Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Apr 1924, p. 4

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RE adi fat Be uh a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SATURDAY, APRIL 10. 1904. HER CHILDREN HAD WHOOPING - COUGH i ¥ = Gretics |INURSE CHAP P ELLE SAYS i ~Ezzw nz) TANLAC BRINGS MOST mankind; Offered Himself, and freely His blood, ~~ Pespised the shame to bring us back to God. _-- 4 Nurse With 15 Years' Ex- perience Urges Use of Tan- lac--Tells of Her Mother's Experience With World's Famous Tonic. L A Severe Attack Of Heart rouble Was Relieved By MILBURN"S Heart and Nerve Pills Mr. 8. B. Barnes, Atliens. Out | Students, soldiers and strangers cor- i | dially invited: writes.--"Four years ago I had af 7 --- Easter services. Preacher, the pas- Very severe attack of heart-trouble. | Calvary Congregational church-- |tor. 11 a.m., "Spiritual Redirection." I consulted my doctor; he treated (rhe triendly church, Corner Bagot| Anthem: "Wake Up, My Glory," me for some time, but I only seemed and Charles streets, Rev. Frank | (Barnaby). Solo by Mrs. John Craw- to be getting worse. I finally went| Sanders, minister. ' Special Easter|ford. 7 p.m., "Closed Doors, Pass to our druggist and purchased three services. 11 am. "The Risen| able and Impassable." Anthem: boxes of Milburn's Heart and Nerve | Christ." Communion of Lord's Sup-| "Thou Art the Son of God," with Pills and derivéd 1tmmediate relief|Per. 3 p.m., Sunday"€hool. 7 p.m.;|solo, "I Am the Resurrection and the from their use, and I can truthfully "The Power of Resurrection." The| Life," by Judge H. A. Lavell. Solo 4 minister at both services. by Sergt. Middleton, "From Out the Say they are a, wonderful medicine. = . Cave of Death." Mass meeting at I always keep a box on hand, and if Bethel church, corner Barrie and |8.30 p.m. in Chalmers church with 1 feel out of sorts I take a few pills| 1. streets--Pastor, A. Sidney address by Principal Gandier on and feel all rignt again." Duncan. 11 am. two Easter an-|'"The State and Church Union." Milburn"s Heart and Nerve Pills thems; sermon; '"The Resurrection | are 50c..a box at all dealers, or mail- Hope;" Sunday school, 3 pm.; 7 p.| ed direct on receipt of price by The| m., anthem, "Now is Christ Risen." | ister. 11 amn., communion and re- T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, One hour singing will take the place | ception. Anthem: '""The Lord is Ont. Sunday Services in Churches | St. Andrew's Presbyterian--Rev. | Principal Gandier, moderator of the [John W, Stephen, minister. Services, Presbyterian church, will speak on 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., conducted by the | the new phase of church union since | minister. Edster sermons and music. the action of the Ontario legislature. This is one of the most dangerous diseases of children. It starts with fever and cough. The cough is at first short and sharp, but gradually increases in severity and occurs in sudden spasms, vomiting follows; and sometimes there is nose bleed; the child turns livid in the face, the eyes appear as if they would burst from their. sockets, and suffocation seems imminent till relief is brought on by the "whoop." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup will clear the bronchial tubes of the collected mucous and phlegm and in this way ease the racking cough, and in a short time make 'it disappear. Mrs. L. Ambrose, Sarnia, Ont., writes: --*"My little ones were both sick with whooping cough. I read where Dr. Wood's Nerway . Pine Syrup was good, and I only used.two bottles and they were better. I had chronic bronchitis for three years and tried everything until. finally, I got 'Dr. Wood's.' I -would not be without this remedy." 5 Price 35¢c. a bottle; large family size 60c.; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. mn shed Queen street Methodist church-- Forsaken by His friends, condemned to die, Railéd on and buffeted, without re- * ply; --- Insulted, scourged, derided, doomea to death, Death on the cross, where with His dying breath A prayer He offered for His foes; then cries, Yielding His soul to God; and then He dies. ' : Easter morning! Day of gladness, After anxious days of sadness; Sing aloud in joyful strains, That the King of Glory reigns; Earth and Heaven unite and sing Risen is our Redeemer King! - - i ---------- "I have direct and personal knowledge of s0 many cases where TANLAC has restored health and strength and helped weak, run- down people to get on their feet that I know 'it to be an unusual medicine," is the emphatic manner. In which Mrs. M. E. Chappelle, Blue Mount and Thomas Ave., Wauwo- tosa, Wis., a practical nurse of fif- teen years' experience, pays tribute to the famous treatment. "'Time and again I have urged TANLAC'S use and it always brings the most gratifying results. My own mother, now eighty years old, took TANLAC five years ago, and it has been her standby ever since. No- thing helps her as TANLAC does and she is as strong an advocate of the medicine as I am. Only recent- ly, mother became generally run- down. Her stomach was disordered, her appetite utterly failed her, and she came near having a nervous breakdown. TANLAC gave her a vigorous appetite, corrected all com- plaints and left her not only well and happy but so strong and active that Sydenham street--R. H. Bell, min. of the sermon. All old and new | Risen," Sullivan. Solo: "Angels friends are invited. | Roll the Rock Away," Mrs. H. Tay- -- flor, 7 p.m. a musical service and Chalmers church, corner Earl and | very brief Easter talk. Anthems: Barrie streets -- Minister, Rev. "Awake Thou That Sleepeth," "0 George A. Brown, M.A., B.D. Sun-| Death Where is Thy Sting?" "Fling SL | day services, 11 a.m. communion; | Wide the Gates." Solos by Miss SERIOU Y {and 7 p.m., Easter message, conduct- | Woodman, Mr. Fowler and Dr.' An- ABOUT | ed by the minister. 8.30 p.m. a mass! grove. Postlude: "Hallelujah meeting will be held to be addressed Chorus." | Conductor and organist, by Rev. A. Gandier, D.D., on "The | Miss Shaw, Yon can't afford to neglect your 8.30 p.m., mass meet- Present Phase of the Church Union| ing in Chalmers church, address on eyes. Your sight demands every consideration. Situation." lS 'the supreme national question viz. It you need glasses, don't delay church and state, getting them. Regard this seriously and let your bétter judgment guide you aright. Confer with us to-day. . comes to functioning in reliet work | =a service which the church claims it has always retained---the church is totally inadequaté to handle the pre- sent situation, Aside from raising a sufficiently large sum of money, which is the easiest part of the en- tire "task, the Protestant church is not organized to cope wit a ceally serious condition which demands re- liet-for a considerable number of people or for a fairly long period of Paul's--Holy communion, 8 | {Me cc. Sing His praise in joyful song Unto Him all .praise belongs; Night of death has passed away, Dawn has ushered in the day; All to Him the voice upraise, Yield to Him our highest praise. she looks after the home and visits around, as well: And mother thinks the TANLAC Vegetable Pills are the greatest ever. "In all my long years gf experi ence as a nurse, I have never known: the equal of TANLAC." TANLAC is for sale by all good druggists. Accept no "pubstitute, Over 40 million bottles sald. --J. L. Passed Away at Ottawa. Mrs. S. C. Thompson, Ottawa, died on Monday. Before her marriage she was Miss Lillian Moles, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. f. G. Moles, Arnprior, and sister of Dr. E. B. Moles, Brockville,- She leaves a husband and three children, namely, Mrs. Fripp, Ottawa; Edgar and Miss First Baptist church, Sydenham | and Johnson streets--Rev. J, S. La) St. Flair, pastor. 10 a.m., special Easter am.; holy communion, "11 a.m, prayer and praise service; 11 a.m.,| Preacher, Canon FitzGerald, M.A. sermon theme, "The First Resurrec-, Sunday school, 3 p.m. Holy baptism, tion." 2.45 p.m., Bible school; 714 p.m. Evening prayer, 7 p.m. p-m., sermon theme, "The Last Re-| Preacher, Canon FitzGerald, M.A. surrection." 'The ordinance of the Special Easter music St. Pauls Lord's supper will be observed after church--Easter Sunday, April 20th. the evening service, Evening: Maunder's "Magnificat" sna and "Nunc Dimittis." Solo passage, . Pentecostal Tabernacle, Queen Miss N. Cherry, "The Resurrection street, between Barrie and Division|Morn" (Rodney), solo parts Mr. --Services: Sunday, 11 a.m., 3 and| Harry Secker; "King of Kings" 740 pm.; Sunday school and Bible! (Simper), solos, Miss Verna Saund- class, 2 p.m.; Tuesday, 8 p.m., evan-! ers: *""There Were Ninety and Nine," gelistic service; Thursday, 8 p.m.,' (Woodcock), solo passages, Miss G. Divine Healing service; Sunday, 7.30 | Mooney; - "'Open the:Gates of the What has been the result? The churches have heen compelled 'to turn over to the regular reltef agencies--the so-called cold-blooded scientific organizations which have Fort some time and money trying to | Frances, at home; Mrs. A. W. Ben- nd out how much is actually ré=| jamin, Yarker; Mrs. D. Mulkins, Ot- quired to support in decency an aver- iwa, and Mrs. M, Williamson, Mon- age family----the major part of. the treal are sisters, rellet work in our cities. Whatever may rightfully be said in criticism of such societies, they do persist in giv- ing a steadier, more consistent apd usually a more generous kind of re- lief than the churches give, In Take TANLAC Vegetable Pills, Sandhill News. Sandhill, April- 17.--The farmers are busy getting ready for spring work while the house wives are busy housecleaning. The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. held their monthly meeting ih the basement of the church on Tuesday afternoon last. Being an ideal springday a good attendance was present. Owing to ill-health the president, Mrs. R. A. Donaldson, was unable to be with them but sent her resignation as she felt she was |, Club 1s having a social evening on Friday. Miss Muriel Gillespie is visiting her aunt, Mrs. H. Johnston, Atknson. Everyone is glad to know that Winona McBroom is recovering nicely from her sickness, -------------- He that sits with his back to a draft sits with his face to a coffin. When there is room in the heart there is foom in the house, Love rejbiceth in the truth. ( R. ARTHEY, R0. VISION SPECIALIST 148 PRINCESS STRERT Phone 2108. Open evenings by appointment. Hb ---- SATISFIED MOTHERS Has Your Husband p.m., subject, "Resurrection." Spec- fal singing will be given by the guar- tette. Everybody welcome. Temple," soloist, J. E. Harte, Gospel Hall, ground floor, Orange Building---Easter Sunday, special other wards, they make a business of giving relief in the way that will count for most in the long run. And when it is remembered that they or- dinarily deal with the most hopeless No other medicine gives as great satisfaction to mothers as does Baby's Own Tablets. These Tab- lets are equally good for the newborn babe or the growing child and are not able to fulfil her duties, Mrs. W. Spence, vice-president, will take her place while Mre. A. Donaldson was voted vice-president. The rainy and sunshiny day fee helped the proceeds | SHILOH STOPS THAT OOUGH Your grand-parents used it. Safe, young people's meeting in the after- noon' at three o'clock, just as inter- "esting to the older ones. Evangelists Subject, "Doctrine of Atonement." | Arthur Smith and Harry Thomas in Wednesday, 8 p.m. testimonial charge. Gospel meeting at seven meeting. Public reading room open | o'clock, singing in charge of Harry every afternoon except Sundays and | Thomas. Gospel solos with violin ac- holidays from 3 to 5 p.m., and on! companiment. Speakers for the Thursday evenings from 7.30 to 9.30 evening: F. G. Lockett and Evange- p.m. All are cordially invited to the list Arthur Smith. This is expected services and to the reading room. to be a meeting particularly interest ing at Easter time, The Crucifixion and Resurrection will both have a Rev. T. J. 8. Ferguson, minister. 11! prominent place. Song service be- a.m., "Resurrection--the Dawn of] ging at a quarter to seven. Wednes- the New Day." 7 p.m., "The Living day night at eight o'clock another of Christ and His Word to Us To-day." | Mr. Smith's talks on . Scripture The choir will render special Easter|'themes.. Come early.' music at both services. Rev. Prin- Xm cipal Gandler, D.D., the moderator of the Presbyterian church in Canada,| St. Luke's church, Nelson street-- will address a mass meeting in Chal-| Rev. J. deP. Wright, M.A., B.D., rec- mers church, 8.30 p.m., Sunday, on | tor. Easter Day. 8 a.m., holy ¢om- "The Church Union Situation." munion. 11 a.m., morning prayer * ss ir Ni and. holy communion. Music--Ma- A leader prominent in Christian 8t. George's Cathedral---Easter tins: Hymns 157, 173, 159. Easter work is reported to have said that Day. Special music. 6.30 a.m., holy 2nthem: (Chant Setting). Choral nine-tenths of the churches are "run communion; 8 am. holy commun. PSalm: Ps. 2. Te Deum in D--gf, oo at the heels." Whatever else fon; 10 am., matins; 11 a.m., choral | (Fisher), choir. Soloist: Miss M. may have been meant by this state- Bucharist, ofice by Redhead. An-|NeWton. Duet: Mrs. A. Hinks and ment, there's mo ddubt that it ap- them, *"O Death Where is Thy | Mrs. W. Axford. Benedictus: (Chant | ies "to those things in which the Sting?" Turner. Preacher, the Dean. | Setting). Anthem: "The Strife fs| , po "0 supposed to function 3 p.m., children's service; 7 p.m., O'er," (Churchill), Mr. H. Birchall in a peculiar way, not in the more evensong. Preacher, the Bishop of} 2nd choir. Offertory: Violin selec- 'modern' phases of church work, in the Diocese. Magnificat and Nunc|'lon. 3 pm. Sunday school service which failure might be more read- Dimittis by Christopher-Marks. An-| 30d mite box offering. 7 p.m. even: |; "or ucaq. them, '""The Day of Resurrection" by |IN& prayer. Music--RBvensong: | "arp oo' never wad a bigger or a bet: 8 Soloists: Arnold. Fair, Eg-| Hymms 157, 520, 164. Choral..." once for men to make good ton Warburton, Psalms: Ps. 113 and 114. Magnificat in the name of the church than right o : ' Nuno Diliiitis in Dx-{Clate)) now. Some of the institutions of operated daily on The National between choir. Anthems: "King of Kings," % 1 Princess srset Modhodlet church (Ser). Mis . Newivn and chor, | 20, UFC a1. some sadividusl| Toronto and Sudbury. --Rev. John K. Curtis, B.A., minis- | "Hallelujah chorus from Messiah, hy 00 at the heels," and they wabble . ter. 11 a.m., the Woman's Mission- | (Handel), choir. Solo: "Hosanng," a good deal when they try to push ary Society will be in charge, Ad-] (Granier), with violin obligato, along. But the church as an insti- dress by Mrs. Curtis. Anthem:|Mrs. A. Hinks, ' Recit: "My Heart in tution has the chance of its history. "Christ is Risen," Gilmour. Duet: | Terror Throbs," air: "The Saviour Big events bring daily reminders of Mrs, Ward and Mrs. Rutherford. 7 Doth Not Hear My Cry," from "Vie- possibilities for the church. No man p.m., subject, the pastor preaching,| tory Divine," (Marks), A. BE. and no set of men can stem the "Life Through Death." Anthem: | Thomas. Solo: "Open the Gates of church's progress, Fortunate is the "Hallelujah--Christ is Risen," Sini-| the Temple," (Knapp), H. Birchall, man or woman "who can find his per, aleo, mixed quartette. Sunday | Duet: "By Gift of Love," from Vie- place in the church and. then work school, 2.45 pm. There will be a re-| tory Divine, (Marks), Mrs. A. Hinks zealously in the name of, God and ception service at both services. At|and A. E. Thomas. The choir will be humanity to accomplish wt purpose. 8.30 p.m. the congregation is asked | assisted at both services by Mr. Le No one is too bigloer too wise for to attend a mass meeting on Church | Francé, Gananoque, violinist. Bert this task. The ghurch will continue Union, at Chalmers churcn, when | F. Couper, organist-choirieader. to demand the best blood and energy that God ever gave any of us, Christian Scientist, First Church of Christ, Sclentist, 95 Johnson street--=S8ervices, 11 am. and 7 p.m- suré and efficient. Small dose means economy, and brings quick relief. Does not upset the stom- ach. Try Shiloh--30¢c., 60c., and $1.20. absolutely safe. They cannot possibly do harm--always good. The Tablets are mild 'but thorough laxative, which regulate the bowels and sweet- en the stomach and thus relieve baby of any of the minér ills of childhood such) as .constipation, indigestidn, colds; colic, 'ete. Congerning them Mrs. Arthur #illion, St. Sylvestre, Que., writes:=" 'Baby's Own Tablets have been of wonderful benefit to my baby who was suffering from consti- pation and indigestion. I always keep the Tablets on hand and would advise all mothers to do likewise." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., | Mrs. James Greenlees, Sr., is feeling Brockville, Ont. quite well again. The Four Square a ~~ --) pr cases in the city--those from whom the least response 'is' expected--the credit of the relief societies fis all the greater. It the churches feel that they can- not stand for plain justice in con- crete cases, they may at least become efficient in ministering to the poor and needy. It isn't likely that even the unscrupulous - capitalist in the chureh will "object to such a pro- gramme, whereas he may balk at the former plea. There are ministers working in the poorer districts whose sympathies have been aroused by almost heart- breaking cases of need, but who have been powerless to help because of the lack of money, and this largely means lack of foresight and organi- zation on the part of the "adminis- trators" of city-wide mission work. x | GoWest:HN Tor the day to amount to over $8. The next meeting will be held at Mrs, H. Johnston, on May 20th in the form of a birthday party as it is the anniversary of the society. After the closing exercises the W. M. So- ciety held its meeting, two delegates were appointed to attend the con- vention to be held at Trenton in May. After the monthly dues were paid and roll call, Mesdames MeoBroom, Donaldson, Spence and Greenlee ser- ved lunch. Mrs. E. Acton kindly invited the ladies to meet at her home next month, Everyone is glad to know that Got -Indigestion? Nothing creates domestic djscord Quicker than an attack of indigestion, and nothing gets rid of indigestion guicker than rated Magnesia. No man can be sweet tempered, good natur- ed or even fair minded when his stom- ach ig constantly sick, sour, gassy, and upset with after-eating distress. it your husband has stomach trouble nei- ther scold nor pity him, but help him By seeing that he has a supply of Bisu- Magnesia (either powder or tab- lets) constantly at hand. A teaspoon- ful of powder of two tablets taken in A little water after meals will instant- s neutralize the acids in his stomach t Are causing his trouble and he can Snjoy his meals with no more fear of indigestion. Bisurated Magn al form of Magnesia use Spring Is Here -- You Need a Tonic To purify the blood, tone up your stomach and make you 'feel bright and healthy take Celery 1t acts gently and without dis ( Brew. a cup for every member: family--take three times a week for three weeks. Everyone needs a spring tonic--380c¢. and 60c¢. 3 Cooke's church, Brock street onate, Block or Insist on Bisu- ts action is safe, prompt and Sure and It can be obtained at small Gost from any reliable drug store. Hard Wood Choice Body Hardwood. Soft Mixed Wood. Kindling and Slabs. Chas. Bedore & Son 840 NELSON STREET Phone 1746J. & THE CONTINENTAL LIMITED --Is the train de luxe of She Candin Nations] Vint. akntoss Dimon Pei awe: Vancouver. Through ing Car ion for this train leaves Toronto 4 THE NATIONAL . SL Tog 0 pm dye Sy TORONTO-SUDBURY SLEEPER A through Standard Sleeping Car is at 8.45 p.m. Tickets, reservations and full information ob- tainable from J. P. HANLEY, C.P. & TA. C.N. Rly. 'Phone 99. Kingston, Ont., or ap- ply to nearest Agent. RELIEF WORK NO COLD-BLOODED JOB By the Rey. Charles Stelzle. / ; st i " A man boasts of his past, and a woman is proud if she hasn't had any at all. . Kidney Troubles ny George W. Coleman, the genius whose most Important job is that of running the Ford Hall meetings in _Boston-----an advertising man to help pay expenses, once remarked: "It is emphatically true that thou- sands who are unwilling to listen to a gospel of the future life em- hungering and thirsting mightily for & gospel of righteousness tor, this Present life. They will respond magnificently to a gospel of justice, Glen Follow Colds Such Was the Experience of New witholt respect of persons and yet Brunswick Lady. re not only uninterested, but with > v impatient with what we call the Trouble | A ~ WR wv Vv NP hh oo wv wy TT VY PARK STOCK FA simple gospel)." of Kidney 5 Better than this, even, is the gos-| Pins. 4 pel which sounds the note of justice, Pointe, Sdpin, N. B., Apr. 18. -- b hui does not forget that there's a | (Special) "My Jrouble Nas caused | eaven just ond. | e o Jat beyond. The church backache Ee on. al b 5 re nervous, pl ero i hasn't caught this truth to the de- = CHAD : Selo : . Clean; pure milk From alt cor Not pasteurized or teil: bedded in terms of sectarianism, are -- gree that the world believes in : -church's power to preach and prac-| ized in any way. WOMEN! DYE tice it. Here and there you'll find || Herd Tub WAP. we v €. - : . | Sweaters, Waists Skirts Dresses Ginghams Coats Kimonos Stockings | -------- ; an evangel like a' vibe in the wilder Ir she Tian w3b are fighting fu the Lg Fare ors to the Kingston General Hospital, an institution We guarantee that every bottle is from our own stable. : ness proclaiming in' conerete fashion: that the church nfust have a message . : buys the best. der nna amas So Health of attendants, Sanitation, Sterilization, etc., under the SrEmT ERR EE ERE Ral | bats U aI for the men who are fighting in the " re he Siena ea Kidney : per: nal supervision of Dr. Miller, Professor of Pathology, Queen's worn, faded thing new, even if she has never dyed before. Choose color at drug store. | a.

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