FRIDAY, MAY: 23, 1024. 14 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | -- we -- -- . THE HUMAN ZOO By C. D. Batchelor -------- SATURDAY'S SALE OF COATS 75 Smart, Desirable Coats For Women and Misses at Drastic Reductions To-morrow every S Every Kingston woman who practices thrift and who needs a new, fashionable Spring Wrap will do well to be on hand to make an early selection. : FINAL CLEARING PRICES 3.75-at $17.50 This lot includes Velours, Polo Cloths, Tweeds--in Wrap style. Tailored models with Belt. All smart styles. In sizes from 34 to models. Sizes 16, 18, 20 and 38 only. at $19.75 |at $24.75 CAMEL HAIR COATS 55 CLEARING AT $35.00 HOSIERY Novelty Sport Ribbed SILK HOSE Attractive Silk Hosiery in shades of Sand, Beige, Grey and Black. SATURDAY 98c tr eeetsretie-------------- PURE SILK HOSE HEAVY 'WEIGHT Pure Thread Silk in light and dark Summer shades: Sand, Beige, Nude, Grey, Black, Brown and White, SATURDA Y, 98c SLEEVELESS SWEATERS Silk and Wool e Sand, Grey, Mauve, Navy ang Black and White, Special, ) $2.75 -- | i Includes Tricotines, Velour, Polo Cloths and Fancy Tweeds, comprising all Spring | ENGLISH BROADCLOTH TailoredBlouses With Pointed Collar and ! French Cuffs Saturday, Women and Misses of Kingston will have an opportunity of buying these beautiful quality Shirts, in two thread Broad- ~ cloth--8Silk finish--at the lowest price quoted this season--8$2.95. They have Pointed Col. lar and French Cuffs. In shades Sand, Mauve, Grey and White. Sizes 36 to 42. $2.95 Pleated Skirts With and Without Camisole Tops In shades of Grey, Navy and Sand--made with Box Pleat or Box and Knife Pleat combined. Sizes from 34 tol 42, *3.95 JACKSON-MEITV LIMITED 1i4 PRINCESS STREET SATINETTE SLIPS SATURDAY $1.79 In all shades to match Summer dress. Sand, Grey, Navy; Black, Orchid, Mauve and White. Sizes from 34 to 44. SHADOW PROOF PRINCESS SLIP FOR SUMMER DRESSES Nainsook of fine quality, double Sha- dow proof lined, in White only. Sizes 34 $1.75 KAYSER LONG SILK GLOVES $1.50 In all the new shades for Summer wear. Beige, Silver, Fawn, Grey, Black or Navy, SNAP-SHOOTING THE MILLENNIUM "Why, George, there's a blond hair on your lapel. That's what comes of using the brush as that alluring little stenographer you have." same clothes MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS RECEIVED. "Phone 1071 CHILDREN'S SOX 8 -------- RR MM ------------------ A PRINCESS SHOPS A princess like to examine the qual- ity of the goods she chooses, as well &s any other woman. Princess Mary of England snapped looking over dress cloth at a private Showing given for her at the Wembley British Empire position. -------- A special light ray which will Penetrate 300 yards under water at any depth has been invented by an Italian, In China there is a strong move- ment among the new generation of girls against the custom of infant be- orns NN. ' Olympiad. WINS PLACE AS OLYMPIC SWIMMER--AND WHY NOT ? Finishing second in ' seventeen records, Marie H clinched a position on the The attractive Miss Hillegas is Atlantic breast-stroke championship. the 220 to Agnes Geraghty, holder of illegas, of Philadelphia, virtually American swimming team for the also holder of the middle Pain Stops Instantly a nan Here's instant relief from that bum. ing cornl Blue-jay will stop the pain instantly. Then the corn loosens and comes out. Does away with paring. Get Blue-joy at 7 OBA Blue-jay scientists %re terming and X-rays developed volts. Dr. Killiam H. covery, is shown h "'One of the rarest cases in medical history' who was considered an incurable The cure was effected Montefiore Hospital, new ) * is what noted Delia Trubisez, cancer case years ago. 'through the combined use of radium from a Hew niche capable of 200,000 i on, assistant medical director of York : the complete cure of Miss Trade with Australia, Australia is a country well worth cultivating from a'commercial point of view. Her imports have increas- ed more than 50 per cemt. in the past ten years and her exports over 38 'per cent. Her imports per cap- ita were $98.92 in 1922, and were exceeded only New Zealand and the Netherlands. Canada's were $86.72, Her exports in the same year were $100.96 per capita, and were exceed- ed only by New Zealand. Canada's were $100.63. The difficulty in working up a large trade with the Commonwealth has been that Aus- tralia has so few products which | sion a lease of the land and waters Canada requires. We could prob-\ required for the Morrisburg devel- ably take more dried fruit, and there opment. If the dominion desires is a standing offer on the Canadian | that facilities shall be provided for statute book of preference on raisins navigation in connection with the and currants. This can be brought | power dam, the way will remain into effect at any time by order-in-| open for the adaptation of the power council.--Vancouver Province, plans to that end. But there must oo te no indefiniite postponment of the power project until the public opin- ion of Montreal veers round in favor of canal deepening. That may prove a slow process. Ontario is in a posi- tion to act at once on the power is- sue, and to act decisively.--Toronto Globe. Execute Leases at Once. The government of Ontario should at once exercise its right of owner- ship of the waters of the St. Law- rence and the bed of the river by giving the Hydro-Electric commis- Accepts Listowell Call. Rev. Harry Ww, Jackson, pastor of the Baptist churches at Delta and! Philippsville, has accepted a call to! the pastorate of the church at Listo- wel and will assume his new charge in June. In 1818 one Bowdler published an expurgated edition of Shakespeare; hence arose the verb to bowdlerize. British postage stamps have beer printed by four different private firms since 1839. It is a wise man who looks thingy over instead of overlooking things. A Different S79Y Corn Flake Flavor THE flavor of Sugar Flak Crisp Corn es is very different. It is the realflavor ofthe finest corn--not hidden by syrups and flavoring. You'll enjoy Sugar Crisp as you've never enjoyed corn flakes before. because more nourishing. Economical, too, be- Made in Canada CANADIAN POSTUM CEREAL CO., Limited Head Office : Toronto x Factory: Windsor