Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 May 1924, p. 7

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THE MOST _. Popula POLLY ANNA by ... BLACK OXEN .. THE BEAUTIFUL AND DAMNED ..F. NOBODY'S MAN THE GREEN GODDESS THE SHEIK GALUSHA, THE MAGNIFICENT THE UNLATCHED DOOR THE COVERED WAGON ; and several hundred of the books everybody is reading. i 4 FHE MOST FAMOUS AUTHORS r Novels 75c ea. Eleanor H. Porter Gertrude Atherton Scott Fitzgerald : +. Oppenheim Author of Mr. Wu. -E. M. Hull Lincoln * «+. Thayer Hough saree sey i 'R. Uglow & Co. Keep Jack Frost-Away WITH AN ELEC- TRIC HEATER Only the best in stock --Westinghouse, Ma- jestic, National, Equator, Graham Electric Press. Phone 194 GRADUATION Affords an opportunity for a parting gift--suitable for this occasion: --RING --BRACELET --MESH BAG ~--PEARLS -=--FANCY BEADS --WRIST WATCH CUFF LINKS X2FOUNTAIN PEN CIGARETTE CASE PHOTO FRAME A UMBRELLA OR CANE Many he suggestions in our Gift Shop. Dr. Waugh DENTIST i DOUGLAS i! PHONES 2267¥F--9238W, * > gp, v MERA RC RRO SOR NO NN 4 nm . = x 106 Wellington St, Phone 256. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS, *. Princess Street, Kingston ; "The Gift Shep" L BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING & McILQUHAM _ CONTRACTORS A 7% JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. 400 ALBERT STREET Beautiful Cut size and three cut $5.00. 334 We have only x w | Fv Crockery Special Sale of Sale Price it Robertson's Limit Glass Bowls--8 itich tings. Regular price w 9 ea. 25 of these Bowls. & 73 Princess St. "Fas t Nothing could m ize with the light, airy ch and Summer fashions ON SAYS SON Sav: : Soy ore completely harmon- aracter of Spring than Sandals, A complete, well-chosen stock ready to meet your requirements. ote We invite your inspection. M.RED COMMITTEES SELECTED FOR THE ROTARY CLUB | Newly-Elected President A. N. | Lyster, Takes Over Duties at Friday's Luncheon. 4 | i | Business left over from the annual | | meeting held last attention of the members | members of the Kingston Rotary | | Club, at their luncheon held in the | { British-American hotel, Friday noon. | The retiring president, Leman A. | | Guild, presided at the opening and | {afterwards turned over the reins of Office to the new president, A. N. | iLystér, who was given a great re- | ception. The" newiy-elected secre- / tary, H. D. Wightman, was also pre- (sent. W. E. Swaine and Mr. Au- | brey were guests at the luncheon. In a brief address to the club be- fore calling on the new president, | Rotarian Guild referred to the two | years he had served as president, stating that the membership had in- creased from twenty-five to torty- | five. He made reference to the work | [the club had been carrying on and | | suggested some new work for the | | club, including work among the erip- | { pled children and juvenile court. He | | also appealed to the members to en- | { gage in community work and in re- | | gard to the activitles of the club he strongly recommended that the Shoe | and "Stocking Fund be continued. | "I can see avgreat future for the | Kingston Rotary Club," gald the re: | | tiring president. "It is a live or-| | ganization, growing steadily, aec- | cording to International Rotary, and it we continue to make progress the | | club will be a force to be recognized | | In the community." | Rotarian Guild took occasion_ to | congratulate the newly-elected pre- | sident, A. N. Lyster, and assured him | of the hearty support of all the mem- bers. "¥I had the support of every | member during the time I have been | president," added Mr. Guild, "and it week, occupied the | of the | \ ~~ SNERNNENEREREEEEE ~~~. | Was on 'motion of Rotarian Coates, standing vote, | mittees for' the ensuing year, the | ves certainly greatly appreciated." Rotarian Guild then handed over {his gavel to Rotarian A. N. Lyster {and as the new president took pos- | session 'of it, the members joined in singing, 'For He's A Jolly Good Fellow" and there was tremendous applause, Rotarian Lyster returned his sin- j cere thanks for the honor bestowed upon him and stated that he would { do his best for the club. He thank- | ed the retiring president for hig kind remarks. Before proceeding with the busi- ness, ' President Lyster congratulat- ed Rotarian Harold Singleton, on his success at the Ontario Musical Festi-, val in Toronto. Harold captured the honors in the class for tenor solo- ists and the members of the club voiced their appreciation incsinging, "See Him Smiling." Rotarian Ward submitted the fin- ancial statement of the club which was adopted. A cheery letter was received from Rotarian Rex Sneligrove, who is still holding forth with his stock company at St. Catharineg and doing a rush- ing business. Rex attends the Ro- tary luncheons at St. Catharines every week and is a hundred per Membership--C. L. Gotdon, Stenton, D. Graham, Dr. P. Huycke, James Hanley, R. H. Ward. 'Boys' work--Harry Breathwalite, Dr. H. E. Day, L. T. Best, H. E. Pense, H. D. Wightman,-A. D. Mec- Connell. Transportation-- G. M. Thomas, »F. W. Coates, Ray Vanluven, T. D. Minnes, Ita Ivey, E. J. Metcalfe, W. M. McCallum. Educational and fellowship--Fred Taylor, Rev. J. S. LaFlair, A. L. Davis, Charles Jackson, Michael Bohan, Roy Collings, H®. J. Aber- nethy, E. G. Barrett, Prol' George Vattier. : st yr , On-to-Toronto--Sidney Smith, Roy udy of vertebrate paleontology af. Collings, J. C. Reynolds, Fred lor, E. E. Mullin, Tay- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 3. H.[° I f | { 1{ ee a-- Ze 9 | | | The Inquisitive Reporter. Our Inquisitive Reporter yester- day asked this question of four peo- | ple chosen at random: \ ! "Does it seem to you that the | | fects to any pronounced degree, in| the light of astro-physical phenome- | pa, th ish fodieit ] Rotarian reporter--E. G. Barrett. e established periodicity ap Sergeant-at-arms--A. M. Stroud. "May 73. --A}out seventy members of Leeds Lodge No, 201, A. F. & A. M., paid, a aa to Kingston Lodge Ancient St. John No. 3 on Thursday evening. After exempli- fying some degrees"a very nice sup- per was served and altogether. it proved a most enjoyable little out- Ing. W. J. Gibson, W.M., of King- ston, extended a very hearty greet- {Ing to the guests, while H. F. Ward, W.M., Gananoque, Mayor Wilson and Mr. Aubrey Lott gave interesting ad- dresses. The address of Rev. Gor- don Siscoe, Kingston, was worthy of special mention, and his speech. is referred to as a very masterly ef- fort. David Wing and wife, Toronto, are expected in town today to spend a fortnight's holiday at W. Wing's island cottage. The Misses Wallace, Boston, have argived at their summer home on eh Island. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wheeler were at home Thursday evening to the general public in the opening of their new ice cream parior. There was an orchestra in attendance all evening and 500 ice cream cones were distributed free. Miss Georgina Pergau is spending the week-end at her home in Lyn. The social evening at the Angli- can parish house last evenipg at- tracted a large crowd, and like all their entertainments this was up to the usual standard of excellence. The winners of the prizes were: Ladies' royal, Miss Anne Tulloch; 2nd, Miss S. Cummings; gentlemen's, Alfred Roderick; 2nd, Mr. Hilliard. Mrs. Ford Gillespie, Ottawa, is in town visiting her mother, Mrs. James Root. Bruce 'fall, Ottawa, motored in and spent the week-end) here with friends. Miss Doherty has left to spend a few days in Kingston, after which she will take up residence in Gan- anoque. Mr. and Mrs. Rees, Misses Helen and Audrey and Mrs. Walker mo- tored to Kignston Thursday evening for the show. ---------- To Picton By Water. Freight and passenger service, Str. Brockville leaves ferry whart every cent. Rotarian. A letter was received from Ww. Kent Macnee, secretary of the King- ston Kiwanis club, extending an in- vitation tp'the members of the Ro- tary club to attend a Kiwanis din- ner Monday night, when R. O. Swee- zey, famous consulting engineer, of Montreal, will "bé~the- speaker. and give an address on the St. Lawrence Power and Waterway, 'Interesting reports of the activi- tiles of. the club were- given by the various chairmen and Rotarian Rev, J. 8. LaFlair was appointed as the speaker for the meeting to be con- ducted by the Rotary Club at the Anglican church in Wilton on Sun- dey, May 18th, Rotarian Ward, who with Rotarian F. W. Coates and the latter's wife and daughter, Miss Phyllis Coates, attended the district convention held at Syracuse last week, gave the mem- bers a fine report pn this wonderful gathering. He.re rred in detail to the various speakers and their most Tuesday and Friday at 4 p.m., stan- dard time. Baby Weighed a Pound. Niagara Falls, Ont, May 3. -- Myrtle E. Frelsman, 'nine days old daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. K. R. Freisman of this city, who dled yes- terday, was the smallest baby ever born' in. this. city or viciuity. It 'weighed one pound .and was normal in every way. -------- Canada bought nearly $109,000 worth of United States wheat last year. He is Quite Strong Now So Bays Mr. N. David After Taking Dodd's Kidney Pills. Manitoba Farmer Suffered From Backache and Rheumatism, and Found Relief in Dodd's Kidney inspiring addresses, and also brought many matters before the attention of the club in the way of suggestions. e made special reference to the rtainment provided the dele- tes and stated that it was one of 'thé: best conventions ever held by Pills, . Erickson, Man., May 2. (Special) --"Dodd's Kidney Pills have done me a lot "of good. I had suffered for about a year with rheumatism, back- ache and headaches. After taking two boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills I thi: district. He deplored the fact that there could not have been a larger attendance at the convention from the local club, but expressed the hope that the club would go to Toronto for the big convention in June, a hundred per cent. [The retifing secretary, Roy Ward, tendered a hearty vote of thanks for the able service he has rendered the -club. *'He has worked day and night for the club," remarked Rotarian Coates, "and is deserving of the greatest praise." r Aad felt much better. I continued tak- ing them and now I am quite well and strong again." Mr. N. David, who lives here, makes the above Statement. He feels he owes it to other sufferers to tell them how he got relief from his suffering. He is always Fondy to sa; a good word for Dodd's idney Pills. Other sufferers ffom rheumatism tell of pains relieved an: health re- stored through the use of d's Kid- hey Pills. ! They act directly on the kidneys. They strengthen the kidneys and put them in shape to strain the uric acid out of the blood. Rotarian Leman A. Gulld the motion, stating that Rotarian Ward had given him the greatest co- 0 len during, hig terms as presi- d and did much to build up the club. The motion was carried by a ® * -- The following is a list of the com- first named in each being the chair- man: a 3 Speakers'--Leman Lyster, Fred Taylor. Entertainment -- Sidney Smith, Jack Elder, C. 8. Anglin, Harold Singleton, Rex. Sneigrove, W. Spriggs, A. M. Stroud, L. Buckbur- ough, Walter Musselmah, C. A. Guild, A. N. C. Nash, BE. M. Mullin, i Public affairs--Howard Kelly, A. E. Weller J.C. Reynolds, R. §i. Andrews. | | canvanoque | pertaining by and large to national- | ly observed holidays?" | Mrs. Thomas Townsend, house- | wife: "Probably you're right, but I| think indirect lighting is much more | artistic for the small home." | Tommy Briggs, messenger boy: "Better make"it a night letter, mis- ter. Ninety cents for fifty words." Dwight Hillyer, merchant: "H know just how you feel. Had the | same trouble with my first car, so | traded it off for a motorcycle." | Red Wilsen, waiter: "Say, if Ij want a third degree, Bo, I'll have | the district attorney do it. Get me?" | The inconsistency of womankind | is exemplified by the society girl, | who starts in when she comes out. OUR OWN BOOK REVUE DEPARTMENT. Courtship of Miles Standish, | Miles Standish gets this Alden fel- ler, And sds: "I stutter, kid--you tell 'er." A, King Lear. He gives his daughters his estate, | The daughters give him--what? The | gate. --Howard Dietz. Cat-Nipp! Miss Catt: "She dresses to kill." Miss Nipp: "Yes, the bills are putting her husband in the grave." Appreciation. She was at the symphony con- cert. The music was of Tschalkowsky. Never before had she heard such exquisite tones. A musician, of great renown watched her as she listened to the music, It was at the last note of the Pastorale from "Manifred" that she clutched at her bosom, gazed around the audience with frantic eyes, and | shrieked shrilly. "A true artist!" breathed the mu- siclan ag he bent over her. "Good Heavens!" she exclaimed, LE-ZEN Young Ladies' Patent Fancy Strap Sandal--made with saddle ring, har- ness rivets and buckles. KINGSTON'S BIGGEST HOME FURNISHERS as she opened her eyes, "I forgot to turn the fire out under the beans before I left home." --Patience Trask. * -- BITS FROM THE BARNYARD, By George S. Chappell. A Hen's intelligence séems small, As if she had no brains at all; But that's the way that hens -are made; They're often cracked the they're laid! day Said the Hen. to the Duck: "You'll never get In my eggsclusive Social Set." Said the Duck: "Your chances too are dim oo Of ever being in the swim: Definition N Religion: Faith that] there is one who rules our lives. Marriage: Knowledge that there is one who' rules our lives. » Foresight. ( She listened as he talked. "I am rich," he said. "If you Marry me, my money, my motor cars, my yacht, my houses, every- thing will be yours." "Fine!" she exclaimed delighted- Then her brow clouded. "But what will you do?" she ask- ed, ly. =T. F. Mitchell, Critics. Peggy: "Bob says he likes me be- cause I'm the picture of health." Alice: "Yes, Re always has been crazy about anything hand-paint- ed." --Ernest~Boy®. i Readers are requested to contri- bute. All humor: i ms (or humorous mottoes), jokes, anec- dotes, poetry, burlesques, satires, and bright sayings of children, must be original and unpublished. Ac- cepted material' will be paid for at from $e to $10.00 per contribution; from 25c. to $1.00 Ber line for poetry according to the character and value of the contribution, as determined by the Editor of "The Fun Shop." All manuscripts must be waltten on one side of the Paper only, should r name of this newspaper, and should be addressed to Fun Shop Hesaquaprers, 110 West 40th Street, New York City. Unaccepted contri. butions cannot be returned. LD TRIPLETS, Celebrate Birthday at Picton-- _ Dr. and Mrs. Publow Sail For Antwerp. + -------- Pleton, May 2.--The Rattray trip- lets, Mary, Margaret and Allan, cele- brated their first birthday on Satur- day last. Mrs. William Rankin gave a party and shower in their honor and many lovely gifts were received by these little folks along with a purse of gold for each child. The presen- tation "and address were given by Mrs. Ernest Wright and Miss Bernice Woods and a sheaf of flowers was REALIZING NT OF _ BABY'S CARE No member of the fam of sleep--more than Baby. A SIMMONS' Crib does not rattle nor quiver and vibrate. re§s -- one of the 12 Simmons' durable, drop side with matt at only ..,.. ily needs the kindly help of SIMMONS---makers and y comers $12.75 JAMES REID "Phone 147 for Service. which had peen placed there in honor | of Mrs, 'A. M. Buthanan, who was also celebrating a birthday and was a guest. Mrs, Buchanan received @\ beautiful! bouquet of snapdragons. | Tel was served informally with Mrs. J. Roland Brown presiding and Mrs. Wright, Miss Catharine Tobey, Miss- Bernice W06ds and Mrs. Rankin as- | & sisting, The Prince Edward County Poul- try Association held its annual meet- Ing on Tuesday, the 29th. The elec- tion of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows: Honorary presi- dents, John Hubbs, M.P., H, H. Hor- sey, Hon. Nelson Parliament, H. 8. Colliver, M.P.P.; president, F. E. Trimble; vice-presidents, Fred New- man and H. A. LeHeup; secretary, George. R. Moore; treasurer, J. A. Wear; directors, M, L. Cowan, W, J. Carter, Robert Davidson, William Turnbull, L. B, Carnan, C. G. Rutter, M. B. Parks, F. W. C. Kent, J. A. Shackelton, Charles Hooper, Stewart York, Charles McFaul, Garnet Tay- lor, C. H. McGibbon, A. P. McVan- mel. M. L. Cowan, the retiring pre- sident spoke appreciatively of the hearty support'he had received from the merchants of the town and also from the town and county councils. Fred Newman spoke on the question of egg grading and a resolution was adopted that an official from the Live Stock branch, . Ottawa, be procured for two meetings to be held in Pic- ton and Welliagton the latter part of May. The Leading Undertaker George Kingsley, Cobourg, wag in Picton over the week-end. M. E. Knox and D. J. Godwin wers delegates of the Picton Collegiate Institute Board to the Educational convention in Toronto. John E. Lambe, Avho spent a week's holidays at his home on street, has returned to Buf- v.Y. | . George Gray, Toronto, {is wd guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jo Halliday. Z iss _E. Scott, who has been <visit- ing her sisters fn Toronto, and her brother and his wire in Elmira, has Feturned home, Mrs. R., W. Adams ig visiting friends in Stoufwille this week. H. B. Bristol ig onla business trip to Toronto, \ Y Miss 'Adella Brown has returned. to her home here after three months spent in Oshawa. . Herbert Dwight came from Hamil- ton and spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Ruth Dwight, Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Publow, D. J. Barker and 8. B. Gearing left on Tuesday for Montreal where they re- mained over night with Mr. and Mrs. D. Robertson, sailing next day for Antwerp. They will visit the bat- tlefields of France and Belgium and then tour the British Isles, Mrs. J. B. Sherriffe has returned to Picton after a four months" visit in Rochester, N.Y. ------ You seldom see an ex-loafer, . To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of : Grections on ach paclage Physicians evgrywherg recommend ff

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