Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Apr 1924, p. 2

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Fashion's Favorite Furs in Chokers, etc. are found in our usual assortment. Your in- spection invited. ¥ i Ee ---- TefOR* Never before have we had such a won- derful array of styles and models to select from. : ' NEWEST STYLES! : NEWEST FABRICS. 5 NEWEST PATTERNS. LOWEST PRICES Come in and select your new Easter Suit now |! Louis Abramson 336 Princess Street Phone 1098. "WHERE THE MEN SHOP" Nn READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Know What Is Best FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Island Roll Butter, per Ib. 87c. Belleville Creamery, per 1b. 38c. Granulated Sugar 10 1bs. $1.05 Quaker Corn Flakes 3 pkgs. 28c Sugar and Ginger Cakes ssacsensue 2 Ibs 23. Absolutely Pure Lard, 1b. ,17¢. ) We carry a complete lime pf Kodak supplies, . Let us develop your Films and print your negatives. Cade Kucellent ack Tea, 1b, .. .55c, 3 pail Table Syrup . ...30¢c. Matches--Eddy's or Pine Tree ...... 8 pkgs. for 3ic. Pure Cocos ...w. .. 2 Ibs. 35c. We'll fill your basket and you save the difference. | == WE KNOW HOW -- A trial will convince you, MAHOOD Drug Co. Ltd. Corner Princess and Bagot Sts. We've plenty in the way of . selection =-- and miost of them * are the celebrated ARROW and . FORSYTH. Guaranteed kinds. ~~ Come in and see what's new. All prices from = + $1.35 up HISTORICAL ~ PAGEANT 'To Be Put on at Kingston Ex- hibition--Oommittee Make ing Arrangements. A meeting of the committes that 'will assist in arranging for the his- torical pageant to be put on during the week of the Kingston Industrial Exhibition in September, was held in the office of the department of agriculture on Thursday aftérnoon. In the absence of Col. J. N. 8. Leslie, who was elected chairman at the last meeting, Prof. W. P. R. Bridger was asked to preside. J. W. Bel- shaw, representing: the John B. Rogers Productions, Festoria, O., set before the committee an attractive plan.for a Canadian pageant, which will include in Kingston, fhe local history, beginning' with the landing of Count Frontenac, who will come up the Bt. Lawrence in war canoes (lent by the Royal Military College). The capitulation of Fort Frontenac to Bradstreet in 1758; the coming of the United Empire Loyalists, Lord Simeoe's installation as first gover- nor of Upper Canada and other his- torical incidents, ending with a scene showing Kingston men going to and returning from the great war. The exhibition committee is as- suming the expense of the pageant, for which the committee will pro- vide the hundreds of performers needed. The John Rogers Com- pany, which is putting on pageants in many places in Ontario, will send a man fo train the performers, pro- vide costumes, stage, lighting, etc. A central committee which will have a number of sub-committees is so far as follows: Chairmen, Col, J. N. 8. Leslie, gecretary, Mrs . Re- velle; General Sir Archibald Mac- donell,. Prof. Keith Hicks, Mrs. H. R. Duff, Dean Starr, Leman A. Guild, Prof. Bridger, J. H. Welch, Mrs. G. H, Ogilvis, P. D. Lyman, Mrs. A. W. Sirett, Prof. Roy, Miss Mollie Cartwright, Ceol. Constan- tine, John 8ibbitt, Mrs. Travers Hore, Lyman McCallum, Miss Go- ing, T. A. Kidd, Miss Loretta Swift, Mrs. Enoch Godwin, Miss Laura Kil- born. Several others invited to act on this committee are out-of-town and will no doubt be heard trom later. tn PPP PUPP RADIO BROADOASTING ! The following is .a list of the radio stations and the broadcasting Frogrammes which may 'be heard lo- cally Saturdiy: 820---KDKA--East Pittsburg, Pa. 6.16 p.m.-~Dinner concert, 7.20 p.m.=8ports Review, 800-~KIV-Pittaburg, Pa. 1 p.m.-~Musie, 4 ------_-- . 880 WGY--8chetiectady, N.X, 9.30 p.m.~--Dance music. 5836---KYW-----Chicago, 111. 6.560 p.m~--~Children's Bedtime stories, i 7 p.m.--Orchestra music. 7.30=--Oxchestra music. 8. p.m.--Musical programme. 10 p.m.--Show, 484~--~WOO~~Davenport, Is. , 12 (noon)---Chimes concert. 9 p.m.--Orchestra programmsé, ---- © 428=OKAC--Montreal. 7 p.m.~~Kiddies' stories, 10.830 p.m.--Dance orchestra. ------ 860--WGT--Medford HilliNe, Mass. 8 p.m.--~Talks on business, Sr ------ 418 . 8 p.m=-Community band. 312--KGO---~Oakiand, Cal. 8 p.m.--~Three-act comedy. 10 p.m.~Dance music. 448--WJAZ--Chicago. 8 p.m.--Musical programme. 517--WWJ~Detroit. 7 p.m. --Orclestra programme, ---------- 387---WBZ---S8pringfleld, Mass. 7.40 p.m.~Dinner concert. : ------ : 476-----WFAA~Dallas, Tex.' 8.30 p.m.---Piano recital, 11 p.m.--Orchestra music. B46--KSD---St. Louis, Mo. 8.30 p.m.--Theatre music. 476--WBAP--Fort Worth, Tex. 7 par----International Sunday schoo} lessans, -- 424--W8B--Atlanta, Ga. 8 -p.m.--~Musieal programme. S-- np 400 ow York. 7.30 Al i on Complete rad! at Canada Radio ' pt ----_ : Canada's New Flag, Canada has a new flag, the first authorized flag of the 'dominion, which is now the only ome'permitt- ed to be flown Senge. The use ot flats ' hi shield was permitted up to March 31st, 1924. ; > To ; -------- waske home 4 box 8 4 per a thers, Est. 1869. Fammes sold 2 PLETE Late Joseph Wilson. A good citizen has passed to rest Thureday night in the person of Joseph Wilgon, who for many years Whe in the contracting business in 'this city. The deceased took an ac- tive part in the educational work and was for several years a mem- ber of the Board of Education. In 1903, when Rev. Dr. Daniel Gordon succeeded the late Dr. Grant as principal of Queen's University, he was chairman of the board. He was a Forester and also a member of the Chasen Friends. Mr. Wilson was a devoted Methodist and an ac- tive member of Sydenham street church. Besides his widow, who was Miss Kate Me- Farlahe, there survives one daugh- ter, Bessie, trained" nurse of Hart- ford, Conn., who has been at home taking care of her father, and an only son, DHe, gave his life for his country in the Great War. One bro- ther, Robert, and two sisters, all of this city, survive, The funeral will be held at 8.30 o'clock on Saturday, in charge of the James Reid .firm. Services will be conducted by Rev. R. Bell, ' Late Mrs. Caroline Bennett. The death took. place on Friday of one of Kingston's grand old lad- ies in the pérson of Caroline A. C. 8myth, widow ofthe late Henry Ben- nett. She was born inh Kingston, Oct. 16th, 1831, and had been a resi- dent of this city all her lite: Mrs. Bennett was the second child and elder daughter of John Stuart Smyth, and Caroline Hart, and- a great granddaughter of the late Rev. John Stuart, D.D., first rector of St. Georges cathedral. She was born in a house on the site of the present Mac- donald Park on King street. Mrs. Bennett was one ofthe oldest -mem- bers of Sydenham street Methodist church ,and until about a year ago was able to attend"the morning ser- vices. The funeral will take place Satur- day afternoon from the residence of her granddaughter, Mrs. S. J. Me- Clelland, 185 Clergy street, to Cata- raqui cemetery. Rev. Dr. R. H. Bell will conduct the services. L TAN NN A AA re "The Hat Store" It's time to get ready for Eas- tor and that always means a new "Hat. Why not buy now before the Easter rush is on ? We are ready with an enor.' mous assortment of Spring Hats ~--a larger range than you will find even in very large cities. We have Hats for Men, Ladies and Children bought from the world's best makers and of our own manufacture. . HATS FOR MEN Here you will find not only the correct and most favored styles, but the very best of val. wes. Both Soft and Stiff Hats and Cloth Caps in endless varie- ty are here for your choosing. SOFT HATS .....8$3 to $8.00 STIFF HATS +e +88 t0 $6.00 NEW CAPS .....$1 to $2.50 Ll THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ee Te = = s What Will I Do About My Tires This Spring ? _ THAT'S THE QUESTION ! Ask your friends or any car owner andithey will tell you fo see MOORE'S They sell the best Tires--know the tire business and can save you money, DOMINION AND FIRESTONE DEALERS | 206-8 Wellington Street The Home of Newest H REAL VALUES FOR SATURDAY WHITE OIL SHADES, 85c. : A special purchase of White Oil Wiridow Shades, standard size 36 x 72 inches. On sale Saturday N ouse Furnishings --Ilvory shade. CURTAIN NET, 36 inch, fine English Curtain Net | On sale Saturday . . .. 29c. yard 29c. COMBINATION SHADES, $1.19 Combination White and Green Oil Shades--36x72 inches. On BAIESAUIGRY . vrvietein ii A hibt es «steers a saint ete oe aw $1.19 CURTAIN NETS, 39c. 20 inch fine, English Curtain A Net--Ivory shade, + , v On Sale Saturday . . . . 39. yard er Hose; values to. $1 HEATHER HOSE, 75c. Plain and Fancy Ribbed Heath- ; On Sale Saturday . . . . 75¢ pair Stockings; Saturday . STOCKINGS, 25c¢. Children's Black 2 and | Ribbed fast black. All sizes. seiaia pra Z 25c¢. pair E SUMMER VESTS 3 FOR $1.00. J Women's Summer Vests--sleeveless and half sleeves, On sale Saturday eee ssminee si edet eee a.... 35¢., or 3 for $1.00 NEW OILCLOTHS AND LINOLEUMS. THE PICTORIAL FASHION BOOK for Summer . ....... 25c, 'THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE COUNCIL TO DECIDE About Chinese Laundry, at Corner of © Brock and Division. _ At a recent meeting of the Board of Health, a complaint was recelved regarding the location of a Chinese laundry at the corner of Brock and Division streets, The matter was referred to the city solicitor, and acting on information received from the solicitor, the board, at a meeting held on Thursday afternoon, decided to refer the matter to the city coun- hd board authorized the medical health officer, Dr. A. R. B. William- son, to give the necessary notices for the closing up of the Revere House and the dwelling at 72 Queen street. The people engaged in the business - in the Revere House will be given until May 15th to secure new premises, while the tenants who arq not engaged In business, will be given ten days to vacate the build- ing. To a ------------ Sunbury Aid Held Meeting. The March meeting of the Sunbury Union Aid was héld at the home of Mrs. Harvey Dixon and was one of the largest\ meetings held since the organization of this soclety. Twenty- eight members - responded to the roll call, A large number of visi tors were also present. The chief item of business was means by which the seating capacity of the ~ choir could be enlarged and after a lengthy discussion Mrs. H. Shannon, Mr. Adair snd Miss Kells were ap- pointed a committee to look after the necessary repairs, After the bu- siness meeting the members and their guests enjoyed a delightful lunch, served by Mrs: H. Dixoh, Miss Kells,- Mrs. Harvey Shannon and 'Mrs, C. Stoness. #Receipts of meet- ing amounted to $16.10. 2 - Smallpox at Brockville '! Broekville, April 4--A third case 'of smalipox developed yesterday at nary of the Stan Church: tie seminary 3 en Nelson Scoft,. a' student g - to Bordenwood, Fronjenac county, was removed to the.isolation hospital. Two students were previous suffererg from the di ease. . min, Easter Millinery Hats that are different. Prices that are right. Parisian Shop 322 BROCK STREET Justin Simons, recruit catcher from California, recommend- ed by "Dutch" Leonard, for mer star Detroit pitcher, who discovered him on the sand lots of San Diego. Simons is the youngest player with the * leafs, having yet to cast his - 'first vote . Trout Season Shortened. Toronto, April 4.--Hon. Charles McCrea announced that the fish and game committee of the legislature has reconsidered its decision to shorten the@open season for speck- led trout By a month and has re- duced the cut to fifteen days. The.season will be apen from May 15th to September 15th, both days inclusive--a cut of fifteen days oft the former season that opened May 1s. : ! a -- "Cutex Sets," Gibson's, i Gilbert Brown, a member of the Beleville_fire department, died on Thursday after an illness of about a week from pneumonia, aged fifty. pix years, . "Phone 220," Gibson's, drugs, Miss Marjorie Lidster, C.P.N. Telegraph, Belleville, has accepted a position at > te with the same company. ¢ "Huylers Week-end Sweels," Gib- son's, : Mr. and Mrs. George T. Woodley, e, have left for Rochester, Minn., where they may be for some flme, on account of the 'condition of $8,000----Chatham Street, new, detached frame, $4,500--Alfred Street, brick. $4,500 -- Collingwood Street, brick, detached. $4,700--Earl Street, detached, brick. . | $5,500--Ellerbeck Avenue, new brick, HC 8 il 96.000--Brock street, brick, fi detached. ll $6,300--William Street, h.w. floors, C., 10 rooms, B. and A tull list at office. | Houses to rent. Money to loan. Fire Insurance. ! MULLI The 'Mbaireal police 'Nave inating evidence agaimst the bank holdup case. Inerim- suspects ia "Huylers Week-end Sweets," sold Gibson's. : only at = v

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