Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Apr 1924, p. 2

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1924." T BEAUTIFUL FOX CHOKERS Just what yom need for yoar shades. Priced $8.00 to $85.00. Easter Suit. All the new JOHN McKAY Lid. Suits and - Topcoats - FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY Now is the time to buy your Easter Toggery --new Style Shirts, newest in Collars, the latest thing in Neckwear. IF IT'S NEW WE HAVE IT. May we have the pleasure of showing you ? 'Louis Abramson - Phone 1098. for Easter ii We have a fine assortment of {| PATTERSON'S, LIGGETS and WILLARDS ) "in attractive boxes, 1 and 2 lbs. MAHOOD Drug Co. Ltd. . Corner Princess and Bagot Sits. Choice Bu er Fresh supply to-day -- extra choice Island Rolls, per Choice quality (whole - COCOA Baker's pure Cocoa 2 lbs. 25c, POTATOES 80c. 1 can Raspberries, 1 can Plums, 1 can Peaches, 1 can Pears-- "The Hats With Style Are the Hats Worth While" > FINE HATS In endless variety. As usual the newest shapes from t 2 colors e world's master hat makers are here. All prices from All the newest | shades and most pop- ular cloths -- many = with collars to match | og All sizes in the most COLLARS i ular styl | NEW TIES, NEW CAPS, NEW GLOVES CAMPBELL BROS. | style. EASTER SERVICES IN THE CHURCHES. | ~ The Easter day services in St. George's cathedral were marked by unusually large congregations 'and splendid musical services. The church was fittingly decorated for the Feast of the Resurrection with quantities of flowers. Lilies cluster- ed around the altar cross, bloomed ie brass vases on the high altar, and lifted their snowy heads amongst the palms and ferns on the chacel steps. 'The pulpit and side altar were decked with tulips and daffo- dils in profusion, and a cross of roses, given in memory of a member of the congregation who has passed away, hung in the sanctuary. The cathedral organist played "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth," -(Han- del) as the worshippers gathered for the 6.30 celebration of the Holy Communion at which Rev. W. BE. Kidd was celebrant and again at 8 o'clock, when the Dean of Onta- rio was celebrant. The Bishop of Ontario celebrated the choral Buch- arist at eleven o'clock when Read' head's office was sung. The choir and organist did full justice to the exquisitely devotional music which has seldom been as well refldered in the cathedral: Arnold 'Fair and E. Warburton took the solos In gplendid voice. In the anthem "O Death! Where Is Thy Sting?" Ar- nold Fair sang the solo most sweetly. The Kingston Naval Cadet Corps paraded at the eleven o'clock ser- vice and occupied the R.M.C. gal- lery. The Dean of Ontario was the morning preacher. At evensong Arnold Fair sang the treble solo in the anthem "The Day of Resurrec- tion" in his rich well-trained voice. The Bishop of Ontario was - the preacher, \ At St. James Church. . An exceptionally fine programme of Baster music was rendered at th® services held in St. James' church, under the direction of the organist, H. Hill. At the morning service the programme consisted of the follow- ing numbers: Te Deum (Brewer) an- them by the choir, "'Crowp Him With Many Crowns," (Brackett) in which the contralto solo was taken by Mrs. Horton, baritone solo, Mr. Scott; soprano and tenor duet by Mrs. Fos- ter and Mr. Baldry; also a commu- nion service composed Ay Mr. Hill with Gloria In Excelsis (Tours) in which tire solo parts were taken by Mrs. Foster and Mr. Baldry. In the evening the choir rendered the "Magnificat" and the "Nunc Dimittis'* (Simper) with Mrs. Hor- ton taking the solo parts; the an- them; "Kings of Kings" ' (Simper) with the. soprano solos taken by Mrs. Tanner. The choir also ren- dered a portion of the communion service composed by Mr. Hill. Rev. T. W. Savery preached in the morn- ing and Archdeacon Dobbs in the evening, both disgourses being. ap- propriate--{o-the occasion. oS -------- ¥ At St. Paul's. All the services at St. Paul's were well attended. At the two celebra- tions of Holy Communion, at 8 a.m. and 11 am. here wefe over 350 communicants, The singing and mu- sic were excellent, under the able leadership of Miss Walker, (orga- nist), and 1. E. Harte, choir leader. Canon FitzGerald preached on 'The Power of Resurrection." The church was beautifully decorated with Eas- ter lilles and other flowers, At 8t. Luke's Church. At St. Luke's church on Sunday, the music was of a very high order, the programme being under the di- rection of Bert. F. Couper, choir léader and organist. Rev, J. De P. Wright, the rector, conducted the services. At both the services the choir was assisted by Mr. Le France, violinist, of Gananoque. The vari- ous anthems and solos were given with splendid effect, the entire pro- gramme as published in the Whig on Saturday, being carried out. First Baptist Church. % There was special music at both services in the First Baptist church | on Sunday. At the morning service, Miss La Flair took the solo part in the anthem, and James Saunders sang a solo.- The evening music con- sisted of'an anthem, in which James | Saunders took the solo part, and James Marshall sang a tenor solo. Rev. La Flair presided at both ser- vices, Le Bethel Church. It' was a large and appreciative congregation that listened on Sun- day evening in Bethel church to the beautiful Paster cantata "The Lord is Risen" sung by the members of the choir. The cantata took the place of the evening sermon and for one hour the choir delighted the people with their redition of this sacred The anthems, Christ {is Risen, Gethsemane, Angels Descending, For God So Loved the World, Very Early fa the Morning, Now is' Christ Risen, The Trumpet Shall Sound, and Oh Come Let Us Sing Unto the Lord were rendered in splendid The ladies' chorus "Moran's Ro- seate Hues" -was a beautiful mum- ber, while the contralto. solo, "O Sacred Head" sung by Miss Elsle Solo parte the anthems were taken by 3 Lucille Wilsot, F. A. Haffner and Williams great credit for their work, which is under the direction of James Lomax, as choirleader, and Mrs. A, Williams as organist, Chalmers Church, Theré were large Easter day con- gregations in Chalmers church. Rev. George A. Brown officiated morning and evening. At the morning ser- vice, holy communion was celebrat- ed." The anthem, "Behold I Show You a Mystery" was most effectively rendered by the choir, Mr. Morris taking the solo. At the evening ser- vice, Miss Telgmann rendered a violin solo and the choir sang the anthem "I Am He That Liveth," the solo part being taken by Mr. Mor- ris. Chalmers choir, under Mrs. Dobbe' direction, 1s a most balanced organization, the basses and tenors being very pronounced. The Easter | sermons by Rev. Mr. Brown were | splendid messages. At the evening! service, Rev. Dr. Alfred Gandler, To- ronto, moderator of the General As- sembly of the Presbyterian Church | in Canada, worshipped with the congregation, tx -- Cooke's Presbyterian, Fhere was special music at both services in Cooke's church on Sun-! day. At the morning service there | was an anthem by the choir; solo, | Allen Lemmon and duet by the Mis- | ses Easson. At the evening service | there was an anthem; solo, by Miss | Diack and duet by, Wellington Sim- | mons and Allen Lemmon. Rev. T.| J. 8. Ferguson preached at both | services. Miss Bessie Rogers, or- ganist and choir leader, had charge of the musical service. St. Andrew's Church. The Rev. J. W. Stephen conducted the services in St. Andrew's church on Baster Sunday, and they were appropriate to the occasion. Beau- titul music was offered by the choir under the leadership of Mrs. A. R. B. Williamson at the organ. At the morning servile the choir rendered King Hall's *Te Deum" in B flat. "The Trumpet Shall Sound," a solo from "the Messiah," was taken by| Mr, Ernest Hess. At the evening | service' the anthem was '"'As It Be-| «an to Dawn," Martin, The solo] part was taken by Mr. Harold Singleton. Miss Deloraine Craig sang, "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth," from '"The Messiah." -- Zion Presbyterian, At Zion church, communion ser- vice was held at 11 am. on Easter Sunday and in the evening only a short service was held in order to allow the members to attend the Union 'services at Chalmers church, and the Rev, Mr. Burgess urged his congregation to attend. Easter mu- sic was rendered, ite ARE or % 5 = Special ter prom oo were held in Sydenham 'street Methodist church on Sunday. At the morning service the quarterly = communion service was held and also a reception for new members. In the afternoon an open session was held In the Sunday school hall and a number of the children rendered the pro- gramme. Philip Toy, a member of the Chinese! department of the school, sang a solo. At the evening zervicé the choir, under the leader- ship of Miss M. Shaw, gave a spe- cial musical service. The pulpit platform was beauti- fully decorate with flowers by a committee from the Woman's Assoct= ation of the church. At the close of the evening service the flowers were taken to the Mowat hospital. ------ s Queen Street Methodist. A large audience assembled in Queen street Methodist church yes- terday for the Easter morning ser- vice. The pastor, Rev. Dr. Lennon, preached an appropriate Easter mes- sage og "Spiritual Redirection." The choir rendered beautifully Barnaby' out charge. BALLOON TIRES SEE US NOW Our Service Department will give you full particulars on BALLOON "Phone or calland we will talk it over with you. Balloons are here to stay. MOORE'S Firestone and Dominion Tires 206-8 Wellington Street TIRES for any car with- --AH°rr } fast. The Largest House Furnishings Store in Eastern Ontario Draperies That Are Different-- - Yes Pleasingly Different SHADOW-BROCAIN Silk Shadow-Brocain, 50 inch es wide, in new bird designs, in shadow effects, beautiful colorings, reversible and guaranteed sun- op-- Silk Crepe Cloth, 50 inches wide, in fancy stripes, reversible, and guaranteed sunfast. CREPE CLOTH pretty plain shades and SILK TAPESTRY 50 inch Silk Tapestry, in won- derful new colorings and designs SHOT SILK New Shot Silk for side drapes, in all the newest shades. fast. Popular priced. It's sun- "as sie ss ee New designs in CONGOLEUM RU Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE NEW PANELLING New Panelling in Swiss and Filet Net. Priced $2.75 yard up. NEW FLOOR OILCLOTHS : In all the new designs in the new quality, in all widths from 1 to 2 yards . ... cris on wiinip vr vite wd enti Cee enerens vo GOR 30 yard LINO LEUMS In all the new designs in |, 2, 3 and 4 yards «ceinien soi de Sfcrsg. yd us GS--all sizes. P & wide. Priced ue ~T ~ John Crawford sang touchingly an Easter solo. At the evening service, Rev, Dr. Lénnon preached another Easter ser- mon under the title, 'Passable and Impassable Doors," the, text being from the Gospel of John, Chapter being shut." the special musical part of the service consisted of an an- them by the choir, "Thou Art the Son of God" with a baritone solo part by"Judge H. A. Lavell, "I Am the Resurrection," and a tenor solo Fby-Sergt. Middleton, "From Out the Herbert's "Bethany." " After both services the members of the congregation signed in large numbers a petition to the Parliament of Canada asking for the passing of the Church Union bill during this session. Princess Street Methodist, The Easter morning service at Princess street. . Methodist church "Awake Up My Glory," and Mrs. was In charge of the Woman's Mis- New Spring Hats They Werein Big Demand for Easter Thanks! We are not crowing but the Men, the Ladies and the Child- ren kept our Three Hat Depart- ments busy on Saturday. - : Our big variety and the values we give, that cannot be obtained in the smaller stores, "caught" with the Easter * "We save you on every Hat you buy." LADIES' TAILORED STRAWS 'We have an emormous demand every season for Ladies" Tailored Hats and this om _is mo_exception. The rum is on - "fancy brand Straws, in a variety" of colors and weaves. We are showing a sortment priced from $2.75 16 $3.75 x are wonderful GE MI 118 1 big ane values and styles that are shown by us | 20, verse 19, "Came Jesus, the doorsy Cave of Death," all being from Rhys- | Easter Millinery Hats that are different. Prices that are right. Parisian Shop 322 BROGK STREET Phone WE NEVER CLOSE Live or Dead Storage C= Soclety." Mrs. F. W. Balls, | the president, presided with marked | ability and was splendidly assisted by ushers and stewards from the society. Miss Emma Wilder took the opening prayer and Mrs. (Dr.) Mur- phy and Miss Simpson, the scriptural lessons, Mrs. (Rev.) Mavety gave the offertory prayer. The pastor's wife, Mrs. Curtis, gave the Easter message. Special reference was made to the commission given the women that Baster morning, and how they had, through the W.M.S. today, tried to fulfil that commission. Over five million dollars had been raised by their organization since its inception forty-two years ago. | The anthems were inspiring and a | duet by Mesdames Ward and Ruth- erford was beautifully rendered. The surpliced junior choir added yd the very enjoyable service. Jn the evening the pastor preach- ed on "Life Through Death." Be- ! sides a beautiful anthem dy a large choir, the triumphant Easter mes- sage, "Christ Arose," was sung by | a. quartette consisting of Mesdames Archibald and Sheppard, Messrs. Loney and Wiskin. The pastor held . a reception service morning and eve- ning, when over forty persons joined the church, : -- St. Mary's Cathedral. There were four masses in St. A new, solid brick dwelling on Brock Street (facing Vic- toria Park). 8 rooms, attic floored, hard. wood floors throughout, hot wa- ter heating, electric light, tiled bathroom, gas, verandah. $7,500 A NEW, SOLID BRICK BUNGALOW On Albert street, '6 rooms, furnace, electric light, gas, three piece bath, " $5,200 Fire Insurance, Money to Loan. Cor, Division and Johnson Sts. Phones: Office ....... 5SOw, Residence 2520w and 530J, > , ecm PHONE 316 GODKIN'S LIVERY | For Bus and Taxi Service, Buggies and Saddle Horses Pus starts for Cat: . Jaria for araqul cemetary ou St. Paul's church a' Mary's cathedral on Haster Sunday. The solemn pontifical high mass a 110.30 was sung by His Grace Arch- j bishop Spratt; deacon, Rev. Father James; sub-deacon, Rev. Father i Rev. Father Hy- "livered by the Rev. Father McCann, Redemptorist, Toronto, on "Easter." The choir, with Prof. Gelley direct- ing, rendered the Second Tone mass. The solo part to the "Gloria" was sung by M. Lapointe. At the "Sanc- tus," John Norris took the solo part and by Roy Marchand, at the "An- Bus : played the "Coronation March." The "Haec Dies" and "Alleluia" chorus, 3 by Prof. Nourry, was given 2 the choir. at the oferiory Beveral thousands CE ¥ communion in the cathédral-Sunday morning, with the congregations re-| ceiving almost in a body at each of the first three masses. =~ = At Home For Aged. ie On Easter Sunday the members of Bethel Chrietian Endeavor society conducted the afternoon service at at, the Home for the Aged and Infirm. - Rev. 8. A. Duncan delivered an ap- propriate Easter message and Ro- bert Treneer rendered a solo. This is ~ the first of the Sunday eérvices that the young people's societies of the city will conduct during the sum- mer months. The missionary society of Queen's University teke charge during the college term, and the young people's societies take charge from April until October, X - - _ li iil Iva A

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