THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG WE ARH NOW BOOKING ORDERS FOR WINTER Automobile Painting SELECT FINISHING FROST'S | AUTOMOBILE PAINTING 200-506 QUEEN STREET. Auto Tops and Seats Recovered " Side Curtains, All Kinds of Bevelled Glass Lights R. SINCLAIR 360 BARRIE STREET "PHONE 1684. EE THE AUTOMOTIVE CYLINDER GRINDING SERVICE Try us for service and you'll be agreeably surprised at the speedy accurate service and reasonable price. Automotive Grinders Limited GLASSES ONLY WHEN NEEDED With us, it is not mevely a ques- tion of money; but rendering real service to our patromns. Come to us with the assurance that glasses will be advised only when necessary. Are your eyes in the danger zome ? R. ARTHEY, RO. Prax sR Open eveings by evpotntmes, THINK ICE WILL NOT LAST The Late Mrs. Pyke, Wolfe Is- land--WiIillam Fawcett ls Seriously lll. Wolfe Island, Feb. 27. --After the very stormy weather of last week when all roads were blocked, condi- tions are again becoming normal. An unusually heavy movement in pres- sed' hay is taking place. The road on ice to eity has been. very heavy of late, considerable slush being upon it. There are many of the opinion that the ice will be of short dura- tion. The funeral of Mrs. Helmer Pyke took place yesterday from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Abbott, to St. Andrew's churé¢h, and was & very large and repregentative one. Long before the appointed time friends of the deceased gathered to pay thelr last tribute of respect to one who in ife was held in high esteem. De- ed had spent the day with her pddaughter, Mrs. William Allin- son, where she partook of a hearty lunch, before returning home in the An occasional dose of DR.CALDWELL'S LAXATIVE SYRUP PEPSIN RY Keeps young girls fit False Modesty Wrecks Health H Joyce, Ont. says it is the best remedy constipation she ever used. Safe for Young and Old Let mothers with growing Di eg To gy rule fi oy to take a spoonful Syrup once AEE sy at 3 pr pct iy Thom : ao aed & biliousness, Bik Dr. well's Laxative ,,euef You Want to Try It Free Before Buying sssas Pepain," 24 Caldwell Bldg., I Catdoelts Lasatioe HA By ad Ar evening. Upon her arrival she was seized with a fainting spell, and death immediately followed. Her husband, Cornelius Pyke, predeceas- ed her two years ago. She is sur- vived by her son, Dexter Pyke, and her daughter, Mrs. Abbott, with whom she resided. The funeral ser- mon was preached by Rev, MriRus- sell on Sunday evening. Mrs. Craig-Russell received a telephone message stating that her father, Hiram Davis, who resides in Cape Vincent, had been stricken with paralysis. At the time of writing his condition is somewhat improved. Mrs. Austin McDonald, who was tak. en to the Hotel Dieu Hospital, yes- terday, is improving. Miss Katle Quirk, who was so seriously ill, is on a fair way to recovery. William Fawcett has been quite seriously ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Robert Bustard, Kingston. The O.H.A. ball held en Monday night was very successful. One hundred and twenty-five couples were present. A social and dance was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bullls last night whep a very en- joyable time was spent. William A dose can be given in these con- ditions to any member of the family bowever or old as Laxative of Eeypiten laxative and would like lo prove what or eotuat ddress Colin O'More sings Come Back to Erin Oft in the Stilly Night With his entrancing tenor voice, Colin O'More asx FoR pays a fitting homage to the Emerald Isle by NUMBER singing these numbers with rave Irish charm. 24087 ¥ A few numbers from the Vocalion March * Bulletin--which is packed with delightfully interesting things. Ask the Vocalion Dealer ~ 'Latest Dance Hits vou. 14727 The Desert. fora complete list and hear those you fancy. From Our English Catalogue Malcolm McEachern--Bass The Mariner in His Barguwe. (Aeolian Orch.) | 13.10, $3.96 Margaret Balfour--Contralto Reaping. Still as the Night 5 R. 6092 10-in., $1.68 Sapellnikoff--Piano Gavotte, Op. 3. Le Rossignol. {Sapstinfiaf] R. 6108 (Ldsst) { 1o.1n., $1.65 V'adimir Rosing=--=Tenor (Sachmowshy)) ooo Yeren seshia's. Oridie oo $1.15 (Moussorgsky Band of H.M. 1st Life Guards Mikado Selection. Mikado Selection, ; Reminiscences of the Plantations. A Musical Switch. - \ Part 1| 35026 Part 2(, $150 b X-9151 Parte 1-3 10-tn., $1.38 Parse 1 ana 3 one pio CCW. Princess VanNess has returned home after a two weeks' visit among friends in Pittsburg. Miss Francis McKenna spent a few days last week In Water- town, N.Y, On her return she wis accompanied by her sister, Miss Ethel. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Moran, Watertown, N.Y. are visiting among relatives. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McReady, a son. The tined owing to scarlet fever, ine -y RADIO BROADCASTING i The following is a list of radio stations, with their broadcasting programmes, which may be héard locally on Friday: 826---KDKA---East Pittsburg, Pa. 6.15 p.m.--Organ recital. 7.156 p.m.~--~Boy Scout meeting. 476--WFAA--Dallas, Tex. 8.30 p.m.--Programme of popu- lar music in song and orchestra. 860--WGI--Medford Hillside, Mass. 7.30 p.m.--8pecial programme. 887--WBZ---S8pringfield, Mass. 7.30--Bedtime story. 11 p.m. --W.B.Z. Orchestra, 517--WWJ--Detroit, Mich. 8.30 p.m.--Detroit News orches- tra. 536---KYW---Chicago, Il. - home of Frank Fawcett is quaran-| LIMINATE house hold drudgery -- add to the beauty of your home with durable, sanitary Seaman - Kent Beaver Brand Flooring. A small investment will enable you to enjoy the finest floors made. Simply measure the sizes of your rooms and ask us for ah estimate on the material. ALLAN LUMBER co. Victoria Street Phone 1042. | ORDER A TON OF MITCHELL'S COAL | and emjoy your home Fire-- clean, bright Anthracite----Egg, i Stove or Nut size. $16.50 PER TON Choice Hardwood and Slabs, WA. Mitchell & Co. 15 ONTARIO STREET WHEN IN PICTON Buy Lumber, Coal, Feed RYATT & HART Grinding by Hydro Power, © READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Wise Shoppers Do It Kingston Battery Service W. MILNE, PROPRIETOR. ers EEE ALL MAKES OF STORAGE BATTERIES, STARTING MO- TORS, GENERATORS. AND MAGNETOS REPAIRED 6.50 p.m.--Children's Bedtime story. 7 p.m.--Dinner concert. 10 p.m.--Midnight revue. " 805--KHJ--Los Angeles, Cal, 6.46 p.m.--Saxaphone band. 10 p.m.--Art Hickman's orchestra, 880--~WGY--S8chenectady, N.Y. 7.45"p.m.--~Radip drama comedy. 448---WMAJ--Chicago, 111. 7,30 p.m.--Music memory contest. 9.15 p.m, --Luther Memorial choir, 305---KHJ--Los Angeles, Cal. 6.560 p.m.--~Children's programme. 7 p.m. --Organ recital. 30 p.m.--Art Hickman"s orches- tra. 484--WOO--Davenport, Ia, 8 p.m.--Musical programme. 476--WBAP--Fort Worth, Tex. 7.30 p.m.--Concert. ~~ 9.30--Novelty Leap Year concert. 4690--WRC--Washingtn, D.O. 6 p.m.--Storles for children. Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. THE TOWN OF PICTON. Canon FitzGerald, Kingston, to Lecture There Thursday Evening. Picton, Feb. 26.--Jack Arnold of the Union "Bank staff left on Satur- day to take over new duties at the Danforth branch of the Union Bank Picton. Fred Heffernan left for ton by Walter French, who comes from the Union Bank at Stirling. Herb Brant returned to Pleton on Wednesday after several days in Wilson, N.Y., where Mr. Brant has leased John H. Leggett's fruit Tdrm. He will take possession the first of April. After spending the week-end In of Toronto. He is succeeded in Plc- Kingston on Monday to attend the Navigation school. He will qualify to take the examination for his captain's papers. William Martell was in for'a few days recently. Herb Brooks came from Montreal last week to spend a few days with his family in Picton. Mrs. P. 1. Bentley, Millbrook, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Morden, Lake' street, and also with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dayton, Spring street. | Richard Bartlett, Charlotte, N.Y,, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bartlett, Sand Banks. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dayton en- tertained at dinner on Wednesday evening in honor of their guest, Mrs. P. 1. Beatley, Millbrook. The evening was spent with cards and dancing. The A.Y.P.A. is looking for a full house on Feb. 28th when Canon W. F. FitaGerald, Kingston, will deliver his celebrated lecture "Ireland and the Irish" in the parish house. " BE. M. Young, solicitor, gave a very Toronto Wednesday evening. Miss Lillias Barker entertained at bridge on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. (Dr.) Frank won the pretty favor. Rev. Charles and Mrs. Pringle, dil seivEl Eheis "ii HHH EEE fe i z i ki fil it i ii i i al : ® " d > ; Vv NR Ry ized in any way. Herd Tu University. We guarantee that every bottle is from our own stable. Delivery to all parts of the city. TELEPHONE 1105 R-3. LOCK PARK .. AH. FAIR, Sole Proprietor. Clean, pure milk from heal erculin tested. Purveyors to the Kingston General Hospital, an institution which only buys the best. Health of attendants, Sanitation, Stérilization, etc., under the personal supervision of Dr. Miller, Professor of Pathology, Queen's WAY STOCK FARM thy cows. Not pasteurized or steril- 1 HEMLOCK PARK STOCK FARM Andhra PP OP OPO IOD many Gra % That Boy or Girl of Yours-- OU realize, of course, that youth is ¥ the period of great development. Bones must grow. Muscles must expand. Building of tissues and cells is a necessary growth. - You must feed youf children foods that will help this body-building process and at the s time give them strength and energy. Nuts will do it. With milk or cream it is a perfect food in every respect. Its phosphorous and iron supply strength-- and store it up. Its starches (changed by a long process of baking, to sugar form) supply tissue-building materials. As a food Grape-Nuts is perfectly balanced. Its crisp- ness makes you chew it--it aids the evelopment of teeth. It is easily digested; soundly nourishing and economical because there are many helpings in each package. Serve it right from the package with cream or milk. At your grocer's.. i Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Limited Head Office: Toronto: "There's a Reason" rape:Nuts Factory : Windsor * of