24, 1024, - memati a THE DAILY \ BRITISH WHIG | You Will JAN BORN, | V Are | ETT--To Mr. and Mrs. W. A. / ARE Bloomfield, on February 27th, | BLACK PURSE- Street car, by elderly Ad same by calling a son BLAC URST---At Kingston, on Mar. Trg Mr. and Mrs. James Blac K- | hurst. Gananoq (nee Gladys | Rofabeck), 3 daughter. ' | at Street Rallway ( FREEMAN---At the Kingston Genera aiid : ital, on March 22nd, 1924, to G1 Hospital, no BARRING Mr. and Mrs. I". E. Freeman (nee | with. silver Ethel Campbell), a son. ; same. at INTER---At Picton, on March 17th, to | ain - HE Mrs. Ross Hunter, 'a son. | FIVE DOLLAR I JAIRD--At Cressy, March 8th, to Mr.| day, on ther CARD, Bors Charis Laird, a daugh- Princess or Cig SMITH--In Kingston, Ont, on March | Street. 22nd, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. James | Smith, 768 Princess Street, 4 800. | Goya Ng GIOVE Found, on DI J S----In Kingston, on Saturdiy,| vision Street, near Garrett, dar grey, | WALL ch 22nd, foe. to Mr. and Mrs. | for left hand. Owner may have same] Earnest Watts, 72 Markland Street,| at 147 Division Street. { KEYS--Found, on chain, on Divist a 5 J ay have same by call- DIED. Street. Owmer may h by n 243 Division Street AYERS--At the home of her daughter, | ing = Mrs. Stanley Harrison, Picton, ond March 17th, Harriet Green, wife or the late James Ayers, in her 84th] year. { BOOTH--In Kingston, on 1924, Lyda Jane FEustas, ed | wife of John Henry Booth, aged 75 | years. . " Funeral from her late residence, 17 Ellis street, Tuesday afternoon, at | ------ Eo 2.30 to Cataraqui Cemetery. | SUM OF M NE round, Friends and Sequaiitances respectfully | i > RS OO aS invited to attend. | - J. Monk, won § FORWARD--- At Hotel Dieu Hospital, | Kingston, on March 21st, 1924, Eli- | zabeth Forward, daughter of the late David T. Forward, Bath. Funeral on Monday, March 24th, from | R. Reid's FRgeriauing parlors to | the Forward vault at Millhaven. Belleville papers please Gopy. FIBLD--At Toronto, on March 13th, Carrie A. Robinson, wife of Arthur i , pearl ) may have ig Office 31 LL, y Stre ra, Davy, LONG, WOOLLEN GLOVE -- Found, near corner of Thomas and L. Patrick street. Owner apply at 182 Clergy | Street. | | on| | March 23rd, - pa Sad PENCIL--Lost, Eversharp, Sunday afternoon. Initials GL A.| Finder please return to 51 Arch Street. | Reward Gold »1 up In Apply to t | SMALL GOLD BROOCH--Lost, set with | pale green stone, Reward for return | to Whig Office. | TWO BAR PINS--Found, in Convoca- tion hall, Queen's University. Apply at the University post office. Automobiles | | | Find That Some Of These Offers Were lade Especially For You A Service--That's What It Is This clearing house of wants, offers and opportuni- ties--the A-B-C Classified Section--is like your water | supply or your electric lights--always ready, dependable, efficient. It is helpful alike to the young, the old, the rich or those of moderate means. Its service extends all over Kingston and vicinity-- available to every individual and embracing every activ- fty. - It will buy or sell, reat or hire, furnish business in- formation, set forth instruction, find Jost articles, clean out merchandise, furnish homes, present business ser- vice--and so on in its endless list of activities. It should not, therefore, be regarded as a mere col- lection of small advertisements--useful 'to a small num- ber of people. It is a service for everybody--and you should accept it as such. | | | | | | | { | | | | THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTI NITY, L -- Employment ---- ET ---- Help Wanted--Female 82 = ces. Business Servi Insurance Field, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Automobiles For Sale Frederick Robinson, Picton, in her | 28th year. | HUTCHINSON--At Wellington, 17th, Lucetta Hutchinson, And one Mec-| 378 Brock Bt whareh | REO SPEEC WAGON. Gordon Hutchinson, aged 63 years. | Laughlin D-45. Apply KLEINSTEUBER -- In Hallowell, on | March 17th, Mary Elza Kinney, be- loved wife of Charles Kleinsteuber, | U in her 51st year. | MoCONNELL~ At Edmonton, Alberta, | March 2nd, Melissa Alicia MoCon- | nell, wife of the late George Me- | Connell, Milford, aged 80 years. | MAINES--In Hillier, March 13th, Ber- | | | SED CARS WANTED Having had numerous enquiries for Used Cars lately, and as our stock has become entirely de- pleted, we are anxious to secure a number of good, used, motor vehicles of various makes, which will be taken in trade and their tull value allowed on new cars sold by Boyd's Garage, Ltd. REO HUDSON --------ESSEX tha Ermina Maines, aged 58 years. | PERRYMAN---In Kingston, March 24th, 1924, at the residence of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Arthur Fraser, 338 Brock Street, Temperance Rogers, widow of the late John Perryman, aged 76 years. Funeral notice later. BMITH--In Kingston, on March 23rd, 24, infant son Mr. and Mrs. James Smith. Fuheral Monday at 1 o'clock to Catara- qul Cemetery. | SMITH--In Picton, March 17th, Cornel- lus Smith, in his 77th year. VANMEER--At YEREXVILLE, March 17th, Wilbert VanMeer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah VenMeer, in his 15th year. CARD OF THANKS. Mp. Thomas Phillips and family wish to thank their many friends for the . kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent sad bereavement; also for floral tributes received JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers 254 and 256 PRINCKSS STREET 3 Service Phone 147 for Ambulance Business Services Offered 18 | Svs | ROBERT J. REIv pn TIONEER--For courte and hon-| The Leading Undertaker est dealing, W. A Twigg, 374 King| Phone 577. 230 Princess Street | Street. Phone $20J or 1786w. M. P. KEYES FUNERAL HOME | | Auto Accewsories--Tircs--FParts 18] | ROYAL OAK TIRES Better than ever and for sale at the same place as usual. Eastern Canada Maxotire Co.,| Queen and Ontario Streets. Phone) 2050. eee Sr | Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 | GARAGE ROOM--Or suitable for stor- | age building, on Princess Street, near University, Rent reasor ble. Apply by phone to 951w between 6 and 7| p.m. Business Servi | FANCY GOODS -- Of ail kinds, small wear, Bweaters made to Order, plain { C. ~ Painting, Papering, Decorating 20 8. Kingston, Automobile Kingston distriot. J. T KIRKPATRICK--36 Clarence St.,| EARN--$5.00 to Marine, Fire, Accident and| pleasant Home Insurance. Lloyds Agent| socks on the fa Telephone 568w. g Imperial| vassing. Particulars 3c. stamp Dept Bh Indem-| 78C, Auto Knitter Co., Toronto. | Phones: |= | { [ | Sint, "Apply Sa | or. | $25.00 weekly, the Work way making easily learned Auto| iC unnecessary; dis- | al; positively no can- | COOKE -- Representin London Fire and Glo Accident and Sickness. 503w., Res. Bd2w. B. dfe, nity Oftic kell's Ice Cream Par- FIRE--Automobile ana Casualty Insur- ance. . M. Crumley, 420 Ear] Street: Ph ne | -- SUPERINTF for the Kings Home, Union letter only, and reference Mrs. H C. Bi Kingston, | eee | NT--Wanted, at onoe,| Protestant Orphans cet. Applications by ting qualifications, age be sent to Secretary, Y, 28 Barrie Street, | FIRE --Insurance Our Sickness and Accident policy will protect your sal-} ary, For information, call or phone E. Williams, 2 Couper Street. 1 we _-- | bt G. HUNTER OGILVIE--~Representing| Excelsior Life, Roya! Exchange, and| other reliable Fire, Automobile And) OMAN oy s-- | day, to do cleaning Casualty companies. 38 Clarence St | Street ete eee eee ee --- INSURANCE~--Only the most reliable | companies represented Strange &| Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95 Clarence Street, upposite Post Orlice. Help Wantea--Male MAN--- Experienced, on farm by the year. Whig Office. | eee ee MAKE MONEY AT HOME- 315 t pald weekly fo 0" $60 r your spare time writ. Ing show cards for us. We instruct an West-Angus 8S Colborne Bla Solicitors, Set---- AGENTS Wit} tenac, salary ing article of capital required ply 87 Clergy 83 married, to work Apply Box V-21, ng, Storage | ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars and yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor, 24 Russell Street. Phone 2266. STORAGE SPACE--For turniture, clean | and dry. Apply E. E. Wathem, 143 Nelson street. Phone 1391J .or 618. { STORAGE--For, furniture. ciean, dary, | airy rooms and spaces; your own lock | and key. Frost's City Storage, 209-! 205 Queen St. Phone 526. Re w. | cars for county Fron- commission, fast sell-| proven merit. Little| Al proposition. Ap-| Street. Phone 731m. | SALES AGENT ~Rellable, fo sented districts. Good pa. ment. We are the largest growers of | fruit and ornumental trees in Canada. | & Nursery, not for a jobber You will be successful. Write: elham Nursery Co., Toronto. SALESMAN--T | r unrepre- | . free equip- | J. FLANAGAN--Painter, Paperhanger and Decorator. Estimates submitted. Phone 1432. 247 Montreal Street, Kingston. Sample books in stock PAINTING--Papering, De class work guaranteed. ) in stock. A. Anderson, Street. Phone 1966. corating, firsg| *aper samples | , 12 Wellington | © represent a thriv: Canadian Company in Kingston dis-| trict Apply, stating qualifications | and experience, to P. O. Box 232, King- ing 49 COLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE PHONE 1839 JOHN CORNELIUS Undertaker and Embalmer Paricrs, 274 Princess Street Ambulance Phone 599 I. RONAN Undertaker and Embalmer Phone 856w. 238.240 Bagot Street Calls Night and Day Promptly Attended H. J. KNIGHT sewing. Mrs. Lavin, 136 Wellington Street, opposite Post Office. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS --- R David J. Coates, Pupil of O. Musie. | PUBLIC Wood, Princ { epaired. F. Telgmann School of| | STENOGRAPHY -- Mrs, E | 246 Nelson Street North, near | § Phone 1653w. Forma) Boiler-maker ---------------------------- R. D. PRETTIE--Repair work ers and smoke stacks, tended to. Inspecting ang testing | 18a | on boil-| Promptly at-| 438 Division Street. |= PUDNEY-- Dr. W. ston, Ont. PAPERING--Rooms paperea 36.00 por] emer eet ceme-------- room, including paper. Cholce pat-| a terns. Also painting at reasonable | Situations Wanted--Female se rices. H. Rowley. Phone 2039%w. - Dn aaa POSITION WANTED -- By Man ol Chiropractie 28c. Wife as marine cooks, three seasons | experience. LUCY--Drs G. F. aha Jennle A., Chiro. | & Apply Box X-22, Whig Of- | ce. | practic Specialists and Nurse, 239 Bagot Street. 4 Financial Hours: 9-12 am. | to 6, and 6 to 1.30 : p.m. Sunday and other hours by ap- Money te Loan pointment. Consultation free. FRONTENAC -- 182 Welling-| "gooey : 8 y_ incorporated 1861. President, | Shsnjtation ee A. B. Cunningham; vice-president, A. | v En Y Ciopatnts D. Cartwright. Money to loan on City | 2) and farm properties; Investments 40 | | v S Loan and Investment ton street; upstairs, C Hours 9-12, 1-5, 6-8 ment. Phone 2570, boilers a specialty. Prices reasonable, | UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER >h 2 ' PARLORS--Sydenham, Yarker and | one 2313w. 453 Albert street. érona. Bonds bought and sold: deposits re-| Dental 28d. getved and interest pald on minimum | " - monthly balance. R. (. Cartwright, SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, 159] manager, 87 Clarence Street, King. Wellington street, corner of Brock.| gton. Phone Jj46. f= --_--_--------ee--ee ee The British Whig | KINGSTON, ONT i CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized and popular ized according to ' i Er | Ladics' Hair Parlor, 2a | BARBERING--AIl first class, also lad-| les' and children's hair-cutting, singe- ing, marcel waving and any beauty shop work done at your private | Prices moderate. Phone 1802J. Ferguson, 166 Sydenham Street, appointments | { KNAPP--Dr. A. E., Dentist. Office: 258] Princess St t. Phone 652w. Open| __ evenings by ppointment. Legal Live Stock. Silvor Foxes | | 47a. RICAN is nnn 280. | SILVER FOXBS--_Limite - | LADIES TRANSFORMATIONS Bob-| bei curls, switches, shampooing, | singeing, curling, Ladies' and Child | ren's hair cutting. Mrs. All ads. are restricted to thelr proper classification, and to the regular Dally Whig style of type, 8 CLASSIFIED RATES d number, gov- ernment inspected, registered, pedi- greed. "Every fox sold by us is insured for one year against death from any cause. Foxes may be ranched on our| CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- B and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Kingston. A. B. Cun Cyril M. Smith. arristers| Street, ningham, K.C.; r Cunningham, | 56 Bay Street, Kingston. Phone 1613 a " Hemstitc Dally rate per line or consecutive = insertions: Minimum charge, 25 conts. Dally rates per line. Charge Cash § days eres ora 48 8 da 4 charged, hi 21b| Hemstitching, uaranteed. Mrs. eet, near Princess Successor to Mrs. PICOT EDGING --- Pleating, work Felld, 362 Barrie Str Street. Phone 2433). Cara. mation Hill Bros. Fox Farm; Ltd, Breeders of Registered P.E.I. Superior Alaskan Silver Foxes, Maitland Street, Kingston, Ont. torses, Cattle, Implements 48 | farm is desired. For complete infor- | DAY AND REVELLE--Barristers and : | solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, King- ston. A. E. Day, Adrian I Revello Mortgages arranged. Phone 205. and | 3) REYNOLDS--J. C., Barrister and So- | | AWNINGS -- Tents, Autemobile Tents, ! | BABY Merchandise Rooms For Rent Articles For Saje 1 Real Estate For Sale. © Business Property Wanted-- Rooms or Board erty a1 eterborough Canoes, Life Savin | ushions, Fisgs, Tarpaulins. F. .f ocke, 219 Bagot Street. Phone 436. | P C ily C ARMY BOOTE--New and used. Also Men's fine Boots of all descriptions. YOUNG MAN---Wants nice, comfortable | bedroom and breakfast in private fam- Ply to Box M24, Whig Office BUSINESS--Going Dusiness, Parlor, Ice Cream Parle Shop ecembi close tg C.F small town Billiard r and Barber ned with residence, located "AR. and C.N.R. statione in « Apply Box No, M-13, Whig preferred; centrally located. Ap- | | Special bargain dn Rubber Boots. A. Shapiro, 45 Princess Street. 2 CARR firstclas ondition. York Street, IAGE-- Cream wicker, in! Cheap. Apply 68 BABY CARRIAGE -- Wicker, nearly APARTMENT --€ roomay 82s grate. covered baleony floors, janitor service; centrai. session May lst. Farms and Land For Sale 88 20 ACRES--On the middle road, good, fram s house, barn and stables. Apply George Eason, RR 1, ston. Houses For Sale Apartnents and_ Flats er heated, 8; large hardwood Pos- | wa convenienc 18'x20°; All Phone $57J. 84 new. For Information oall at 38 Clergy Street West, or phone 1167J. BASSINETTE--White, enamelled, go- cart, large coon collar and cuff set, all in excellent condition Apply 84] Queen Street. BELTING --And gplit pulleys, circular Saw blades 12 ahd 14 inch; all in good condition. F. B. McNamee, 345 Alfred Street. Phone 2292w. Re EBICYCLES---2%, used Bicycles. Pric right Agent for Cleveland Bicyel Baby Carriages re-tired. Muller's, 371 373 King Street. Phone 1961w. str COKE---$10 ton. w=-4 and 3% ton lots, 25c. extra. Mixed Cordwood or Slabs, $12.00 cubic cord or sawed in one foot lengths, making 4 single cords at $4.25, or haif single cord $2.38, or if APARTMENT Two large rooms, bath| BUNGALOW--Solid brick, vacan Street, from April 5th to June 15th. | above address. APARTMENTS---University apartments, 281 Unfversity Avenue, five and rooms; Street. APARTMENT --Four rooms, veniences; ho . Wh t lot in connection. Apply 445 Barrie Street. and kitchenette at Belvidere, 141 King | COMPLETE SUMMER COTTAGE--Fur- nished, skiff, motor boat, wharf, beaus tful wooded grounds, on Loughbors ough Lake; twenty minutes from Kingston. Apply Kingston Agencles Ltd, 67 Clarence Street. J. B CUNNINGHAM Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. 79 Clarénce Street FOR SALE IN TORONTO- roomed, frame, detached, As one block from Monarch Park, hard. woud floor, three piece bath, eight foot cellar, lot 25 by 115 feet. Modern lo= nt reasonable. Apply Mrs. Carhart, | | six to college and! Apply 337 Johnson convenient eet car line. : $3,000, six all con-| hdale Ava, t water heating. Apply ite. spilt, $2.50--- measured and delivered. Phone 2440W. 290 Wellington, corner Ordnance Street. W. C. Brutoh. EASTER SUITS--Made to your order, $30. "Easy terms of payment. Large selection of patterns. J. G. Patterson, 120 Johnson Street. TO me 8io 71- ly EARTH---Nice, clean earth may 1 for taking it away, Apply 382 FREE bs h B 87 FLAT--6 room, hardwood floors, elec- tric fire-place, gas, Kot water, central- sary. | cation Phone 2211), LET--Partially furnished apart-| e-- nt, facing Victoria Park. Posses-| HOUSE-g roomed, n May 1st. Apply King & Smythe, hardwood floors, 73 Clarence Street. separate bath and veniences. Lar sion at once. 2 ---- University Avenue, newly decorated, totlet All con. e verandah. Posses- Phone 1218). -| DOUBLE BRICK HOUSE--Princegs 8st, | half minute from car line, 3 bedrooms located. Possession at once if neces Apply Kingston Agencies, Ltd. t Clarence Stree Street, between Colborne and | York Streets. | HAVE--You noted our new location: | Ev one door below Strand Theatre. Eld-| er's Cigar Store. RINGLAND APARTMENTS Also furnished summer cottage, ply 186 Queen Street, or phone 1601w. and bathroom in each, electric and Jas god renters, $5730 for both, oy y singly. No agents. Apply Box -- Two.| E-15, Whig Office. pry ery convenience. Newly decorated. | ---- Ap-| HOUSE ------------------------ AND LOT--Also building jot and top buggy. Cheap for quick sale. Apply 177 Pine Street. HARDWOOD--$3 75 quarter cord; mix- ed wood, $3.25; hard, mixed and soft wood slabs. Also lumber and sfingles | W. H. Talbot, 8 St. Catherine Street. Yard on Concession Street, near Divi- sion. Phone 2302w, HIGHEST PRICES--Paid for old wal.| sul nut, mahogany and curly maple fur-| niture, brass candlesticks, old pewter, etc Lesses Antique Shop, 507 Prin- e 5 Street. Phone 2610 va TWO FLATS--4 rooms, room, wood floors, 329 Division TO LET--In Sydenham Apartments, two | room, tiled; ment, gas stove, refrigerator and gas | ecm------------ --8 roomed, stone, fully equip- in each. Electric, gas, hard-| ped, facing City Park. Extra good garage if desired. Apply| value Apply Kingston Agencies Ltd., Street, 67 Clarence Street. HOUSE--New, hall and bath-| HOUSE | seve a a 'en roomed, so brick, Ellerbeck Street; just oom+« pleted; hardwood floors upstalrs and downstairs, 3 piece bathroom, hot r furnace. Apply E. E. Wathen, 137 Nel son street, rooms and bath | floors; bath rooms] kitchen equip-/| tes, each four hardwood clothes closets, ter heater. Apply 69 Brock Street. | -- INCUBATOR--110 egg Buckeye Incu- Business Pluces For Rent 73 SOLID BRICK--Nine rooms, hardwood bator and Brooder, slightly used. Rea- onable price. Apply 38 Livingston 27) or phone Wi S--Not what you get here, it's how | you get it. Cheerful service. Elders New Cigar Store. PRIVATE SALE Contents of six room house, ex- cellent condition; bought new 18 months ago; including Singer Sewing Machine, 2 years old. Apply oe mo Ap 8TO [1 sto to NO'S 42 TO 46 PRINCESS STREET -- ing, roperty Ontario Street. floors, hot water heating, verandah, garage, all improvements; no reason- able offer will be refused. Terms. See our list. Money to loan. O'CONNOR, Barrie and Princess Sta. th dwellings overhead, large build- suitable for garage in rear. This is suitable for a flour and store, wholesale Diminiess or autos T bile showroom. Possession May 1st. . ply Box U-26, Whig Office. Phone 1268J. RE--With good basement on Prin- s, above Barrie. Also officeg and re under construction to be finished suft tenant. Apply I Cohen & Co., FOR SALE. SOLID BRICK HOUSE rms For Rent 18 456 FRONTENAC STREET TO R. and implements. R. No. 1, Kingston, near Bi 3 Verandahs, 19 rooms, Linen ang Clothes Closets, 3" Fireplaces, sep- arate Bath and Toilet, large Cellar RENT--On shares, 150 acres, stock Apply E. E. Draper, arriefield. PIANO Miniature Player Grand, Brambaek, good as ne Ww, guarante and Stone Fruit Pantry, Hot Water Houses for Remt 77| Heating, Brick Garage, large gar- | lovely tone; only one of its kind this district. Bargain. F. J. Grace, 37 Mack Street. Phone 2287J. QUEBEC HEATERS -- Combination BRI bathroom, gA4s, furnace, Rent $3: den with a variety fancy Shrubs. Moderate price, Apply: BOYD, ve. Phone 1083m, Six rooms, three piece! West ,end, electric lights, | side entrance, good yard. | .00. Tglephone 566w, | | CK HOUSE-- J. D. 382 University A Stoves, dining room and other furni- ture. We also buy. J. Thompson, $33 Princess Street. Phone 1600w. abl FRAME HOUSE -- decorated Five roms, newly | inside. Rent very reason- e. Apply 94 Rideau Street. MULLIN PRIVATE SALE of high class 1urniture, consisting of Chesterfield set, living room table and chairs, walnut and ebony di room on HOUSE---New, seve Apply J. D. Boyd, Photte 1083m. Ew, Real Estate and insurance Broker, Johnson and Division Streets 8 n roomed, and barn, Phone 639w. advt. Page 8, near Con sion St. 332 University Ave. North Alfred, suite, mahogany bedroom suite, ivory bedroom suite, Ostermoor mattresses and box springs, floor and table lamps, den furniture, large desk, rugs, hangings and pictures, cushions and pillows, kitchen utensils, refrig. erator, gas range, electric washing machine, etc. Owner leaving town. Apply 97 CENTRE STREET. RIGHT--Here in F. HOU all HOUSE--With a to rent, or will s near Bay, electric a basin upstairs. 68 Bagot street, HOUSE--107 May 1st. iots For Bale 85 BUILDING LOTS--Five, or would make Bood garden ground, 176 feet frontage 32 feet. Will gell individually. Al- 850 one lot on: Kllerbeck Street near King. Apply BB. Wathen, 137 Nel son street. good lot, Cherry St. ell on easy terms. H. Norman, 69 Patrick Street. JSE--8ix rooms, on Bagot Street, nd gas, toilet and For particulars apply BUSINKSS SKRVICK Clergy Street; no furnace; conveniences. Possession Phone 1760m. other O'Connor's old stand. One door below Strand Theatre. Eld- er's Cigar Store. SCALES--AIll kinds, hand. Cash or eas Scale Co., Ltd. ston. pro new and second-| Ply y terms. Toledo 209 Princess St., King- Jan LIVINGSTON AVE.--7 rooms, all garden, STONE DWELLING--238 § rooms, W. Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce Bullding, B and King Streets. Phone 01 or ack General Insurance Agency, Writing: --Automobile, Fire, Acct dent, Sickness, Plate Glass, Burglary im- good | fon immediately. Ap-| n Ave. Phone 757J. vements, newly decorated, Possess! 28 Livingsto Brock Street, ater heating. Apply Phone 147. hot _w. 1s Reld. SEED OATS--0.A.C..72 at ushel. Apply to R. M. Portsmouth. SPECIAL--Bed, Springs and Mattress, $14.00, this week only. Frontenac Mattress Co., Phone 1961). 377 King Street East. cents per 75 Van Luven, roo: roo SEE--Our window display of speciale STONE HOUSE--Near Odessa, wood, apples and fruit, from high school, on c mail and ete. Representing only reliable com- panies. Jette ess 8 bed- a. © acre land, one half mile ounty highway, hone service, suitable for obert A. Hamm, Odessa. Wanted--To Rent ms, cistern, furnace, on MKHROWANDISE Cook Stoves With and without tanks, | | { | | mers, in musical instru 8ar Store. SONORA---Trovatore, cabinet Phonograph 150. Easy lindsay, ments. Elders Of- SMA. ven new, mahogany . with 3 records, erms arranged. WW. limited, 121 Princess Street. R Y, hard maple, stating rent to Box F-10, Whig WANTED--To rent, 1st May, Kingston Agencies, Street, Kingston Alse Square Heaters, Real cheap, Ate J. Turk's PHONE 705. mg 1st, all con- dren. Apply Oitice.| LL HOUSE--By Ma lences; central; no chil House, §| 10 rooms, garage, garden. Apply Ltd, 61 Clarence WOOD--Dr; dry body soft wooed, 'hardwood slabs, kindling, cut and delivered; livin prices. J, Peters & Bon, corner Brock and Toron- to Streets. Phone $89, 1T 48 HEIFERS--Two re licitor, 5% Brock Str istered Holstein | Heifers, will fres eet. Money to loan. Births, Engagements, Marriages, a8; Co LL EEA, ain of Thanks and Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.50; cash, $1.00 each insertion. Advertising ordered for irregular insertions takes the one-time 'nser- ST Hamat ee Heating, Plumbing, Roofing 22 | TAYLOR AND HAMILTON--For service in Plumbing and Tins 89 Princess Street. Phone mithing, Wilfrid Bastwood, | en immediately, Tuberculin tested. R. R. 3, Gananoque. | SHEA---Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor. Law Office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank Money to loan. Phone 1899. Repairing | Poultry and Supplies 49 tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. fount six average words to the e. Charged ads. will be received by dai Shone and if paid at The Brit- SIGN PAINTING. S. Roblason, rear 375 Bagot street UPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttons made same day as ordered. Upholster- layers; $2.50 per 15 and u p. Joseph White, Portsmouth, Ont. Phone 2301 YOU--Save dollars Electric Light and Tractors, Road Ma E. C. Smith, 199 C. here on Violet Rays, Power plants, Case chinery, Threshers. olborne Street. Radio rquipment you answer your classified tains and DO don't leav MAKES it easter for ad telephone street address. Use unnecessary words and € out necessary words when write a clasgified ad CLASSIFIED ADS. don't allow you to spend any time wondering where different things. The tell ht away---without any lay. BE SURE your classified ad bears a correct index term to help attract the right class of readers. réaders to if 1t con- both your number your N'T | RADIO HOSPITAL--GIve us the lents--we'll make it operate. every evening--the year round. C ada Radio Stores. at- pen an- ing at reasonable prices. E. J. Good- Haga, 344 University Avenue. Phone 2043F, ring 4. PULLETS--Tom Barron, White Leg-| hig Office within ¢ days from e first of 'nsertion, cash rate ill be allowed. Ads. ordered for mo President Cosgrave, of the Irish re than one day Free State has received a sympa- horn Pullets. Price rea = - sonable. A | FURNITURE FINISHI evenings te 144 Rideau Street. 7 7 Call and see W. Dr NG--Of all kinds. iscoll, 23 John street. Phone 296F. and stopped before only be charged for times the ad. Appeared and adjust. ment made at the rate earned. SAte per line for white space a line of type. : Special rate for yearly advertising re) uest. Publishers or reject expiration wii} thetic message from the British pre- the number of mler over the Queenstown assassina- tion of British soldiers. The Shah of Persia has been de posed and a two-year-old-boy as- cends the throne. Reparation report will be ready by April 2nd, reserve the right to edit or all classified advertis'ng ° y. hone 243, ask for a wan Tide t ad. J to F. W. Harold ,104 Clergy St draw up' your classified WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCK EGGS--For| hatching The kind that pay. 21°pul- lets laid over 60 dozen eggs during December 1923 and January 1924. Phone 16537 or apply 260 Neilson St. =x ee UPHOLSTERING---New ture; work guaranteed. card. W. J. Gavine, 216 or used furni- Call or drop a Bagot Street. -- d general repalr- at or drop a card UPHOLSTERING--An A C TE sto y % ing. Leave orders E ry in your class fled ad. gives readers a clear idea of Your proposition -- and brings you | somplate satisfaction. ; lo help youl THE MORE you tell the more you Sell That's the classified ad rule. reet. | ASK our ad-taker BRINGING UP FAT Announcements Personals ® HER Wanted--To Buy DRESSED BULLHEADS --At 20 cents per lb, f.o.b. Watertown. Prompt re. turns. Write or phone before ship. *ping. The Boston Fish Market, Wat. ertown, N. Y. EGGS--Wanted, each week, one case of twelve dozen strictly fresh eggs, to be delivered to Dominion Express Of- fice; crates Juppiied. Kingst ket price paid. Write Hugh 20 St. Nicholas Street, Mont YOU WIN more attentlo; We are receiving all rail shipments of: Old Time Quality Anthracite Coal The kind with the lustre, FRESH MINED CANNEL COAL James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of johnson Street n by tellingi® your whole story in your classified ad. , 88 7 -------- cMANUS Y--Meet your ideal a P in our club. Man by ladies and gentlemen see Write for literature sent in 3 n sealed envelope. Full particu- A 10c. Strictly confidential. Club, + Box 811, Ottawa, Canada. ES* -- Moles, mar. Bkin Cancers, etc, a Ea Sodra, pls, 2 Tabor erisicns Renttisitges ert through wear mar- COLOUT TOMGHT Hair, others. have falled. ration. 38 1 Rare mxperience. Br. Shuey iene * Bagot Street. Phone 301. Hous WW, 3 Cardinal Mercier, of Bel- glum, celebrates his golden jubilee in the priesthood on April fourth, he "will receive gifts from France, Eng- land and America as the result of public subscription opened in those countries. 'The policies of the King admin. o n were scored at' a great "Tory gathering in Montreal on Sat- unday. » . THID 1D MISS TAKE 'SHE 1D GOING TO TEACH YOU MAH JONG - I'VE COT YO WITH THAT IND OF A TEACHER 1 COULD STUDY AND OHE ALL MY Lire MISS TAKE COULD NOT CET HERE YOMIGHT 30 IVE TAKEN HER