Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Feb 1924, p. 5

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% TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 192+. a2 " THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG . itn asinine A Builder from Childhood to Old Age ---- DELCO-LIGHT | The complete Electric Light and Power plant for every country home. W.C. CANNON 164 Barrie Street. Phone 1138J. 1 rr Ive AT CT Tet GENERAL INSURANCE. Fire, Plite Glass, Automobile, Ac- | cident and Sickaess, Burglary, Pub- | Liability. He Yet Guarantee Bonds of Negotiable Bonds and Securities | when forwarded per registered mail. | When contemplating a trip, remem- ber to insure your baggage, and save worry. SL Let me quote you rates on any line of insurance you may be interested "R. H. Waddell Phones 346-506. 56 Broek St " THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. Phone 987 See us for ali kinds of Carpentry work. Estimates given on new floors laid. Have your hardwood floors el i o with eur mew fioor cleaning ma- -- PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning? Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 134. DR. A.W.WINNET| DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Johnsoa and Wellington. at Telephane 368, or For Moving of i FREIGRT, FURNITURE, SAVES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIFTION Kingston Transfer Co. Er -- HEART WAS SO BAD HAD TO SIT UP - IN BED Mrs. O. E. Fitzgerald, 106 Ross St., St. Thomas, Ont., writes:--"In the fall of 1921, I was taken ill with] my heart, but I did not pay much at- tention to it. I kept on with my household duties, but seemed to be- come worse and wcrse, and finally had to call in a doctor. He said I | was all run down and was a nervous wreck." I had a severe pain in my | chest which would move over to my heart and it became so bad I ceuld not lie down, as when I did I had | such a smothering feeling I would have to sit up in bed till it passed away, . I tried several remedies, but with no good results. Finally, I was in- duced to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. 1 took 7 boxes, and I am now as well as I was 30 years ago, and I am now 65 years old." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 60c. a box at all druggists or dealers, or mailed d.rect on receipt of price, hy The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. rn COLDS - CHAPPED HANDS - BURNS QUEENS HOTEL Flas been taken over by M. J. BRER- RIGAN, late of the Whitney Hotel. First class Hotel Service is assured. Good yard and stables in connection. Your patronage is solicited. 119 BROCK ST. = PHONE.7%0. FOR SCALDS, ARD BRUISES. FOR COLDS, GHS AND BRON CHIAL AFFLICTIONS, FOR BTIFP MUSCLES, "SPRAINS, AND STRAINS AND NUMEROUS COMMON TO MAN AND BEAST, THERE #8 NOTHING SUPERIOR TO THAT OLD VBIED AND RELIABLE REMEDY, D?® THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OlL Dental Surgeon DR. J. C, W. BROOM LDS, D.D.S. Niagt: Brock Stree agian in of Evenings by sppelntment, PHONE 670, Winter Coats made 'to order from $12 up to $25 L. WINSTON, LADIES' TAILOR Phone 003. 97 Wellington Street. a-- WATTS People's , Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. W. R. McRae & Co. | Golden Lion Block Emini - LISTEN! We don't give our custom- ers good coal, and good service, at first, and then gradually low- er the standard. First, last and always the best, is the cardinal principle of our business. BOOTH & €O. 'Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards A Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 273 Princess Street. Phone 2045w. anand Ey -- ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. H. A, Ste tist, wishes to announce that Dr, Alex. M. Clark will earry on his practice during his absence from his office, 84 Brock Street. Dr. W. O. Vrooman DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Princess and Barrie Streets. Entrance: 3i4 Barrie Street. PHONE Z494J. Office Hours: 5.30 a.m. to 8 p.m. | Nyal's Baby ° Cough Syrup An" efficient remedy for the baby's cough. It gives prompt | relief and can be given even to [i each bottle. Price 2c. Sald and recommended by: M. R. McColl Prescription Druggist, (OPP. St. Andrew's Church): on Phone 82 } water heating, hardwood floors, fire Office Telephone ............ 229 Residence aewansssr 3260J--1150w, rar Re iment KINGSTON AND VICINITY Cuts Elm Logs. George E. Storms, Cressy, has cat a quantity of elm logs. They will be hauled to Picton and converted in- to co-operage. Flour Merchant Dies. J. H. Barnard, a well-known and prominent flour and feed merchant of Spencerville, is dead at his home in that village. Married at Windsor. Miss Alma Freeman, Tweed, lef: on Monday, for Windsor where she was married to Harry Stewart, form- erly of Madoc. They will reside tn Detroit. Death of a Brother. Alexander Harrison, Cressy, re- ceived a telegram, Saturday, from Bay City, Mich. conveying the an- nouncement of the death of his bro- ther, Calyin Harrison. Wants to Open Factory. E. X. Belnois, Syracuse, N.Y., ls in' Gananoque, hoping to establish a glove factory. He looks for capital in the town, and suggests a factory em- ploying some fifty hands. Was Formerly of Napanee. Herbert M. Williams, Black River, N.Y., died on Feb. 20th, aged sixty- five years. He had been ill for several years. Deceased was born at Nap- anee, where two sisters, Mrs. Ed- ward Knight and Mrs, Gifford Post, still reside. Public Meeting. The Urban School Trustees' As- | sociation will hold a public meet- ing in Memorial Hall, city build- ings, Wednesday, 8 p.m.. Canon Cody, Toronto, and Prof. R. O. Small, Boston, will be chief speakers. Soloists, Miss Jean Chown and Dr. Angrove. All Interested are In- vited, 3 Engagement Announced. Mrs. Ida Douglas, 603 Spadioa avenue, Toronto, announces the en- gagement of her younger daughter, Blanche Cumming, to C. Lear Whita, a PROVEN TO BE FAILURES. Prophesies Made Last Fall by Those Who Knew, Odessa, Feb, 25.--The MOTHER! Clean Child's Bowels with "California Fig Syrup" Kingston Even if cross, feverish; bilious, con- stipated or full of cold, children love the pleasant taste of "California Fig Syrup." A teaspoonful never fails to ll | clean the liver and bowels. Ask your druggist for genuine Il "California Fig Syrup" which bas di- rections for bables and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You || must say "California" or you may get an imitation fig syrup. SE FRENCH GLYCERINE DRESSING B.A, only son of H. B. White, Brockville, the marriage to take place quietly early im March. A Heavy Loss, The Arnprior Cabinet Company, Limited, of which H. J. Daly, head of the Home Bank, was president, owes the bank $120,000. Mr, Clarkson says the assets are not sufficient to pay one per cent. on the liabilities. Transferred to Toronto. Harold Burns, som of Mr. and Mrs. William Burns, Lansdowne, who has been on the staff of the bank of Toronto there for the past three years and eight months, has left to take a position in the bank of Toronto. A farewell party was given for him at the home of nis parents on Thursday evening. Mr. Galbraith, Galt, has taken Harold's piace in the bank. A BLENDED TEA IS BETTER Téa from one garden, no matter how fine it is, possesses certain de- sirable qualities but may lack others, because all characteristics are not developed under the same conditions. If the tea has a perfect flavor it may lack richness, it it has body it is, per- haps, without the same perfection of flavor. To combine all the desirable qualities in one blend has been the work of the "SALADA" experts for over a quarter century, and the brand "S8ALADA" is the fruit of their labours.--Advt. Went With Queen's Medical Unit. Dr. Clarence Brisco, aged thirty- one years, died in London, Eng., on Saturddy. He was born in Napanee and In May, 1915, went overseas as Sergeant-major in the Queen's Uni- versity medical unit, and was sub- sequently transferred to the R. A. M. C. He was twice mentioned in despatches, and was awarded the Military cross in 1916. He was also complimented by King George for his bravery at the front. The remains will be brought to his family home in Chatham, Ont., for burial. Death of an Old Teacher. On Friday lest Margaret Seott Fleming, relict of the late John P. stage was not able to make the trip last Trursday owing to the condi- tion of the roads from the recent storm, The Sharpton mail was blocked for three days in succession and the three days' mail was de- livered on Saturday. Those parties who prophesied an open winter will, undoubtedly, have to look for other indications than those mentionedgast fall for they have certainly proven to be failures. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Smith and lit- tle daughter, and Mrs. James Smith, Parrott's Bay, spent Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith. Fred Rutledge, Sydenham, called at B. L. King's last Tuesday. - Mr. and Mrs. William Gardiner, Saskatoon, have been visiting relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Gilbert, who have been spending some time with Mrs. Gilbert's parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Frink have moved to Napa- nee where Mr. Gilbert has a position in the condemsory. Roy Babcock has moved on the John Schermer- horn farm, vacated last fall by Leo Lawlor. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thompson have returned from spending a few days in Watertown, N.Y,, where they were attending the funeral of Mrs. Thompson's brother, Zy Storms, Mr. Storms will be rembered by many as this was his home for a number of years before - going to Watertown, Late Mrs, J. CO. Meagher. Westbrook, Feb, 25, y hearts were saddened on Monday morning, Feb. 18th, when word was received that Ellen Sheehan, daughter of the late Michael and Mrs. Sheehan, and widow of the late John C. Meagher, Marysville, who ' predeceased her about eight years ago, had passed to her eternal reward at the home of her gister, Mrs. Maggie Kefiny, West- brook, where she was transferred in onday morning at 1.1% Miller, Pembroke, passed away af-| ter a short illness. Nearly eighty- | three years ago, Mrs. Miller was born in Scotland, which she later revisit- ed on several occasions. She cama as a young girl with her people to Canada, settling, after a few years spent in Ottawa, in the village of | Pembroke. Many yqung people hdve | grown up with grateful memories of | her instruction in the Petawawa school and in the old Pembroke com- mon school. . o emi Canadian Pacific. City Ticket Office, 180 Welling- ton street, report the following ar- rivals of their steamships: Empress of Canada, from Port Said, arrived Suex, Feb. 21. Empress of ~Britain, from Ber- muda, arrived' New York, Feb, 20th. Bmpress of Scotland, from Haifa, arrived Constantinople, Feb. 20th. Montclare, from = Liverpool! and Glasgow, arrived St. John, Feb. 23rd, Montrose, from St. John, arrived Liverpool, Feb. 23rd. Melita, from St. John, arrived Cherbourg and Southampton, Feb. 23rd and Antwenp, Feb, 24th. Empress of Asla, from Vancouver, due Hong Kong, Feb. 26th, Empress of Russia, from Hong Kong and Yokohama, due Van- conver, Feb, 25th. 'Expired' in Chair. Thomas Little, formerly a resi- dent of Campbellford, expired as he sat in his chair while visiting at the home of Robert Thain in Rawdon township on Tuesday. Heart failutrs is given as the cause of death. The late Mr. Little for a number of years had resided at Morden, Man., but in the fall he returned to Camp- bellford to spend the winter with frdends. He went to Marmora recent- ly to visit his sister, Mrs, William Knox; and on his way back to Camp- beliford, called at the home of Ro. bert Thain, an old friend whom he had not seen for over twenty years. It was while the two were talking of former days that Mr. Little sud- denly passed away. Ban Mah Jongg Gambling. Philadelphia, Feb. 26.--Mah Jongg gambling has been banned in the local Chinatown by order of the police. Reports of heavy losses through gambling on the game and seizure of a number of sets alleged to have been used for gambling brought about the edict, Throat is Strengthened, Cough is Relieved - Splendid for Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness Catarrhozone A Success Because It Really Reaches the Somrce of the Trouble. A cough mixture usually fails be- cause it slips over the sore spots, drops inte the stomach, and does little alge but wu your digestion, CATARRHOZONE is a real suec- cess because it goes where the trou- ble really fis. Every time you breathe through the inhaler you send healing balsams to the inflamed parts. You experience a pleasant sensation of warmth. Tightness, soreness and coughing disappear, the throat is strengthened, and further attacks are public speakers Get the complete outfit, $1.00-- lasts 0 moatha, Small 4 a ALL GGISTS, or by mail from The Dr. Hamilton Pill Co'y, Montreal. Any breaking out or skin irritaiion on face, neck or is For That Open Fireplace Try a few bags of our Hard Coal riquettes. 3 S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Coal and Lumber Yards. BAY AND WELLINGTON STI KINGSTON, ONTARIO. Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1571. Duofold's new | 'Gold Girdle Was $1 Extra=Now Free inforcch the Cade Adds he Cronin Touch te Benty Point Wear Guaranteed 23 Years Besides pens per month, and partly to our extraordi. methods. nary A Not only because of its over-size ink capacity =not only because of its super-smoothness, its size, and its balanced symmetry that relax the fingers and the mind--but because it will cute wear several ordinary pens, the Parker Duo fold is regarded as the most economical anyone can buy. You won't shirk your work this dread of writing ! fod step up To Shean De Soune} ay 453 buy this classic on 30 days' approval. You r with Te Trg la sigue things THE PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN CO, Limited Toronto, Ontario Ask also for Parker "Lucky Lock" Penclle For the LY efTe A 3 SCOTTS MULSION The food that sustains MRS. H, J. SHALES National Cleaners HYATT & HART Grindibg by Hydro Power. 'Gourdier's For Furs A fine collection of skins of all kinds, small Furs and Fur Coats. '§ BROCK STREET. Phone 700 IT SALE odd lines of $25.00 to $35.00 Shearing odd lines of 2 25.00 $19.00 OVERCOAT SALE * - SPECIAL VALUES AT #7 $25.00 « Phone 2100. Baget and William Streets

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