Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Apr 1924, p. 2

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STORAGE Protect Your Valuable Furs. Telephone 603 Our Fur Van Will Call. AN AUTOMOBILE ACTION Earl Teepel Falls In His Suit for Damages Against Karl Leishman. There was a very busy session of the Division court on Tuesday. Twen- ty-seven cases were on the docket. Of that number fourteen were judg~ ment summonses. The case of Earl Téepel vs. Karl Leishman for damages amounting to $75.11, 'took over two hours. The action arose as the result of the Dodge touring car owned and driven by Karl Leishman, and a Ford gour- ing car, the property of Earl Teepel, colliding at the corner of Princess and Division streets on the morning of January 1#th. Teepel contended that as he was coming from the right, he had the right away and that the defendant was driving on the left side of the MING CH A THE MOST EXRENSIVE TEA GROWN MING CHA is the Chinese tea gift to man. Even now the coolie whispers emviously of its delights, the manda#in loudly praises it, and official China thinks so highly of it that it Kas certified it to be "the highest grade of tea obtainable." This certification appears on each package. ! Sold exclusively in Kingston at; -- HENDERSON'S GROCERY 'Phone 279. 59-61 BROCK STREET Established 1868. "A SQUARE HOUSE TO DEAL WITH" SPECIAL - PRICES On all Odd Dressers, Dressing Tables, + Chiffonieres--10 to 209, off. Special Prices on Simmons Beds, Robt. J. Reid Leading Undertaker, Ambulance Phone 577. Actual Result Mutual Life of Canada Policy No. 79785 for $1,000. Issued in 1910 at age of 25 on the 20 payment life plan. Prem- ium $29.80. Policy . becomes paid-up in 1024. Note the dividends on this policy were sufficient to pay it years. . 500 Brooms to' choose from-- Ammonia Extra good value and best | Surprise, Comfort, Gold, P & G, Sunlight 5 bars 85c. Gold Dust Washing Powder: (large) ...... cesses 30c. v : Garvin, Cannifton, walk- ing on the sidewalk on Sunday, street. Teepel claimed that he had sounded his: horn and that Leishman | | should have stopped his car and al- {lowed him to cross the, intersection first. Leishman and his witnesses swore that he was coming up Prin- cess and was as close to the side walk on the right hand of the street as the condition of the road would permit. Leishman claimed that his automobile was only running at a rate of ten miles an hour, and had as one of his witnesses the driver of one of the Imperial oil tanks, which are fixed so that they cannot .run over The driver of the oil tank testified that if any- thing he was gaining on Leishman. j Leishman claimed that Teepel was coming along Division street at a rapid rate of speed and when he near- ed the intersection he cut the corner s0 short that he was compelled to bear slightly to the left side of the street or .some persbn might have been killed or seriously. injured. Leishman, through his solicitor, en- tered a counterclaim for $§6.50. Judge Lavell stated that _he was satisfied the accident occurred on the north-east corner of the intersection as stated by 'the defendant and his witnesses, and that Teepel had cut the corner. - The judge stated that as far as Téepel having the right away {there was nothing to the claim, as according to the new act there was no such thing as the man on your right having the right away. He said that Teepel should have looked to the left as well as the right. The | judge stafed that he was satisfied that the plaintit® had failed in his action and that -he would have to al- low the defendant the full amount of his counter-claim. A. B. Cunningham acted for the defendant, and Rigney & Hickey pre- sented the case for the plaintiff. i | CITY HALL FOR DANCES. Property Committee to Ask For An Increase in Rental. The question of rental to be charged for'the use of the city hall | for dances, was" under consideration at a meeting of the civic property committee on Monday afternoon. At the present time, $15 is charged for dances, butethe committee is of the opinion that this is not sufficient and as a result the committee will re- commend that in the future $25 be charged for dances held up till 1 a.m. and $30 up till>2 a.m. The Kingston Driving Club was given permission to use the fair grounds for a meet on June 3rd. - The chairman, Ald. McCartney, presided at the meeting and the other members present were Alds. Sargent, Johnston and Boyd. Late Robert White, Wolfe Island. Friends honored the memory of the late Robert White, Wolfe Island, whose death occurred on Thursday last. Deceased was well known and very highly respected. His wife predeceased him six months oo He leaves to mourn his loss seven chil- dren and his father and mother. The funeral was held on Saturday from the residence of his father to the Church of the Sacred Heart, where a solemn requiem mast was sung by Rev. R. Coyle. Rev. Father Me- Kermna was in the sanctuary. Ths funeral was one of the largest ever held on Wolle Island, over 150 car- riages being in the cortege. There were many spiritual offerifigs, floral tributes and other expressions of esteem. The pall-bearers were John Greenwood, Robert Kyle, Robert Horne, Joseph Maboury and James McAllister. The funéral arrange- ments were in charge of the T. Ronan firm. Late Mrs. McHale. There passed to rest on Monday, Mrs. Mary Ann McHale at the resi- dence of her daughter, Mrs. Robert Graham, 24 Patrick Street. She was the wife of Patrick McHale and was about sixty-eight years of age. Sut- viving are four daughters, Mrs. } Lickfold and Mrs. George El- «lipped and fell, fractuning his right rr J Try our accurately fitted ~ Glasses, made to overcome the eyestrain, which causes head- . ache, and you will feel better - and see perfectly.' After a careful -examination of the eyes--of course ! : ge § ds £ = B £ £5 {spend a few days in Perth this week. 1in Woodstock to-day at a financial | Master, of. the Boy Scouts THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ~ LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re- porters. General A. E. Ross, M.P., will Kingston Hall, April "Messiah," Grant Handel's Choral Society, 15th. T. G. Bishop and John Litton are meeting. There was quite a frost Monday night. Ice formed on pools of water about the city. : 'The young lads are just itching to get into the baseball game ,as the grass is green and tempting. Mr. Swaine, piano tuner. Orders recelved at 100 Clergy street west, 'phone 564w. Dean Starr went to Toronto to-| day to attend a meeting of the ex-| ecutive of the provincial synod. | Mrs. Ann Ling, Belleville, died on' Sunday. Deceased was born in King- ston in 1836, a daughter of John| Bryant, Dr. Thomas Gibson has sold his| Ottawa residentel for $11,000, to Dr. George Campbell. Dr. Gibson is re- moving to - Kingston. Queen Street Church cantata, "Bethany," by Rhys-Herbert, Thurs-! day, April 10th, 8 p.m. - Silver col-| lection. i Rev. F. A. Cassidy, Vernon, B.C, a former member of the Montreal Methodist conference, is dead, He was at one time. a missionary in China. At the convocation of Wesleyan Theological College, Montreal, on April 15th, Principal R. Bruce Tay-| lor will deliver the convocation ad- dress. "Ladies: The Coffield Electriz| Washer is the dandy of them all. | Price $130. Basy terms. Call in| and see it. H. W. Newman Electric | Co., 'phone 441. . | The greens committee of the Golf Club is much annoyed at the conduct' of a driver of en auto in digging wide ruts in the newly-built lawn in front of the Club house. 1 [Mrs. Havelock Price has gone tc Ottawa to. attend the dominion ex- ecutive meeting of the Anglican Woman's Auxiliary, and will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Gra- ham. "AL" DAVIS GOT FLAG FOR ROTARY oLuB ~ He Made a Fine Speech at' Presentation in New | York. Ford Webster has received the | following letter from- his brother, | W. L. Webster, New York, under date of April 4th: | "Yesterday our regular weekly! luncheon of the Rotary Club was held and we presented to the Rotary Club ot Kingston an American flag. A. L. Davis, of the Kingston Rotary | Club, was delegated by his club to be present at the presentation and | he delivered a very appropriate ad-;* dress which was we!l received by all present." Presentation to G. R. Ball. G. R. Ball, who has been account- ant in the market branch of the Bank of Montreal, and who has been Cnh at St. George's cathedral, was che recipient of a gift on Monday evening, on the occasion of his leaving for New York city. Mr. Ball has been an active worker in St. George's church, and two years ago he organized the cuba at the cathedral. The boys appro- ciated the work: he has. done for them, and asked Dr. Austin to make the presentation for them. Casey Lemery, Brockville, receiv- ed three months in the counties jail in lieu of a fine of $300 and costs $49.33 imposed when the defendant pleaded guilty to a charge of selling intoxicating liquor in January. SPRING MILLINERY Buy Before the Easter Rush TIRE REPAIRS | This is Tire Repairing Time--Get Ready ! Start out with your tires properly repaired. We have the best Repair Plant in ) Eastern Ontario and competent men to make repairs. Bring us your tire troubles. Largest stock of New Tires in Kingston. DOMINION AND FIRESTONE DEALERS MOORE'S Tire Shop--206-8 Wellington Street desi AR New Madras Curtains : and Curtain Materials READY-MADE CURTAINS Madras Curtains ready for your windows--a nice assortment" "of pretty patterns, and in the best quality. Cream color. Priced .. i. 5... cil os sieisieton nessa oni va « $200 and $2.75 Extra large Curtains, beautiful quality, at ........$5.00 a pair MADRAS 29c. Scotch Madras Curtaining, full 36 inches wide, in a big range of newest designs. Extraspecialat ...........uice. oe... 29 yard signs. MADRAS, 45c. 45 inch Madras Curtaining in several pretty de- Special ........... 45¢c. yard terial; full 50 inches wide, Specially priced at . MADRAS, 60c. A wonderful range of fine Madras Curtain ma- , .60c. yard Special ...r:....0 COLORED MADRAS, 69c. Rowe, Blue, Brown and Green Madras; 86 inches wide; for newest Side Curtains, MERCERISED MADRAS, 45 inch Merceriséd Madras--all the best shades. $1.25 Yard SILK. MADRAS, $1.60 50 inch Silk Madras in all the wanted shades, Special ............ ..... $1.60 yard 69c. yard Madras Edging . .. ... 5c. yard NEW OILCLOTHS F---------- RAILROAD EMPLOYEES | Enjoyed a Dinner and Business Meeting Monday Evening. Last evening, Frontenac Division No. 106, of the Canadian Brother-| hood of Railroad Employees, held a| very enjoyable dinner, catered for by Peter Lee, who certainly put be- fore the members," who are all C.N. R. employees in Kingston, a bounti- tul and delicious spread. .After the repast thé members adjourned to thelr lodge room, where business was transacted with President W. Butland in. the chair. During the evening Alexander Bryant spoke a few words on the good of th&-broth- erhood and took the opportunity of expressing thanks to. the committee which had arranged the evening's entertainment. Mr. Bryant, as usual, was full of wit and humor. Later an interesting talk was given by Financial Secretary-Treasurer H. D. Harling, on "Radio." He after- wards entertained a few of the mem- | painting and papering in the vil- { at Doranville now and B. Buell will start sawing his logs this week, he WINDOW SHADES to fit all windows, and LINOLEUMS. Newman & Shaw A Ain, 1 » . * Easter Millinery Hats that are diffegent. Prices that are right. Parisian Shop 822 BROCK STREET bers at a radio concert, while others remained and enjoyed a social half hour. ------------ TO OPEN UP A MINE That Has Been Discovered on Farm Near Sharbot Lake. Sharbot Lake, April 7.--A mine has been discovered on James Try- on's farm and will be opened up soon. It has also been reported that the same kind of mineral has been discovered on W. McPherson's farm. Rev. Mr. Cantrell visited D. Bab- cock, Verona, who is ill, on Thurs- || Johnson Armstrong has |{ day last, built a new kitchen and woodshed. Eber Donnelly, Smith's Falls, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N, Donnelly. . W. Loucks, Parham, is doing some lage. : The children expect to give a good programme at this evening's .sing- song. The extra C.P.R. section men were all called back to work this morning, also several more of the bridgemen are starting to work this morning. 'The sawing machine fs 'expects, and will employ quite a few | ; . G. Lacy. | we like to give our patrons. We urge you to buy your Easter Hat 'before the rush commences, and to possible avoid Saturday shopping if at all Ours is the busy, bright Millinery Shop o} the town--the shop with the big variety and the very moderate prices, You can get real value for every dollar spent here on Millinery, and you don't have to 'pay a lot for style. And best of all we have only one price and each | men, Mrs. John Scott visited friends at! Oconto. The remains of the late Samuel Gordon were taken from { Parham vault, on Saturddy, after- | noon last, and placed in Ocgnto ce- ; metery. Within the last two weeks about one dozen ladles here have had ' their hair bobbed. Mrs. J. Allen spent the week-end in Kingston with her daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Percy Milliken and | son have gone to visit friends at 'Odessa. W. Milliken spent Satur- day last in Kingston. Mrs." Browns- combe and son, Ottawa, at her fa- ther's, M. R. Reid's. Mr, and Mrs. Avery are visit- ing friends in Perth. Mr. .and Mrs, Elmer Olmstead, Mississippi, visited at G. Neeley"s last week. Miss Mar- ' garet Hawley Is very ill with an at- tack of bronchitis. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gordon, Havelock, spent the week-end at Mrs. 8. Gordon's, | ae Command Extended. The period of the tenure of com- mand of the Grenville Regiment {Lisgar Rifles), formerly the 56th , by Lieut-Col. T. A. Kidd, has been extended to Feb. -for several 14th, 1925, according to militia or- ders. The real edtate bargain offered last night at $4,300 was pleked up this morning, I Prices that Ne ow $4,300--Frame dwelling, central, 9 rooms, hardwood floors, hot water heating, electric light, san, $5,.200-New brick Bungalow, @ rooms, hardwood floors are throughout, fireplace, electric light, three plece bath and shower, good cellar and side drive, $5,700--Double house, University Avenue, 7 rooms, electric ght, B. and C., good garden; reat $720 per year, in good condition, Fire Insurance, ll Houses to rent. Money to loan. { MULLIN ll Cor. Division and Johnson Sts, | Phones: Office 539w. | | Residence 2520w and 539J. U.S. Tourists Arrested : Trying to Sell a Revolver Belleville, Ont., April 8.-- Three American tourists were apprehended herd whilst endeavoring to dispose of a revolver. The driver of the car, Leno A. Fox, Morrisville, Vt, was not locked up, but is being held. The other two men, George 'McGee, reed worker, whose homé is at Baltimore, | Md., and Stevenson A. Cook, also of Baltimore, were locked up. Cook bad the revolver and McGee had ten rounds of ammunition which fitted the gun, The men (rode in a road- ster bearing an' American license plate. The trio were remanded for a week. Liberals to Hold Convention. Campbeliford, April 8. -- The Li beral Association for East Nor. | thumberland after being quiescent | years is beginning to show signs of returning animation, and the members are now planning to hold a convention in Campbell. ford in the near future, where the party will be reorganized and put into fighting ordey for the next fed" eral capmaign. J. Nelson Stone is pYesident of the association and P. M. Brintnel]l of Colborne is secretary- treasurer. D. J. Lynch is the vice president for Campbeilford, -- §

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