ......... $29.50 (Terms arranged for) $22.00 STEEL BEDS $14.95 . Big, round, 2" continuous posts, wide centre panel--walnut finish, in 4' 6", 4 and 3' 8" sizes. SATURDAY SALE $14.95 IMPERIAL ROLL EDGE LAYER FELT MATTRESS $10.95 We are pleased to announce that we have been appointed distributors for this district for GOLD MEDAL MATTRESSES, and to announce this event we are selling their regular $18.00 Mattresses at a big reduction. These Mattresses are built up --not stuffed--of layers of White Cotton Felt. Guaranteed to conform with every pure Bedding Law, and will stand up for years, Rebuilding Sale . . . . $10.95 SUMMER DRESSES-- VOILES $3.95 50 Swiss Voile Dresses. and Dotted Voiles--some with Organdy Collars and Cuffs--all colors--all sizes in some stock. 100 Gingham Dresses Just the thing for real hot weather-- all shades and sizes in stock. While they ~ $2.95 (READY-TO-WEAR DEPT.) HOUSE DRESSES $1.29 49 House Dresses. Colors are fast and are fully guaranteed to stand sun and tub. A good assortment of colors. All sizes, Worth $2.25 regular. While they laste $1.29 TAPESTRY CARPET 69c a yard 78 yards of Tapestry Carpet, 27" wide. Worth $1.75 a yard. dais won 00 Saturday . . . BOYS' SUITS With 2 Pair Pants ~ $5.95 11 Boys' Suits with 2 pair Pants--good wearing quality--regular $10.50. Saturday, to clear . .. $5.95 MEN'S CAPS 9c 100 latest Model Caps--clearing for Saturday only--worth from $1.50 to $2.50. MEN'S STRAW HATS Big box of Men's Straw Hats in real and imitation Panama--all sizes in the lot. Won't last long at 79¢c.--Saturday Only. Piano Lamp $12.95 4 only Silk Shades and Walnut Finished Stands complete -- worth easily $235.00. Rebuilding Sale . . .......... SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTIONS IN ALL LINES. ... $12.95 Iron Beds $3.49 18 only, heavy Iron Beds in 8' 0", 3' 6" and 4' @" Priced to move quick at the price. Worth $7.50. only, rene $349 160 GRASS RUGS With Painted Borders Sizes 24x48 .........49c. Sizes 27x54 .........59c. Sizes 30x60 ......-...69c. MID-SUMMER ; HATS $2.95 75 beautiful, Hand-Trimmed Hats in very pretty shades and modes. Very spe- cial for Saturday. $2.95 (MILLINERY DEPARTMENT) JUNE BRIDES beok over our tremendous stock and see for yourselves the real big savings in every department. June Brides will do well to visit our store during our Rebuilding Sale. FASTEST growing Store in Kingston Brides of to-day want quality Furniture in their homes. \, / RAILWAY FARES REFUNDED Within 150 miles of Kingston, to those out-of-town customers whase purchase at this Great Sale amounts to $100 or more. - Free until required. and Crating paid. Do not delay. PURCHASES STORED AND INSURED Careful attention to Mail Orders. Freight Secure what you need now. 7 "THE STORE THAT SETS THE PACE" ] . NN nnn At Almonte the Almonte 'tennis In Brockville 03 Wednesday the club defeated Renfrew by . nine marriage took place of Miss Clara events to three, in the opening match | Neild, yuongest daughter of Mrs. of the Upper Ottawa Tennis League. Henry Neild, Brock~ille, to How- At Ogdensburg, N.Y., John Fitz-| ard W. Cole, fon of Mr. and Mra. gerald, Alexandria Bay, was badly! Fred. w. Cole, of Oswego, N.Y. Injured when his automobile crashed] CT. O. Brickman, Belleville, was into another. | elected grand secretary of the Grane Let honor be to us as strong an/ Lodge of the Protestant Association obligation as necessary is to ofhers.! of 'Prentice Boys of Americas. . Association in convention yesterday adopted a resolution calling for the repeal of "those sections of the na- tional prohibition act which inter- fere with the proper relation between the physician and nis patient in prescribing gleshol medicinally." The' resolution on the Volstead act held that "alcohol is a drug ne- ceéssary in the treatmiang of certain diseases Ee P ion of a majo- LL i. 23 WERE KILLED IN THIS FIRE! Twenty-two inmates and the head matron, M | stroyed the Hope Benevolent Home for Mentally r _ outside Los Angeles. From the wreckage, shown in this picture, ed. Mrs. Lola May Rodemaker, assistant matron (in set), risked A ---- i------------ i -------- pled in the fire that de- oh 5 = he a : aya Del Rey, Calif., just icago, June 13. ouse o their bodies were Yat delegites of the American Medical rity of S, a8 heretofore de- her life to lead inmates to safety. § | I} termined by the poll of the Ameri- Amman ar n 3 A & JIL Pg) | can Medical association It is not generally known that| Paticace makes that more toler-| A teaspoonfal of para ; in house of delegates flour, stgar, starch, or grain dusts | able which it is impossible to pre- washing twb Te ls mo Phong Tintin o-- ---- 'are capable of working greater havoc | vent or remove. * « fthe same amount in a bow! of starch | of Howard Fox, of New York urging a high explosive such a dyna- Perfection is attained by slow de- [will prevent the {roms sticking when A afford legisla placing cosmetics under grees; she requires the hand of time. starched things are being ironed. | the food and drugs act. s