vv. SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1024. . - GRAND-T0-DAY Nir "BARNEY GOOGLE and SPARK PLUG" Woturiondon Good seats available || Halifax a party of English, Scotch a and Irish entertainers known in the NIGHT PRICES ...., 25¢. to $1.00. Old, Country as "London's" Great 8.30 er y Concert 8." They. reached our shores "Music visualizations" form part GRAN Evening +e ~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG never missed his place at the piano since the first performance of the Original Dumbeils behind the lines in France; and several others. | SOMETHING NEW IS THE { "LONDON'S GREAT CONCERT Figur SYNCHORIC ORCHESTRA With Ruth St. Denis, Ted Shawn and the Deni- shawn Dancers. AMUSEMENTS What the Press About Aseatis say Senn . | of the programme which' Ruth St. f i Jaannoficed and with soe o IB | pr omle, To tive and the Deni- vance ballyhoo that usually her- ; alds shows on this side of the water. [shawn Dancers will give here at the on Thursday, Grand Opera House This aggregation of real artists has! for years delighted British audi-|APrll 24th, And yet, successful as ences and the soldiers in camps and this portion of 'the performance has hospitals, during the war, and na. | Pen everywhere this season, . the turally 1s very well known, not famous dancer has a plan much more 5 alone to the people' of the British | More ambitious than this, an actua) Isles, but to a number of Canadians, | Y!Sualization of an entire symphony, as well. They are sponsored by Sir with every instrument represented Alexander Mackenzie, Principal of 'DY a dancer on the stage, in other the Royal Academy of Miisfé and Vis- | WOrds a "synchoric orchestra." countCampden. This concert company In recent interview in the Boston ls making a world tour and Is playing | PO8t, Miss St. Dennis gave details of Canada to the cost, from where they | this scheme and they are so extra- will leave for their next tour in Aus- | ordinary ang, so interesting that they tralia. The"personnel of the com- | Pear repeating. : pany includes a festive tenor, Irish| I have already nade the experi- soprana, comedy soubrette, Scottish | ment jn California," she sald. "The violiniste, English 'cellist, London |S0mPosition chosen was Schubert's Planiste, concert baritome, and Tom | 'UBfinished 'Symphony' the score of Copeland, the world famous Scotch | Which calls for sixty musicians, I comedian and composer, | took sixty girls and placed them on A special engagement which {s|® large stage and every girl was | sure to stir up great interest | clothed in draperies of a different | in Kingston has been arranged for Eas: shade. One girl represented the | If you like you can imagine | ter Monday, matinee and night at the | drum. | WEDNESDAY EE a TT | that she was rather---well--er-- Grand Opera House. - Pp stout. Another girl, a blonde per. | ~~ | The Attraction All Kingston Is Walting For / ) haps, represented the plano. Yet an ages. Tarkington has so cleverly GR | N NEXT / THE ORIGINALS COMING another, picked for having a slightly | built the story that children can fo- F F | D A Y WITH LIVELY NEW PLAY { different figure, was the clarinet, | cus eyes and thoughts on the actions L { and s0 on and 50 on until each of {Of the juveniles and adults can look Matinee Saturday 2.30. S TU Former Od Dumbells Better Than | the sixty girls was on the stage and | upon the child artists as merely in- ATURDAY TOM COPELAND PRESENTS LONDON'SGREAT CONCERT 8 Direct from London, England With Tom Copeland, Scottish Comedian and Composer; Miss Su- zette Tarrl, Molly O'Moore, Dorothy Alwynne, Joan Duff, Richard Alexander; Wilfred Virgo and Walter Nunn, L.R.A.M., in a diversi fied programme of vocal and instrumental specialties, duets and trios, A 'dog is human than many men; men that are more more beastly than 'any dog, and the wondrous story of a Under patron ob woman's love and devotion. \ n nage of" Prin. Royal Acad. of Music, ~ London, Eng. EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION The Six McQuade Kiddies A Clever Troupe of Juveniles, MONDAY Epi" In Music, Songs and- Dances Sir Alex. MacKenzie | THE MUSICAL TREAT OF THE SEASON | Dont Miss It POPULAR Matinee 25c¢. to $1.00 PRICES: Evening 25¢. to $1.50 Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Scott, Yonga's Mills, were recent visitors at Ellis Folley's. Service was held in the Methodist church on Friday after- noon. The regular Easter service on Sunday afternoon. The school closed to-day for the Easter holidays. Mrs. E. Claire at- tended the funeral of her sister, Mrs, Gavin, Brockville, last week. -------- Samuel Arngy, "Cape Vincent, N. Y., aged elghty-seven years, died at his son's home on Wednesday. He had been ill for some time with para- lysis. Dog Show ARMOURIES Monday & Tuesday 10 am, to 10 p.m. Entries: 25¢. each class; taken at . represented in te orchestra below. lot. The original Third Division C.E.F. "Then came the colors. Each girl, p Ben Alexander, who played the Entertainers, Dow known as the |, addition to being an instrument, role of "Penrod" in 'Penrod and Originals," and who toured 'Canada had to be clothed in a color that Sam," is seen as "Bill Latimer," a last season with their brilliant. revue {sulted the instrument. There was typical American small-town boy Full 0' Pep," will appear here at| yj, yx son the drummer, pink for the | Rockliffe. Fellows, who was Ben's the Grand theatre next, Friday and | o1arinet, mauve for the cornet and | stern father in "Pennod and. Sam," Saturday with their latest and Jgreat- | oo on through the whole gamut of | is geen in the antithesis of that type est musical revue "Rapid Fire," with colors, This time he is a lover of children all the wold favorites who have de- "Now, the synchorie orchestra be- and a man who understands them. lighted local audiences so often in ing ready, the conductor in the Pit| "Boy of Mine" is interpreted by the past. These include. the fifteen { raises his baton and the real orches- | N- a Ormer mont a or ire Original | an all-star cast which includes Henry Ever in "Rapid Fire." ( Instructed as to what instrument she cidental to the building of a great Evenings at 8.15 sharp Four weeks in Toromto, three weeks in Winni- Peg; two record weeks in Montreal 14 2. 8 Smashed 'All Former Records Through West- ern Canada, Washington and Oregon. THE MOST TALKED OF SHOW ON THE ROAD 25 Big Numbers Including 1 Many Unusual : TH ous JEWELLED 'AIN FROM PARIS be one of the many tumova- of this w, oa contains BRILLIANT -- G Stones-th, 1 Coler Chauping 3 e only MATINEE SEAT SALE OPENS WEDNESDAY AT 10 A.M. MAKE EARLY Boxes $2. +00, 780, BOc. Tax extra. Seas uial saves aany $1 Ran for six weeks at the Dumbell organization afd two new entertainers of note. ; | tra begins the theme. The drums | roll--and so does the girl on the > | st h sents t Our ever welcome friend "Red" |. bc VIO repre 8 .tHe drum. The Newman is going stronger than ever and is featuring Albert Chevaliers famous number 'Knocked 'em in the Old Kent Road" together with "The Stoker and a half dozen other sure fire hits' making the finest collection of musical numbers he has ever of- fered us. Jock Holland, the chic "Leading Lady" has a wonderful wardrobe with some of his costumes costing several hundred dollars each. His new musical numbers are par- ticularly noteworthy and he spent last summer in London and Paris picking out the best he could find in the way of songs, costumes, wigs, ete. Ome of the big novelties in "Rapid Fire" is the introduction for the first time in Canada, of a beauti- ful Jeweled Curtain imported from Paris, At is used with varied colored lights and contains huhdreds of thou- sands of small brilliant stones; Leon- ard Young, the original "Duchess" is back with the Company as Manag- ing Director this season and has turned out a marvellous show. He has been away from the Company for over a year directing the Montreal Community Players. A new *Dis- covery" and extremely popular mem- ber of the Company this season is Gene Pearson who is sald to possess the finest Soprafio Voice of any fe- male impersonator before the public. Two years ago he went into vaude- ville and created a sel ion. A leading critic said he had the most extraordinary voice of afty man ever heard before the Montreal public. There are twenty-five: brilliant new numbers comprising everything from Jaz to Light Opera and the Programme includes the finest con- certed work ever offered by this famous company. Jimmy Goode, with his original line of Darkey hum- our is funnier than he was in "Full O* Pep." Bob Anderson, of course, excells in his deMghttu! humor, while the famous quartette with Bill Tennant, Bertram Langley, Tom Young and Jerry Brayford shine more brilliant than ever in their magnificient new offering. There is Charlie MeLean and Fred Fenwick 25d Alaf Murray, all favotites and contributors .to the potpourri of good things thet send the show oft with a bang and keep it up through- out. There is Jack Ayre, whd has ST-RAND Bn, Tog an Splendid Comedy and Yet | ception of the remarkable dramatic | first prize In the annual dog race | the most thrilling spectacles which violin wails--and is followed by the violin girl taking a dejected attitude. And 50 it goes. The instruments swing into the measures of this 8COTe | and on the stage we have flapping violins, leaping cellos, crawling flutes, sliding trombones, dancing cornets. We have a weaving heaven of color, encompassed by music." STRONGHEART IN - HIS BEST PICTURE Filled With Irresistible Heart Appeal. Strongheart will be at the Capitol Theatre, in "The Loye Master," the latest production starring this dog Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, It is the finest production in which Strongheart has ever appeared, and that is saying that it ranks high among the be entertainments ever offered by er Laurence Trimble, responsible for the training of Strongheart, not-¥nly directed the production, but also 'wrote the story, and his keen per- ability of higsstar adds to the fascina- tion of the picture. An outsider, one who did not know Strongheart as in- timately as Mr. Trimble, would not have dared to require a dog to do the things Which Strongheart déus in a manner that makes it look aw- fully easy. It is splendid comedy, and yet there is a heart appeal in it that can- not be escaped. Incidentally Lady Julie, a splendid fawn colored police dog, who plays the part, of the "blonde," is the first dog we have seen on the screen who can compete with Strongheart in sheer ability to portray emotions. 'In fact, Strong- heart seems to' encourage competi- tion, The story concerns itself w Young man who bas chosen refng in the north at a Kading post, which is reigned over by the young niece of the two men who own the general store. Nothing much is known about him except that he is in dire need of money for some purpose, and the seems to be the one best way of getting #. The dog race is one of has found its way to the screemy hut in "The Love Master" it is but an incident inthe development of a splendid dramatic story, ' Lilllan 'Rich and Harold Austin, who head the human cast, stamp themselves as genuine "comers" in their chosen profession. The rest of the cast is especially well chosen also, but Strongheart proves himself entitled to star through the foree of The Six Meh ed attraction, are very clever Juve- niles who sing, détice, and play musi- eal ts that will more than Please the patrons of this de Kiddies, an add- B. Walthall, Irene Rich, Fellows, Ben Alexander, Dot Farley and Lawrence Licalzi. Tt was direct- ed by William Beaudine. The picture will be seen at the Strand theatre on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. C. W. LINDSAY LIMITED. - A Very Satisfactory Year--Bonus to | Be Given Employees. The angual meeting of C. W.| Lindsay Limited, was held on the 16th, instant at the head office of Patented exclusive features, includ Disappearing Pro- Device, place these the company and was largely tended. The 'president, C. W. Lindsay, be- | ing in the chair. The statement of | affairs for the year ending 'Febru- | ary 29th, 1924 as presented to the | meeting by the company's auditor, A. K. Fisk, showed a very satisfact- ory year had been experienced, not- withstanding so stalled hard times. The volume of business was about the same as the year preceding but much satisfactory profits have beer realized, owing to economy ete. Col- lections also are in better shape than the preceding year. In view of the showing, the pres! dent, announced that the directors, by way of appreciation of the ef- forts of the staif at all . branches, have arranged to pay a bonus of 10 per cent. of their respective salaries, to all employees who have been in the continuous service of the com- pany, since March 1st, 1923 and arz still in its employ on May 1st, next, at which time the bonus will be paid cash. The regular dividends of 7 per cent on preferred shares and 8 "per cent. on common shares, were de- clared also a bonus of 2 per 'cent. for the year to the share holders. The old board of directors were re-elected, namely, C. W. Lindsay, A. McDiarmid, A. ¥. Brock, J. A. Hebert, E. Hamilton, B. A. Edward and W. A. H. Robinson. At a subse- quent meeting of the directors the following officers were appointed: C. W. Lindsay, president and general manager; B. A. Edward, secretary; W. A. H. Robinson; treasurer. mpany carries on opera- Ottawa, Hull, Kingston ahd Cornwall. Chivalric Order Knights. A meeting of the Langemarck As- sembly of the Chivalric Order Knights, Crusaders of Canada, was held in the Randolph hotel on Thursday night, Sir Kt. Governor Dr. BE. Ryan, presiding. It was dgeid. ed to hold. the initiation ceremony on May 3rd when the local assembly will entertain the grand commander, Knights of the Grand Consistory, and the knights of the Beleville as sembly. - Altogether the ceremonies arrang- ed for May 3rd promise to be quite unique not only in the history of at- in a class by themselves. So simple to operate. Econo- m to 23 miles per gal- lon. The ideal boat for every member of the family at a price you eam afford. Prices range from $275 wp. Disappearing Propeller Roat Co., Ltd. 95 King St. West, Toronto, Ont. ec make alse Special Row- boat. Wonderful Value, HAVE YOU READ ? Wrath to Come--E. P. Oppenfieim, High Fires--M. B. McClure. "Who Killed Cock Robin--H. Hext. Thirteenth Letter--N. §. Lincoln. Helrs Apparent--P. Gibbs. Parson's Progress--C. Mackenzie, Secret Service Smith--R. J. M. Scott, Millon Dollar Doll--A., M. Williamson. House by the Road--C. J Dutton, Told by ah Idiot--R. Macaulay. Diamond Thieves--aA. Stringer. Mother of Gold--E. Hough. Trail of the 8quid--H. Wickham. ----, J. R. C. Dobb's Office, Imperial To- bacco Co., Muller's Bicycle Works, and Armouries Monday morning, 9 am. ~ ADMISSION . ... . 10e. SNNNNERUNNNRREEN | HARVEY MILNE] 272 Bagot Street 'Phone 542. Carpets Cleaned by VACUUM RIDE Hyslop Bros. Bicycles Prices from $35.00 to $48.00 All Kinds of Repairs, PP------------ Frank Kemsley has bought W. H. Brown's residence on King street, Picton. Mr. Brown. will remove to Belleville, April 23rd to ty Counell has selected The Cf All citizens are irom their yard CLEAN-UP WEEK | 31st Inclusive t required to have all ted. SLEETH, Sanitary Inspector. fraternaliem but of veteraamism in Kingston. edt al NO OPERATIONS ON LAND. Has So Far Been Done About Rock fold, Rockfield, April 17.--The sun and | wind of the past few days has dries up the land quite nicely, though as yet no workifig operations have be- Your order, whether for .- tau. at C.P.R. $100 Denominations " issue of Canadian Pacific Bonds-are obtainable thereby SEITE The National City Company Bonds Railway Com- in $100 denomin. r