12 THE .DAILY BRITISH WHIG Direct from the Tea Garden 'to the Tea Pot LIPTON'S 1% Ib. 38¢ 11b. 75¢ TEA ™ . Lipton A; Lip yin ' Buy the RED LABEL. A the RED LABEL. Aluminum Package. - INFA FANTS : PELICHT aturday night hot suds and shouts -- happy bathers. " 'ToiLET HOUSEHOLD BUGGESTIONS Ham, tongue, corned beef and meats that are not to be served hot are improved by partially cooling in the water in which they were boiled. If you live in cramped quarters and have no place to put an ironing board you will-find this plan help- ful: remove the upper ' drawer of your bureau, and put it back upside, down, with a Turkish towel or pad over it. You will have a good sur- face upon which to press. A white oflcloth glued smoothly to one side of the molding board makes & nice clean surface for molding dies or les. : t is possible to buy very neat bibs mmm ad of absorbent paper which may be de- stroyed after using and save much extra trouble when traveling with a young baby. They save laundry, too. Any smooth tin box can be paint- ed with enamel paint to make a neat container for small articles, : Instead of using the whole mush- room for soup, you can use the skins and stems only and have the rest for a meat sauce. There are times, 1 believe, when to sidetrack the truth is an act of humanity and justice. In opinion, good or bad, most of us are overstocked. In the army of the/Lord there are no draft soldiers, / The Youthful Fur Jaquette By ELEANOR GUNN Interest in furs for immediate wear, curiously enough, centres not on neckpieces to offset the tailleur, but on short jaquettes of . various forms among which 'may be mention- ed those that are embroidered or braided. Embroldering a fur coat seems on a par with gilding the lily or painting the rose, yet designers do not hesitate to use fur as a basis for all sorts of decorative effects. Among the curiously combined fur and fabric coats worn, are little jaquettes with revers and pocket bindings of Ottoman silk. These are absurdly like men's smoking jackets and are being chosen by young girls who are enthusiastic followers of the boyish mode, for nothing, not even the fur coat is exempt from the tail- ored touch. One might infer that a fox scarf or some sort of fur choker would be regarded as the proper companion to the tailleur, but until the novelty of a bright silk scarf has diminished, women seem to 'find no interest in any other type of neckwear. Furriers, zealous to a degree, are launching Beautiful Floors-- and easy to choose TH an Wieptl choice of a floor covering required every inch of the room be covered. This meant a long, laborious task in laying. a big' expenditure and a Today is different. Floors must be simple, clean, easily-cared-for. The domestic help problem is a real one and every item of work must be cut down to reasonable pro and for You may settle these floor ¢ anxieties or all by choos overing at once Dominion Linoleum Rugs Beautiful Jesitm Jove Siuars feature igri hy buf Does HOSIERY Clocked and Plain Silk First quality, in heavy Navy, Black and Brown. - $1.39 Heavyweight Pure Silk HOSE With seamed backs, tops. Color Nude, Peach, Rose, or White. Saturday only at Colors: White. hemmed Beige, Log Cabin, Black, Grey New Porch 'Dresses Mostly in those convenient Slip-on ~styles that are so attractive for wear on busy Spring days of Striped or Checked Ginghams, or plain Chambray with round, square or V necks, novelty pockets, strap- 'pings, braid and button for trimmings. White, Pink and White and Mauve and JACKSON : Mi Saturday Will Be A Day of Great Opportunities MAY 8, RS SUITS AT CLEARING PRICES Fhe Smartest Modes Decreed by Fashion Following out the merchandising principle of Jackson, Metivier Store, carry stock over from season to season, therefore we are tunity of procuring your Spring Suit at manufacturer' 5 vise an early selection. Featured are Donegals, Checks, Herringbones, Sand, Browns, Navy and Black--Tricotine or Poiret Twill-- or less. Sizes From 16, 18, 20, 38 to 46. REGUL $19.75 .... REGULAR $25.00 .... REGULAR $35.00 ... REGULAR $45.00 ..... KNITTED TIES To be worn with Silk Sweaters and Boyish Blouses in every shade. Sat. urday at A 55¢ es ese. es. ele'aele SALE OF you this early oppor- We would ad- NOW $13.95 NOW $17.50 NOW $24.75. NOW $30.00 3 not_to COATS All the smart, new style Coats in Checks, Plaids, Stripes-- Plain Brushed Polo and Velours. Shades: Sand, Grey, Light and Dark Brown. Sizes from 34 to 42. *2.89 Orchid, Blue, Pink, Black and Sizes 36 to 44. Pleated Knife and Box Pleat combined in Navy, Sand and Grey. WOOL CREPE Skirts companied "SATURDAY 3 1 4.75 ENGLISH BROADCLOTH BLOUSES In plain shades. The Tailored Suit or Sweater ace by a smart Broadcloth ' Blouse, has made greater headway in Camisole Attached SATURDAY $3.95 the fashion world than any other item in the ready-to-wear for this Spring season. We present a most interest- ing display of these Blouses in Poinved Collar and 'French Cuffs, in shades of Tan, White, Helio, Every Blouse guaranteed fast color. SATURDAY *3.45 Blue and Grey. JACKSON- LIMITED 114 PRINCESS STREET PRETTY SPRING DESIGNS James Reid CARPET PATTERNS. : Kingston's Largest Home Furnishers. Telephane 147. jaunty little jacquettes so that we may have summer furs in one form or another. While leopard and wild cat are ex- ceedingly popular, there are several combinations of burunduki and mole which are engaging, and ail manner of ermine effects both undyed and dyed. - A smart jaquette of summer er- mine which is almost identical with the beige shades had the skins ar- ranged in overlapping bands which produced a tucked effect around the edge of the jaquette, The Lanvin green crepe lining harmonized ex- quisitely , with the soft tone of the Vi pleated crepe dress with which it was worn. Lanvin green is a color the young- er set seem particularly responsive to just now in felt hats and dull finish- ed crepe. Another curious decorative effect is achieved by applying a thin skinned fur, for as burunduki or er- mine on a longer fur. In the case of a short seal coat, burunduki in a wall of Troy design was applied around the edge of the jaquette. Jaquettes of the sports type frequently have ap- pliques of bright leather as a decora- tion. The fur jaquette is quite as frequently worn over a suit as a one- piece dress these days, which can- fur and * matched the simple little not be said to call for fur, TOMORROW'S MENU Breakfast Stewed Dried Apricots, Cereal Poached Eggs Toast v Coffee » Luncheon Fried Cornweal Mush with Maple Sirup Cocoa Ralls Preserves Dinner Lamb Stew with Potatoes, Peas and Onions String Beans Steamed Fruit Pudding with Hard Sauce Coffee 3 A Fruit Cake With Pork. The following Reader Frisnas have kindly written in to tell us ho they make fruit cake with salt Tk Mrs. B.: "Pork Fruit Cake: Put three-quarters of a pound of fat sal: pork through your food chopper, then pour one cup of boiling water over the chopped pork; add one cup of granulated sugar, two cups of molasses, one-half cup of sweet milk one cup each of seedless rais- ins and dried currants, then stir in the following dry mixture: five cups of flour, wo teaspoons of baking soda and one-half teaspoon of ~ all|sal kinds of ground spices (cimnamo3, nut-meg, clove, allspice, Bake In two loal-cake pans for two ' This kind of long "line, one cup of molasses, one cur tact, it is better in a week or two| than when first made." Mrs. H.: "Pork Cake with Eggs: Put one pound of fat salt pork through a food chopper, add to it one cup of boiling water, and let the mixture boil for two minutes. Then remove from fire, add one cup of mo- lassés, two cups © ugar, threo beaten eggs, two teaspoons of bak- ing soda, one pound of raisins chop- ped fine, and one Falf teaspoon each of your favorite spices such as cin- namon, ginger, nut-meg, cloves. Last add emough flour to make a stiff batter. Bake in three greased loaf- cake pans for about two hours In a slow oven." M.H.: "My Eggless Pork /Cake: Chop one pound of fat salt pork fine and pour over it one pint of bofi- ing water, then stir in three cups ed raisins, eight cups of fidur, two teaspoons of baking soda dissolved in a very little water, one teaspoon of ground cinnamon and one-half teaspoon each of ground cloves and nutmeg. Bake in two loat-cake pans in a slow oven for about two hours. This makes a rich, dark fruity cake 'Which tastes as if several eggs had been used." Mrs, A. J.: "Two-Egg Pork Cafe. Ores one cup of finely-chopped fat 'k, pour ome cup of boiling ; add at once one cup of rals- ot sugar, one cup of sweet milk, tw? eggs, four cups of. flour, one-half "Jot brown sugar, oné pound of seed-| baking soda, and spices to suit taste. Bake in a greased loaf-cake pan for about two hours'in a slow oven." Tomorrow--Removing The Most Difficult Stain, sm, All inquiries addréssed to Milas Kirkman in care of the "Efficient Housekeeping" department will he answered in these columns in thalr turn. This requirss considerable time, however, owing to the graat number received. So if a personal or» quicker reply is desired, a stamp- »d and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question. Be sure to us: YOUR full name, street number, and the Dames of your city and state. I ------. ---------- . The Bob-haired Bandit. Hére is a young woman of twenty who is credited with at least ten: Rold-uphr the appropriation of some $1,601 in goods and money, and the shooting of one man. She is young in years and without apparent ex- perience in crime. Her husband is. almost as young--his age is 25-« and almost as inexperienced. Yet the two appeared and re-appeared under the noses of the largest police force in the United States. . .In France and Great Britain crime detectton is more carefully prepared for than here. And in France and England there are fewer crimes and fewer criminals unpunished than in the United States. Partly this 's because the problem in Europe is an easier one. But, when several in- experience children can operate in New York City for months, sowing the streets th clues but defying apprehension, it will occur to many Americans that the size of crime problems in different countries may have a definite relation to the traine ing and efficiency of police forces. --New York Sun, FX AIA SN SS NE IN PNY Ie Vv, ANAT AN ATS Pad > Ed ZZ NAAN, teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of ] STAT NTS 7A SPAN TaN TN FAFA RT £ commitied **