Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 May 1924, p. 16

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THE DAILY BRITISH .WHIG y 9 | regards efticiericy or igefficiency dis- | HT} -- S. WIVOR'S VIEWS Soca sutures 2x pla f officials, and could give credit where | " plcredit is due and censure where it | With Regard to Collection of | belongs. Mr. McIvor has been a life- Taxes in the Township long resident of Kingston township ingston and bas filled more varied positions of King . fn the gift of the municipality than ' Rny other resident, having actéd In | [with 3 terion on wednesday gue capacity of returning officer. | wit . 8. Mclvor, Kingston =| AUAHor, nesessor, 'sollcatcr of taxes Founded 1847 | NECKWEAR Foulards, in fine designs, $1.00 up PR Wir dae): Va | 1920, he stated he still retained the a} } | tax roll for that year in his possess- hoon Seta Repressut he mun ; {fon for the purpose of self protec pa' iy on four or five . i &ccasions in the past. He Ls always e ppea | items 'still uncollected, but being re- ; quested by C. J. Graham, the pres. | = ~ooaction of public business. | ent' reeve for the township of King- : | city auditor, about three weeks singe, LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 4 who has for some time past been in. . vestigating the affairs of the town- ---------- e ome ers. Asked to express his opinion re Up by the Whig Ro- 4 ! the shortage of the township mon- "I N . fies, which rumor states reaches inio - porters. y } to have anything to say about any, ih Let us help you brighten years' collection except the year apd Pineapples, etc., at Carnovsky's. 1920, the one in which he acted in Principal R. Bruce Taylor is to , spend the summer 1n Britain and on F y hi D ¢ t . having a nomination for the reeve- Sut tale toner. Ordos) urnisnings epartment 1s ship last December, had availed him- r. Swaine, plano tuner. . Si OF Ch allel HI coved ot 00 Sree Srott wor very. capable of supplying 'phone 564w. ad t th ] t township money for which he was Your needs a € lowest pos- responsible. This he expects will be| from Princess - street over to the vertified by Mr. Muir when he sub- | Street car barns has been commenc- thought existing circumstances could The leading blacksmith of Low- be remedied, his terse .reply was, | ville, N.Y., wasn't happy till Miss when the ratepayers use their fran-{ Gwen Lazier had Tip shod there by representatives, regardless of politi- | not troubling him. . cal affiliations in township affairs, By request "Old King Cole will the council in turn acting in a like | be repeated Friday, May 9th, St. ship collector of taxes for the year on six different occasions, and has | | tion- regarding a few outstanding {aquitted himself creditably in the? | son, he had giyen it to Mr. Muir, the of ship in the interests of the ratepay- | Brief Items of Interest Picked the thousands, he positively refusad Strawberries, Pears, Blood Oranges your home. Our House the official capacity of collector. He, the continent. statement in detail of every dollar of ' Work on the King street pavement sible cost. mits his report. When asked how he | €d. chise sanely in the electfon of their | himself, although Tip's shoes were manner in selection of qualified of-| Luke's hall. Adults 25¢, children 10c. Two Button Suits THAT PLEASE YOUNG MEN You young men know what you want--many of you wouldn't wear anything but a Two Button Coat. They are lways correctly cut, in a variety of choice fabrics, particu- larly favored by well dressed Young Men. 8 SPECIAL =~ 'F $25 LIVINGSTON'S Curtain Marquisette ficlals to guard the township inter- In the course of his visit to Brock- 36 inches wide. ests. He stated that the declaration | ville on Sunday, Bishop Bidwell con- each councillor took when assuming | firmed in the chapel at 8 Alba's office was a binding oath administ-| school a class of eight candidates, al g . . . . . ered by the township clerk to each | pupils of the school, Marquisette with plain Checks, Hemstitching individual member, and if rigidly ad-| There was but one case before Ma- and Fancy Borders. A superior quality material hered to he was of the opinion that | gistrate Farrell on Wednesday mor- . . 1n- in White, Cream or Ecru shades. Looks very well there has been a plentitude of oppor- | ning. A tippler.who had been ' 1 - and is very low in price. Regular 35c. quality, for tunities in the past for many indict- | dulging in extract of lemon was fin- 25c¢ yd. ments for perjury, whether. through | ed $10 and costs. ignorance or intention on the part The forty hours' devotions began of the representatives he was not|at the Hotel Dien Wednesday morn- # " prepared to say. ing, conducted dy Rev. Father \ 3 bo When asked if it was not custo- Casey. There is mass at 6.30 a.m., 3, mary for the auditor to certify to the high mass at 8 a.m. and benediction 'conditions existing upon completion | 44 g p.m. of their work, he replied in the af-| w. |. Réid, Belleville, who gradu- firmative, stating that the circum-- ated as bachelor or arts at Queen's, stances were unfortunate, as the men will return in the fall to continue acting in such capacity shoul be| pis studies. He served during the fully qualified to fill such a respon- war and has taken a keen interest in sible position, as it rested entirely wireless development. upon their ability the safe-guarding |, yg Evanson, secretary, of the. of township funds. In his opinion the Oddfellows' Relief Association, was salaries given the officials was a to have gone today to Montreal to mere bagatelle in some cases, in com- | i 1ong the meeting of the Canadian parison to services required. This | gi4ierna) Association but last night caused such officials to do their work he was attacked by the grippe and in a careless, haphazard manner, was taken to thie General Hospital. causing such instances as have been of frequent occurrence of late, ra- sulting in loss to the electorate and necessitating the employment of . a v ----Nets---- Dainty Curtain Net -- 6 different patterns to choose from. Shades are Cream, White and'Ec¢ru. 36 to 39 inches wide. 35¢c. YARD Attractive patterns in Filet, Tuskin and Novel- ty Nets. White, Ivory and Beige shades. Widths 42 to 48 inches. 50c. to $1.00 YARD fe, BOBekS my "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" properly qualified man to unravel faulty intricate work (a case of lock- ing the stable door aftér the horsa is stolen). . Mr. McIver states that past coun- cil representatives are principally to blame for existing conditions, as twenty-seven years have elapsed since the last general audit of tha The death occurred at Ballston, Natural Madras Colored Madras Fancy Colored Madras suitable for Side Cur- tains. Rich shades of Fine quality Madras -- heeara) shade in 12 at- tractive patterns. Makes up well and is very easily. township books. He believes the prin-| Spa., N.Y., of Mrs. Matilda E. Mac- cipal official positions, namely, as- | Millan in her ninety-first year. De- sessor, collector, clerk, treasurer, | ceased was formerly a respected township road superintendent ana | resident of Kingston, leaving here auditors should be filled by the most | for New York in 1894. One son, the Blue, Rose and Green. 50 inches wide. Attrac- [ ANDERSON PHONES: Retafl ..... Accountant's Office .... Quality--Larger Market-- Service Outdoor Market---Good Values this Week 3,000 dozen, Large, Ripe BANANAS. Perdozen ....... ...........38c PINEAPPLES--Large, Fancy Stock. Each Dozen Case 18s. 35¢. $3.90 $5.70 24s. 27c. $3:00 $5.70 30s. 2lec. $2.40 $5.50 GRANULATED SUGAR 10 lbs. for 98c. Svowdsfor..:........." .. 40¢ HOME GROWN-RHUBARB_ XS Strawberry variety with a full rich flavor and not too acidity. A treat at this season--for Sauce or Ples. RED, RIPE STRAWBERRIES 'DAILY. SWIFT'S PREMIUM BRAND HAMS-- Extra Special --60 Hams to clear Wednes- day and Thursday. Whole Ham, Ib. 29¢. Shank End, Ib. 28c¢. Round End, Ib. 30c. Sliced, Ib. 35c. Handy weights half Hams weighing 4 to 7 Ibs. thorough and competent @ervice available in the township, regardless of political affiliations or anything alge, service being the first, last ana every appointment. These officials should receive a fair compensation for their services. The auditors ficient in every detail pertaining 'o the protection of the township mon- les and should be held responsible for any def! that should - occur through negligence on their part. The positions should be permanent. If this procedure had been adopted some years since there would . not have been any occasion for the pres- ent mix-up and trouble. ' Being asked if he could spggest any better method of handling the yearly tax rates, he stated that King-{ ston township was away behind the light-house as regards this matter, as well as a great many others. He stat- ed that the collector could be ap- Dbointed by council in the usual man- ner and the tax bills served in the usual way, the collector taking all taxes tendered while engaged In the distribution of the billy; depositing all monies received paid. The rol and all outstanding tax rates from would eliminate all danger of losing every ratepayer would be forced io get his receipt from the proper source. There should be a small dis- funeral y morning at ten o'clock from 8. S. Corbett'sg undertaking parlors, to Cataraqui cemetery, Rev. T. J. 8. Ferguson, Cooke's church officiat- ing. ' all such monles immediately in suc ¥ ban il directs, checking | Ju®st! : % 28. he coune s ng hotel committee for further consider- could then be placed in the bank | ation. late Albert MacMillan was an em- ployee of the British Whig thirty-fivetyears ago. Deceased, in spite of her years, had been quite foremost consideration in each and | active until a year and a half ago, when she was taken {ll. She leaves to mourn her loss one son MacMillan, should be thoroughly posted and ef- | daughters, Mrs. Todd, Los Angeles, and Mrs. Howard, Wisconsin. Tha some Albert Ballston, 8pa., two took place Wednesday NEW HOTEL PROPOSAL ian National Represen- es Discuss Betterment Transportation Facilities. At a ting of the Council and the soar Trade on Tuesday after- noon/a fiéw proposition was present- ed for a hotel for Kingston. There considerable discussion on the fon, which was referred to the A delegation from the Canadian that date paid direct to the bank.| National Railways met the council This method of handling the money and discussed matters regarding the betterment of transportation faci- Any money through transmission, as | litles for Kingston. . The Event of the Year. The nurses' graduation in Grant count allowed on all tax rates paid | Hall, Friday evening, May 16th, A by a given time. This would be .an (Splendid programme as usual. 'A comprehensive street paving laundered. 36' wide. 29¢c. YARD Fancy Panel Nets These Panel Nets have a most pleasing effect. Filet or akin: 2} yards wide. Service giving material that will always appeal. $2.00t0 $3.50 YARD tively priced. $1.00 YARD Casement Cloth SUNFAST Casement Cloth in Rose, Blue, Nat- ural or Green. Very at- tractive material for Side Curtains. Drapes very nicely and" is full 50 inches wide. Special $1.00 YARD * VERY SPECIAL Hartshorne Rollers. with brackets. * Art Blinds Very moderately priced Window Blinds -- White with oil finish-- mounted on best 374 inches wide. Complete SPECIAL $1.00 10 DOZ. ONLY quality MADE TO ORDER SHADES We take orders for Shades for special sized win=" programme embracing parts of Geor- gina, Clarissa, Park and Pearl streets and Victoria avenue, has been adopted by the Brockville BUTTER--Fresh Made Creamery-- pound prints: ... 0. LLL 32¢. Kingston Brand, Kingston's best Cream- ery--| poundprints ....... .. .. 35. EGGS--Fresh firsts, dozen ........ 25c. i JEWELL SHORTENING-- 3 Ib. pail, gross weight 2st aren a. Ble, . LARD--Our own kettle rendered. Oxford brand, Beef and Pork, 2 Ibs Limerick brand, special all Pork. Ib. 25¢ council. A severe earthquake, the céntre of dows. " for prices. &

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