CAPITOL STARTS MONDAY MARION DAVIES Litle Old NewYork be Baily British '@APITOL STARTS MONDAY MARION DAVIES --_--ee v in , DEGREE AT QUEEN'S Science And Arts Graduates An: nounced At University. LIST OF SCHOLARSHIPS v ~ > ship in third: year Metallurgy, $137.50--W.M. Brown, Owen Sound. | The P~D. Ross Scholarship in common subjects of the second year, | first pfize, $100--D. J. McDonald, | Dalhousie Station, Que.; gecond prize, $100, D. R. McLeod, Kingston, | Jamaica. | Robert Bruce Scholarship award- | ed to best student of first year | (candidate must be of Scottish ex- | traction), $60---H. M. Ide, Ottawa. . 8ir Sanford Fleming 'Scholarship for first year, $70--J. N. Anderson, Ottawa. 7 The N. F. Dupuis Scholarship in first year Mathematics, $60--D. N. Culver, Orillia, | ixty-Six Science Graduates And ver One Hundred in Arts Faculty. eg The Degrees-- Take 1 The degrees and scholarships in the faculties of applied science and | arts were announced at Queen's] University on Saturday and are gs follows: ' FACULTY OF APPLIED SCIENCE ' ~. Sc. Richard Helmuth Fred Manske, Macklin, Sask. Donald Charles Rose, Ottawa. William enry Vining, Inger- soll, ( iis, | B.Sc. With Honors. Edwin Hunter Bronson, Engineering), Scotland, Ont. Amo§ John Gladson Campbell, (Mechanical Engin.), Trenton. Harold Benjamin Hanna, Engin.), Prescott. William Mayne Harvey, (Mechani- cal Engin), New Liskeard. David Hutchison, (Mechanical Engin.), Kemble, Ont. Harold McLeod, (Metall. Engin.), Washago, Ont. Harold Reginald Osborne, (Elect- rical Engin.), St. George, Ont. Frederick Morley Roberts, (Elec- trical Engin.), Stettler, Alta. Llewellyn Earl Roy Stephens, (Mining Engin.), Campbellford. Alvin Scotchmer Townsend, (Chemical Engin.), Clinton. B.Sc. (Pass). Isaac Clarence Allan, Kingston. (Mining (Ctvit Segswofth Prize for an account of | experience in practical underground | mining, $50--E. H. Bronson, Brant- ford. | James Mackintosh 'Bell prizes for | second year geology, minerology, | 'chemistry-=First prize, $60, L. Ma- rion, Ottawa; second prize, $40, A, G. Muirhead, Carleton Place." James Mackintosh Bell prizes for third year Assays--First prize, $60, | W. M. Brown, Owen Sound; second ! prize, $40, K. W. Fritsche, Atlin] B.C. | IV Medal--Highest standipg in| 3rd and 4th years--L. E. R. Ste-! phens, Campbellford. FACULTY OF ARTS. . M. A. Georgé Leonard Brackenbury, B. A., Wingham. Norman Campbell, B.A., Hamilton. Victor Kenneth Johnston, B. A, Gananoque. v Ethelyn Massecar, B.A., Dunnville. Lennie Ray: Merkley, B.A., Wil- liamsburg. Peter Muir, B.A., Toronto. R. Maxwell MacNaughton, B. A., R. R. 11, Peterborough. Elizabeth O'Brien (Sister Patricia) B.A., Peterborough. : Harvard Burton Vincent, B.A., Pic- ton. B. A. (Honour) Leah Beehler, Ottawa. Margery Elizabeth Booth, Toronto, Mary Eva Bouchard, Alexandria" Sarah Dowker Burns, Ottawa. Stella Kate Campbell, Orangeville. Helen Gertrude Clarke, Belle- ville. Eric William Blake Cross, Madoc. Ross Rinear Deagle, Brantford. Lillas Kathleen Dolan, Londno. Charles Edward Appleyard, Wood- stock. 2 James Atwell, Edmonton, Alta. Bristo 'James Charles Burns, Kingston. Robert Donald Campbell, ,Dal- keith. ~~Clarence Sheffield Cassan, Peter- wore, » ; Alfred Maurice John Chesser, Halleybury, Ralph Henry Cleland, Weyburn, Bask. . Jobn Macmillan Cockburn, Gray- snhurst, Delbert Milton Cross, Listowel. Albert Alexander Dafoe, Toronto. James Mackie Douglas, Kingston. Hubert John Edwards, Donald. John Clifford Ferguson, Adan- ston, Andrew Innes Russell Kingston. ° George Norman Douglas Furse, Thames John James Gilpin, Collingwood. Arthur Clarence Hayes, Canning- ton, Chester Almond Heard, St. Thom- as. David: Alexander Blenheim. . Donald Oliver Hepburn, Stratford" Elbert Irwin Holmes, Ottawa. David Joseph Lewis, Ottawa. Lawrence Wilfred Lockett, King- - stom. - Gerald Stanley Lyons, Kingston. Gordon Howard Murrdy, Moore- town. Russell Henry Murray, Moretown. Donald Stewart MacDonald, Win- aipeg, Man. Alexander Grant cocomagh, N.S. John Chisholm MacLeod, végan.. Kenneth McNeill, Springfield. Donald Cecil Macpherson King- ston, : Harold Hill North, Palmerstoh. Elmer Goodwin - Patterson, Cal- gary, Alta, a John Arthur Henry Pujerson, Westmeath. Wilfred Ernst: Patterion; Brant. ford. i mf -Bdward, James Peal, Guelph. Louis Augustus Philp, Lindsay. Roy Sydney Reynolds, Smith's Falls, ' 3 ; Donald Grange Robertson, King- ston, . George Edgar Shipman, Canning- ton. Forrest, Henderson, o 1MacKenzie, Why- Dun: Campbell Simpson, Cornwall. ; George Ernest Stewart, Renfrew. . Willlam Arthur Taylor, Paris, | Frank Delbert D. Thomas, Nia- sara Falls, * : Ei Hiton Leslie Thompson, Hillier. ' ' Willlam Albert Thorn, Abbots- - ford, B. C. worth Ross Trayes, Willlams- "town. ; or more Evans Walters, Owen . ; John B, Whitton, Renfrew. 3 Science. Kenneth B. Carruthers Scholar- Gerald Sandford Graham, Belle a Mary Poole Duncan, Westport. Emma Embree, Eriksdale, Man. Evelyn Clare Garrett, Walkerville. rT Din i NE Carrie Hartleib (Sister Mary John), Walkerton. - : Clarence Yardley Hapkins, Kin- mount. Th Harold Richard Jolliffe, Kingston. Charles Henry King, Orangeville. Albert Lincoln Kuehner, Kitchener Minnie Maud Lenz, Bartonville. Catherine Gertrude Milliken, Stra- throy, Marion Carruthers Smith's Falls. Frances MacCallum, Kingston. David Lloyd Gerrard McKay, EI- mira. Jean Cameron MacKengle, Brock- ville. Margaret Burlinda Blunkett, Have- lock, : John Danby Ralph, North Augus- ta, George Percival Ran Picton. Robert Gordon Sinclair, Farran's Point. Wiitred William Tanner, Paisley. Erica; Sutherland Thompson, Ot- tawa, Jessie Isabel Young, Chesley. Reba lsabel Young, R. R. 4, Tren- ton. Macarthur, kin, R. R. 1, B.A. (Pass). Alexander Edwin William Ada, Kingston. ' Jessie Isabel Armstrong, Kinburn. Edra L. Bowers, Sulphide. Michael Joseph' Brady, Kingston. Fred Albert Breithaupt, Kitchener. Corbin 'Alexander Brown, London. Nancy Burlelgh, Stella. : James George Clancy, Kingston, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1924. . ' THE BATILE AGAINST TUBERCULOSIS Why should Quebes. tario not? be in Are we going to allo White Plague? _ The people of Ontario demand that they Why talk of the dangers of home and family, The public are asking what w The death of a'citizen this week, on the road to health, emphasizes th Picture a young man of twenty of proper sanatorium treatment. Read the followin of early cases. SA ni Catharine Eileen Jandrew, Otta- wa. Edna Joy Johnston, Pendleton. Mahrice Francis Kirkland, Al- monte. W, Marion Kirkpatrick, Ottawa. Agnes Whitehill Laidlaw, Mont- real, Que. Bessie Belle Lane, R. R. cott, Gladys Ruth Lennon, Kingston. Margaret Ross Malcolm, Ottawa. John Russell Martin, Hallville. Nettie Bannatyne Meikle, Calgary, Alta, Robert Hampton Mercer, Bay Ro- berts, Nfid. Paul Arthur Morelafid, Sunbury. , Martha Luedna Murphy, Oxford Mills. Marion Stirling MacAlpine, Mac- Alpine. » Edith Ernestine MacDermid, Mar- tintown. ° Lyman Peter McDiarmid, R. R. 1, Moose Creek. Christine Gordon Macdonald, Go- van, Sask. Donald John McDonald, R. R. 1, Box 41, Dalhousie Station, Que. William Leslie Lachlan McDonald, Box 6519, Sudbury. John Campbell Kingston. Norman Archibald McLellan, To- ro BB ic iat Riki Angus George Macuillian, Hox 277, Maxville, Elizabeth Terry Macpherson, Pres- cott. ; Dorothy May Newman, Kingston. "Donald Collomer Nickle, Kingston, Edgar Owen Nunez, New York, N. Y curing 2, Pres- Macgillivray, Gladys Cordelia Orser, R. R. 2, El- ginburg. William Roy Pharaoh, Ottawa. Lillian R. Potter, R. R. 3, Beams- ville. Clara Anastasia Quinn Mary Hilda), Kingston. William Harold Reid, Belleville, Stanley David Rendall, Wood- stock. John Melvin Roszel, Pembroke. Lily Victoria Saunders, Kingston. Arthur Preston Scott, Stella, Jessie Margaret Scott, North Bay. Andrew Findlay Scoular, Lipton, Sask. Edward Russell Smith, Windsor. Andrew Donald Sutherland, Jersey Cove, N.S. Elwood Thompson, Alliston. Ralph Moore Tovell, 'Sydenham. Harry. Abraham Warwick, Mont- real. . Margaret Alice Watson, Madoc. John Jones Wood, Ottawa. Della Jean Wilson, Vankleek Hill. Helen Evelyn Woottop, Maynooth. Samuel Jacob Zacks, Kingston, - ww (Sister B. Com. Travers A. V. Carey, Kingston. Thomas Orval Wesley Fowler, Camrose, Alberta. Fovita M. Kelly, Sudbury. Paul Gerhard Loa, Ottawa. \ Albert Ernest Collins, Pembroke. Mary Costéllo, R. R. 1, Downey- ville, Ont. z Mary Catherine Courtman (Sister Margaret), Eganville. Christopher Aloysius Delanty, Co- bourg. A Annie May Dougias, Fergus, Della Douglas, Wallacetown. Margaret Jean Douglas, Kingston. John Alexander Barnet Dulmage, Kingston. Kathleen Easton, Renfrew. Julla Veronica Egan; Kingston. Arnold Ellenport, Montreal, Que. Gordon Nichols Elis, Smith's Falls, i Rheta Theresa Field, Beamsville. William Melville Firth, Montreal, Que. Evelyn Theresa Garvin (Sister St. Thomas) Kingston. Eva Mary Glenn, Stella. Maxwell . Marjorie Norma Gothard, Tren- ton. re Margatet A. Graham, Kingston. Alexander McLean Haig, Camp- bellford. Benjamin Charles Hardiman, Fort William. . x Marjorie Harrison, R. R. 4, Picton. George Frederick Henderson, Kingston. Euretta Isabella Henry, Hamil- tom - [Charles Arthur Edward Hensley, Winnipeg, Man. . Cr Walker 8hip in third year mining, $137.50-- H, ©. Hu Oni -Grosse,--St--- John's; Nfld | tre Jeffers David Cash Mahafty, Red Deer, Alberta. Charles Duncan Thompson dell, Kingston. Robert Gibson McKercher, Wroxe- ter. William Albert Robinson, .Ganano- que. a Samuel Franklin Saunders, Oril- Ha. Huntley Macdonald Sinclair, Far- ran's Point. George David Stewart, Kingston. Robert Ferguson Bruce Taylor} Kingston. : ; Carl James Whytock, Madoc. Archie Burrill Zacks, Peterbor- ough. Celia Zacks, B.A., Kingston. Degree of Doctor of , "4(D.PAED.) - George Gibbon McNab®M.A., Ren- Te uY0n NeNab, WM, George Benjamin Stillwell, M. A., Moose Jaw, Sask. Mun- Premier H. Greenfield and Attor- ney-General J. E. Brownlee will leave Edmonton for the East Saturday night. They are going to Ottawa to confer with the government on the transfer of control of natural re- sources in Alberta from the dominion (to the province. in the House of Commons Friday. On Monday, Hon. A. E. Hudson, 1 Kenneth Cecil Hortop, South Winnipeg, will speak. From Al arts of Ontario United Support 5 Coning- Every Medical Man s Helping & position to purchase fg Sanatorium for the neglected tuberculous and On . -- A } ---- -- do, ---- e want them to © argument in favor of free sanatoriu n-- g article by 3 specialist with regard to preventing the spread of (Continued or Page 9) CHURCH UNION CASE CLOSES Before the Private Bills Com- mittee of the Commons. ANTIS WILL: BE, HEARD When Committee Resumes on Tuesday---Rev. Dr. Pringle Says There is No Compulsion. Otawa, May 3.--At the session of the Private Bills Committee yester- day afternoon, Rev. Dr. Pringle; an- swering Gordon Wilson, deniell that he had said that 90 per cent. of the petitions lodged with the committee were not petitions. What he said was that 90 per cent. of the peti- tions were not from churches or 8 , that it was 3 y a straw vote. Mr. Wilson 'could not see how some congregations were" going to &et | their opinion before this Par- liament if not by a straw vote. In [tne Knox Church, Galt; the session was in favor of union, the congrega- tion was opposed and the minister had not taken any stand. How were these people to get their opinion be- fore Parliament if it had to come through the session? r--, High-Handed Action. "It you were an Ontario man I might be out-of order if I asked that question. Do you think it would be advisable to take a vote on the On- tarlo Temperance Act on the elec- toral lists of 19152" asked Mr. Wil- son. "No. I do not think it would." "Yet it is all right to take a vote as regards church matters on a voters' lists of 1915 und abide on it in years after?" "Thé General Assembly has spok- en and its decision is final." "The Legislature of Ontario did not need to submit that to a vote. w other provinces to do more than Ontario for the relief of the sufferers from the should not be behind Quebec in any respect. Come to our annual meeting and you will be told. who, had he had sanatorium treatment when necessary, would now be m treatment. "eight years Being allowed to rot of tuberculosis in our midst for want N the disease and - the » this week, at which it was said that the bill it would be made an issue in the next election. He asked if Dr. Pringle agreed with that, and the doctor replied that he did not, add- ing that he was not there on trial nor was he a witness, The chairman pointed out that the committee. reserved the right to ask questions of+any one who gave evi- dence before the committee. Dr. Pringle was pointedly asked by Mr. Duff what position he would take if the legislation was refused, or the union was not consummated. "The Presbyterian, Methodist and Congregationalist Churches in Can-~ ada are going to unite. If the Pres- byterian Church does would leave my church as soon as I could." : -------- Case of the Antis. Ottawa, May" 3.--After nearly three days of argument and ques- tioning in the case of those support- ing the bill to unite the Preshyter- fan, Methodist and Congregational churches, the argument of those op- posed to the measure was begun late yesterday afternoon before the priv. ate bills committee of the House of Commons by F, H. Chrysler, K.C., one of the leading counsel for that side. It was announced by the 'chalfman of the committee, H. B. McGiverin, K.C., that a temporary list of speakers for those opposed included the following, in addition to Mr. Chrysler, Rev. Dr. Ephriam Scott, Montreal, Thomas MoMillan and J. 8. Short. : x At 6 o'clock the committee ad- Journed until next Tuesday 'morn- ing, when the case of those opposed will be presented in fad] force, Four main propositions laid down by Mr. Chrysler were "No bill con- taining such powers (as the union bill) has ever been passed by the Parliament of Canada, nor, as we believe, by any British parliament. "It invades and is intended to af- fect the religious freedom of tens of thousands of people of Canada, and to put out of existence the church to which they owe allegiance, "No provision was-made In eith- er the Presbyterian or Methodist union acts for terminating the ex- istgnce of the constituting churches and such churches were not in the act extinguished by legislation. ~ "Neither of these bills (Just men- tioned) contained any provision for They could have repealed the On- taplo Temperance Act without a vote of the people?" | "I do not know. 1 am not a par- liamentarian." . "But if they toox high-handed action like the Presbyterian Gener- al Assembly they could do exactly Just as that." ney No Compulsion. . "You say we should have a right- éous Canada in religious affairs?" "1 sald 'united and righteous.' "And nothing about justice and merging the negotiating churches and their congregations and assoc- lated corporations in 4 United Church." r---------- WITH THE PUGILISTS. -- i Results of Contests in Hamilton, Toronto and New York. Hamilton, May 3.--Both | within the bantamwelght limit, Bobby Eber and Howard Mayberry boxéd ten rounds to a draw before a crowded house at the Grand Opera House last night. righteousness?" ' "These are the serie." "There is quite a difference this bill between the two." Dr. Pringle--"That's a .matter of Dinlor. There 1s no compulsion on the antis, As loyal Presbyterians they should accept the mandate of their Supreme Court or withdraw." Mr. Wilson~""We heard certain princh of colleges here deny the Sn inals of the Presvutcrion Church. Should they not have re- signed?" SE "It they denied the doctrines, in they should, but I don't agree that they did." "Is there any possibility of a spirit' of compromise?" fo ALY Him ws * "Is it not a fact that the British flag flies to-day because of com- promise?" - er mgr epg sees "Not on 'principle. The general assembly a' the last meeting asked the so-called minority to "come with Liberal; | St Wins From Burns. Toronto, May 3.--An iron jaw and highly flexible neck helped Tommy Burns of Winnipeg out of a lot of difficulty at the Coliseum last night, when he was beaten by "Young" Stribling on' 'points in ten rounds. E in Chilean Wing. New York, May 3.---Lauls Vicen- tinl, Chilean lightweight, won an un- popular verdict over Pa] Moran of New, Orleans in a rather tame twelve round bout at Madison uare gar- den last might. ----, Girl's Body Found in River. | » NY May 37 -- The body of Eleanor Aylesworth, 1§- year-old high school girl for whom a nation wide search has been made since her mysterious disappearance from her home here, Feb. 26th, was found in the Susquehanna river nine miles west of this city. A verdiet of suicide was announced by the cor- omer, : if the legislature refused to support | yi not go in, Ij [€eeeseerscrtcrcene |e ' |# UNION OF SOVIET (* SOCIALISTIC REPUBLICS ° * 8 * | * | Ottawa, May 3.--Notitica- tions has been received from * the postal administration at *+--Moscow that the official name |% of their country is now the {# Union of Soviet Soclalistic Re- {*. Dublics abbreviation, U. R. S. |* 8., and that this address, in- |® stead of Russia, should be used {® on correspondence. i» Perr 230 000090 * - * + # % + + + + * + + + ¥ FU tuberculosis and yet remain'qulescent as to the deplorable refults to your NERAL AT NAPANEE OF LATE DR LEONARD Thé Cortege a Large One-- Church Was Filled to i Overflowing. Napanee, May 3.--There was of the late Dr. R. A. Leonard, Church of St. Mary at the Magdalen®; yes- | | LAST EDITION $2,500 REWARD IS PAID OVER For the of "Red" $2,000 GOES T0 DUNCAN And $500 to Warden Tucker, of the Portsmouth Penitentiary. : al very large attendance at the funeral b | | A reward of $2,500 has been paid y the Canadian Bankers' Associa tion for the ("Red") Ryan, bank bandit. Ryan rm in Ports- terday afternoon. The church was | on SeRYing 3 Hig robbery of filled to overflowing with those who | St. Clair wished to pay their last tribute ot Ee Bank of, Nava Butia, respect and affection. The officiating clergy were: |'R car of the parish M.C., Kingston, and Rev. Spencer, Camden East. R and Oakwood avenues. Who are the recipients of the re ward is' not officially announced by 35a) Dound. H. 2 Laem, Rit | the Bankers' Association, but it is tn Ex Ww | learned from authoritative sources The choir | that Inspector Walter Duncan, spe- artmen and organist rendered the musical ela] Investigator of the dep . [2a o of the service a altar hangings were w dmirably. The of finance, Ottawa, received $2,000 hite and flow- | fof his work in locating Ryan, and . ° ers on the reredos were pink carna.| DePuty Warden R. L. Tucker, of th ions. Thé _ | penitentiary, received $500 for his 4 tions. The handsome coffin was or part in the tracing of Ryan. ered with lovely floral gifts tro friends and admirers. The local courts of the Canadian | Canadian Bahk of Commerce, Order of Foresters, of which the de- ceased was a member, sent a large delegation to represent them funeral, After the church services the re- 'the blinds lowered as a mark of re- spect. The pall-bearers were: WW, A Daly, William C. Smith, E. H. Baines, W. 8. Herrington K. C., F. 8. Rich- ardson, F. F. Miller, C.E. -- PEPALL'IN CUSTODY ON SMITH CHARGES Manager of Aemilius Jarvis Bond Firm to Appear In Police Court. : ---- Toronto, May\3.--Hon. Ww. F. Nickle, K.C., attorney-general, gtat- ed yesterday that Harry' Pepall, manager of the Aemilius Jarvis bond firm had been taken into cus- tody as'a material witness in the charges against Hon. Peter Smith, Mr. Pepall, he said, had been admit- ted to bail of $9,000. He will ap- Dear in police court on Wednesday next when the Crown will progeed with the preliminary hearing of its case against Hon. Mr. Smith. No criminal charge is laid against Mr. Pepail but his arrest is the most drastic of several activities of the crown centreing. about the Jar- vis firm. Recently the government auditors were sent into the' Jarvis offices to probe for details of the firm's transactions with + the gOv- ernment. Certain books which have been looked upon as important for evidence in the Smith charges have since been transferred to the cus- tody of the provincial police at Queen's Park. ------------ PPP P0 20000000200 * * 4 DAYLIGHT SAVING * * EFFECTIVE SUNDAY ¢ * Ri * * Daylight saving time becomes 4 + effective in Kingston at 2 a'm., ¢ # Sunday, Put your. clocks and * # watches ahead one hour when '$ #+_you retire Saturday night. + L 4 | | | | @ | of telegrams Sir John Aird, president of the and president of the Bankers' Assocla- tion, stated that the association had at the | granted a reward in the neighbor. hood of $2,600, but when asked who received it replied: 'That is confl- mains were conveyed to the Napanee | Ssuila) ase 1 cannot Sieulss * Sonia cemete:y. On the route taken by the | °f It eve, was. cortege all places of business hag | States." This may have been the $500 which was paid to the four Minnea- polis detectives, who effected Ryan's arrest. This reward was paid by the, department of finance, on the oe commendation of Inspector Duncan. Inspector Duncan, who is in To- ronto on a short visit, declined to state who had received the reward. "That is' a matter to be divulged by the minister of finance," said the inspector. Solves a Point. 3 If Mr. Duncan recelyed $2,000, it solves a point in regard to F capture that has been. police circles since the bank was captured. Who got the informa tion that Ryan and his gang were Minneapolis? City police offic Si take credit for having located the bandits In that city, through the ex- cellent work of Detective Sergeants Wilbur Dawn and Robert Greenlee, who worked incessantly on the trafl, At the same time, it was said that Deputy Warden Tucker had received information as to Ryan's where- abouts, through penitentiary sources. The reward was paid under the standing offer by the Bankers' As. sociation of $5,000 for information leading to the apprehension of any bank robber. a -------------- Two American Priests : Robbed by Chinese Thugs Litle OlNewYork | be i od ) capture of Nortian N Hong Kong, May 3.--Two Amerte can priests, Fathers Ford and Glea~ son, accompanied by a party of sev. eral Catholics, while crossing the frontier of the French concession of Kwangehow Wan, en route to the interior, were attacked by bandits who seized the money" and' bélong- Ings of the entire party and detained the travellers. The French autho- rities later obtained the release nf the captives and the return of some of their belongings. LL -------- Former U. S. Attorney-General Daugherty has filed an Injunctfon suit to prevent the Investy, committee from obtaining possession he sent and received in -- Washington, $220 00%%000%000000 "BRITISH POSSESSIONS NOT FOR SALE | WRITTEN FOR THE WHIG BY ARTHUR HUNT CHUTA yp---- her pioneers against the to her original thirteen colonies, of to-day. ? With the triumphal ninth parallel, American - The United Stdtes has often gazed with longing eyes archipelago, known as the British West Indjes. Any nation might gaze upon these islands with desirs, for The United States has always bad much of the blood of England in her veins she couldn't help It. Hers has indeed been an amasing expansion. y : wilderness, by aggressive warfare against and Spain, by peaceful purghases from Othe Pacitic and on the Caribban, Sfluence have extended, until she has become « world power of the firm. toward that "They are good to look upon." her Imperial dreamers. With so J progress of By the France and Russia, she has added thus becoming the grea: United States the American spheres of march of manifest destiny hdlted at the imperialists turn southward to the 3