T E is DAILY BRITISH WHIG TOASTS AND ANECDOTES Speeches -- their preparation and their delivery. Business Letters Made Easy. Jokes for All Occasions. Entertaining Made Easy, Dancing Made Easy. Etiquette an Encyclopedia of good manners, i EE LEADING EDUCATIONSTS 10 BE IN KINGSTON They Coie From East and West to Sit Down at a Banquet. Among the trustees who have shown ability in the work of the Urban School Trustees Association of Ontario, is T. Sidney Kirby, Otta- wa. He was one of the founders of the association and" will be among the able men who will attend the convention here which begins tonight | with a get-acquainted supper in the Red Room at Queen's, Mr. Kirby was the first president of the asso- AN AWFUL ATTACK, ' OF PIMPLES | ALL OVER HIS FACE Pimples breaking out on the face and other parts of the body is a sure sign that the blood is not in proper shape. 3 While the skin Is the object of the attack the real seat of the disease is in the blood on account of the entire ¢irculation being poisoned. Burdock Blood Bitters quickly and effectually banishes pimples and all other skin diseases as it goes right to the root of the treuble by cleansing and, enriching the blood. Mr. Conrad Anderson, Kelfield, Sask., writes: --"A year ago I had an awful attack of pimples. They broke out all over my face and I could not get rid of them in any way. One day a friend told me about your The following is a list of the radio stations and thelr broadcasting pro- grammes which may be heard locally on Wednesday: 6.15 p.m.-- Dinner concert. 8.30 p.m.--Glee Club concert. 536---KYW-~Chicago, 1. 7 pm.--Dinner concert. 10 p.m.--Midnight review, 337--WBZ~--Springfield, Mass. 6 p.m.--Dinner concert by WBZ 'orchestra. 7.30 p.m.--Bedtime story for 826--KDKA--East Pittsburgh, Pa. | 7.45 p.m.--The Children's Period. | RADJO BROADCASTING | | i | { Free advice on Your Foot Troubles callouses or burning: the foot or toes, weak turnihg ank If you have achin Dr. Scholl FOOT EXPERT will be here TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, February 26th and 27th g feet, pains, cramps, - sation atthe ball of Price $1.00. R.Uglow & Co. -- Continuation Kinnear & D'Esterre Will Continue the Disposal of Their Stock With a 25% DISCOUNT. SALE UNTIL THE END OF FEBRUARY This will include all lines ex- cepting Waterman Pens and articles with an established re- sale price. Kinnear & o'Esterre Burdock Blood Bitters and let me have a bottle he had to spare. After using it. I noticed a change, so I bought three more bottles, and now I don't know there is such a thing as pimples." B.B.B. is manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, of schools, anxious | Ont. SA mms Chatham, will reply. The banquet will be a treat. The citizens will be welcomed. There i8 room for 200 guests, A HUGE CANADIAN MAP For the British Empire Exhibi- tion to Tell All A bout This Country. Ottawa, Feb. 26.--When the Brit- ish Empire Exhibition opens in Lon- don next April, Canada wil] indeed be "put on the map." THere has just been completed here one of the larg. est and most illuminating maps of this Dominion ever made. It will tell in a flash everything about the natural resources and physical fea- tures of this country, ang tell it in a way that no map has ever told it before, This huge map is being prepared by the "Natural Resources Inteili- gence Service of the department of the Interior in co-operation with the Canadian Pacific Railway. It is 28 feet long and 10 feet high, and is {lluminated by more than eleven hundred electric lamps. It is made of steel, and is in eight sections for transportation purposes. The actual map is painted on to the steel in per- manent colors, with all the rivers, lakes, cities, transportation lines, boundaries and territories marked in | the usual way. In addition, every natyral resource ang product of the Dominion fs clearly marked in the locality where they are found. Every- thing there is to know about the wealth of Canada is recorded. But the unique feature of the map is that every spot where a certain natural product is found or an in- dustry 1s in existence, is illuminated with electric lights of distinctive colors. For example, where copper is found, a purple light, conspicuous and brilliant, will mark the place. ciation ang has ever since been a member of the executive committee. He is a member of the public school board of Ottawa, and for the past twenty-one years has been the fin- ance minister of the board. He is very much interested in the financial administration for efficiency and the best in equip- ment. He recognizes the changed conditions of lifo and is a strong ad- A -------- atts. the "kiddies." 8 p.m.--Programme of Chamber! musiccby string orchestra. he-- 8517--~WWJ---Detroit, Mich, 8.30 p.m.--Special programme of vocal selections. ions or perspiring | invited to see this F be pleased to make recommendations, with- out any charge or obligation, as to what your trouble is and how to relieve it. Abernethy's Shoe Store Footwear and Foot Comfort Kingston Ontario. 8360--WGI--Medford, Hillside, Mass, 7.30 p.m.--Drama, "The Closed Door" by Boston Stage Company. 448--WMAJ--Chicago, 1, 8.50 p.m.--La Salle orchestra. \ Keep Jack Frost Away WITH AN ELEC- - TRIC HEATER Only the best in stock --Westinghouse, Ma- jestic, National, Equator, Graham Electric Princess St. Phone 1944 305--KHJ--Los Angeles, Cal. 6.45 p.m.--Musical programme. 8 p.m.--Musical programme, 10 p.m,~Art Hickman's orches- tra. 546--KSD---St. Louis, Mo. 7 p.m.--Abergh's Concert En- semble, Crosby Radio Corp. Cin- cinnatti. 8 p.m.--Rotary Glee Club. 8.45 p.m.--Ohio Military Band. 9.30 p.m.--Rotary Glee Club. 484--WOC--Davenport, Ia, . 8 p.m.--Musical programme. y Station PWX---Havana, Cuba. 8.30 p.m.--Concert by the Gen- HN - eral staff band of the Cuban Army. T. SIDNEY KIRBY, OTTAWA vocate for manual training and do- mestlc sclence in addition to a good liberal education, so that every young person may be able to meet the contingéhcies that will confront them when they take up the duties of citizenship. Mr. Kirby is known in Kingston. He laid, as contractor, some of its early granolithic pave- ments, and took back to Ottawa a wife in the person of Miss. Minnie Shields. : There will be many other promin- ent trustees here. Rev. C. E. Jea- kins, who served 'in the chaplain | corps overseas, is a leading force in the G.W.V.A., in Kiwanian circles and In the church, is equally vigor- ous in educational circles, He will speak at the banquet on Thursday night on "The Education of the Child," The chairman of the To- ronto Board of Education, Rev. F, B. Powell, will be with the Toronto group. Mr. Powell is a man of Sood physique, good intellect and genia in disposition. He will speak at the Where Vater Jove Tn o gant, 1 banquet on "The Child, the Canadian | Shown by a white light, wit Citizen" along with Major-Gen. A. C, | PIP In green, timber in brown, and | {80 on. Each city is shown with a Macdonell, commandant of the Royal [larger light, a oh railway line o {is shown through a serfes of perfora. tions in different colors--the C.P.R. schools, Ottawa, will be another en- |, 4" ho Canadian National in tertaining speaker. list. | ET€eN, and others in yellow. Four ladles are on the toast 3. These ate {lluminateq by an intri- Mrs. Alexander Newlands, of he cate system of wiring. But they Kingston Board of Edugation, Will | oon be lighted separately. If a visi- tersely toast "The Child; Mrs.) Lo 0" "oo where gold is Groves, Toronto, in captivating fash-|, =o" Canada, the official in j| lon will" give child woties Wovan charge of the map will press a/but- with fairy {llusions and Tama ®|ton and every place where gold fs Jouches; ry Wi, Tiusuan, has found will be illuminated, and none propose * . * thers. Similarly if h ts t Woman," and 'Mrs, W. R. Morris, others. Similarly if he wants to see where wheat is raised, where textiles Peterboro, and Mrs. K, E. Coltart,| ,.o manufactured, or where timber is found, the distinguishing lights will be switched on. At each side of the map an illuminated index will be placed, on which the key of each vesource or industry is given. On the opposite side of the map will be an indicator which will reveal the statistics connected with any par- ticular product. If a prospective settler asks where flax is produced, the Jights will go on the map, and if he wants to know the annual pro- duction and other things, it is imy mediately available on the indicator. | The map will undoubtedly be one of the sights of the Empire Exhibi- tion, but it will also be used in other parts of the world, for it is built on permanent lines, 484--WOC--Davenport, Ia. 8 p.m.--Musical programme. 890--WTAM---Cleveland, Ohio, 8 pm.---Concert by U. T. A. M. Symphony orchestra. 448--WJAZ--Chi n. 10 p.m.--Programme by a Saxo- f phone band. Dr. Waugh 106 Wellgo aE Ph Drs. Nash & Renton DENTISTS 476--WBAP, Fort Worth, Tex. 7.30 p.m.--Concert by various | artists. 9.30 p.m, Concert man's Serenaders. nnd CHATEAU Phone. 300 WE NEVER CLOSE Live or Dead Storage British Admiralty presents silver plate of battleship Dominion to Can- ada. by Free- 430---CKAC--Montreal, Que. 4.30 p.m.--Joseph Ot Smith and his Mount Royal dance orchestra. > SAVES SPACE, RENT AND FUEL In the average home to-day the quest is-for space with economy. When the day is over a slight pull transforms your "KROEHLER" into a real BED-----roomy, comfortable and sagless, oe Mattress, Pillows, Sheets and extra Covers all made up into a sleep ine viting bed, unfold with astonishing ease. In the morning it is only s minute's work to close the Kroehler and it again stands a lovely piece of ~ JAMES "188 PRINCESS 8T., KINGSTON OFFICE HOURS: 0 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evenings t " Gas RAY. : SURO ROO SHERBET ~ GLASSES New patterns and shapes and you can get these for a few days at 10% DISCOUNT SERVING TRAYS-- From.....c.ome vv $1.25 up, "Well finished and a good size. CONSOLE BOWLS--4 colors, $1.50 China, Crockery, Glassware. | Robertson's Limited 886---WGY---Schenectady, N.Y. 6.30 p.m.--"Adventure Story." Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. CLAIMS THAT HIS WIFE RAN AWAY FROM HIM The Complaint Made by Young * Man Accused of Non- Support. At the request of the police at Picton, Constable Thomas Mulinger placed a young'nan under arrest here who is cha' with the non- support of his wife He will be taken to Pleton to stand trial. This is the second young man to be taken to Picton from Kingston in the past week, to anpwer to a charge of non-support. The last young man to be rounded up declares that his wife ran away from him and that he did not refuse to support her. He states that his wife left him to live with relatives although he had a home for her. Further, he declares that he kept the house open for a few weeks after his wife had left him and that afterwards he decided to come to Kingston. A FRAME HOUSE, COLBORNE STREET, 6 rooms, 8 bed. rooms, electric light, 8 piece bath, good cellar, garage and hea house. $2,700.00, with terms. 4 bedrooms, electric lights, BRICK HOUSE--seven rooms, £18, 8 piece bath, good cellar, garage and hen house. $3,700.00, with M.B. TRUMPOUR terms. "Phone CHILDREN CRY FOR "CASTORIA" A Harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregonc, Drops and Soothing Syrups -- No Narcotics! | sleep without opiates. The genuine bears signature of ' > Odessa School Prizes. Rev. Sofard Dixon, Principal Les- He Barl and Assistant, Mise Marion Ridley ewarded cash prizes at the Odessa high school last week for es- says ob "The Developmgpt of Ghar op. 'geomach and Bowels, aids the as- i scter Through Sport" 'The essays | qm. "OND, Food; giving natural | were llent. Floyd Baboock wom -- first pi Doris McClu d and : Nellle Babcock third, while Arthur *o, of Power. i GANANOQUE. McClure had honorable mention. i a 'Feb. 28.~<Mrs. Thomas Foster, Opposes Export ny Montreal, Feb. 26~--Opposition to: A the idea of exporting power from Sir Lomer Gouin, former Canadian' Brockville, spent the week-end with ' her sister, Mrs. L. P. Shortall. minister of justice and actively as- for P Busl meeting in Brockville today. | goo Fe slled for Paname omen] Mrs. M. D. Abernethy, Kingston, ' - $E the week-end here, presided at the organ in St. John's chureh yester-| motor car. 'town enjoyed the hospitality of Miss Marcella McDonald, Saud Bay, evening. Mother! Fletcher's Castoria has been in use for over 30 years to re- lieve babfes und children of Consti- pation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating i i by i PICTON EVENTS, The Veterans Present a Play At the Theatre, Picton, Feb. 25.--Mrs. (Dr). Al. lison will receive on Wednesday at- ternoon at her pretty apartments, Main street. - Mrs. C. B. Allison and her mother," Mrs. M. Branscombe, will receive with her, She will be assisted by Mrs. J. Allison, Mrs. R. Hadden, Mrs. T. Vandewater, Miss L, Barker, Miss B. Woods and Miss H. Rolston. The Veterans are looking for a bumper house tonight whem they will present at the Regent Theatre, | "All the Comforts of Home" under the able direction of Irving Beers. The service at the Methodist church on Sunday night was of af Bost interesting nature and a large oe Canada to the United States under: present conditions, was expressed by | sociated with a number of financial' W. T. Sampson - as the| and industrial concerns in this prove | was in town yesterday. oC George Carlin, Queen's, who spent| T, C. Scott, owner of Viaduet gar- i age, Toronto, falls over dead In day in the absence of Miss O'Neill. A number of young people from Lh WOMEN'S GOLOSHES FOR SATURDAY we are offering the balance of our Women's 4 and 5 Buckle