THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG \ Very Latest Spring Suits--For Men Now is the time to pick out your Spring Suit. And VAN HORNE has the up-to-date stock to pick from, in all the newest styles. Also Special Measurement Samples with prompt delivery. Your inspection is invit- ed. Our prices are right. George VanHorne's 213 Princess Street. Phone 362w. A Person Who Sees Well cannot be blamed for believing that he does not need Glasses. Trade In Watch Sale Trade in your old watch on a new one. Many people are carrying an old model watch or one that is unsat- isfactory and unreliable. the muscles of the eyes are of- ten able to overcome it, but the strain in doing so is very great. Bo even these folks who see perfectly MAY need our ser- vices. W. D. Graham, RO. Buccessor to J. J. Stewart We invite you to bring in your old Watch and trade it n on a new one. Either a thin model pocket watch or a new style ribbon watch. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS, Princess Street, Kingston "The Gift Shop" hy 1 DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. GODKIN'S LIVERY CHATEAU PHONE 316 Phone. 800 WE NEVER CLOSE Live or Dead Storage For Bus Sleighs for driving parties. Day and Night Service. 136 Queen Street, oppusite St. Paul's church. Mrs. Almira Brown, Belleville, died on Thursday. Deceased was fifty-seven years of age and was born at Moira. She was a daugnter of William Dean. ' « Mrs. W. J. Merryfield, Pémbroke, 'died on March 18th, quite suddenly. i; She had been ill for ten days. NENA NNER ENNNRREE 4 Im i... We have many pieces of fine Cut Glass (cut on Imported Blanks) on which we are giving special prices. ' Handled Bon Bons ..... ...... $2.99 each OwplTrays ...ccc. «cee... $2.99 each Bowls 8" tels'miolela'et™) fale einlate ln $3.89 each Sugars and Creams ............... $4.50 pair Also many other pieces at special prices, CHINA CROCKERY GLASSWARE Robertson's Limited 73 Princess St. Wd td YY | N---------- Rubber Boots! "For Men, Women and Children GIRL GUIDE AND BOY SCOUT --RUBBERS-- Be prepared for sloppy, wet Spring weather ~ N. M. REID SHOE STORE k 3 i \ or Taxi Service, Cutters or NEWS FROM THE DISTRICT |Culled From the Whig's Many Bright Exchanges--Brief Items Full of Interest. Miss Martha L. Fulton, Belleville, faesa twenty-four years, died on | Thursday. | Gananoque's tax rate this year is forty mills--a drop of five mills from ast year, | George Boyce, Wellington, father | of J. R. Boyce, dled. He was seventy- nine years of age. Mrs. Abraham Rockey, of Jasper, | Ont., died last Friday at her home, | aged seventy years. { James Laffler died in Minneapolis, | aged seventy-three years. He was | formerly of Lanark eounty. Rev. Walter 8. McAlpine, formerly [of Delta, has resigned the pastorate | of the Baptist church at Hespelar. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dunlop, Pem- { broke, have sailed for California {trom New York via the Panama | canal, The marriage was solemnized at | noisy Mich., of Miss Viola Eben, | Detroit, to Everett McNally, | Michael McNally, Perth. Mrs. Peter Hinch, Camden East, has" undergone a serious operation, having two large tumers removed from her back. She is doing nicely. Frank Somerton has disposed of his property in Pakenham to Arkin- { son Nugent. Mr. and Mrs. Somerton and family are leaving for California. | The Oddfellows of Belleville visit- ed their Napanee brethren on Thurs- | day night and had a time of rare en- | Joyment. The ladles served a fine banquet. All the coats stolen in Belleville fn January from the G. T. Woodley store have been accounted for as well as all the skins, with tlie exception of four pelts. | PF. Sanford Blodgett, a native of Ogdensburg, N.Y., and a son of the late Dr. Blodgett, Prescott, died at his winter home in Florida, death be- ing due to heart trouble, Belleville citizens are real angry that the federal contain a grant for the U.E.L. cele- | bration. Toronto and Montfeal gets grants for conventions, Mrs. WHliam Joyce, Napanee, went [to Chatham to attend the funeral of | her nephew, the late Dr. C. A. Brisco, | who died in England on Feb. 22nd, where he had gone for treatment. | G. E. Smeaton, Sandwich, who | dled suddenly, was married to Miss Louise Mallory, daughter of the late George Mallory, Mallorytown and Brockville and she survives with one son, Douglas. A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Huff, Bethany, when friends and neighbors presented their daughter, Isabel, who was quietly married on March 12th, with a shower. | THE WHOLE FAMILY WAS LAID UP WITH SEVERE COLDS On the first appearance of a cough or cold our advice to you is to get rid of it before it has a chance to Brow worse; gets settled on the lungs. | and causes bronchitis, pneumonia or other serious lung troubles. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup will immediately relieve the cold or cough on its inception. son of writes: --""Our whole family was laid up with severe colds, and we didn't seem to be able to get any relief from anything we used until, one day would 'be sure to get rid of our colds it we used Dr. Wood's Norway Pina | Syrup. I decided to take her advice, | and in no tim& our colds were "| gone. Now, knowing the value of your remedy, we will always keep it on hand so as to have it in case of emergency." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup 1s 85¢c. a bottle: large family size 60c.; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. BACK ACHED TERRIBLY Mrs. McMahon Tells How She Found Relief by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound pam, On able Gok Lye mE run-down conditi birth of estimates do not | a friend came in and told me as | Pimply Skin ; Face Rashes Due to Bad Blood Clear Your Complexion {! Now! Have Red Cheeks, Bright Eyes and That | Youthful "Peppy" f Look. | {| TELLS OF A REAL COMPLEXION MAKER Paint and powder never make a {| beautiful complexion. Ruddy |] cheeks have their foundation in |] the vitality and sound health of a | well regulated system. Beauty is || always missing unless accompan- || fed by health. Rich, red blood must tingle through your veins, must circulate Strongly to every nook and corner {| of the body. The way to get that |] red blood is to keep' the system |] clean, keep it free from wastes, || keep it eliminating the poisons. | You tone and cleanse the system in an ideal way by taking Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills of Mandrake and But- ternut. Although very mild, and || suited to young girls and women, {| Dr. Hamilton's Pills act on both the upper and lower bowel, and thereby remove all foul matter. It is really surprising how much poi- | sonous matter Dr. Hamilton's Pills dislodge; you'll be free from headaches, you'll look your best, || you'll realize the cleansing, health |] bringing properties of Dr. Ham- |] ilton's Pills from the day you | start to use them. Sold by all || dealers in 25c. boxes or by mail from The Catarrhozone Co., Mont- real | rr -- Y | © GANANOQUE March 24.---Misses Jane K. Cray, Harriett Cowan, Marnie | Davis, Agnes Johnston and Lydia | Abbott motored to Kingston on Sat- urday to play badminton. Keith Donevan, who has been ill {in the Kingston General Hospitas | returned here Saturday. | Miss Flora Thompson is in Mont- | real the guest of Mr. and Mrs. | Hector Thompson. | Misses Ella Phillips, Maynie Smith and Luella Sheets were among those who spent Saturday in King- ston. Miss Georgia McKenzie has re- Hamilton Cowan, | | turned after a visit with friends. The remains of the late George Andress arrived here on the mig- | night train, Saturday and the fun- | eral takes place this afternoon. Ray | Andress and William Wiskin went to Ogdensburg to accompany the remains home. { Miss Mary Jeroy: of the Hotel | Diet staff, Kingston, was! in town | for a few hours yesterday. Mrs. J. Arthur Jackson entertain- ed at rook ofl Friday evening. Miss Nellie Shine is visiting her mother, Mrs. Benoit, in Montreal. Robert Morgan has returned from Rochester, N.Y. | William Armstrong is In attend | ance at the council meeting of the | Bell Telephone Company, which fs | being held in Brockville to-day, | Mrs. Garfield Boyle, Toronto, has | | Joined her husband here and will Mrs. David Ayres, Kearney, ont., | spend a few days here. Ivor Stevens has returned aftes spending a short holiday = with friends in Montreal. Mrs. J. Heffernan visited friends in Kingston yesterday. E. 8S. Byers spent the week-end Napanee. Mrs. Nellie O'Nelll and Mrs. Bessie LaRiviere, Evansville, Indiana, will be among the earliest of Summer visitors to arrive and will oceupy one of the Petch cottages on Tre- mont Park for the season. -- PASSED TO REST. in Fra Moore Was a Long Time Resident of Lansdowne, On March 14th, death came very suddenly to the late Ira Moore, aged seventy-two years. He had attended a prayer meeting and had gone to his room to retire, when he collapsed, due to heart failure. Mr. Moore had had heart trouble of late years. Deceased was a stone-mason, and had lived here all his life. He was a staunch Methodist and is survived by his widow (formerly Miss Brady) and eleven children, grandchildren and two great-grand- children. Following are the names of his family who were all present for the funeral: Mrs. Daniel Wesp, Roches- ter, N.Y.; James Moore, Fairfax; Mrs. Adolf Newbeck, Buffalo, N.Y.; John Moore, Latargeville, N.Y.; Mrs. James Hilburn, Depauville, N.Y.; | Freeman, George Moore, Fairfax; Mrs. George Dulmage, Deseronto; Mrs. William Delta; Charles Moore, Rochester, N.Y.; Miss Florence Moore, Espanola; Mrs. Roy Sum- mers, Lansdowne. He is also sur- vived by two brothers, Lewis, Re- gina, and Freeman, Gananoque, The funeral was held from his late residence to the Methodist church, where the Rev. Mr. Dustin conduet- ed the service, assisted by Rev. Mr. Bowen, of the Holiness Movement and Rev. Mr. Hutching, Free Meth- odist church, Gananoque. The re- mains were placed in the Ebenezer vault, » Joseph Burgess, brother of Mrs. John Free, Perth, passed away in Weston, Ont., on March 11th. The deceased who was seventy-four years of age, had been ailing for a short time only. The death oceurred on Sunday in Smith's Falls of Ellen Jane Sullivan, widow of the late Peter Dowdall, formerly of Perth, The husband of ha deceased died only a week prev- ous, twenty-one | PRODUCE MARKETS Napanee Rewall Market. | Nepanee, March 24. | Apples, PK ou vy iis .. 15-80 | Applies, Goiden Ruseets, pk ... | Apples, choice spys, bush. $2.50-33 Maple Syrup, qt.. «e.85 | | Lettuce, leaf, bunch seameeedd0-25] Lettuce, head .. vee. 15-25 | | Celery, bunch.. «15-25 | Cabbage, head ee .5-25 | | Caulifiower, head .10-25 | Onions, domestic, pk. 'ens. 80 | Potatoes, bag, .. ..$1.60 to $1.75 Potatoes, pk .... ..30 to 35 Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs. ........ 25 | | Butter, creamery, 1b .... ..45-48 | Butter, dairy, Ib. su.ou J's 35-45 | | Cheese, new, Ib.... .. 4. v0t¢..25| | Cheese, oid, Ib. censsenas8B! | Eggs, fresh, doz ... «+ 20-35] | Lard, Ib sive vaed 4 d1=20] | Sugar, granulated, cwt $10.50-$11 | | shorts, cwt.. +. $1.60 | | Straw, baled, cwt. vesssssence hl { Wheat, western, bus. ........$1.35 | Wheat, local, bus.. ....-., .§1.35 Bran, ton.. "ties oa ..$30.00 | {| Buckwheat, bus, . ree 31.104 | Corn, feed, cwt..... 3~$1.90-82.25 | | Corn,' car lots, cwt. | Hay, baled cwt. Hay, loose, ton ., |Oats, western, bus. . "es ee er sens Tees neg trees | Beef: j Roast Bee! Ib...... ......14-33 | |Steak, porterhouse, 1b. ......23-25! Steak, round, Ib, eee 18-20] | Bolling cuts 1b. ..........9-12] |Stewing cuts, 1b. ceee8-12% | Beef, western, sevenseal0-14 | Beef, hinds, cwt. . { { Beef, local, 1b, Vel, Ib. veins | Pork: | Loin Roasts, 1b. Dainty patterns in Strap Shoes. Grey Suede, Patents, Vici Kid are + very popular and attractive. Best grades . . .. i100 310.00 ~ Abernethy's Shoe Store i .$7.50 | 18-23 0-§12 Bacon, breakfast, 1b.., ..29 to 45 | Roast pork, sliced, Ib. ........80 Ham, covked, 1b. .. .. ,. .. 50-60 | Ham, smoked, 1b, vee. 35-40 | Picnic Ham, 1b. . + ++..18-25 | Hinds, 1b, sans 10520 | Pork sausages, 1b. | Sausage, beef and Lamb: | Carcass, yearlings, 1b. { Carcass, spring 1b, Hinus yearlings, 1b. | Hinds, spring, 1b .. .. | Forequarter, spring, 1b Lamb chops .. .. Mutton chops, 1b .. | Mutton carcass, lb. Poultry: | Fowl, Wee on | Chickens, 1b .. |c | Ducks, each | Turkeys, 1b Hides, ete. { Deacon skins, Horse hides Hides, 1b.. .. "or ws | Sheep skins, fresh, each § | Veal skins, ib.. Wool, washed, ib, Wool, unwashed. . Furs: Fox, each.. . +.$12.00-814.00 Racoon, each .. .. ....$3.00-35.00 | Skunk, each ...$1.00 | Mink, each severe oo. $7-810 | Muskrat, each .. «.$1.60-82.00 a -- | Hogs, live weight, cwt.. Chops, 1b. pork, 1b, ee es 25-20 «. 20-25 «es 30-32 ws oo 18-20 we meso 12-16 vee+.20-26 ce ee..28-28 hickens, dressed, each ..90-$1.50 ve os 735-831.50 «+. 80°85 ss ss se ae ve +.75-81.00 ©+..$2.00-83.00 | ....06-06 1.00-$1.50 «e10-12 ee 20..30 weseee2b each es we oe . Those Dangerous Horses. Perth, March 24.--There was a good deal of excitement for a time here when a team of horses, belong- ing to Ralph Dodds, of the Scotch Line, bolted through the main busi- ness street of the town and scatter- ed all before them for a distance of about half a mile. They finally brought up against a tplegraph pole, breaking the pole off the wagon and stripping the harness all but the col- lars. Ready to Start Fleet. Prescott, March 24.--The Hall Corporation expects to start out its fleet of boats on April 15th provid- ing the St. Lawrence River and lakes are open to navigation. The boats have all been overhauled and have been put in the best possible condi- tion for the season's activities. Ma- rine men in this section are looking for a better season than last. Dr. F. BE. Dodds has decided to give up his dental practise in Lanark. A Ai oa KINGS iB ad SAVES SPACE, RENT AND FUEL In the average home to-day the quest is for space with economy. When the day is over a slight pull transforms your "KROEHLER" into a real BED----roomy, comfortable and sagless. Mattress, Pillows, Sheets and extra Covers all made up into a sleep in- viting bed, unfold with astonishing ease. In the morning it is only a minute's work to close the Kroehler and it again stands a lovely piece of "JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker Phone 147. LT gm RE] ---- THE CARE OF YOUR SECURITIES - ANY PERSONS their securities with this Corporation fot safe-keeping and collection of revenue. In our Sale Deposit Vaults these securities are fully protected against loss by fire and burglary. We collect interest and dividends and detach coupons on the due dates and place the roceeds to the credit of our clients in ir Bank account. This service is a very valuable one for persons whose property consists mainly of stocks and bonds. 2 leaves them free to come and go without concern as to their fortune. We shall be glad to quote rates on this class of business on request. SULTS iy SOS LT TT IT Pri tere di Fhe TO GENERALTRUSTS CORPORATION : EXECUTOR, TRUSTEE, FINANCIAL AGENT OFFICE Bay & Melinda Streets & TORONTO Branches: Ottawa, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Vancouver | § | TORON HEAD TT, ey ee hey ase nse A ro rr rr rs thn r. ] om BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING DOUGLAS & McILQUHAM CONTRACTORS JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. PHONES 2267F---928W, 400 ALBERT STREET | ---- New Brick Bungalow--6 rooms, 3 bed- rooms, electriclights, nice fixtures, gas, 3 piece enamel bath, furnace, floors, wall p good cellar, private driveway. PRICE $5000 M. B. TRUMPOUR 'Phone 704 or 15421. - . . 270 PRINCESS STREET STARTS WITH SERVICE, ENDS WITH SATISFACTION SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS BOWARDS {Tos 155. UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE, PHONE s11.