THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG tw FOX Wc. NO Just dwhat you need for your Easter Suit. All the new shades. Priced $8.00 to $85.00. JOHN McKAY Ltd. THOUSAND ISLAND MYSTERY SOLVED BY A. & D. "We're Just It" Say the Vulcanizing Boys With the Strange Spiels. whose tefendship we value very highly, said to us the other A Jejlow, I've counted them a dozen times day: "Why do they say 'Thousand Islands,' and can only score 988." We replied "You've been dealing with us a long time; many a repair job we've handled for you; llkewise whenever you've wanted something In the tire line you've come to us and sald: 'I guess it'l] be another Dunlop.' As to gas and oil--that's simply a question of total quantity bought by you. When you go home to-night, weave all we have said into a story and see if it doesn't answer your query about the 989." Next day he was back. "There is a point to your dope all right. It hits me on all four, but 1 admit I need the puimotor when it comes to hooking up the reladive values." "Se here," we opined, thousandth' elena "But," he exclaimed, "don't you suspect that we--A. & D.--are that "an island is something surrounded by water." "Just it; just it," we horned in, "we're something (and that 'something' is decidedly the main point) surrounded, not by water, but by friends. And the mighty St. Lawrence standing for all this. rolled on, though we admit near the ocean--thinking of Cha mplain--it tried to engulf itself. NEW AUTO TOP MANU- FACTURING SHOP L G. PAUL Announces the o| ing of his NEW AUTO TOP MANUFACTURING AND REPAIR shop at 392 PRINCESS STREET. Also CUSHIONS, TRIMMINGS, UPHOLSTERING OF FURNI- TURE, BOAT CUSHIONS, etc. Your patronage is solicited. Call and inspect our stock and get our prices before buying. : EASTER FESTI VITIES Our store is overflowing with an abundance of good things for Head Lettuce, Leaf Lettuce; Cucumbers, Mexican - Tomatoes, fresh Asparagus, Spinach, Green Onions; Radishes, Celery, Rhubarb, Grape Fruit, Bananas, Table Raisins, Imported Cheese, California Soft Shell Walnuts, Jordan Almonds. Order early. We have everything from Soup to Nuts. HENDERSON'S GROCERY 'Phone 279. "If It's Good We Sell It" Established 1868 THURSDAY--FRIDAY-- SATURDAY Island Rolls, 3, 5, 8 Ibs... .30c. Belleville Granulated Sugar, per Ib. . Strictly Fresh doz. . Machine Sliced Bacon, 1b. . Pastry Flour (7 Ib. bag) . Choice, large Prunes 2 Ibs. ne 1 Macaroni, 1 Ib. Cheese ,.80c Sweet Navel Oranges, dos. 20¢. 5 1b. pail Table Syrup . ...80¢c. Fresh Made Humbugs, 1b. .28¢c. Mathews Pure Lard, Ib. . . .17c. Matcht (best quality) 81c. R White Mealy ' Potatoes, pk. 80c. Tomatoes, Celery, Lettuce Cullen's CASH AND CARRY Bungalow Seven Rooms Good Location PRICE $5,375.00 TERMS ARRANGED. 2 Rola ON Special for Wednesday and Saturday ! FRUIT BREAD Wholewheat Bread Every Day. F.C HAMBROOK CATERING IN ALL 118 BRANCHES - - THE TOWN WATCHMAN | Some good Kingston folk are call- ing for another revision of the Bible. They would delete all unsavory pas- sages, of which there are quite a number. After hearing a sermon on the vile performances of the great King Da¥idl they want action by the Bible scholars. Their demand has nothing to do, however, with Higher Criticism, although it might be call- ed Modernism. Those fellows at Torontocare not the only ones guilty of conspiracy to defraud the government. Every man and woman: who smuggles articles into Canada conspires to defraud the government by cheating it out of the duties to which it is entitled. Be- tween the Toronto episodes: and those of petty smugglers there is only the matter of degree. -- The musical writers this week omitted to mention the fact that in the Kingstoh Choral Society, which sang '"The Messiah," there were sev- eral ladies and gentlemen over seventy years of age. The voices of these veteran singers have been re- markably preserved. --- . Surely the Ontario legislature members cannot be said to be inter- fering with religious liberty because they wish to protect the minority. The mihorities in both Quebec and Ontario have always been protected in regard to religious matters and it was the state that did it. -- The fact of the three church bodies applying. to the various gov- erning bodies of the country shows that the churches recognize the right of the state to pass church legisia- tion. While the Watchman may favor church union, he cannot see that the church should dictate to the state what it should do. _ From booze to bank and from bank to booze is the history of thé occupation of the southwest corner of the city buildings. Piles of cases will take the place of piles of money. When excursionists see the O.T.A. sign at the corner of Market and On- tario streets, as they approach the steamboat landing place, the cap- tains of vessels will have to be wary lest their passengers rush for the wharf before the gang planks are put out.\ Perhaps the city council will de- cide to move its chambers next the government liquor corner so as to be in close contact with the "spirits." Can it be that the poison picked up by pet dogs the past week was in- tended for those rooster nuisances? An Ottawa clergyman has given a timely jolt to those people who condéemn the game of Mah Jongg because players may gamble on it.Re- solutions have been passed by var- ious bodies against the game, and it is safe to say that most of those voting do not know anything about the intensely interesting game of Mah Jongg. The Watchman knows of some Kingston men who used to gamble on the length of the sermon in a certaln church in this city. Twenty-five c2nts was the limit as to 'whether the sermon would' be over the half hour. But why discontinue preaching the gospel because some people will gamble over preachers and their sermons? i ---- New Train Bervite Service to Chicago. An announcement of unusual in- terest to all who have occasion to visit Chicago and cities farther west, has beén made by the managehent of Canadian National Railways. In addition to the already com- plete Canadian National - Rallways service operating from Toronto to Chicago, there will be inaugurated, on April 27th, = new obsetvation sleeping car service leaving Toronto daily at 11.45 p.m., arriving Chicago next day at 2.50 p.m., Central time. Bestdes providing a most conveni- ent leaving time, this new service is highly attractive in its time of ar- rival. By using it passengers bound for points west of the Illinois metro- polis will have ample time for busi- ness or pleasure . in Chicago, and still make all connections for west- ern points that same evening. For further particulars apply to 3. DP. Hanley, CP. & C.N., Kingston, Ont. ER -------------- Exempted Up To $500. In making out their dominion ine come. tax returns those citizens who are affected by the clause which al- lows for an exemption of $300 for sach dependent child under the age of 18 years are advised dy Chester 8. Walters, inspector of the dominion income tax department, to claim ex-} emption for $500 instead of $300 'for éach child. { +Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re= porters. Robert McPhee, Kingston, spent a few days at his former home, Sanja | Cruz, Ont. Mr. Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, 'phone 564w. The Rose of Sharon Chapter, Rose Croix, A.A. & S.R., met in Kingston on Thursday. h Rev. PF. Louis Barber, took the service of the devotion at St. George on Good Friday. ~ The first of a series of University Extension lectures in the Cornwall high school was given on Thursday by Prof. Roy of Queen's University. | Summer tourists rates to will { Thousand Islands, York points will become effective May 15th on the | New York Central R.R. The Crescent Yacht club will hold a dinner dance for its members at the hotel Woodruff, Watertown, N.Y, on Tuesday evening. Principal Taylor is in New York. He preaches on Sunday in the Union Theological Seminary and University Chapel, Columbia University. For escaping from the Ontario re- formatory in Novembur, 1922, Wil- liam Haggerty; Windsor, was sent- enced to two years in Portsmouth penitentiary, Two marine firemen en route from Montreal to Kingston in search of | 'work were aprested during the | night by C.N.R. police at Brockville for stealing a ride on a freight train, | and fined $4 and $4.25 costs each or 15 days in jail and given two weeks to pay. ~ A Newburgh correspondent writ- es: The many friends of Sidney Fox were pleased to see him during the week. Sidney is playing a lead- ing instrument in an orchestra in one of'the theatres in Kingston. He had music and rhythm in him from a very little boy." Gananoque, three hours 's cathedral, 5 Concert 3" Easter Wonder, matinee and Siopped the Literature. The Russian trade delegation a: Ottawa brought with them forty cases .of books. They said they were for distribution at Canadian col- leges. The government held up the consignment as it was gbout forty per cent of "Red" propaganda. En- quiry at Queen's discloses the fact that none of the literature has reached here. . Sale. 1.0.D:E. Princess 29th, Rummage La Salle Chapter mage sale, corner Clergy, Tuesday, April a.m. rum- and 9.30 To Be on Highways Advisory Board. A. M. Rankin, M.P.P, for Fronte- nac, is likely to be made a member of the advisory committee of the pro- vincial highways board, to be ap- pointed by the Ontario government. As a Starter to This Sale. Of oranges on Monday morning from eight to nine o'clock. for a dime. Balance of week 16¢ or two dozen for a quarter at Carnovsky's. "Ihe Flag Store" Easter 'Hats 'BUY TO-NIGHT i Come to "The Hat "to. Yhight and choose Sow mae | for Easter. : 'We Hat Everybody 'We sell "Hats for all the Ehuy, on Good Friday morning at and Mrs. R. J. Edgar, Calgary, are LOCAL NEWS ITEMS | SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1924. 2 = BALLOON TIRES | SEE US NOW Oyr Service)epartment will give you full particulars on BALLOON TIRES for any car with- out charge. 'Phine or call and we will talk it over with you. "Balloons are here to stay. MOORE'S Firestone an¢ Dominion Tires 206-8 Wellington Street - I wo Beauiful House F urnishings Attractively Priced. Shoppes | Special Mtractions For To-night SILK HOSE: A beautful range of Silk Hosiery | in all the newest shades for Spring. Spedally priced $1.00 to $2.25 pair : NEW GAUNTLET GLOVES IN SILK and CHAMOISETTE GLOVES, 59c. LISLE HOSE, 75c. Women's Chamoisete Gloves -- Grey, Fancy Ribbed Lisle Hose -- Grey, Fawn and Beaver and Black. }egular price 75c.- Black--all sizes. To-night. .. 59c. pair | To:night NOVELTY NECKWEAR AT POPULAR PRICES FOR EASTER STOCKINGS, 25c. LINEN TOWELLING, Xe. Children's Black Hiavy Ribbed" School Stock- 300 yards of pure Linen Xouelling = ings; all sizes. ¥ Stripes and Grey with red bord 25c. pair To-night . . 5 vards for $1.00 NEW SILK SCARFS--all shades NEW FURNISHINGS AT POPULAR PRICES CURTAINS in Madras, Net and Scrim. CURTAIN MATERIALS in Sc¢rim, Madras and Nets. Chintz, Madras, Casement, Poplinsand Velours for pretty side drapes NEW RUGS and MATS--all kinds. NEW FLOOR OILCLOTHS and LINOLEUMS. WINDOW SHADES to fit all windows. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE G. Watt Smith Pri At' a recent meeting of the sena- ces that are right. tus of Queen's University, it was| Parisian Shop resolved to confer the degree of 3¥2 BROCK op doctor of divinity on Rev. G. Watt i Smith, M.A., minister of St. Elmo, Walter Cannem in the Presbytery of Glengarry. They intimated that they were conferring Tipsmith and Roofing Jobbing a specialty. the degree in recognition of the lit- Automobile Radiators yepaired. erary work which Mr. Watt Smith 69 BAGOT ST. PHONE 2158m. had done and the service he has giv- CHATEAU en to the church. The degree will Taxi Service 800 Mode, ... 75c. pair . $1.50 up "o. r Easter Millinery Hats that are different. A -- EN DEGREE OF D.D. To Be Conferred By Queea's on Rev, For Real Estate In- vestors this offer will appeal To Close An Estate Five small dwellings, all rented, together with ten building lots, well located. Will be sold in block or separately. No reasonable offer will be re- fused. If interested phone or call at office and our cars will take you to the property. verurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, and received his preliminary educa- | tion in the parish schools. After, working as a farm hand he was ap- pointed as a black-smith and went almost straight from the anvil to the University of Aberdeen, where he won hig M.A. degree He had early felt the call to be a pinta » -r and took his theological course in United College Yorkshire, under IN MARINE CIRCLES | such distinguished professors asta - s h the date D. W. Simon, and Arch. Duff. He graduated in theology af- ter three years' training and held important pastorates in Leeds and Glasgow previous to coming to Can- ada. In this country he occupied pulpits in Qttawa and Portage la Prairie before coming to St. Elmo, Rev. Watt Smith has been a proli- fic writer. He has written a good deal under his pen name, 'John Harlaw" but has chosen to leave the alluring realm of fiction for that of morals and religion. He publish- ed "Byways of Bible Highways" when he was president of the Leeds Free 'Church Council, a book long} out of print, and since he came to Canada . "David Livingstone the Great Heart of Africa" and "Men and Marks of the Christian Era" and a number of smaller works. He Pittsferry, April 17.--A few of has also contributed to magazines the farmers have startéd. their seed- in this country and Britain and Aus-| ing. House-cleaning is the order of tralia, and for the past year or more | the day. Granite Hill Cheese Fac- has contributed "The Ingleneuk" to j tory will open on Monday morning | the Glengarry News. for the season. The many friends of | John L. McMaster are glad to hear { that he is improving nicely after his At Chalmers Good Friday. recent accident. Harvey Payne is Preparatory communion, service | on the sick list but his many friends was held in Chalmers Presbyterian hope for a speedy recovery. be given at the convocation of "the Phone university on 7th May next. Rev. Watt Smith was born in In- WE NEVER CLOSE Live ov Dead Storage Houses to rent. Money to Loan. MULLIN ll Cor. Division and Johnson Sts. § Phones: Office The Montreal-Hamilton package freight fleet of the Canada Steam- ship Lines is this séason to be im- plemented by the steamer Maple- boro. It was formerly maintained by the steamers City of Ottawa and City of Hamilton. The service will be opened on April 23rd when the City of Hamilton will clear from that city for Montreal. The upper lake sail-| _ ings of the line will be commenced | ) h on April 26th when the. Maple- Before placing your order for branch, lying at Kingston, will start from Montreal for the head of the a Monument, or having Letter. ing done in cemetery SEE | J. E.Mullen 857 Frontenac St., Kingston 'Phone 1417. PHONE 316 GODKIN'S LIVER Y . For Dus and Taxi Service, Buggies -- oe and Saddle Horses suns stares for antarayul cemetery on 1.48 Sunda St, p.m, x opposite St. Panis chureh ee GOING BACK TO CALGARY. lp Edgar Has Been Friends in the R. J. Visiting Mr: o'clock and the attendance visiting with the former's father 'was iret Rev. George, &« Brown and other friends here. Mr. Edgar officiated and delivered the sermon. will leave on Monday for the west He was assisted in the service by but Mrs. Edgar wili spend some time Rev. T. J! 8. Ferguson of Cooke's in the east. Miss Florence Mitchell, alto | A sugar social was held on Tues- solist, sang "When 1 Survey the day evening at the home of Mr. and Wondrous Cross." Mrs. J. A. McMaster under the aus- TL ------------ | pices, of the U.F.O. Progressive This Afternoon. j ewehre was enjoyed by all and prizes Fresh strawberries, ping apples. were given to the winners. A very cucumbers, new potatoes, etc, at enjoyable evening was spent. Spe- Carnoveky's. 5 cial service will be held in St ti John's church on Sunday evening at A good horse never lacks a saddle. 7.30 o'clock when the chair will ren- HOTEL - In Public Service Simee 1784. M. BOHAN, PROPRIETOR, KINGSTON. der a musical programme entitled, "A Morning in the Orient." This programme is very appropriate for the Easter season.