RT THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG THURSDAY, MARCH 27, - NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS FOR 15 YEARS WAS TROUBLED WITH ECZEMA Thers is no other remedy like Bur- dock Blood Bitters that can possibly give such relief to all sufferers from eczema, salt rheum and all other dis- eases of the blood for the reason that this old and well tried remedy goes right to the seat of the trouble and completely and permanently drives these diseases out of the system by cleansing the blood and making it pure and rich. Mr. F. W. H. Schultz, Pembroke, Ont., writes: --*Having been troubled with eczema for fifteen years, during which time I tried everything I could think of, including doctors, but with- out getting anything to do me much I finally decided to take Bur- Blood Bitters, and I was certain- + ly surprised to find that two weeks after I had started to take it I was of my trouble. That was mine months ago. and I have not had & sign of it since. I surely wish to thank you for this wonderful medi- eine and strongly recommend it to anyonc suffering from the same trouble as I had." B.B.B. is manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- to, Ont. NOTICE Removed from 97 Wellington Street fe 181 Wellington Street, Have just the very latest styles of Spring Suits made wp from ...... $15 to $20 L. WINSTON, Phone 903. LADIES' TAILOR LOOKING AT LIFE IN THE LARGE The International Sunday School Lesson for March 30th Is a Quarterly Review, "From Abraham to Solomon."--Psalm 138. By WILLIAM T. ELLIS He was a perturbed newspaper editor; and he talked for an hour about moral conditions of his eity; which he thinks are a mirror of the state of affairs throughout the land. In this, I believe him to be mistaken. The burden of his thought -- and he is frankly scared -- js that even the best people" are out of hand, lawless, self-indul- gent and living only for the mo- ment's gratification, Over and over again he repeated, "I don't know what is going to become of the country." His Jefemiad was thickly embellished with instances and names, as he showed how the | law, especially with respect to in- toxicants, is openly flouted by the very folk who are under obligation to be its first defenders. "Leading citizens" are one with the jazz- crazed, flask-toting "speed maniacs" of the younger set. My editor friend seemed to take a melancholy | pleasure in rehearsing the most de. pressing local illustrations of his thesis that something is terribly wrong with the times, As I listened to his tale, not un- like many others that I have heard in newspaper cireles in various cit- fes, I tried to find a basic reason for the condition of things portrayed. It is not an adequate explanation to say that people are flouting law simply in a spirit of adventurous deflance, like the boys; who rob an orchard, when there is plenty of free fruit in their own homes. The cause lies deeper. Is it not the lack of the large view of things which is usually an expression of the moral sense? Perhaps "short-sight- edness" is the simplest label for the present slump in spiritual sensi- tiveness. Men and women are act- ing without consideration for the ultimate consequences of their con- duct. They forget the effect upon the whole social order, upon the sanctity of law and upon the fabric { our Sunday School Lessons have reit- | erated, "line upon line, precept upon | precept," men have departed from | the clear commandments of God. In | the light of recent events, who would | exchange an easy conscience and a good life for the wealth or fame of | these men who have, in the outcome, | paid a terrible price for mortal trans- | gression? Thesa are great days to be Sunday | School teachers. The newspapers are | clamorously confirming and illus- | trating the teachings of the Bible, | that sin is a present, handicap and {a source of final failure. When we | "see life clear and see it whole" we | know that "the way of the trans- | gressor is hard; but wisdom's ways {are ways of pieasantness, and all her | paths are peace." There is no fear |of Policeman Law for those who | have not done wrong. A straight | look ahead over life, o¥va review of | py segment of human history, re- |{eals that there is no other substan- 1 success than godliness, artnership that Prevails, My editee friend would be less gloomy, I think, were he ready to follow the suggestion that his duty in the case of his back-slidden city is to make his paper an aggressive champion of law-enforcement, of civ- ic and social righteousness, and of personal virtue. He thinks the people would not stand for this, The truth is, though, as our late Lessons have made clear, that the man who goes up against overwhelming odds in the name of right and of God, not only is sure of ultimate triumph, but also of honor beyond his imagination. What a hopeless minority was Abraham, when he took Jehovah for a partner? Yet we have had to dig beneath the drifted dust of Mespo- tamia, uncovering the ancient Ur of the Chaldees, to learn anything about the once proud city that laugh- pi do he-Yard. It is the- A substitutes. Be sure to I The only leed Cold-Seal tdentified by the Gold Seal shown below. on the face of every guaranteed Gold-Seal and on every few yards of Gold-Seal Con- Jor it when you buy. and easy-to-clean. eum ls t is pasted eum Artistic Designs Gold-Seal Congoleum Art-Rugs come in such-eariety of artistic patterns it's a simple matter to have easy-to-clean floors in every room in the house, There are designs in softly Every Woman's Pride -- an immaculate kitchen! The mistress of this kitchen is an up-to-date little woman. She isn't a slave to her work, for everything in her "workshop" is sanitar{ A damp cloth, a few brisk rubs and the white table and cup- board are spotless; a few strokes of the damp mop and the smooth surface of the Congoleum Rug is bright and fresh as new. clean on with this pretty and white tile pattern? It's No. 408 and in the 9 x 6.1. size if costs only $9.00, Artistic, easy-to-clean, and practical, Congoleum Rugs are so low in price that even the 'most modest purse can afford several of them. Popular Rug Sizes--Low Prices 9x3 feet $450 9x 9 feet $13.50 9x4) feet 6.75 9x 104 feet 15.75 9x6 feet 900 9x12 feet 18.00 9x7) feet 11.25 9x 1324 feet 20.25 9 x15 feet, $22.50 Gold-Seal Congoleum By-the-Yard, 85c¢ sq. yd. Prices in Winnipeg and points west proportionately higher to cover extra freight Write for folder, "Modern Rugs for Modern Homes," which shows the designs in full color. harmonizing colors for living room and dining room, restful floral effects for bedrooms and the ever popular tile pattern for kitchen and ed at the God-seekers, Terah and Abraham. Nobody reads of these re- cent excavafions at Ur without thinking first of all of Abraham, Gold-Seal Congoleum By-the- Yard Handsome, unbordered patterns, two yards wide, for use where the entire floor is to be covered. of civilization. In pursuit of To- day they forget both Yesterday and Tomorrow. Lack of the long look 7 SL. The Astecs Baffled Criy Hair Jesvshes to the Seats marvel Hp i H Hi hf Hi : projects all his lite and dies it realising. is bringing disaster to the essential loyalties. Straight as a bullet to the bull's eyes comes this old, old message from the ancient Scriptures, to ap- ply the teachings of the Book to our troubled times. The message of this Lesson from old Israel's history is that when life is looked at in the large it is a summons to loyalty to the etérnal integrities and to God. If my editor friend's city could make a sincere and searching study of this present Sunday School Les- son, there would be a sudden change in its mind and in its prac- tices, Viewing a Vast Landscape. Nobody is fit to govern himself or his own affairs who has not learn- ed to look beyond himself and his immediate interests. Something of the stimulus of life on a hilltop (And mountain folk have always been the surviving and victorious people of history) comes to one who studies at a single sitting such an absorbing narrative of God's dealings with man as we have in this review of Israel's history, from Abraham to Solomon. Causes and consequences are * visible at one glance. To see the end from the beginning is to understand the rea) meaning of a life. There is no other exhortation quite equal to a compléte example. Throughout all the wide diversity of history that lles between the he- role "coming out" of Abraham from Ur of the Chaldes and the dissipat- ed wisdom of brilliant King Solo- mon, there runs a cord of real un- iy. Many characters appéar on the stage of the centuries that the Sunday Schools have studied for three months, but all speak the same essential lines: "G63 has dealings with man; and man's real success or fallure is de- termined by his relations with God." We cannot go again into detailed studies of these assorted characters with whom we have kept company for a quarter of a year; but we can get a firm hold of the great central truth that the outstanding character in these lessons has been -- God. In every experience of the Israelites the determinative factor was Jehov- eh. Indeed, the Bible {itself was written, not primarily to record the experiences or thoughts of a certain line of people, but to reveal the liv- ing Lord. It is the Godward aspect of the story that counts; just as it is the Godward aspect of the individual lite that is ultimately significant. Lite, like the Bible, begins and ends with God. Not otherwise does it have any meaning. Who Fears the Policeman? Of late, there have been many American men, high in national pol- ities and in national business, who have listened, with quickened beats of the heart, every time there was a ring on the telephone or a knock at the door, lest it be the dreaded exposure. They have scanned each edition of the newspapers in fear of mention of their name in connec- {tion with the paramount scandals. Consciousness: of wrong-doing, or wrong associations, has driven the blade of fear into their souls. What a tragic crashing of high reputations there has been! And all because, as Moses, too, defied proud Pharaoh, after forming a partnership with Je- hovah; and behold how the lowly leader of a slave race has been ex- alted, while Egypt was humbled into the dust. So it was with Caleb and Joshua; with Gideon and Samuel, with David and Solomon. The man who allies himself with God never has any regrets; and his real victory is as sure as the sun in the heavens or as the promise of God in the Bible. A long, large look over the history of Israel reveals the secret of success, which is loyalty to the Lord. We have learned much about hu- man nature in the past Quarter"s Lessons; and more about God. Two Old Testament words of wisdom sum up these teachings. First, "There is a way that seemeth right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." And second, "Jehovah is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in loving kindness." A supplemental talk on the les- son is given by Dr. Ellis over the radio every Saturday night at nine o'clock, 1 Va) "el i TO ERECT A STORE 7} For H. Loyst & Son at Mountain Grove, Mountain Grove, March 25.-- Sugar-making is the order of the day. The concert and dance in the hall on the 17th, under the auspices of the Anglican church, was a de- cided success and about $28 was realized. 8. Dawson has the con- tract of erecting a large store on the corner of Main and North streets for H. Loyst & Son. G. Coulter and T. Godfrey have returned home after wintpring in Quebec, H. Keller has moved into the village. Mrs. T. Flynn left on Monday for ther home in Saskatche- wan, after spending some time with relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hawley, Watertown, N.Y., are visit- ing relatives here. : R. Coulter went to Kingston on Monday for an operation for appen- dicitis. Mrs. P. Thompson, one of the pioneers of the township, cele- brated her ninety-second birthday on Monday. She is visiting her grand- son, J. D. Clark, C. Price and Miss K. Taylor visited at W. Cowdy"s on Sunday. . if H. De Clair, Eldorado, is visiting Mrs. DsClair, who is teaching in the * Corns Cutting a corn is dangerous, Blue-jay ends coms. Kills the pain instantly, then the com loosens and comes out. No risk, no constant trou. ble. Get Blue-jay at your druggist. Blue-jay bathroom. Durable--Seamless Wonderfully durable, these rugs are made all in one piece--entirely seamless--on a firm waterproof base. Another advantage--they lie perfectly flat on the floor without fasten- ing of any kind. And remember Sousleun Art-Rugs are guarant absolute satisfaction, Gold Seal old-Seal to give They possess all the durable, flat-lying, sanitary qualities of Gold-Seal Congoleum Rugs, and are cov ered by the same Gold-Seal guarantee of "Satisface tion or Your Money Back." Only 85¢ square yard. CONGOLEUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED 1270 St. Patrick Street Montreal, Quebec Which of these three floral designs would you like to have in your home ? AR ; JF IE CIN ETRE eA EAL . PATTERNS SEE OUR PRETTY SPRING DESIGNS IN CARPET Furnishers. Telephone 147. T CONGOLEUM RUGS IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS TEACY'S LIMITED a AR Rs RRA CONGOLEUM GOLD SEAL. ART RUGS -- BIG STOCK IN ATTRACTIVE PATTERNS R. J REID 230 Princess Street Telephone 577. SANITARY, EASY TO CLEAN, CONGOLEUM GOLD SEAL ART RUGS ra. T.F. Harrison Co., Ltd. House Furnishings = _~ We Carry the Largest to be found in any store in Eastern On- tario. "All that's new, that's all." Assortment of Popular Priced. Howse Furnis hings, including | ~ GOLD SEAL CONGOLEUM RUGS NEWMAN & SHAW village school. C. Cowdy his pur- chased an engive and sawing our- fit from Card Bros. Mr. and Mrs. R. Beverly visited at P. Stinca- comb's recently. Mrs. (Dr.) Bly, Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Godfrey. Asbestos can be madé into mater- ial as hard as steel, or as soft as the softest wool. A single strand of it than an ounce for every Hundred can be spun so finely as to weigh less =~ TH yards of its length, WHEN BUY! The exceptional tone quality in the Weber Piano appeals to the most ascethetic taste, HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCED, ; AT C.W. LINDSAY'S W .