Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Apr 1924, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG IPICTON NEWS BUDGET --camanoouz [IG {Board of Trade Annual--The Knights Templar Hold an Entertainment. MONDAY, - APRIL 21, 1924. Gents' F urnisings With the Newest (Styles New Hats in ps latest shades. Choice range of Shirts--pat- terns to please all. Ties in all latest, narrow, Silk Stripes and Orepes. Gloves, Beaver and Grey --= something very . 8 George VanHorne's 213 Princess Street. Phone 362w. 2 Oe Fan Sho Maxsow Xm S47 Ot April 21.--A Pretty house wed- oA) Neg ding was solemnized on Saturday ZEPR =) evening last by Rev. Mr. Dustin, Lansdowne, when Luella, daughter Picton, April 19.--At the annual | Of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Sheats became meeting of the Prince Bdward Coun- | the bride of William Charlton, Syra- ty Board of Trade the election of of-| cuse, N.Y. ' Precisely-at six o'clock | | WSR & Wop tela you Jout wos ficers resulted as follows: President, | the bride came downstairs leaning in lik rn sud a e Fred Newman; vice-president, J. E. | on the arm of her father charmingly the. oi ey ©, go out and buy Baxter; secretary-treasurer, George | attired in a gown of white georgette - ring. . M. Hicks; executive council, W. H.| with bridal veil." She wag attended Benson, T. W. Kinney, Robert Da-|by Miss Edith Chariton, Brockville, vidson, ME. Knox, W. J. Carter, I. | sister of the groom, who looked very F. Fraser; committee, J. deC. Hep-| lovely in a gown of peach georgette burn, A. E. Calnan, E. B. Purtell, W, | and large picture Mt to match. The A. Pope, H. 8S. Miller. Hon. G. 8.| groom was asigied by Elmer Sheets, Martin will address the board at their | brother of the bride. A reception, | > annual banquet some time in May. | which was largely #tended was held Into each life some rain must fall. President Newman reported that the | from 8 to 10 o'clock, after which the| Dear Chris: We Date to dampen Canadian Canners had consented to | happy couple motored to Brockville, anybody's spirits with cloudy stuff | pay as much of their sales tax in| leaving yesterday, from there for | like this, but here sou. are: | Picton as the county's production | their future home in Syracuse, N.Y. | Into each life some Tin must fall; would amount to. A motion was car<|{ Among the out-of-town guests were | 50 curses on the pikers, Dern emi? ried ta petition the minister of game | Mrs. Charlton, Brockville, mother of | Who borrow our umbrellas and and fisheries to take such steps as| the groom, Rey, 2s. and Mrs. Dus- | Forget serenely to return 'em. are necessary to prohibit the use of | tin, Lansdowne r. and Mrs. Sam ------ nets of every rr in the in-|BSh¥ots, Brockville. The bride, who | George Peele--There's a verse land water of the county. M. E.|has had a large social and business | 2bout "little drops of water and little Knox, D. J. Goodwin and H.'S. Col-| conection in Gananoque, will be | droPs of sand" running Wiroush my liver, M.P.P., were 'appointéd a | much missed, and carries with her | 1®8d. Do you know what fit is? committee to wait on the government | to her home the best wishes of her Deas JS 2orge! It sounds like sof. in this connection. The Board also | many friends. Souiag f the brain but here's the assed a resolution endorsing a pub- Ivor Stevens is spending a few a Tietty scheme for the county and | days with friends in' Montreal. Eitis dred of water, little grains of appropriated $50 to be used at the Fred Mooney, Mrs. J. B. Mooney ey ot 350 committee to that |and Miss Mary Jeroy motored to Make the mighty ocean and the ditto | end. Brockville yesterday and spent the land; The sale of home-made cooking |day with friends. But why these drops of water and keld by the Ladies' Aid of St. An-| Mrs. W. E. Rees returned home little grains of sand drew's church on Wednesday after-| Saturday after spending the! past [Are always served With spinach, I | noon was well patronized and net-| few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ira cannot say off-hand. | ted the soclety a very satisfactory | Kipp, Orange, N.J. Miss Mildred Delaney is spending the holidays with her aunt, Mrs. Mec- Crimmon, North Augusta. Steps Forward in New Shoes Women's minds now turn to Easter Promenade with its new Spring Footwear, and find Abernethy's ready with gay, new styles, fit for the prettiest foot ever admired by man or "censored" by woman. Our Own LOST AND FOUND it. " Christopher Moore--Will you kindly give me the rest of the poem starting: ! Come and let us dress your feet for Eas ter. All That You Ought To Many people don't. Some of those who think they do, don't. Short-sighted . persons cannot * possibly see all they should. And many of them when fitted with a corfection express the mountaings--Amethyst, Pearl, | sum: greatest surprise at the im- Jet, Sapphire. . Mrs. J. Roy Turner and children, ir vision. - If Montreal, are guests of her parents, . i yum that An appropriate gift for this Mr. 'and Mrs. Alfred Hubbs, Centre| Joseph Dupuis spent the week-end Hope: islon is as good as it son, and they range in price street. here with friends. you go?" | your visio hould be, 1t 1a ou to The Mission 'Band .of the Metho-| Gerald -Keys, - Basil Thompson, | -I©is: "Oh, I was up in arms ip a shou would pay Yy > $1.00 to $10.00 Made in finest quality gold filled, with beautiful stone Ay' Shoe Store Naturally. Lois: "Jack"tried to kiss me last night." "What in the world did Ee es hia YY NAY METRE ANTE Y KINGSTON'S BIGGEST HOME FURNISHERS h dist church held their open Easter | George Carlin and Frank LaQue, at- | minute." spend an hour with us, 4 meeting on Wednesday afternoon, | tending Queen's, spent the week-end W. D. Graham, R.0. with the superintendent, Miss' Ber-| here. Successor to J. J. Stewart --Samuel Hoffenstein. spent Melville N. Rope, former president nice Woods, in charge of the exer- Joseph Marshall, Oshawa, cises. The treasurer, Miss Margaret | Easter at his home here. of the Merchants' and Bee Keepers' Case, reported that this band of tiny| Dr. and Mrs. Stedman and little | Nat'l. Bank, returned from a plea- | workers had raised over $112 for | daughter, Edith, 'motored to Perth | ¥ant three months' stay dn Canada missions during the year. tor Easter. yesterday, the indictment having Mrs. Ernest Case was so far re-| Miss Phyllis Sine acompanied Mr. | been quashed. covered from" her accident which she | and Mrs. W. A. Peck and Edwin on sustained when she fell on the ice {their motor trip to Toronto to spemnd at the arena in February, breaking | Easter. her hip, as to be able to be moved John, Shine, Detroit, Bernard from the Prince Edward county hos- | Shine, Montreal, 'spent the holidays pital to her home on Sunday last. here at their home. London's Great Concert, 8, dgew Floyd Bernie, Toronto, spent the appreciative audiences at the Regent | week-end here with friends. - theatre. Bernard H. Kenney, who had spent Mrs. P. S. McLean and Catharine | the winter in Chicago, has arrived have gone to Montreal to spend the | home for the summer. Easter vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leigh of .the Rexall store, C. T. Thomas, spent Easter at his home in Chap- Mise Mary Currie has returned | leau. _ home after an absence of six week Misses Laura Bates, Helen with friends in Toronto and Wind-~ nald and Ina Wright, all occupy- | sor. ing positions in ntreal, are Frank Kemsley has bought Ww. H. | spending the week-end at their hom- Brown's residence on King street. |es here. Mr. Brown will remove to Belleville. Roy Copeland, manager of the' Ed. MoCaw has returned from his | Brockville Md vYo company, spent California trip. Poster here friends. Gordon Wheeler returned to Buf- S. 11 eft today on' a falo on Wednesday after spending on weeks' trip to the maritime pro- the winter with his parents, Mr. and | vinces in the interests of the Ontario A ~ NER ENRRRNNARNENRNNNRERERRREEEN Mrs. Edward Wheeler. Steel Products Company. N Dark Blue Willow Picton looking after the vessel, the Alice. Pelow and Mrs. P. Pelow mo- 5 Julia B. Merrilh One of the oldest and best known tored to Winchester to spend Easter. The apron and home cooking sale, patterns of English Dinnerware... We have just réceived another shipment and can sell you this OPEN stock or COMPLETE SET. 97 PIECE SET, ONLY ...... $22.00 In open stock the Cups and , Saucers - are ....... vee ne... $3.00 dozen Other Pisces correspondingly low in 4 Neighbors--The people who sym- pathize with your wife. 1 Reactions To Spring. "Oh, spring is here!" the poet cried, "Yes, May 1s on the way; I know, I know, that spring's at hand-- A robin sang today!" "It's spring," the busy housewife sighed, Too busy to be gay, Me- | 'T cleaned my closets and, ah, me! I saw a moth today! ---Roselle M. Montgomery, BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING DOUGLAS & McILQUHAM CONTRACTORS JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. PHONES $207F--928W, 400 ALBERT STREET \ 4 ; REALIZING HOW | IMPORTANT OF BABY"S CARE SN Tusshar 21 tho tamily viveds the kindy help of ELT eep--more of ol than Baby. A SIMMONS' Crib does not rattle nor quiver and vibrate. durable, arp side with mattress -- one of the 12 Sime' ons sia "JAMES REID "Phone 147 for Service. = The Leading Undertaker : -- : FORM OF UNBORN BABE. unborn child carried past its birth- time becomes ealcified, Dead for Fifty-One Years Revealed): ~ By Operation. Shot In Eye. By Arrow. Toledo, O., April 21.--QOne of the George Hourigan, the twelve-. most astounding discoveries in medi- | year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. cal history was made In St. Vincent's | Hourigan, Almonte, met with an un- Hospital here a few days ago when | fortunate accident as the result of an operation for a "tumor" revealed | which one of his eyes has had to Page Mrs. B. | that an aged Toledo woman had car-| be Femovgd, George went out into "'Did'your new stenogra- | ried for fifty-one years the perfectly | the country for a walk with four formed body of an unborn baby girl. | other boys. One of them had a bow The mother died a few days after | and arrow. In playing with the, wea« the operation. Her death was caused | pon he shot George Hourigan in the by a combination of diseases due to) eye. The lad was rushed to Ottawa old age, physicians said. She was sev- | in the hope that under the care of A woman regrets her first grey | eny-four years old, a specialist his eye wouid be saved. hair, a man his last one. The baby's body was in a shell, However this was found impossible. or capsule, of flesh. It resembled ' the body of any normal baby born News is received of the marriage dead at its scheduled time; instead | which will occur on May 1st of Glenn of fifty-one years later. Perrigo, Clayton, N.Y., boy, to Miss Blood vessels feeding from the | Electa Cartright, Utica, N.Y. Mr, The Eminent Preceptor, officers end Sir Knights of St. George Pre-| under the auspices of the 1.O.D.E., THE is OF A FAMILY USUALLY troors THE ses ~Richard Barthelmess. served Readers are Zequedted to contri- bute.. All humor: «pl ms (or humorous motives). okes," anec- dotes, poetry. bu ceptory, No. 52, Knights Templar, | was a success beyond the most san- entertained on Tuesday evening in| guine hopes, and cleared over $125 their lodge room in St. John's hall. | as a result of the day's activities. Those taking part in the musical part of the entertainment were the Masonic Orchestra (Gerald Cooper, CHURCH UNION Clifford Cooper end Arnold Adams) | W. W. Clow. J. M. Branscombe was the presiding Preceptor. The guest MEETING HELD of the evening, Provincial Grand Prior, Col. W. Y. Mills, Kingston, ' kept his listeners in a merry mood (Continued from Page 1.) Mrs. A. all the evening. A reading by Mr. |like our forefathers in the early |pher come well recommended?" Mills was also much enjoyed. Mes- days in 'this part of the country.| Mr. B: "No, I took her on her ace srs. Wright, Shurie, Parks and Cox|In these western lands the people |yaiye.' composed a guartette which put on| were lonely.' There must be com- a Russian solo, they appearing in| munity centres, Russian dress, and were very well received. Luncheon was Great Saving By Union. about midnight. The great United Church of Can- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Collier have | ada is national in its Interests and Bll | arrived home after spending the | world-wide. Union brought about a winter in California. great saving in men and money. The movement was: the will of God. FOUND HIS SISTER. "The eggs have been scrambled, the thing is being done and it must €o on, In many places now you will find Presbyterian ministers liv- ing in Methodist parsonages and iplesq re satires, and bright sayings of children, must be original and Unpublished. Ao- cepted material will be paid for at from $1.00 to io 0,00 per contribution; from 4 r line for postry ccording t r and val of the SontrIDUtion. as etermineg by the itor of "The Fun Sop. mother's body are sald to have kept the flesh of the child from decaying or hardening. The heart and other organs, in the opinion of physicians, ceased functioning shortly after the Perrigo. is one of Clayton's popu- lar young men and an athlete of * note, The body of Mrs. Barbara Hughes Phillips, a for Belleville lady Harry McKelvey, mechanic, resld- preaching in Methodist churches, and ing at 489 Elliott street, Buffalo, had | v,;, wi); also find Methodist minis: been searching for his sister : Re- ters living in a Presbyterian manse becca, now eighteen, since she was|,,; . oching in a Methodist church. price. LOE should have some OLD BLUE "WILLOW, scheduled time of the child's birth. | who died in Syracusee, N.Y., was Mothers have beep known previ-| buried at Belleville, pn Wednesday. ously to carry bodies of unborn chil- John House, Atwood, Ont., is dren for a year or longer, but never | dead, aged sixty-four 'years. He ey drm Br Ye a ba The Swe. has Ariived when ve aust before for half a century. In I was born in Perth and remained b~ forward an nsuma - instances on record tle flesh there until early manhood. the death of their mother In Seot-| ,; so, ng legislature has nothing ta : Y Hania | Rok Cl I | (3 pdnited Jand. When he enquired at the or- to do with church lite. We simply Ji} phanage he learned she had beem| i; 34 jegisiature regarding our 78 Princess St. | sent to Canada. In later years ho 10, he leilatale ropuriing our crossed the ocgan and told his story part of the legislature can prevent All manyacr ta must be written one side of paper ohly, Fo bear name of Tn Ty apaber, and Should be addre uarters, Hew Woot "oth Stree? Now ork City. | {7} | in a Buffalo paper. A a United chu: No action or re- fer to the United church, the power re ot Alroad between 000 ant] union. Already between HToronto Telegram has the following: 0 io fon. We |» ~ FASHION SAYS fe SET 2 to administer its own property. SANDALS [5% om J In presenting the resolution, Rev, Nothing could more completely harmon- pe Tpt Jory Barnet of Spring _ than Sandals. - We invite your inspection.

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