THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 3 -- Te Th a -- 5 | "CROSSED FISH" SARDINES IN PURE OLIVE OIL--THE BEST " PACKED. ASK YOUR GROCER. DELCO-LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power plani for every country home, W.C. CANNON 164 Barrie Street. Phone 1158. INSURE wants a fire, but fire ond hr least expected. Property is destroyed and financial loss often follows. The wise man carries suffi- cient insurance. All forms of Property Policies is- sued, in reliable companies." Let me quote you rates on any line of insurance you may be inter- ested in. R. H. Waddell Phones 54¢, 506. 56 Mrock Sireet. PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Bitcher, 27 Pine Street, PHONE 1384. DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Johnson and Wellington. " Streets. Telephone 863. a Sm For Moviag of FEEIGAT, FURNITUR SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and' STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIFTION Kingston Transfer Co. 377. EVENINGS 2231. RHONS WELLINGTON STREET py N Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S., bps, . ington and b: It ta, amcor 150 Wellington St. ee An nnd, | FIRM BELIEVER IN | THE FRUIT TREATMENT Thousands of people owe the splendid Fruit Medicine--*Fruit-a- tives' --a lasting debt of gratitude, which they gladly pay by testifying to its merits. tk Mrs. Laura Alford of 28 Florence |St., Ottawa, says: For years, I was a martyr to Constipation and Dyspep- sia. Ihave tried cathartics, saits and so-called vegetable laxatives but all were unpleasant and gave no per- manent relief. Finally, I decided to try "Fruit-a-tives". I have been using ""Fruit-a-tives" now for seven Jones never have Constipation or tomach Trouble ; and have been in * the best of health ever since. My husband and children use "Fruif- a-tives' regularly', "Fruit-a-tives" contain intensified fruit juices ¢ tned with tonics. 25¢. and . a. hox --at dealers or Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. DR. S. E. PORTER Corner Alfred and Johnson Streets Telephone 2071. ' HOTEL In Public Service Simce 1784. M. BOHAN, PROPRIETOR, KINGSTON. E y ap PHONE 670. WATTS People's Fong 177 Wellingtop# W.R. McRae & Co. Golden ion Block You can't tell good coal by he looks of it. All the safe- pard you have is the word ot the man who sells to u. + We stand behind every we, sell, with our personal guwran- tee--as good as gold. * BOOTH & CO. 'hone 188. Grove Inn Yards - ESTABLISHED 1871, AGENCY . FOR AFL E OCEAN ~ ' STEAMSHIP LINES : at given your family b or returning from v1 be : For full lars apply or write J. P. HANLEY, C.P. & ry C.N. Ry Office: Canadian National Rallway 'Station, corner Johnson and Ontario . Kingston, Ont. Open and night. Phones 99 and Tes * » Anticipate your wants. Tents, Camp Beds and Cots. Low prices this month * only. ; ; I. Cohen & Co. 267-275 ONTARIO STREEY PHONES 836 and 887. PHONE 316 GODKIN'S LIVERY For Dus and Taxi Service, Buggies and Saddle Horses Bus starts for Ca araqul cemetery om Sunday, April 20th, at 1.45 Pom. Queen St., opposite St. Paul's church CRRA Choice Western Meats GROCERIES AND FRESH VEGETABLES. Best service. J. T. EVES 171 RAGLAN ROAD Phone 2580. a A | BET IT REPAIRED Machines, Ph Sew: hs, |» Locks repa all kinds of locks. All makes of Lawn Mowers sharpened aad re- Paired. We cun repair anything that is repairable. J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydenham Street, Kingston Phone 2056J. ° ° Smith's Specials "All Sales for " Choice Seedless Raisins . .2 Ibs. 28c. Large, Juicy Prunes .....2 lbs. 23c. Sun-Kist Seedless Oranges ....19c. Large Bananas, reg. 45c¢., for ..88c. Pineapples, No. 24s, Special ...10c. Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, Windsor Bacon--*lean," sliced 38c. Jello--any flavor--8 pkgs. ...25c. 7 1b. sacks best Pastry Flour . ..20c. Pare Lard--sS, and 1 bar ue All for .... 28c. Saturday ONLY. Redpath's Granulated Sugar, with ler «++200. 10 lbs. 93c. Save the Difference at SMITH'S d Colborne Streets © "Phone 1317. We deliver. Meat Store Opp. YM.CAA, Phone 1876. Always Fresh 'and Good Hall originally was 'Independence called the "State House of Pennsyl- vania.™ (BRITISH AMERICAN) | | | KINGSTON AnD DISTRICT Lost Valuable Birds, George Fralick, Morven, had the misfortune to lose his poultry house by fire. He lost quite a number of valuable birds. Awarded Long Service Medal, Major J. A. Hope, M.C., D.8.O., of Destroyed by Fire. ' An unoccupied log house Christy's Lake and owned by John Patterson was completely destroyed by fire together with the contents consisting of household effects, cloth- | ing and various other. articles. | | Sneak Thieves Operating. Sneak thieves at Camden East are stealing Mr. McKim"s eggs out of his crates in the barn. He thinks he Other persons in the village are also hings. missing thi &s., Zz Goes as Fire Ranger. Benjamin Fisher, for the Ontario government. Mrs. Fisher will reside in Tweed with her son, Engagement Announced. Mrs. Henry Neild, Brockville, | wishes to announce the engagement | of her youngest daughter, Clara, to | Howard W. Cole, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cole, Oswego, N. |'Y., the marriage to take place in | June. Transferred to Cobalt, | Harold G. Fitzgerald, son of Mr. {and Mrs. W. W. Fitzgerald, Welling- ton, has been transferred from man- | ager of Bank of Nova Scotia, Toron- [ to, Danforth and Pape branch, to | the management of the bank's | branch at Cobalt, Mr. Fitzgerald | has been in banking offices for about seventeen years. Gananoque is Fortunate. Since the new electric contract has been made with J. M. Campbell, by the Gananoque cous®il, the Journal remarks: "Gananoque is indeed for- tunate regarding prices for power and electric light. The new rates will compare most favorably with most places in the province." Of U. E. L. Descent. William R. Michael, born in Con- secon, is dead at Toronto, aged seventy-four years. He was a G. T. R. employee for many years. He was a descendant of an old family of United Empire Loyalists who orig- inally wmettled in Prince Edward His Sluggish Liver Made Him Feel Drowsy and Tired All the Time When your liver becomes sluggish and inactive your whole health suf- fers, and the only way you can get back to feeling right is to make your liver right. This you can do by the use of Mil- burn's Laxa-Liver' Pills as they will stimulate the sluggish liver, clean away all waste and poisonous mat- ter from the system, and prevent, as well as relieve, all complications arising from a liver that has be- come inactive. Mr. 'E. Hazel, East Florenceville, "IN. B., writes:--*I had been troubled with my liver and felt drowsy and tired all the time, and was unable to do my work with any comfort. 1 took your Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills and to-day I am a different man, and would not be without them in the house." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c. a vial at all dealers, or mailed' direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited. Toronto, Ont. OUT OUR WAY the Lanark and Renfrew Regiment, | Perth, has been awarded the Colonfal | Auxiliary Forces long service medal. | near | will set a bear trap to catch them. | Chapman, has] rented his farm to his son and will] spend the summer as a fire ranger | | county, and it had been his intention to attend the forthcoming conven- tion of United Empire Loyalists at | Belleville. Judson Michael, Brigh-| ton, is a brother, Passed Away in Manitoba. | The death occurred at her late | residence, near Barnsley, Man., after | a month's illness, of Mabel Gertrude, | beloved wife of Ira M. Terris, at the | age of twenty-four years. Mrs. Ter- | ris was the third daughter of Mr. | and Mrs. Joseph A. Russell, Carman, | Man. She was born near Napanee. | | Poverty in Evidence. Rev. James Leach, at the Brock- ville Methodist district meeting, re-| ported that poverty among his par- ishioners at Bishop's Mills, was re- tarding the work. One man with a family of eleven children had last year drawn the munificient sum of $295 from the Bishop's Mills cheese factory. Refuses to Change Law. At the regular weekly meeting of the Dairymen's Board of Trade, Brockville, Senator Webster reported : that he had interviewed Hon. W. R. Motherwell, Minister of Agriculture, at Ottawa, regarding the grading of cheese. The minister, he reported, refused to make any change in the regulations. -- ------ Gifts for Departing Friends. Dr. and Mrs. Holling and Mrs. Holling's sister, Miss Gruchard, were delightfully surprised at the parson- age at Consecon, when the members of the Ladies' Aid and their hus- bands gathered there to make a pre- sentation on the eve of their depar- ture to their new home near Water- town, N.Y. After the presentation of the dainty gifts, the evening pass- ed very pleasantly in games and music, and at a late hour the ladies served a genetous lunch. Hotel to Re-open, B. Webster, Montreal, will re-open the 'popular Ivy Lea hotel, situated about five miles east of Gananoque in the heart of the Thousand Islands, on or about June 1st. The hotel is on the main Canadian shore and within a short distance of all the show places of the famous islands. The popular resort is opening under new management with the unique feature of being supplied with food- stuffs from its own farm. Civic Fire Committee. There was a very short session of the fire and light committee on Tues- day afternoon. Tenders were receiv- ed for the supply of fifteen feet of extra hose to be used on the new motor pump and the contract was awarded to Year Tire and and Rubber ompany for $141.92. Fire Chief Armstrong reported that the Tip horse from the Brock street station had been given out to a farmer for the summer under the usual conditions. The chairman, Ald. Chown, pre- sided at the meeting and the other members present were Mayor An- grove, Ald. Lawlor and Ald. O'Con- nor, The Officers Chosen. Att the annual convention of the Prince Edward County Trustees and Ratepayers' Association held at Wel- lington Consolidated school, the elec- tion of officers resulted: Hon. presi- dents, F, P. Smith, T. F. Spafford, A. P. MacVannel; president, C. W. Burr; vice-president, A. A. Morden; secretary-treasurer, Filona Parker; directors, Alexander Williams, Mrs. W. R. Munro, Mrs. Morton Weese, Lee Scott, Miss Genevieve Smith, Bert Tully, Harry Cleminson, John McLean, Spencer Anderson, Percy Anderson, Burton Wilson. The ex- ecutive purpose holding a series of public meetings at six centres in the A county, beginning about October | 15th. These meetings are held in co- | operation mith the Women's Insti- | tute and with the Teachers' Institute, | Sales of Several Properties, | Hugh Fitzpatrick, Picton, has sold | Bay 8ide Park Inn and farm to | Harry Raynor and J. P. Williams. Mr. Fitzpatrick owns the Paisley | House in Napanee, which has been leased for a term of years. It be-| came necessary for Mr. Fitzpatrick | to resume charge of the Napanee | hotel, consequently he has disposed | of the Bay Side property which he | acqyired last year and opened as a summer resort. Mr. Fitzpatrick still! owns the Picton skating ring, and hopes some time to return to Prince Edward county to reside. ------ Lay Delegates Appointed. Lay delegates to the Montreal | Methodist/ conference were elected at | the Brockville district meeting as | follows: C. A. Winters, W. T. Rogers, | C. A. McLean, Brockville; A. A. Ben- | nington, W, Johnston, Prescott ! B. Holmes, H. R. Knowlton, Athens; | A. Newman, Edward Lawrence, Spen- : cerville; Norman Moore, Lyn; T. | Purvis, E. White, Mallorytown; E. | M. Smith, William Connell, Addison; | A. J. 8ly, E. R. Bradley, Lansdowne; G. F. Warren, G. W. Earl, Elgin; H. Howard, Delta; E. G. Leach, New- boro; G. Shillington, Westport; R. A. Foléy, Escott; F. G. Read, F. Bissell, Algonquin; T. W. Ralph, North Au- gusta; Judson Polite, Augusta; R. Crozier, Bishop's:Mills; E. R. Mott, Frankville, ------------ SUITS MADE TO MEASURE, yoM. By the World's Best Tailors. Suits of this character tailored by The House of Stone, whom we repre- sent, are designed by experts who are thoroughly informed as to what the world's well-dressed men are wearing. The design on which so much depends is always artistically and fashionably correct. The fabrics ir such suits are highest grade Wool- lens produced by the best English mills. But the makers regard even these superior weaves as "Raw Ma- terial" and closely inspect them and treat them in various ways before making up. In proportioning the suits the designers study a mass of data regarding the measurements of thousands of men. The result is that you get a suit which fits as a gentleman's suit should; absolutely right and prices, too, are particu- larly inviting to the "man whose clothing purchases must come within well-defined limits of moderation. Suits made to measure from $25.00 up. May we have the plea- sure; hundreds of samples to choose from. The Lion Clothing Co. ---------------- During the 21 years ending in 1905, Japan had an average of 1461 earthquakes a year, most of them FUEL Dry Slabs for kindling, Good, Hard Maple Cordwood. All sold by cord measurement. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins. BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1571. \ -- EE en EE Special Sale of Boys™ Suits at *5.00 Sizes 26 to 33. Reg. value $10 and $12. MEN'S WORKING TROUSERS, $1.00 Size 42. Regular value $2.75, $3, $3.50. PREVOST'S Phone 503). Gents' Furnishings and Clothing. B55 Brock St. 8 and the Ten Commandments" In "After Six Days" at the Grand start- ing Thursday, Nr mmm By Williams ® YUM TUR TEACH TH NEw SCHOOL MAAM Tu OE THE BOSS PCWS A DARW HORSE , SMOKY AND COTTON ARE LEFT AT THE POSTS Tvs 5 Rent SUOOIN. BuT REF RAFF . AND I ALLERS WNEwW I DON BELOW WITH TH COMMON s | 1%) WHEN BUY! The exceptional tone quality in the Weber Piano appeals to the most ascethetic taste. HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCED. AT C. W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms, Princess Street Special for Wednesday and Saturday ! FRUIT BREAD Wholewheat Bread Every Day. F. C. HAMBROOK CATERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. 115 BROCK STREET : Phone 2519, FOR SALE HOUSE--7 rooms, 8 bedrooms, electric lights, gas, 8 plece bath, furnace, nice verandah, garage, in good location, on south side. Sacrifice price $4,000. SUMMER COTTAGE, convenient to Kingston, will be sold reasonably. FRAME HOUSE--S rooms, toilet, electric lights. Prjce $1,800, M. B. TRUMPOUR 'Phone 704 or 2072w 270 PRINCESS STREET Stored W.F. Gourdier 78 BROCK STREET 'Phone 700. $25.00, $28.00 SPECIAL VALUE! INDIGO BLUE SERGE SUITS 25.00 * TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St.