Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Mar 1924, p. 4

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG LIMINATE house- hold drudgery -- add to the beauty of Jour home with durable, sanitary Seaman - Kent Beaver Brand Flooring. A small Investment will enable you to enjoy the finest floors made. Simply measure the sizes of your rooms and ask us- for an estimate on the material. ALLAN LUMBER CO. Vietoria Street Phone 1043. ESTABLISHED 1871. HANLEY'S AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Special attention given your family or friends going to or returning from the Old Country. Passports arranged. For full particulars apply or write J. P. HANLREY, C.P. & T.A,, C. N. Ry Office: Canadian National Railway Station, corner Johnson and Ontario Streets, Kingston, Ont. Open day and night. Phones 99 and 1433. Where To Save Money Buy for Cash We deliver to all parts of the A FEW SPECIALS: Farmers' Roll Butter -- fresh every day. Strictly Fresh Eggs. Canadian Packing Co. Goods in Meat, Sausage and Frank- forts at a very low price. Breakfast Bacon, sliced at 20c¢, Ib, tarts sean = CORKEY'S GROCERY CORNER OF MONTREAL AND JOHN STREETS Phone 549w seen IR; W.H. HALL & SON High Class Groceries 'and Provisions. Princess and Clergy Streets GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Pure Breakfast Cocoa 28c. Ib., 2 Ibs. for 25c., 9 Ibs. for $1.00. Prompt delivery. Phone 645. LEADING FLORIST Funeral designing and Wed- ng of Brock and Welling. ton Streets. TELEPHONE 770. Woodstock's tax rate for 1924 will be 39% mills, two mills above 1923, A man should be commended ac- cording to Als wisdom. on Good temper olls the wheels of fe. His Sluggish Liver Made Him Feel Drowsy and Tired All the Time When your liver becomes sluggish | and inactive your whole health suf- fers, and the only way you can get back to feeling right is to make your liver right. This you can do by the use of Mil- | burn's Laxa-Liver Pills as they will | stimulate the sluggish liver, clean | away all waste and poisonous mat- ter from the system, and prevent, as well as relieve, all complications arising from a liver that has be- come inactive, Mr. E. Hazel, East Florenceville, N. B., writes:--*"I had been troubled with my liver and felt drowsy and tired all the time, and was unable to do my work with any comfort. I took your Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills and to-day I am a different man, and would not be without them in the house." | Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c. i vial at all dealers, or malled,direct | On receipt of price by The T. Milburn | Ses Limited. Toronto, Ont. | Apply a little on the outside of the Squeeze a in a spoon, dissolve Per Lrtans relief will follow. BAUME BENGUE also relieves sore throat, chest colds and head colds. Get the Original Dr.Bendne's Baume B), Er qd] tee J, AY &) Fmt her 1) poh Ui Toe i a LADIES! LOOK YOUNG, DARKEN | GRAY HAIR Use the Old-time Sage Tea and Sule phur and Nobody Will Know. . Gray hair, however handsome, de- notes advancing age. We all know the advantages of a youthful appear- ance. Your hair is your charm. It makes or mars the face. When it | fades, turns gray and looks streaked, Just a few applications of Sage Tea and Sulphur enhances its appearance | a hundred-fold. Don't stay gray! Look young! Either prepare the recipe at home or | Bet from any drug store a bottle of | "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com- pound," which is merely the old-time recipe improved by the addition' of other ingredients. Thousands of folks recommend this ready-to-use prepa ration, because it .darkens the hair beautifully, besides, no one can pos sibly tell, as it darkens so naturally and evenly. You moisten a sponge or soft brush with it, drawing this through the hair, taking on small strand at a time. By mo gray hair disappears; another application or two, its natural color 1s restored and it becomes thick, glossy and lustrous, and you appear years OR SALE New Brick Bungalow--6 rooms, 3 bed- rooms, electric lights, nice enamel bath, furnace, good cellar, private driveway. Milf $ fixtures, gas, 3 pi oak floors, wall plugs, 0 M. B. TRUMPOUR 'Phone 704 or 15421. Special for Wednesday and Saturday | FRUIT BREAD Wholewheat Bread Every Day. F. C. HAMBROOK ~ - ALL ITS BRANCHES REN INDUSTRIAL PROGRESS THROUGHOUT CANADA As Reported by-the Canadian! Pacific Railway Department of Development. North Bay, Ont.--The gold mines of Northern Ontario broke all pre- vious records Iin-the month of Jan- | uary, when they produced approxi- mately $2,100,000 bases on pre liminary reports obtained from the mines. -- Ottawa, Ont.--Canada's harvest of the sea during Jaguary is valued at $1,238,661, according to a bul- letin issued by the Department of lf I. y marine and Fisheries. During the month 376,330 cwts. of sea fish were marketed commercially on both Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Regina, Sask.--The honey crop will soon be of considerable import- ance in Saskatchewan judging from the great interest taken in bee keep- ing and the success of Saskatchewan bée keepers in securing good yields of honey of high quality. Vancouver, B.C.--With a capital- ization of one million dollars, the Panama Pacific Grain Terminals, Limited, has been Incorporated un- der a federal charter. The company proposes to build a terminal elevator on the Pacific coast at an approxi mate cost of $760,000. Ottawa, Ont.--Exports of leather footwear from Canada more than doubled in 1923, the total for the year being $288,299, as against $132,302 in 1922. Canada's best cus- tomers in thig trade are New Zea- land and the United States which be- tween them buy about 75 per cent. of the leather shoes exported by Canada. «7 Victoria, B.C.--The . Minister of Lands has announced that Dutch or- ganization has offered to purchase two hundred thousand acres of land in the Stuart Lake district for the purpose of colonization of Dutch agriculturists. 8t. John, N.B.--~From all indica: tions, the potato shipments to Ha- vana 'this season through the port of 8t. John will great exceed those of last year. To date there have been 750,387 bushels sent forward in twenty steamers, while from Sep- tember 1st, 1822, until January 31st, 1923, a total of 505,668 bushels were shipped in seventeen steamers, Quebec, Que.--Announcement has been made by the Federal minister of agriculture that a new Dominion seed laboratory will be established here. The pldnt is practically ready for operation and seed samples for the province of Quebec will be test- ed and graded here under the Do- minion Seeds Act. Winnipeg, Man.--With heavy in- quiries from South American sources for Canadian flour," millers expect to see their export volume sub- stantially increased during the pres- ent month over January. This move- ment together with offerings here nf a premium for wheat at Van- couver have been the most encourag- ing trade features of the past montn in Winnipeg. BEE _8udbury, Ont.--Nickle production Biliousness Sick Headache Now Easily Overcome by a Simple Home Remedy Among the earliest symptoms arq furred tongue and dull head. ache. Then come dizzy speils, bad taste, uick pulse, fever anl cold sweats, Finally, sleeplessnéss and vom- iting make the condition of the sufferer almost intolerable, The root of biliousness is with the liver which is clogged and can't keep bile from getting into the blood. Nothing works with the certain. ty of Dr. Hamilton's Pills; they. act directly on the liver, restore the bile to its proper course and prevent it from contaminating the vital fluid. Of course, the bowels are or dered and relaxed by Dr. Hanh. ton's Pills, the kidneys receive néw tonic, the blood is renovated, and the result is a remewal of good health. No need for delay, the sooner you use Dr. Hamilton's Pills, the Sooner you'll feel the brisk, kecn satisfaction of a healthy, well- regulated system. Sold in yellow boxes, 28c., or five for $1.00, all dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., in 1923 amounted to 61,444,000 poupds, valued at $18,433,020, or about 3% times as much as was produced during the preceding cal- endar year, when the total output was only 17,591,123 pounds, val- ued at $6,158,993. The production was wholly obtained from the smelt- ing of the nickel-copper ores mined in the Sudbury area of Ontario. Montreal, Que.--Value of pulp and paper exports from Canada in 1923 amounted to $140,798,453, most of which went to the United States, acc ng to a report issuea by the Canddian Pulp and Paper Association. This compares with a value of $115,863,742 in' 1922. Can- ada exported in 1923, 1,137,962 tons of newsprint, the first time it has orossed the million ton marks. Of this, 1,115,356 tons went to the Un- ited States. Ottawa,--During the past week, according to a notice in the Canada Gasgette, the following companies have been incorporated with. Fed- eral charters: Treaton Chemical Company, $100,000, Trenton, Ont.; Massey Knitting Company, $150,- 000, Montreal; Solvita Company of Canadas, Limited, $200,000, Winni- peg; James Stewart Lumber Com- pany, $500,000, Winnipeg; and Fortin, Gavells, Gagnon, Limited, $100,000, Hull. - , Ottawa -- Canada's wheat flour trade is maintaining the growth Montreal. \, 7 Lo a co which was witnessed during 1923, this point is revealed in statistics dealing with exports for the Do- minion for the first five months ot the current crop year. For the per- iod under review Canada exported 5,411,664 barrels, worth $28,244, 877, as compared with 5,255,081 barrels, value $29,239,008, for the corresponding period a year agp. Lethbridge, Alberta.--It is expect: ed that refining will start at the Al- berta Refining Company's plant at Coutts, Alberta, in the Sweetgrass field, some time in Mdrch. This plant and that of the Alberta Re- fineries at Edmonton, along with the $2,500,000 undertaking of the Im- perial Oil Company at Calgary will give Alberta three refineries. = A --------------. \ A VILLAGE'S ASSET. at Northbrooke Will Be Busy All Summer, Northbrook, March 8.--Those who are interested in the horse races, which are being planned for Gull Lake, are waiting for the ice to get in good condition. A good day's sport is anticipated. Mr. Kleinstauber, Actinolite, is in our vicinity with his wood saw. He will be kept busy for a few weeks. J. Vogan"s mill yard continues to fill and for a rad- ius of eight miles logs are coming in; thus a steady summer's cut is warranted which is a fine asset to our village. Mr. Dennison, owner of Bon Echo summer resort, left: this week for Boston orf business, It should be of interest to many that the Ore Chim- ney Mining Co., Ltd., has engaged Sawmill the services of James Sullivan, as|- mine manager. Mr, Sullivan is ht present actively engaged in carrying out plans for the further develop- ment of the mine, preparatory to shipping. Mr. Sullivan comes high- ly recommended, havidg spent al- most his entire lifetime at mining, both in the northern districts of On. tario and the western States. The Ore Chimney Mining Co. feel highly gratified in procuring his services. The development work has shown some very splendid results, very high grade ore being encountered, Stop. ing will commence very shortly in high grade ore, which will be used for shipping and also provide good ventilation for the mine as the stop will be put through to the surface. Assays at this point show better than $70 ore. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lloyd are home after spending a month in Mac Tier. MUST TAKE BOLD COURSE. Australian Premier Embarks on Dif. ficult Political Situation. Melbourne, March 11.--Premier Bruce, who is said to have a difi- cult - political situatiop before him, lost no time on embarking upon it. At a luncheon given by his col leagues, he decided that dangers threatened if the present Common- wealth government should fall. The relations of ministers were most cordial, and even if the adminis tration was composite, there was no divergence of opinion om vital is- i ! fe thf sisik THE TOWN OF PICTON. Social Events of the Past Week-- Women at Prayer. Picton, March 10.--Mrs. Albert Powers entertained to tea at her home, Main street west, on Wednes- day afternoon, Mrs. Ewart Jones and the two daughters of the house, Mrs. Woodward and Miss Aileen Powers, assisted at the tea hour. Mra. Johnson, Adelphustown, was a recent guest with Mr. and Mrs. R. Davidson. Miss Gladys Orser, Tren ton, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Maher, Kifig street. Mrs. H. B. Tully entertained at Bridge on Wednesday evening. . Cyril Hambly, Toronto, was a re- cent guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Turnbull, Centre street. Mrs. Gerald Allison gave a de- lightful bridge on the evening of hey reception in honor of the young ladles who assisted her during the afternoon. Favors were won by Mise Bernice Woods and Mr. Gordon Walmsley. Miss Dorothy Carter was hostess of the Pollyanna Club at her home on Main street east. Mrs. D. R. Brown and Mrs. I. > Harvey, Lindhuret, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Ww. Young, Union street. Mrs. W. Tait entertained at bridge on Wednesday afternoon. Five tabdles were in play, the favor falling to the skill of Mrs. F. T. Knight. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. (Col.) Adams and Mrs. T. Fleury. Mies Helen Turnbull, Oshawa, has accepted a position in the millinery department of the A. Bristol anu Son store. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Spencer en- tertained a dinner party on Monday eveniiig of last week and 'Mrs. Spencer emtertained a party of lag. ies to tea on Thursday evening, with Mrs. John Stanton assisting. The rooms were pretty with potted plants in bloom and graceful terns. Mrs. Albert Welbanks, West Maly street, was hostess to a large com- pany of ladies at the tea hour on Thursday evening. Beautiful spring a pleasant time with much social visiting was enjoyed. She was as- sisted by her sister-indaw, Mrs. Frank Minaker. Mrs. Arnold Way, president of thé W.C. T. U. opened her home on Paul street, for the regular month- ly meeting on Thursday night. An in- teresting programme was given. About forty ladies were present. The Interdenominational prayer meeting for the Women's Mission- ar; Bocleties of Picton was held in the Presbyterian Church on Friday afternoon with Mrs. (Rev.) Cowan presiding. The programme as set was carried out, ladies from the Presbyterian, Anglican, Baptist any Methodist churches taking part. Stagley Vandusen of the Stand- ard Bank staff is {11 Mrs. D. McMullen, who has been THE BEAUTY OF HEALTH Newspapers and magazines are de- voting. columns to magic or over- night beautifiers. There is a beauty in health that {s far more attractive to men than mere regularity of fea- tures or a made up complexion. Health should be the first essential of women who want to win and hold admiration, respect and love. At the first indication of ill health as indi- cated by dark circles under the eyes, a sallow complexion, headaches, ir- ritability and melancholia, women should take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, the standard remedy for woman's ills, which has been proven to help 98 out of every 100 women who try it. bloom was much in evidence, and | KITCHENER, ONT. forth by the United Misdion Boards | aor who af She had many children, but she knew what to do when it came to buying shoes for her boys and girls. She bought Chums shoes, because Chums shoes gave wear aplenty and when the soles became worn she could send them back to us through her dealer for resoling and resizing up to and including size 10%. Bhe also kept her children's feet perfect, because Chums -- for children of all sises and ages -- are built to give perfect freedom to growing feet. There are no other shoes like Chums, Ask for them by name Drop us a card and we'll send you our Chums booklist and name ¢f pour neasesl deaks, Made Only By CHARLES A. AHERNS, Limited, Kitchener my For Sale At Lockett's Shoe Store| spending the winter with Rev. Dr. a: d Mrs. Shorey, left on Friday for her home. ------------ Eighty-nine bodies had been re- covered 'up to 9.15 a.m. from Num- ber Two mine of the Utah Fuel Com- pany, Castlegate, where an explosion occurred last Saturday In the Quebec legislature Premier Taschereau suggested that Ottawa had better leave the matter of forest protection to the provinces. to deal with. ' It thou seest a man of under- standing get thee betimes untp him and let thy foot wear the steps to his door. . L resignation Peter Heenan, Labor member for Kenora, will try to place the legis- lature on record as favoring an eight-hour day and a forty-eight hour week for all working persons with a few "reasonable exceptions." Joseph McGrath, minister of in. dustry and commerce, announced his in the Dall Bireann Tuesday afternoon because of "mude dling" in connection with the army trouble. t At New York, Dr. James O. Green, whose daughter, Eleanor Margaret Green, is betrothed to Prince Viggo, of Denmark, died on Monday, He was eighty-two years old. who child is risking the It must be remembered that an laxative and cannot Teach your child internal " ~~ | : cleanliness permits constipation in her baby or older health, even the life of ber little one. ro unable to tell NS ies ees gripe. Like pure water it io harsalosn,

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