Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jun 1924, p. 3

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THE DAILY BRITI SH WHIG WEDNESDAY; JUNE 4, 1024, the wonderful, mew tomic and Bbuflder will give to anyone using PHOSPHO-COD, who writes the best letter telling of the bemefits ed, OVERLAND | CAR | See description tn cur window, | 2nd, 00; 3rd, $25.00; 4th, $10.00; Sh, y 3 Bont nix, $3.00 each; Bext 10, $2.00 each; next 30 prizes | $1.00 each. 'Try this splendid tonic to-day on our recommendation, and see for yourself why Sc many velun- tary letters of endorsement are Feceived by the maker. Ask us about Phos- pho-Cod to-day. Price $1.25 big bottle L. T. Best Druggis Open Sundays mee FOR SALE 4 BRICK VENEER HOUSES -- 6 rooms each, 8 plece bath, electri- | city and gas, good yards, central lo- | cation. Will yield over 10% as investment. $4,600--Brick, 8 roo:ns, 2 piece hath, hot air, electric light and gas, right of way. Central. $7000--Brick, ¥ rooms, all modern, h.w. floors. $5,000--Brick, 6 rooms, modern im- provements, garage. $8,000-- Brick, 9 rooms; all im. provements, garage, large gar- den, fruit and flowers, good location. $8,500--Brick, 9 rooms; all modern : i central. $3000 -- Frame, 6 rooms, Semi- ' Bungalow; improvements. FURNISHED HOUSES TO RENT. Bateman's Real Estate 1113 BROCK BST., KINGSTON Telephone 1925F, | The makers of PHOSPHO-COD, | JUNE WITH ITS WEDDINGS WILL SOON BE AT HAND AND Wedding Gifts EITHER LARGE SMALL WILL BE ORDER. OR | IN IN OUR STOCK THERE | ARE MANY ATTRAC- TIVE PIECES TO} {| CHOOSE FROM IN Sterling Silver Cut Glass Silver Plate Clocks or Table Cutlery HARDWARE For the Holiday Fly Screens 50c. to 85c. each Screen Doors, complete with hinges, pulls and hook eye, $2.50 to $2.75 each. Screen Wire Cloth 8c. to 48c. per yd. B-H Paint colors .........$1.50 qt. B-H White color .......... $1.65 qt. 2 and 3 Burner Gas Hot Plates $5.27 and $7.00. : 3 Burner Gas Stoves $22.00. Refrigerators, all sizes. ee ---- Variometer Set Easily Owners of single-tube regenera- tive sets using a variometer for ob- taining oscillation and regeneration, may easily convert their sets into the reflex set described on Monday with considerable improvement in results. The only necessary additional appar- atus is a .002 fixed condenser, a crystal detector and an audio fre- quency transformer. In Fig.l we have shown the re- generative set as usually construct- ed. This uses an untuned primary, condenser-tuned secondary, and a variometer for tuning the plate cir- cuit, 3 3 The primary "P"" may be from four to twelve turns wound on right cver the secondary winding "S." It you have a long antenna, or if you are troubled with interference, it would be well to use but four turns for the primary, this arrangement giving quite sharp tuning. On the other hand, if the interference is not serious, twelve turns may be used for the primary, and will give the advantage of considerably greater | signal strength over the four-turn | coil. Of course, various amounts be- | tween these limits may be used, and | before leaving the number at any de- ~~ | finite point it would be well to do a | little experimenting until the num- ber is found which best suits your conditions. The secondary coil is 45 turns of No. #4" double cotton-covered wire wound on a four-inch paraffined cardboard tube. This coil is tuned with a .0005 mfd. (23-plate) vari- able condenser. The rotor of the condenser should be connected to the grounded side of the coil. The rest of the circuit explains it- | if RADIO BROADCASTING -- The following is a list of radio stations and their broadeasting pro- grammes which may be heard locally to-night (Wednesday) and Thurs- day: WEDNESDAY NIGHT. KDKA (326) Pittsburgh, Pa. 6 p.m.--Baseball scores; concert continued. 6.30 p.m.--The children's period, arranged through the courtesy of the Drama League of Pittsburgh. "Happy Lil Sal Comes Singing." 6.45 p.m.--News bulletins. 7 p.m.--Baseball scores. Pro- Lawn Mowers. McKelvey & Birch, Limited General Contractors, Heating Specialists, Steara Fitters and Plumbers, Jobbers of Plumbers and Gas-Fittery Supplies, Stoves, Shelf, Heavy and House Furnishing Hardware, Tools, Ofls, Be: Supplies, Sheet Metal and Tin Werk; Electric work; Painting and Paper Hanging. Ppecial work of all kinds undertaken. RNR, SN -------- -- Wednesday, June 4th, Bargains in WALL PAPERS Store will be closed Monday and Tues- day to prepare for our Paper Sale. This is your second chance to save money on pa- Come early as quantity is limited. room sizes with you. Terms cash. No returns. : FOR THE SUMMER CAMP we have a few DRESSERS with- out backs good for storing things in. $2.00 to $5.00. Smoked. | SEWING MACHINE FOR SUMMER CAMPS -- | RES 3% price $10.00 to $15.00 'Hours of Sale: 10 to 12 a.m and 2 to 5 pm. T.F Harrison Co. I . gramme arranged by the United Synagogue of America, 7.40 p.m.--"National Stockman and Farmer" market reports. Orchestra and assisted by Marshall Ray, tenor, and Ralph Kennedy, monogolist, 9.55 p.m.--Arlington time signals. Weather forecast. Ball scores. WGY (360) Schenectady, N.Y. 5 p.m.--Produce and stock mar- ket quotations; news bulletins; base- ball results, 6.30 p.m.--"Adventure story." WEAF (492) New York City. 6-7 p.m.--Dinner music from the Rose room of the Hotel Waldorf- Astoria. WLW (309) Cincinnati, O. 5.15 p.m.--Baseball results. 8 p.m.--Recital of sacred song by the Lillian Aldrich Thayer settle- ment school of musle, assisted by the Wurlitzer Cathedral choir. 8 p.m.--Concert by the Black Cat | '| laide Apfel. FIG. 2 Changed to Reflex, self. The plate variometer is of any | standard type, or may be a 40 turn | coll of No, 24 d.c.c. wire on a four- | inch tube, shunted by another .0005 | mfd. variable condenser. { Now to change this circuit to a| reflex, lead a wire from the plate side of the variometer (or coil and con- denser, if used instead of the vario- | meter) to one connection of the cry- | stal detector. The other ide of the detector goes to the audlo-frequepcy | primary connection marked "P." The other primary connection goes to the other side of the variometer. The position of the phones is not chang- ed. | The grid circuit of the tube is | broken at the filament, and the .002 | mfd. fixed! condenser inserted as | shown. From the two sides of this condenser leads are run to the sec- ondary of the audio transformer, | This is all that {is necessary to | make the change. No fixed conden- | ser Is shown across the primary of | the audio transformer, as it is not usually necessary. Should you have | any difficulty in operation, however, | which can not be remedied else- where, it would be a good idea to try | putting a 001 mtd. fixed phone con- denser across the audio primary. | Another adjustment that might | prove necessary is to experiment | with the capacity of the condenser | "C-2."" As we have mentioned before, there may be a howl in the head-| phones when the set is tried out. Very often this can. be cured by re- versing the primary or secondary leads of the audio transformer, but it this does not remedy the trouble, ex- periment with the condenser "C-2." | Try a .003 or .005 mtd. in place of the .002 mtd. capacity. THURSDAY, KDKA (326) Pittsburgh, Pa. 9.45 a.m.--Union live stock mar- ket reports from the National Stock- man studio. 11.15 a.m.--Organ recital by How- ard R. Webb, organist of the Ritz Motion Picture Theatre, Pittsburgh, Pa, 2.15 p.m.--Baseball scores, inning by inning, of the games being played to-day, 6 p.m.--Baseball scores. 5.30 p.m.--Dinner concert by the KDKA Little Symphony Orchestra, Victor Saudek, conductor, 6 p.m.---Baseball scores; concert continued, . 6.30 p.m.--The children's period, "Hiawatha Will Bring from His Tribe the Tale of the Coyote-Spirit,"" (courtesy Drama League of Pitts- burgh), ' 6.45 p.m.--News bulletins, 11 p.m.--Concert by the Edgar Thompson Male Quartette; dance | music by the Queen City Orchestra. WLW (809) Cincinnati, O. 3 p.m.--Market reports. 4 p.m.--Piano solos by Miss Ade- 6.15 p.m.--Baseball results. 10.45 p.m.--Songs by Mrs. Julia Hammerler Wendell, accompanied by Mrs. Nettie W. Shaffer. Popular dance programme by the Doherty Melody Boys: F. A. Pendergrast; piano and director; Ridge Bludau, trumpet; Leo Bludau, sasophone; | Bake Holthaus, drums; J. L. Doherty, banjo and manager, WJAX (390) Cleveland, Ohio. 8 p.m.--Cleveland, Ohio. Complete radio programmes sala at Canada Radio Stores. Late D. McLean, Belleville, Belleville, June 4.--Donald Me- Lean, aged seventy-seven years, died on, Sunday. Deceased was for many years a well-known commercial traveller for a Montreal firm. He in this city for the most of his life. Mr. McLean was prominent in Ma- sonic circles and a life-long Conser- was born in Scotland but had resided | $18,00 vative. He was a member of the Presbyterian church. Two daughters | survive, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Blacker, Pasa- dena, California, have just donated 0 to the Blacker Library ot Zoology in McGill University, as a supplement to a previous gift of $45,000. ND Age has not stumped old "Uncle Jack" late "Buffalo Bill." At eighty he d covered wagon. If he reach Boston this week, without having c] - lect a $10,000 wager. He left San Luis continental journey in an NT Cody, cousin of the is nearing the end of a trans- teams, he will col- Obispo, Cal., Nov. ist: 3 755 a a PROBS: --Thursday, moderate winds, fair and somewhat warmer. . STEACY'S MENS FURNISHINGS DEP ers EXCEPTIONAL VALUES FOR SUMMER WEAR -- lL A Summer Shirts for Dress and Sports Wear English Prints and Cambrics, Soisettes, Balloon Cloth, Ox- fords and genuine Broadcloths--some with separate collars, in plain colors and stripes.. Made by the foremost manufacturers of Shirts in Canada. Sizes 14 to.I8. *2.00 up to #5.00 --Men's Leather Belts. --Sweater Coats. --Golf Hose. --Broadcloth Pyjamas. --Oxford Crepe Ties. --Dimity Pyjamas. T Interwoven Silk and Lisle Sox. --Paris and Hickory Garters. --Suspenders. We Are Special Selling Agents for "FORSYTHE" Men's Shirts, Pyjamas, Underwear A complete stock to choose from at popular prices. Men's Summer Underwear Featuring the Foremost makes. Men's Forsythe Nainsook Combinations ._ Athletic style, button front and no but- ton--Sale Price .............. $1.35 Hatchway Athletic Combinations Sizes 34 to 46. Sale Price ....$1.50 MEN'S BAL. | MEN'S MERINO COMBINATIONS | SHIRTS, DRAW. BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS AND Penman's and our best makes only -- : P. RC all sizes 34 to 52. sizes fenman's best qual DRAWERS: |All styles and the COMBINATIONS own Special brand--| 34 to 46.|: : ; ity M . Sizes 3 Pri ces-- to 46. TH: Dias 34 $1.00 and $2.25 69c., 95¢. and $1.35 $1.29 up to $1.69 | STEACY'S- Jon § fe

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