he ~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ST OP YOUR ROOFING TROUBLES Let us supply you with Shingles or Roof- ing that has a reputation for quality. "Quality" remains long after "price" is forgotten. ALLAN LUMBER (0. Victoria Street. "Phone 1042. BZ; pays fouse MARTIN-SENOUR MARBLE-ITE FL rt Nothing like it for Hardwood Floors SoLp Simmons Bros., Kingston wears [i Write to Head Office. Montreal for Free Booklet HOME PAINTING MADE EASY OOR FINISH : e lron BY BUILDING A RESIDENCE, D. Lowery is Putting up One in Par. ham. Parham, May 20.--The weather continues very cold with heavy frosts. W. E. Clow and W. Simonett ~-- -- -- DIDYOUEVE RUN OUT GAS . Take that dis- gusted look off your face. Give 'your Ford a REMINGTON AUXILIARY and you won't ieare who's with you when you run out of gasoline. gx ws FOR SALE BY Your Gurupe or Accessory Dealer or write to Beaver nn attended the I.0.0.F. district meet- ing held in Kingston on the 19th. A. Brown has opened a shop for repair- ing boots and harness. D. Good- fellow is repairing the road. D. Lowery is building a residence in the village. I. E. Hartman unloaded a car of feed for J. BE. Davidson on Saturday. James N. Smith, who had the mis- | fortune to break several ribs, is im- | proving. A. fruit pedler from Perth | makes weekly trips through this lo- | cality. G. A. Smith at Smith's Falls last week, Mrs, E. Barr, Belleville, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. L. Peters visited at M. Cronk's recently. Mr, and Mrs. L. B. Cronk and Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Howes spent Saturday in Kingston. Rev. H. | K. and Mrs. Coleman and little daughter, Wanda, are at Napanee visiting the former's parent's. Miss Myrtle Deusharm visiting her sister, Mrs. B. Cornwell, J. E. Hart- man and family spent a day recently in the city. Mrs. R. Steele is with her daughter, Mrs. George Cronk. J. P. Windsor, Kingston, was in the village last week. F. W. Collins and family spent the | week-end at W. E. Clow's. Mrs. W E. Clow has returned from Kingston where ghe spent the past two weeks with relatives. ------ The Red Herring. JACK DAW'S Under the ADVENTURES Circus Tent | | y | { Suddenly Jack heard a horn blare forth. Boscoe led the way, swinging his great ears back his trunk up and down. of elephants started. and forth and wobbling the side of the seat he was in, as walked. | And immediately the parade Jack had to hang on to Boscoe's back wiggled queerly as he Into the great main tent the phants and a treat was in store for of the tent. Boscoe's back. parade went. and Boscoe appeared a gred! cheering went up. Then Jack was helped down As soon as Jack and Flip All youngsters like ele- | Buy from the firm that grows it LIPTON'S 1% Ib. 38¢ 11b. 75¢ Has Bay Thos. J. Lipton Tea Planter Ceylon TE the largest sale in the world the RED LABEL, Aluminum Package. Extremely Popular Sandals them. Boscoe went to the main ring | and the seat was taken from By this time, Jack noticed that around for his dog when he saw a clown running as fast as he could. And, hanging on to the tail of the clown's ing and Jack joined in. tinued.) Wt mn sentiment from the Harding-Hughes Proposals sent to the Senate Feb. ruary 24th, 1923. The Lodge plan is both impudent and bogus. It impud- ently asks that America go befora Flip was getting to be a Flip was missing. He started looking coat was Flip. Everybody was laugh- real circus dog. (Con- bunal according to Bitter-Ende- | blue-prints and specification. It ig bogus, in that it is merely another red herring drawn across the trail to confuse World Court opinion and You will need them as soon as the wea- ther changes. The Sawyer Shoe Store Phone 159. --Sandals in Suede. --Sandals in Buck. --Sandals in Patent Leather. Many new styles to choose from. 184 Princess St. fl 272 Bagot Street i 'Phone 542. Carpets Cleaned bh VACUUM RIDE Hyslop Bros. Bicycles Prices from $35.00 to $48.00 "Find that box? The chance is slim." A "Lost" ad brought it back to him. PH f Worry Is a great thing. Many people, would be idle half the time {1f they had nothing to worry about. d Brn conning on The best Tobacco The Lodge plan for a new worid tribunal ie intended to confuse Sei- Wto Necessities, Limited, St. GAwrence Mivd., Montreal. Jj opinion and divert national CONCR the sixty-two nations now members of a functioning court and demand they destroy it and erect a new tri. ETE rouse the rancors and hatreds of five years ago. Delay and confusion are its purposes. It means a fight that may spread into the campaign, forc- ing upon the yoters an issue of for. eign pokey that is and of right ought to be a nonpartisan question... Philadelphia Ledger. ---- AT SINGING TIME, I have a little daughter, Who's scarcely halt Past three, And in the twilight hour She climbs upon my knee; And snuggles down within my arm, With: "Mother, #ing to me." [| # HIGHWAYS éarn more than they cost ONEY used for Concrete Highways is not spent I sing about the sqcirrels That frolic in the wood, About two furry kittens, One naughty and one good, And then some tender lullabjes-- Just ag a mother should. The Hght grows faint, and fainter: The sandman guards the door; My baby's boat drifts slowly Upon the slumber shole; But if the singing stops she cries: "0, Mother, eing some more!" DOMINION ROYAL CORD TIRES --for years the standard of tire durability, mileage and tire values in Canada--the standard by which all tires are measured, --it is invested. Invested in pays handsome returns, The big dividends a Community Concrete Roads, are made pessible markable quality of Permanence, With Concrete as :he road material, a highway does not have to be paid for over and over again i tenance--its first cost § i i an enterprise that receives from its by Concrete's re- U'm sure mo prima~dorna, Adored from East to West, Feels half the satisfaction, Or is so truly blest As I, when singing to my child, Held closely to my breast . --now better than ever because of the two greatest features discovered in tire building since the cord tire itself was developed--the Web Cord process and Sprayed Rubber. These features are exclusive in Dominion Royal Cord and U-cord Tires in Canada, : Dominion Royal Cord Tires, because of these new processes, now have greater uniformity of wear --more resiliency --more | mileage--greater value than ever, Dominion Cord Tires made by the as much' better than cord tires made by _, tires are better than fabric tires, ) . These great advantages come to you without increase in the price--they are extra value--more mileage--which do not add a cent to your cost of Dominion Cord Tires. Not all the fame and glory Of divas can compare With that deép thrill of pleasure While is my humble share, For precious are the laurel-wreaths That singing mothers wear! --Anne B. L. Field. Web Cord process are the old method, as cord orange originally Was a pear. shaped fruit about the size of a cherry. Its evolution is due to 1,200 years of cultivation. : The savings from a railway amal. gamation in Great Britain have been put at $125,000,000 a year,