BRITISH WwW DAILY HIG no -- hy ALBERT L.. CLOUGH £ditor Motor Service Durean ¢ Back Into Service Again Cor Parts Become Stiff ¥rom Disuse And Must Be Limbered Up HERE ARR A FEW SUGOESTIONS as te restoring tc service a ear, which has been laid up through ths winter. Before Inflating the tires, it will ususliy yay to put in new valve-insides, as the old ones wilil quite likely prove leaky. Assuming that all the wheels have been Jacked up, before letting the front ones down, try the, steering gear t> See If it operates perfectly freely and if it does not, apply kerosene to all the motion points to limber them up and follow this with oll or grease, whichever is customarily used. Let down one rear wheel and with the gears in neutral, turn the Jacked up wheel to free any parts which may have become set. Make sure that all drain cocks in the cooling system are closed and that draw-off plugs are replaced--at the bottom of the radiator at the pump and in the engine jacket--and fill the cooling system completely, tightening the hose-clamps, if rubber. con- nections prove leaky, and setting up on the pump stufing-box nut, if water escapes there. If the fuel system has been emptied, see that all drain-cocks are closed and draw-off plugs are replaced, bafore Alling the main tank, Remove the plug at the top of the vacuum tank, pour in a pint of gasoline through this opening and replace tle plug tightly. Watch 'the carburetor for a time to see that it does not leak gasoline, If it does tapping it will sometimes cause its needle-valve to seat tightly. Assuming that the battery has been removed, replace it, taking care that it is not reversed end for end, tighten its hold down clamps and see that its terminals and the inside surfaces of the cable clamps are clean and coated with vaseline. Fasten one of the cables firmly to {ts terminal, but before connecting the other make sure that all switches are {n the off position and then touch the clamp to its terminal, watching for the slightest spark between them. If any appears don't make a permanent connection until the cause of such leakage of cur rent has been removed. It is bad judgment to replace the battery in the car, unless it is known to be fully charged and in good order. Try the brake pedal and lever and if they seem to work hard, apply kero sene to every joint in the entire braking system, following this up with lubricating ofl. If the clutch has been blocked out, remove the blocking and if the pedal action seems stiff, lubricate all its joints. ACTION OF PISTON-RING VACUUM-TANK RUNS DRY J. W, E, asks: Do piston-rings change their positions. while the iston Is in motion? ' Answer: Very. little is positively known as to what piston-rings do, whea in actual service, but as wear is known to occur between their sides and the sides of their grooves, there is every reason to believe that they move in and out of their grooves more or less, when there is any substantial clearance between the piston and the cylinder wall or any material variation In the cross- M. F. D. writes: The vacuum AUTOMOBILE WORLD Review' of Reviewd Care In Re-Assembling Parts EXPERIENCE TEACHES that it 1s much easter to take things apart than it is to put them together properly, and this is especially true of auch a complicated mechanism as an automobile, the parts of which are fitted together with extreme exactitude. Before separating any car part from another notice the exact relationship of the two and bear it in mind or still better make marks with a scratch awl or chalk on both pieces," which must coincide when the parts are in correct relationship. The diagrams contained in the better class of instruction books are very helpful in showing the =ixh* way of assembling. When any part of a car is "pulled down," adjustments are of course destroyed and the greatest care is required in re-assembling, that the newly created adjustments shall be right. Unless parts are put together as securely as they originally were, there is bound to be serious trouble, and for - that reason all nuts and other holding devices should be gone over several times for tightness hefore the Job is considered finished. The locking devices, which prevent nuts from working loose--locknuts and cotter pins--must every one be properly replaced or the mos: serious consequences to the car and even injury to. passengers are likely to follow. If parts go together very hard or do not seem to jibe exactly, do not try to force them into place by brutal hammering. Their failure to fit is very often caused by their being wrongly placed. TESTING DISUSED BATTERY j especially as I keep my car In a [cold garage and start {* and run without the radiator cover on, but it does not seem that the enxine should carbonize so soon. What can you suggest? : This engine may collect carbon rather faster than many Others because it has no hot-spot | manitold, but depends for intake heat upon taking the carburetor air through a Passage in the block from a stove around the exhaust, Unless the radiator front is kept covered sufficiently to keep the 1 have Bas my Jacket water hot, poor vaporization y posits may be I meus y san P. E. writes: battery laid up 1 and heavy carbon de use. "How ant Gen Teele br Sxbecte" Tou mighe rahi gh-test or aviation gasoline dure gt hough congition to be put ing cold weather, as being more Answer: If you have or can|T®®ily evaporated. The use of borrow . RIE test the WO cylinder-head gaskets instead liquid in each of the ceils as to ita | Of 95%. J* found by some to delay gravity. In case all the cells give [the time when a knock results from & reading of 1200 or above the bat- | carbonization. tery is more than one-half charged and it should work all right when installed in the car. If the gravity of the liquid in any cell tests much below 1200 it will be weil to take the battery and have it fully charged before Installing it. Be sure that there Is one-quarter inch of . tion of the bore at pairs After the ring and points thereof. groove have' warn so considerable clearance good reason to bellev ring moves up and d groove, with changes In gas pres- sure and direction Whether a ring has a rotation In ite groove, after it once assumes a running position, seems but some believe some alteration of its positiomnge- doubtful, curs. different The engine will run as to have , there is e that the own in Its nearly dry. My mec me to put in a new one. of motion. motion of of the manufacturer o that | correct the trouble. & specialist on this ¢ No doubt, trouble, you can find wrong. Most probab vacuum in the ypper of the tank. flapper valve fails to does not seat reliably. tank of my car will not keep filled. time and then stop with the tank cannot find the trouble with this What do you suggest? Answer: We suggest that you take your car to a service station system and have them locate and this much quicker and more effect. ively than any mechanic who is not if you care to take the prevents the establishment of a It may be that the at times, or that the fir-vent valve for a short hanic advises tank, as he should them, f this vacuum They can do lass of work. F. J. out what is ly something compartment and as Of cou weather close tightly, The leaflet, evidences of corrosion. a bluigh white liquid above the plates of each cell, | distilled watér only being used to | bring up the level. any water until after the hydrom- | eter tests are made. be clean and ENGINE CARBONIZES RAPIDLY Unless I clean the carbon out of the engine of my car, after each 1500 miles of running. it knocks on hills, al- though I am careful about my oll to the use of the choker. | will be quite a long time before a cold | new set of rings will have worn in writes: ree, I realize that affects the gas mixture, Do not supply The terminals free™ of If there is| substance around clean this off, wash the parts with ammonia water, scrape the metal of the terminals clean and coat the surfaces with vaseline. LET WELL ENOUGH ALONE J. W. E. asks: When installing & new wrist-pin and bushings in a piston, is it best at the same time to renew the piston-rings or to re- Place the piston with fts oid rings, it these are still working well? nswer: By all means retain long M they serve properly, as they smoothed and well cylinder walls. It the old rings as their Purpose are thoroughly seated on the 80 as to give their best service. SEREEEE SPeciAL Donee BROTHERS MOTOR CARS IN FOUR TYPES recently been added to line of motor cars-- F special types have Dodge Brothers standard A Touring Car, a Roadster, a Type-A Sedan, and a 4-Passenger Coupe. 2 These types have been created for that substantial group of motorists who favor individuality in motor car appointment and design. In fundamental construction they are identical with Dodge Brothers standard product. Their accen- tuated smartness, however, is strikingly obvious in many elaborations of equipment and refinements of detail. ; : Special 6-ply, balloon-type tires, nickel-trimmed radiater shell on touring car and roadster (optional on closed types) front and rear bumpers, motometer with lock, special blue leather upholstery (for tour- ing car and roadster) special body striping, rear view mirror, automatic windshield wiper, scuff plates, cowl lights and steel disc wheels constitute the more important items of special equipmen" M. OBERNDORFFER 124 CLARENCE STREET, ost i TE Questions of general interest to the motorist will de answered dy My. Clough in this column, space permitting. If an immediate answer ig desired, enclose self-addressed, stamped envelope, which accompanies these tanks, tells how to diagnose and correct their ordinary troubles. that actions | STANDARD PARTS FOR The' golden rule policy is away | AUTOMOBILE TRAILERS thead of the rule or ruin kind, £ ------, 1 things quicker than the ot speak, nT FR ari my GD T=. | CUI CRIT, ST] ATTRA SUIT fe ep What Makes a Good Car? PI MARDLY the intention of the men who » build it. If they want to build a good car and have experience and money, they will build a car. She 'men now at the head of Gray-Dort Motors want, above ail else, to build the best automobiles in the Gray Dort class. To enable them to do this they have an organiza- tion with grea: experience and ample funds, As a result ihé Gra -Dort today has reached a record degree of qual ty and reliability. Every car is right and will stay right. % an Instance of the intention of the new min. agement, a ne and a Gray-Dort rear Those not content to wait May Sot Many of us forget her claks. Costs Will Be Lowered By Cutting Out Unnecessary Specifications. A definite step toward standard- ization and simplificetion* was tak- en by the Trailer Manufacturers' As- sociation at its recent meeting held at the Hotel Statlery Detroit. After consultation with representatives oi leading firms engaged in the manu- £5 i for Personal Transportation the members of the association de- cided to confine their first efforts to these products. The associatioon will start immediately gatheridg blue prints and epecifications from trail- er manufacturers for use in consid- ering how reductions may be made HE professional man, the salesman who carries samples, the 'contrac- tor, the business man, the ladies who drive--in fact, anyone who requires the means for personal transportation, will favor this new 4-passenger Master Four Coupe. in the number of types and sizes of axles, springs and wheels. All, manufacturers of these three parts will be asked to co-operate in this work, and after the preliminary steps have been taken assistance will be sought from the Division of Sim- . . ww - The rugged efficiency of the McLaugh- lin-Buick Master Four valve-in-head "motor and chassis insures service. The gasoline mileage is Upkeep is extremely low, yét in appearance and performance this car is typically Buick. Four-Wheel Brakes as- plified Practices of the Department "of Commerce, It is planned to hold sure safety, prevent skidding, provide Quicker ted traffic. the next conference in Detroit on : April 22nd. . Mr. J. F. Beans, of the J. F Beans Company, spring manufact- urers, told the trailer makers who attended the meeting that if they succeeded in agreeing upon stand- ards. the springs manufacturers would undoubtedly carry these sizes in stock. As an example of the sav. ing that might be made, he said that the springs manufacturers ambridge Sedan S290, od could easily afford to make a re- peci an duction of two cents a pound on any GRAY-DORT MOTORS LIMITED, CHATHAM, Ontario 'one model which ten trailer manu- 2 facturers agreed upon. Mr. H. M. : : I Bock, of the Northern Wheel Com- | 'pany, and Mr. H. W. Helms, of the Continental Axle Company, spoke along similar lines regarding sibilities through the simplification .| of wheels and axles. Mr. Bock said that volume production was bound to come in the trailer Industry as | well as in other automotive indus- tries. While at present his company builds hundreds of models. Mr, Bock said that 12 to 25 models would blanket the entire line of trallers. Mr. Helms said that the saving on an order of 300 or more axles| would be better than 10 per cent. as compared with the present system of small quantity orders. <1." In order to facilitate/téam work | dlong sty zation and simphifica- tion lines the association decided to admit firms manufacturing trallea paris as assoclaté members. 1 which have been made in them. Learn the amazingly. low Gray-Dort Prices. GRAY-DORT FOURS Standard Tours, Standard Roadster S| Special Touring oupe GRAY DORT SIXES Stasard Touring rt Touring rt Roadster Sn -- -------- The G.M.AC. Deferred ayment Plan makes 'it easy for + you to ows a --= | : J : Local Distributors: : oil Losal Di os Angroye's Auto Salles, 5 i