» THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. -- SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1024, KINGSTON ax VICINITY | lenced workers and they think that when they arrive the farmers will take them under their wing. ---- a EE -- COULDN'T SLEEP HEART WAS BAD NERVES A WRECK Mr. H. A. Reid, Upper Musquodo- boit, N.S, writes:--"I am very thankful for the benefit I have re- ceived by using Milburn"s Heart and Nerve Pills. . When I came home from overseas, in 1920. my heart was very badly affected by concussion,.and my nerves were a dreadful wreck. I was very short winded, and could not possibly {sleep at night, in fact, I was in such |® condition I felt as if I did mot wish anyone to speak to me. I thought I would try Milburn"s Heart and Nerve Pills, and before I had taken two boxes I could enjoy a Red Cedar Shingles We specially recommend B. C. Vertical Grain Red Cedar Shingles, 5X quality. These Shingles are quarter sawn, specially selected, of good thickness, five bundles t6 the thousand and will lay flat on the roof. No curling, warping or twisting. .. With galvanized nails, they will last a lifetime, S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Coal and Lumber Yards. BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. A Bullder from whildhood to Old Age -- DELCO- LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power plant for every country home. W.C. CANNON 164 Barge Stree. Phone 1138J. ~ FOR SALE of joint and his spine to be affected. This, the doctor says, was caused by a previous fall at some time, and Merwin hae to remain in bed for Some time while undergoing treat- ment. To Enlarge Its Borders. The town of Cornwall is consider- ing the matter of extending its boundaries taking in some five su- burban villages. . Canadian Pacific. City Ticket Office, 180 Welling- ton street, reports the following ar- | rivals of their steamships: { Empress of Canada from Batavia, | due Manila, April 11th. | Montlaurier, from Liverpool, due 8t. John, April 11th. Invited to Oshawa Charge. Rev. C. W. DeMille, former pastor of Trinity Church, Napanee, has been unanimously invited to the pastorate of King street Methodist Church, Oshawa. His Arm Broke Sawing Wood. Walter Scott, Meyersburg, broke his right arm in two places while helping to saw wood at James Jones'. His arm was caught in the John, due Vilage of Portsmouth, Ont. Stone Store with barn and outbuild- ings. Also 8 room residence adjoin- 800d night's rest as well as anyone, There are lots of returned men who are suffering the same as I did, and I feel sure that if they would Perry Huffman, Visited His Chief. who is acting pulley and was drawn in and broken twice before he was released. For- tunately this kept him from being Montcalm, from St. Liverpool, April 12th. Melita, from Antwerp, Southamp- Teleplione: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1571. during the taken in, thus saving his life. The | ton and Cherbourg, due St. John, 204. ing. Lot 66 x od Stone Cottage, 6 rooms, postmaster at Napanee, illness of Dr. Leonard, was in the city, on Friday afternoon, for the purpose of visiting his chief. 'April 11th. Metagama, from St. John, _ due Glasgow, April 14th.- Marburn, from Glasgow and Bel- fast, due St. John, April 13th. Empress of Australia, from Van- couver, arrived Hong Kong, April 10th. . Empress of Russia, Kong and Yokohama, couver, April 21st. accident happened when Scott slip- ped and fell toward the machine. Where the Best 74 Grows. The Tea plant flourishes best on the well drained side of a mountain in a country where there is plenty of moisture and a warm sun. Cer- tain parts of Ceylon, India and Java are ideal for the growing of delicious tea, hence from those countries come the finest varieties. "SALADA" is a blend of the choicest qualities grown, in these three most famous tea-growing countries in the world. light, large lot. only try Milburn's Heart and Nerve ' ny ary .King and Pils they will receive the same re- Map Duss: carpet bot air fur. lef that I have o nace, electric light. Price 50c. a box at all dealers, or For terms and particulars re above mailed direct on receipt of price by apply :-- The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- R. H.Wad dell to, Ont, .. ~rnoruwnc_[|DR. 5. E PORTER Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman Telephone 2071. H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 1384. DR. A.W. WINNETT L.. WINSTON Corner of Johnsosa and Wellington. | "Phone 903. LADIES' TAILOR Streets. Telephone 363. : when Rom BEL MONEY ORDER ATIONS AGENCIE YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU ARE NOT ENTIRELY SATISFIED That's the Canada Radio Store's Guarantee We KNOW Radio and can as- sist you in ALL Radio problems-- no guesswork or false - leads when you get it from us, you know it's right. Why experi- ment ? Takes Collingwood Post. Fred J. Webster, B.S.A., son of Hon. John Webster and Mrs. Web- ster, Brockville, has been appointed to succeed J. J. McCague as district agricultural representative in: West Simcoe with headquarters at Colling- wood. from Hong due Van- Selling RADIO ONLY permits us to offer you lower prices on . RADIO goods, of which the fol- lowing prices are but a few: 23 Plate Vernier Variable Condensers with dial reese 04.40 23 Plate Plain Variable Condensers with dial od Couplers $1.85; Rheostats from 40¢c.; Sockets 'from 38e.; Insulate Ors 2 for 206e.; Tx18x3 1-16 Panels $1.98. All Mall Orders Prepaid. Write us your wants. CANADA RADIO STORES EASTERN ONTARIO'S ONLY REAL RADIO HOUSE Veteran School Teacher Dead. The death todk place at Gelert, Hastings county, of John R. Stewart, following a brief illness from pleu- risy and bronchial pneumonia. De- ceased was born on Dec. 11th, 1879, In Sheffield township, and was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stewart. After leaving public school he attended high school and mode] at Napanee and Albert Col- lege at Belleville and followed the profession of teaching for a number Of years, principally in Lennox and Addington counties. For the past Using the Near Crossing. Kingston is about the only city that permits its street cars to stop on the far.sidé of the street. With One man cars the near side of the street is considered by many as desired and altogether it is the best plan for service. ------ Consolidated School Vote. At Hastings another effort will be made to have five rural schools vote on the question of a consolidat- ed school. Dr. D. W. Karr, organizer of rural schools for Ontario, has been invited to address the = schools in- terestéd when a vote will be taken. Eveready No. 768 Metal Cast "B" BATTERY Bounty on Wolf Pelts. The county treasurer of Renfrew county paid out $1,660 for thirty- nine wolf pelts captured in 1923. Of this amount the government paid $624, Since the beginning of 1924 bounties have been claimed on nmine- teen pelts, amounting to $760, of which the government will pay $280. The government gets the pelts at $16 apiece. Upper Canada Tract Society's Activities. In entering upon its \atty-sixth consecutive year of sailor "welfare work this society earnestly invites the sympathetic co-operation of the citizens of Kingston and district. Gifts of suitable books and maga- zines for distribution on vessels and the James S. Potter memorial lib- rary sent to lighthouse keepers, will be called for. Phone 1144). Par- ti«ulars of this growing 'work from George D. Pound, sailors' missionary in eastern territory for seventeen years. NOTICE We are mow in our mew location, 97 WELLINGTON STREET and ready to Sive the very best attention In Ladies' Spring Suits. Suits made ap from $13 to $20, pons WHEN YOU BUY! eighteen years he lived at Gelert, The exceptional tone quality in the Weber conduntins raise school and ater | f} Piano appeals to th& most ascethetic taste. tore. a . ung b gepoya nore ill * HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCED. and at the time of his death was mu- AT C. Ww. LINDSAY'S Warero oms, Princess Street For Moving of PIANOS, CARTAGE snd STORAGE OF **uViRY DESCRITION Kingston Transfer Co. 3 : . KVENINGS 2231. PO ee "WELLINGTON STRAT DOMIWION EXPRE Going Into Other Lines. " Gregory Brown and Bermey Con- saul have severed their connections with the C. A. Ellis company at Clayton, N.Y. Mr. Consaul has ac- cepted a position as traveling sales- man for the Sparcino company of Watertown, N.Y., while Mr. Brown Is working for the Brown Boat Line of which he is a member. "QUEENS HOTEL |- Nias been taken over by M. J. BER- RIGAN, late of the Whitney Hotel. First class Hotéh Service in assured. Good yard and stables In comnection. Your patronage is solicited. : 119 BROCK ST. - PHONE 750. ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. H. A. Stewart, Dentist, wishes to annvunce that Dr, Alex. M. Clark will carry on his practice his absence from his office, 84 Brock Street. Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street. Phone 3045w. en an _ HEMSTITCHING, PICOT EDGING & PLEATING MRS. H. J. SHALES dational Cleaners ' Phone 2168. Bagot and William Streets nicipal clerk and High Chief Ran- ger of the Canadian Order of For- esters. He leaves a wife, who was | [lle Miss Florence Lane, Denbigh; two children, Annie, Minden Continua- tion school, 'and Rex at home, four children having predeceased him; also his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stewart, of Actinolite, Ont. a -- Air Defence. The one direction in which our vital defences are in sharp danger to- day, is the air. If war broke out with any Power possessing over us such a superiority of air-force as France has, no dock, no naval arsenal, no armament works that we have in this island, could 'be guaranteed to function for many days or weeks. To multiply naval defences in a coun- try undefended by air is Mke rearing a huge building without putting in any foundations.--Loncon Chronicle. CORNS Lift Off-No Pain! PAINT UP TIME From the standpoint of ecomomy it Raped cheaper to keep things in repair and looking well than allow them to go to waste, especially when a little fixing and a daub of paint will do the trick. So i ston St. Eveaings by appointment. PHONE #79. WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. ¥resh Flowers and Plants daily. A Lad's Bad Injuries. Merwin Malcolm, young son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Malcolm, Camp- bellford, was hurt while playing at school, and the doctor, when exam- ining him, found his neck to be out Beauty A Gleamy Mass of Hair 35¢ "Danderine" does Wonders for Any Girl's Hair Purchased A Residence, C. L. Gulley, president and man- ager of the Superior Electrics, Ltd., Pembroke, has purchased the resi- dential property on Esther street owned by the estate of the late H. 8. Bowden, and will occupy it on May 1st. The dwelling on this pro- perty was erected by E. H. Gardner and wag purchased by the late Mr. Bowden when Mr. Gardner left for Vancouver some years ago. Married 7A Pembroke Lady. While not directly connected with "Pembroke himself, the promotion of L. A. Downs, of Savannagh, Ga., to the position of president of the Cen- tral of Georgia Rallway Company, a subsidiary line of the Illinois Cen- tral, is of considerable interest to citizens of Pembroke through the fact" that Mr. Downs chose as his companion in life a Pembroke lady, Miss Ida Mulligan, who for fifty years operated two boats on the Up- per Ottawa, Valspar Varnish Valspar Enamels Carmote Finishes Granitine Varnish. Floglaze Finishes. Maple Leaf Paints. Flat Wall Paints Alabastine Wall Finish 'Stevenson & Hunter TINSMITHS and PLUMBERS . 85-87 PRINCESS ST. em ---- = -- Furs Stored W.F. Gourdier ." 78 BROCK STREET "Phone 700. EEE ETH Dr. Ww. 0. Vyvoman| DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Princess and Barrie Streets. Entrance: 314 Barrie Street. 'PHONE Z494J. Oftice Hours: 5.30 a.m. to 6 pam. FAT REPLATING work, silverware, etc. 'Phone 380 for prices or call PARTRIDGE WIRE AND IRON WORKS King Street West Manufacturers of everything in khe Wire Fence line. FOR SALE $8,700-- Brick, 7 rooms, 8 bed- rooms, 8 p. B., electric lights, hot air furnace, hardwood floors. ® rooms, 5 bed- Attorney Ford Improved. The condition of Attorney L. H. Ford, Clayton, who has been ser- fously ill with pneumonia for the past ten days, is reported to be much improved. Mr. Ford was stricken a week ago and was in a critical con- dition for several days. His heart was apparently weakened by his severe illness but it is thought that he is better now, W.R. McRae & Co. Golden Lion Block. Sms -- Ronda Doesn't hurt one bit! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, in-| stantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fing- ers. Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of 'Freezone' for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the foot calluses, without soreness or irrita- tion. 4 ¢ Had a Fine Banquet, Almonte Curling. Club had a ban- quet at its annual meeting. It was an enjoyable event. Henry Brown was elected president, Dr. Kelly and E. J. Stafford, vice-presidents and W. A. Sawlett, secretary-treasurer. The prizes to the' winning teams were presented by A. G. Rosamond. The president on behalf of the club pre- sented M. R. Young, with a cut glass béwl, as a mark of thelr ap- preciation for the very able manner in which he discharged the duties of rink schédule manager. Cabs In Kingston. On Tuesday, April 8th an article appeared {n the Whig to the effect that there were only three horse driven cabs on the stand in Kingston at the present time. L. Guess, livery man, states that he has four wheel hacks and four sleigh hacks, and Godkin's livery also has a number available for service. t is stated that there are about tifteen hacks available in Kingston. The hacks now In service are first class in every respect. 3 ' 'A Deceptive Advertisement. Several immigrants who have re- cently arrived in Canada to - find that jobs have not been very plenti- full have made the statement that they had been advised in England before leaving for Canada that there was plenty of work on t : 3 farms over heres A copy of the ; ' Be Gloucester Journal under the' date th of March 22nd, shown to the Whig, 'contains an advertisement under the | teeth name of J. B. 'Ardale, Canadian Government emigration agent, which Remember us with an order when your bin is empty, and you'll remember us with grati- tude all the time it is being emptied again. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards ~ ' Girls! Try this! When combing and dressing your hair, just moisten your, hair brush with a little "Dan- derine" and brush it through your hair, The effect is startling! You can do your hair up immediately and Frame, 'it will appear twice as thick and rooms, 8 p. B., electric and gas, fur. | h8avy--a mass c* gleamy hair, spark- Verandah, stable and drive | !Ing with life and possessing that in- Jace; Colborne Street. comparable softness, freshness and luxuriance. $4,600 ~-- Brick, 7 rooms, 3 bed-| While beautifying the hair "Dan- rooms, 8 p. B,, electric and gas, derine" is also toning and stimulat- furnace and gas heater for bath.|ing each single hair to grow thick, South. long and strong. Hair stops falling $5,200-- Brick, 6 rooms, 8 dandruff disappears. Get a bedrooms, t delighttul, "Dan- 3 p. B., verandah, electric lights, Sat ul, refreshing * Dap hardwood floors. South. derine" at any drug or toflet counter E. L. MARTIN and just see how healthy and youth- ful your hair becomes y 237 BAGOT STREET Office Telephotie ............ 339 Residence ...%.... 2260J--1150w. -- Only a few Blankets ; left. Will clear at $2.25 a pair, I. Cohen & Co. 267-278 ONTARIO STREEY PHONES 886 and 837, TWEDDELL'S NEW SPRING STYLES Suits and Topcoats $20.00, $22.00 $25.00, $28.00 SPECIAL VALUE ! INDIGO 'BLUE SERGE SUITS 325.00 TWEDDELL'S a LR 131 Princess St. | tice that the divorce courts are YC IVE nN co : doa : doing business daily, L 'Cana: y i a B9c., 89c. and $1.19 EACH EVER READY RAZOR FREE with each purchase of Blades. Etc, ete, ete. See Our Windows |