DAILY BRITISH WHIG A Builder from Childhood to Old Age --~-- DELCO- LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power plant for every country home, W.C. CANNON 184 Barrie Street. Phone 11500. Real Estate General Insurance Reliable English, Canadian and American companies represented. Guarantee Bonds. Victory Bonds bought and sold. -.. R. H. Waddell Phones 5.0-596, 56 Broek Si "THOMAS COPLEY ter. Phone 987 See us for all kinds of Carpentry Work. Estimates given on mew floors Have your hardwood floors clean- ©d with our mew floor cleaning ma- PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street, . PHONE 134. DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Johnsoa and Wellington. Streets. Telephone 568. 'or Movi sone 317, 2231. » Kv WELLINGTON Floating Specks Before The Eyes Means Liver Trouble When specks start to float before the eyes, when everything seems to turn black for a few seconds and you feel as if you were going to faint, yon can rest assured-that your liver is not working properly. : The essential thing to do in all cases where the liver is slow, lazy or torpid, 1s to stir it up by the use of Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills and 'clear away the accumulated mass of waste and poisonous matter from the system. : Mr. Chas. Ayland, Frankville, Ont., writes:-----"I used to be awfully bothered with floating specks before my eyes, headaches and sickness to my stomach. I took just half a vial of your Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills and ever since I have felt as well as I ever did. Now I always keep them on hand." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 26¢. a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. IT HEAL" 000 COLDS BURNS BRUISES . a PEREARERNRRR OER . w. Choice Western Meats GROCERIES AND FRESH VEGETABLES. Best service. J. T. EVES 171 RAGLAN ROAD Phone 20580. AERA REKERERORRY A A A A ee ater Father, as much as anyone needs ARIE KS 7 eMuLsion Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S, D.D.S, Wellington and Brock Streets. Entrance: 150 Wellington St. Evenings by appointment. PHONE 679. WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1768. Residence 1187. a WHEN IN PICTON uy Lumber, Coal, Feed HYATT & HART ~ W.R McRae & Co. Golden Lion Block rT . LISTEN! ® 'We don't give our custom. ers good coal, and good service, at first, and then gradually low- or the First, last and always the best, is the cardinal principle of our business, ° BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards Grinding by Hydro Power. Sell your house? Why, then, proceed; Want Ads give the remcssensess SL50 NYAL'S ... ...50c. and $1.00 SCOTT'S .......685¢c and $1.30 WAMPOLE'S .... ..... $1.00 AlWool Blankets | Price $1.50 L Cohen & Co. 207-275 ONTARIO STREET | a BSTABLISHED 1871, 1 | Meat Store (8 1b, pall) .. .85e. Lard +eseae 8 Ibs. BOC. | Red Salmon (large) +040. 280 Pork Sausages --.....n...20¢ Pickled Pork ...co00e...18¢ | Side Pork .....,.uee...100 | Bolling Beef «.ooovusene 8c. | Pot Roast seven missen. 180 Oven Roast Testes wees 180 | | | [ Tam of the opinion, my friend, that al personal interview with THE KINGSTON AND VICINITY An Unfortunate Accident. Mrs, Edward. Lee, Perth, had the misfortune to accidentally fall down stairs at her home with the resudt that she fractured her right arm and also received injuries on her head. Address and Presentation. Just previous to her marriage Miss Edna Elliott, daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. W. J. Elliott, Tweed, was waited upon by about fifty friends and well-wishers and presented with an address and a choice gift. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Towers, Trenton, announce the engagement of their daughter, Evelyn Mildred, to William Bayley McClung, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. McClung, Tren- top, the marriage to take place the early part of March. To Lecture In Napanee. . Prof. Jolliffe, Queen's, went to Napanee to-day where he lectures before the Napanee Historical So- clety. The townsfolk are expecting that Clarence Warner, the found- er of the society and its honorary president, will preside at the meet ing. --Mrs. R., Whillans Passes. At the advanced age of eighty-fiva years, Mrs. Alexandrine Victoria Whillans, widow of the late Robert Whillans, formerly of Hurdman's Bridge, died on Monday. The late Mrs. Whillans was the youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs John Christy, first - settlers at Christy's Lake, after whom the place 18 called. + Pays 87 Per Cent. Dividend. Threshing syndicates in Cobourg locality look like gilt-edge proposi- tions. The Haldimand Threshing Company has completed a success- ful season, as reported at its annual meeting just held, having declared a 1 twelve per cent. dividend, and add- ed materially to its reserve fund. Veronville Farmers' Threshing Syn- dicate has had the best season in its history, and at the annual meet- ing just held a dividend of thirty- PROUD TO OWN ISLANDS- Canada Has Great Heritage in Arc- tic Regions. Ottawa Jou rnal. The little theatre in the Victoria Memorial museum was crowded to the doors when J. D. Craig, D.L.S., of the Northwest Territories branch he Nerve-Tired Business and Professional Man Gets New MOL ny Dr CHASE'S NERVE FOOD Rp I seven per eent. was declared to the shareholders. This syndicate is also in Haldimand township. The Board Is Organized. The Lennox and Addington Board of Mothers' Allowance Commission has organized for the . year. Mrs. Wesfoy Wagar, Centreville, was el- ected to the chalr and W. C. Loyst, Bath, R. M. D. 2, was elected vice- chairman; W.: G. Wilson, secretary. The other members of the board are Carleton Woods, Roblin, and Christies Kellar, Napanee, R. M. D. 5. ' Given A Remembrance. Mr. and Mrs. Deblols, on leaving Tweed for Montreal, were honorad by St. Andrew's Church with an address by Rev. Dr. McTavish and a gift of silverware. For fifteen years they have ungrudgingly given of their time, thelr meang and their talents to the work. Mr. De- blois said he would never forget the pleasant and profitable years he and his family had spent dn Sulphide and Tweed. sr sien To Defend the Aetion. A claim for $31,290.31 balance on contract and for interest is. made on behalf of Messrs Thomas Manley & Son against Belleyille, in con. nection with tle construction on King George Public School. The Board of Education wag notffled by a Toronto legal firm that unless the amount fs paid instructions were to proceed to take legal measures for collection. The Board will defend the action. Schools Should Unite. Public School Inspector T. C. Smith has suggested to the school boards in his inspectorate that if schools had an average *attendance of less than ten for 1923 and prob- ably may not have greater for 1924, it would be well for the boards to consider the possibility of uniting in September with thé adjoining sections as provided for under See- tion 74 of the Pubkc School Act, 1920 for it is quite probable that of the Department of the Interior, de- livered a most educational lecture on "Canada's Arctic Islands." Mr. Craig, who, was in charge of a party sent last year, gave an account of what had beer ac- complished by the party. Mr. Craig pointed out that with his party was a detachment of the R.C.M.P., which had gone north to establish police posts and also to maintain the sov- ereignty of the king. Much scien- tific knowledge of the Arctic Islands had been gained and the speaker ventured the opinion that it was quite possible that there was great mineral and oil wealth in the Arctic. He was confident that some day Canada would be proud to say that she owned the Arctic Islands, Describing his party's trip, Mr. Craig sald that the easterly portion of the northern archipelago of the Arctic Islands had been cruised. A post established by another party in 1922 had been re-supplied and a new post had been built at Cumber- land Gulf. Mr. Craig also referred to the justice carried on by the R.C.M.P. among the Eskimos. Three Eskimos were tried at Pound's Inlet for killing a fur trader. The police, who are highly regarded in the north, tried the Eskimos. One was freed, another got two years' deten- tion, and the other was sentenced to 'la term of ten years' Imprisonment KEEPING WELL === An IR Tablet (a vegetable aperient) taken at night will help keep you well, by toning and strengthening your di in Stony Mountain penitentiary. McMillan, the American explorer and his party, were met at 'Etah in Greenland by Mr. Craig's party, Cor- dial relations were established between the two parties and McMillan's party heard much world news over Mr. Craig's radio. McMillan had a radio, but not as powerful as the Canadian party's. The value of wireless was also pointed out by Mr. Craig, who said that the winter was by far the best season of the year to listen-in. Wonderful pictures of Arctic ani- mal and native life were shown and pictures of the midnight sun were also viewed with great interest by many professional and technical men present, MOTORISTS OPPOSED, T. M. Asselstine and H. D. Wight- man have returned from Toronto. where they attended the annual meeting of the Ontario Motor Lea- gue, as the delegates trom the King- ston branch. The report a splendid gathering. One of the items before the meet- ing wad that of touring camps and the members warmly advgcated the | == establishment of touring camps in every eity. It was pointed out by all the reports that all the places where this year no grant will be paid and conditions are favorable ing sections. s Canadian Pacific. City ticket office, ton street, report the following rivals of their steamships: Empress of Canada, from Naples, due Port Said, Feb. 20th: Empress of Britain, from Nassau, arrived Bermuda, Feb. 17th. Empress of Scotland, from Haifa, due Constantinople, Feb, 24th, Montcalm, from St. Joan, arrived Liverpool, Feb. 16th. Montclare, from Liverpool and Glasgow, due St. John, Feb. 24th. Montrose, from St. John, due Liverpool, Feb, 23rd. Melita, from- St. John, due Cher- | bourg and Southampton, Feb. 23rd | and Antwerp, Feb. 24th. Marburn, from Glasgow, arrived St. John, Feb. 18th. Empress of Asia, from Vancouver, arrived Yokohama, Feb. 19th 'and due Hong Kong, Feb. 26th. Empress of Russia, from Hong Kong and Yokohama, due Van- couver, Feb, 25th, Glengarry Stories. Recent mention of the confusion of names among the Scottish people of Glengarry county, because of similarity and repetition among sury names, has caused an Ottawa read- er to tell these additional stories: A cpgrtain blacksmith's wife was always called "Mrs. the Blacksmith." Her husband died, but stiil she re- mained "married to his occupation." Her children have now grown up, and are known as "Charlie the Blacksmith" and "Mary the Bldek- smith," although neither of them has any connection with the business followed by their long-deceased fa- ther. Kenneth Angus Ranald Macdonell has a daughter, Janet Isabel. In their neighborhood "Janet Isabel Mac- donell" would be a very Indefinite nate, so she is always called "Janet Isabel Kenneth." INT meetings were held in the King Ed- ward hotel. The evening session took the form of a banquet, I ----,_-- Of the three in the transaction-- the producer, the consumer and the middleman--ghe latter is quite like- ly to do the least work and reap the greatest benefit. Simply because you run up against opposition now and then, don't en- tertain the idea that the world 1s against you. \ FOR THIS WEEK-END Round Steak ...........15e. In Sirloin Steak' Oven Roasts Pot Roasts .. . Stewing Beef ........ Special reduced prices om Pork also. " We deliver promptly. PHONE 17%». R.R. WALLACE Groceries and Fresh Meats 100 STEPHEN STREET v to | schools where the attendance is low | for | children to attend school in adjoin- | 180 Welling- | ar- | For That Open - Fireplace Try a few bags of our Hard Coal Briquettes. S. ANGLIN CO, LIMITED - Woodworking Factory, Coal and Lumber Yards. BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1571. For OneWeek Only | SPECIAL OFFER ON MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS ! We will make the best Tweed Suit at ........... $82.50. We will make the best Colored Worsted and Plain Grey Suits at ...... $88.50 We will make the best Blue Serge Suits at $40.00--guaran- teed fast color. The best of Trimmings are used in all our Suits. | All Suits are cut and made in the city by our own Tallors. We guarantee first class fit and workmanship. PREVOST'S CLOTHING STORE Phone 503J 53 Brock St. SCOTCH SHORTBREAD Have something good. Order our Scotch Shortbread -- made « wither Eastern Dairy School Butter. "F.C. HAMBROOK CATERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES 115 BROCK STREET - Phone 2819, FOR SALE A FRAME HOUSE, COLBORNE STREET, 6 rooms, 8 bed rooms, electric light, 8 plece bath, good cellar, garage and hes house. $2,700.00, with terms, BRICK HOUSE--seven rooms, 4 bedrooms, electric lights, gas, 8 piece bath, good cellar, garage and hen house. $3,700.00, with terms. * M. B. TRUMPOUR ~ "Phone 704 or 15421. PROVISIONS Pure Breakfast Cocoa Bc. Ib., 2 Ibs, for 26c., 9 Ibs. for $1.00, Funeral designing and Wed. ding work our . Corner of Brock and Welltnge No ton Streets, TELEPHONE 770. * Gourdier's For Furs 'A fine collection of skins of all kinds, Wot rhe Extract of God Liver # lar Bl ® for COUGHS, coLDS ¥ § 'ard BRONCHITIS Saturday Specials = 21bs. Beans .......... 18a 21s Rice .......... 1I5c 4 1b. Tapioca ..... ... 1 BAINON +s 00+ spun POR «viov beens 1 Corn Starch ......... 1b. Starch + .oucviyin ANTI iis vinias == 2 Sardines ........... = Jd Salmon .i.....0 20a - - FOR ede Vey ee = Watch this space for next week. small Furs and Fur Coats. 78 BROCK STREET Phone 700 SUIT SALE Clearing odd lines of $25.00 to Clearing odd lines of $25.00 v2 333.00 $19.00 OVERCOAT SALE " SPECIAL VALUES AT $25.00 SEE OUR FINE BLUE SERGE SUITS,