Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jan 1924, p. 5

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i SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1924. THE $Y RAE RE TC EK WB SV SA 0 To WO SH RYZE SC MTT # a _ | A ¢ . Bulider from Childhood to Old Age es i DELCO- LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power plant for every country home. W.C. CANNON 164 Rarrie Street. Phone 1158J. -------------- A ------ ---- vy ¥OR SALE | $5500.00--Colborae Street, solid' brick, 10 rooms, verandah, hot air] ! furnace, electric light, gas, garden, garage. | t | i time, and in nine | persistent headac { derangement of the stomach, liver or | 4¢ Cape V and Dizziness It is hard to struggle zlong with .1 head that aches and pains all the are due to some bowels. be had Burdock Blood Bitters removes the | cause of the headaches, as it acts on | every organ of the body and streng-| thens, purifies 1d regulates the! whole system. . Mrs, Peter Curran, 27 Morrison St., Sydney, N.S., writes "I Have | been troubled for the last five years! with constant headaches and dizzi-| ness. After trying several remedies, | ar | whieh 1 found to be of no avail, Bur- Constant Headaches | 1885 out of ten the | ee TE ep AP J pap---- EE ---- { KINGSTON anp VICINITY { i ~~ Demanding a Hearing. Chester G. Liddington, aged : incent, N.Y., demanded a { hearing wh rraigned on a charge | he Undoubtedly the cause must be re. | "coring when arraig alge { moved before permanent relief may | 4 y | Arthur Pond, Cape "Vincent. ot stealing an eutcmobile from Whig's Telephone Numbers. Changes have been made in the telephone numbers at the Whig Of- fice. . The new numbers are: Business Office--243 Editorial department--2612, Soclety editress--2613, Job depaftment--2614, and | number of points, tén in all, while Miss Cohén, Lanark, secured eight, and on a tie cut for first place. Miss Cohen. won out. Supper was serv- ed and was followed by a short but interesting programme. ' Rev. J. J. Lowe acted as chairman. Several community songs were sung. Miss Eva Walroth gave a recitation ana | responded to a hearty encore. Miss Minnie Wilson gave an instreffental | selection. Mr, Montgomery gave | A Towering Pine, | some of his humorous songs. A The Canadian Forest and Outdoors | hearty vote of thanks was extended | publishes a fine picture of a tower-| to Mr: and Mrs. WilsBn for the ac- | | ing pine,' over 200 years qld, which | commodation in the use of their| | stands on the. banks of the Madawas- | house. A silver collection of $17.25 | wile experience in teaching } is 'that the Collegiate | ute and high school teacher | lie hardest job of all inthe pro- They handle the adoles- | cents and they are indeed a worry. { public schcol teacher hag a hardy, rugged banch to handle, | 'while the college teacher has much | 'of the finished products of "the schools to work wpon. i 2,100-- Portsmouth. Frame house, 8 rooms, barn. x 132. General Insurance. { Victory Bonds bought and sold. R. H. Waddell THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. See un for an kinds pf Cnrpentry work. Estimates gives en new floors lald. Have your h Lot 66 | Phone 987 floors clean | dock Blood Bitters was recommend- | ed to me B.B.B. did me a world of good, and | | Sagano praise this remedy eR" | rived in the city, on Friday, to | Manufactured only by The T. Mil-| make arrangements for the appear- | burn Cp., Limited, Toronto, Ont. | ance of the noted English actor at | mr : ~ | the Grand Opera House, on Satur- | day, Feb. Znd. QUEEN'S HOTE ne Dr, J. C. Connell Spoke | nias-been taken over by M. J. BER-| At the luncheon given by Hon. | RIGAN, late of the Whitney Hotel. First class. Hotel Service is .nsured. | >. F. Nitkle to his colleague, Hoz. Good yard and stables in connection. | | r. Godfrey, on Friday at the Fron- ! Your patronage is solicited. | tenae Club, and attended by many 119 BROCK ST. PHONE 750. citizens. Dr. JC. Connell, in To Return on Feb. 2nd. W. J. Douglas, advance agent for | I ed with our mew figor ecleani chive, i ro. PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 134. ~------ R-A.W.WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Johnson and Wellington. Streets. Telephone 363. For Moving o FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. Fhone 317, Evenings 2231, 133 WELLINGTON STREET Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S., D.D.S, Wellington and Breck Streets. Entrance: 150 Wellington St. Evenings by appointment, PHONE 679. WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Residence 1187. W. R McRae & Co FIRST QUALITY! FULL QUANTITY! SERVICE QUICK! Call when in need of coal and let us demonstrate the excellent quality of our coal----our full weights and quick service. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 188 Grove Inn Yards Your waste is. of value to us. Phone for prices. I. Cohen & Co. 267-273 ONTARIO STREET PHONES 836 and 837, 2 MRS. H. J. SHALES | $4200--Buys 7 room Brick -V. house P---- ---------- | apt speech tcasted Dr. Godfrey who | fittingly replied, » . Dr. Martel's Female Pills | | Have assicted nature thoucands cuseslust half | | century, correcting esuse, building up an i strengthening organs, relieving DELAYED, and' PAIN MENSTRUATION, NER- SN Eo \CEACHE, DIZZIN SS ete, nodan; ze drugs. Sold only in Sealed Hinge- Cover TIN BOX with our sigrature. Druggists everywhere, ar direct by mail, plain packs, $200 Taiclerbacker Co. TI E. Front Sts . | Tovoute, Can. Circular mailed on request. Many After Reward. When it was announced on Fri- | day that the relatives of Miss Ada Stratchan, who has been missing for the past few days, had offered a reward, a large number of men, who have been out of employment; de- | cided that they would go out in search of the missing lady." | Winter Coats made to |order from $12 up to $25 L. WINSTON, | LADIES" TAILOR Phone 093. 87 Wellington Street. g ~----rs | Have A Fine Rink. A number of Loys who reside in the vicinity of the Rideau school | have buflt an excellent rink on the ! lawn in front of the Princess street | Methodist church. There was a Thri PA good body of ice to start with and | DHEA 8 BLATT | is of Great Value J To a nursing Mother have made a fine rink. Generator To Be Soon Installed. The street railway company is ad- vised that its repaired generator will be shipped on Saturday and will likely be installed at once. By Tues- day the company will be able to care for all its services. The generator collapsed several weeks ago and National Cleaners | since then the company has had i : Phone 2166. Dagot and Willlam Streets | 127d sledding in keeping its lines | AeA . going. . "ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. H. A. Stewagt, Dentist, wishes to | announce that Dr. Alex. M. Clark wiil | curry on his practice during his absence | from his office, 84 Brock Street. " HEMSTITCHING, PICOT DGING and Laylsg Cord om each side of Hematiteh, The Hardvst Job. Prof. J. F. Macdonald has had a WOMEN! DYE OLD THINGS NEW Draperies Ginghams Stockings Diamond Dyes Each 15-cent package of "Diamond Dyes" contains diréctions so simple any woman can dye or tint any old. worn, faded thing new, ever if she has never dyed before. Choose any | color at drug store. Dr. W. O. Vreoman DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Princess and Barrie Streets. Entrance: i14 Barrie Street. PHONE ~494J. Sweaters Waists Skirts Dresses Coats Kimonos Office Hours: 5.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Nee. Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street. Phone 2043w. . Hemsley & Son WATCHMAKERS Try Us for Watch and Clock Repairs BROCK STREET Phone 2066w. FACE CREAM Protect yourself from Cold, raw winds, by using JERGEN'S LUTION, every night, It fis very soothing and healing. Also Nyal's Face Cream (it vanishes). Makes your Face Powder stick. It is very sooth- ing and guaranteed not to grow hair, Recommended by: (Opp. St. Andrew's C| . Phone 82 KIDNEYS HURT YOU Take Glass of Salts if Your Back Aches or Bladder Troubles You -- When you wake up with backache and dull misery in the kidney region it may mean you have been eating foods which create acids, says a well-known authority. An excess of such acids overworks the kidneys in their effort to filter it from the blood and they become sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels, removing all the body's urinous waste, else you have back- ache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your st h sours, tongue is coat- ed and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, water scalds and you are qbliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. Either consuit a good, reliable $10.00--RENTS 6 rooms with elec- light, gas and toilet, on Prin. cess Street. on Ellerbeck Street, with 8 p. B., clec, light, hot air furnace, garages Lot is 88 x 165, $4500--Buys 7 room frame house, 4 vedrooms, 8 p. B.; elec. light and gas. Hot water: heated, hardwood floors downstairs, 2 storey porch. South, $5200--1uys 6 room brick e, modern, hardwood floors throughout. South, $6300--Buys double 'Brick V. hogke wi h W. 1. Godwin & Son " FIRE INSURANCE First class companies repre- 1 sented. Lowest possible rates. 89 BROCK STREET . + " i & % men would perish miserably. physician at once or get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in- a glass of 'water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys may then act fine. This famous salts is made | trom the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for years to heip clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize acids in the system, so they no longer irritate, thus often re- lieving bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot in- jure and makes a delightful, efferves- cent lithia water drink. Drink lots of soft water. By all means have your physician. examine your kidneys at least twice a year - : Residence - cessrrenenes 22005 Serssaie Bair anenses es D100W. Left alone on a desert island, most Inge- nuity is rare genius. --- the Bransby Willlams Company, ar-| an | | ka river near Calabogie. It 1s known | to thousands of travellers on the { C.P.R. and by summer tourists in {the vicinity. He Liked Kingston, Hon. Dr. Godfrey was with his vigit"to Rockwood He | called it 'a little gem of a hospital, | it appears to me to be. almost per- | f fect." He was glad he stayea; jever in Kingstog to see its sprendid ! institutions and to learn of its] splendid community pirit, It was a| catchy atmosphere which strangers | readily absorbed. i Christmas Tree Scandal. Destruction of the young life of | the Canadian forests for the purpose | of a few hours' pleasure, was round-! ly condemned by Warden Rollins, ot| Hastings county. "I think this coun- | cil should take action against. per-| | mitting the shipment of Christmas! trees out of this country, We should | i not allow people to come in here | and destroy the forest growth that | | Providence has blessed us with." | | Justify. | Ice Harves:ing Equipment. | and easily harmed | | wag taken. Tt will be given to the | | Women's Auxiliary Fund. | CANADIAN PACIFIC New Toronto-Sudbury Sieéper. Travellers to Sudbury will ap-| preciate te néw Sudbury sleeper | which leaves Toronto Union Station | at 10 p.m. daily on Canadian Pacl- | fic train No. '8. | This sleeper may be occupied at | Toronto at 9 p.m. and passengers | may remain in the sleeper at Sud-| bury until 8.30 a.m. Any Canadian Pacific agent will] arrange reservations. { A Naughty, Naughty Town, M, O. Hammond in the C. N. R.| -------- Fm Storm Sash an Outside Doors made to your order. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. Bay and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. NEW PHONE NUMBER~--1571. Here's Where We Hand You Real Money! There are hundreds of would-be. radio fans whe do mot wish to Invest any more money In nn gi they have to. To these, we offer the follow Pick out the parts for any size or stffe of set you desire. We'll show you bow to asmemble/ and wire it yourself. No need to do It at hom our store as Your workshop and get the benefit of our free advice. We charge nothing for the help we give you--~only for the parts you want to put in your set. As the originators of this plan in Eastern Ontario Wwe can guarantee satisfaction to every customer. It costs no to find ont more ahout this pian, so drop around amy time. Evenings included. Out-of-town fans write for further Information, CANADA RADIO STORES Intelligent. Radio Service---Years of Experience, Magazine writes: The military side of Kingston's early life has exercls- | ed a profound influence. Before | 1812 (he town was small, but the! war brought a stream 'of British gold aud left a legacy of extrava- gance not unmarked by ambition, i which subsequent events did not | "The. wealth so rapidly | gained," Prof. Adam | At Cape Vincent, N.Y, the New |Shortt has written, "was not an un- York Central ting equipment ready for action] | ves the hoys, due to their hard work, |snd will be at work as soon as the | NO Permanent support, |-ice is thick enough to cut. The A. | Booth Company is fortunate in hav- {ing a breakwater located im such a position that it will protect their field of ice from the possible chance of having it broken/up by the wind. Suffered A Scroke. D. Redner, | younger generation of Céntre, Prince | Edward county, as "Uncle Peter," | recently suffered a stroke. He had been in excellent health' and was helping unload wood when the end of a stick accidentally struck him a siight blow under tho chin. He faint- ed and ald was summoned and he was carried to the house. Dr. Taft, Ameliasburg, pronouneed it a stroke. Hastings Joins Highway Protest. Hastings county council, has by a motion which prevailed, comcur- red In a memorial from other county councils to be presented to the Ontario Government reiative to provincial highways. The mem- | orial sets forth that in the opinion of county councils the entire cost of construction and maintenace of Provincial highways shouid be Lorne by the highway departmgnt of the goverment, rather than a portion by municipalities, Action for Divorce, Through Attorney Herbert C. Tee-! pell an action for divorce has been started by Earl Blade, Water. | town, N.Y., against Cecil J, Blade. | George Vivimore is named co-res- dondent. According to the com- plaint the parties to the action were ; married in Brockville, Nov. 14th. 1917, by Rev, Mr _ Richardson. One child, Earldeen Blade, now about six years of fige, was born to the union and the plaintiff seeks its cus- cdy. Mr. and Mrs, Blade separated in January, 1921. Fire Destroys Pembroke Store. On Wednesday mogning a fire of unknown origin completely demo- lished the grocery store of J. P. Sam- mon, Munro street, Pembroke, The fire had gained considerable head- way before it was discovered and an alarm turned in. Chief Dey and his brigade were at the scene three minutes after the alarm was given, but the building was a mass of flames. The building, a one-storey wooden frame structure, was in the course of being remodelled, and was completely burned, and the entire stock, badly damaged. a For Debating Trophy. The challenge cup for debating donated by H. A. Stewart, X.C, M. P., will be contested for this year by the Smith's Falls and Brockville collegiate Institute and the Athens righ - school. The principals of these schools met in Brockville re- cently and drew for positions in the contest, Athens winning on the first count. The first debate will be held cn February 15th in Smith's Falls between Brockville and Smith's Falls and the winners will speak against Athens three weeks later ww. decide the ownership of the trophy for the year, Three judges, one from each town, who will have no connection with the scheols, will de- cide the winner in each case, Anglican Shurch' Social. The congregations of Lanark An- glican church, Balderson and Fall- brook, held .a successful social eve. Robert Wilson, Lanark, on Thurs- day evening. About one hundred. guests were present. The first part of the evening's programme was 'RR. has its ice har-| mixed blessing. better known to the! just | ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs.| It fostered a spirit | of extravagance for which there was | and caused a | | reckless embarking in enterprises | which had on reasonable promise of | | permanence or profit. The general | 'moral and soclal atmosphere of the | town also suffering from the relax- | ing influence of the war boom, and the influx of a considerable number [of loose fish from various quarters Many of these came from the Un- ited States, to which the war had not brought prosperity, though af- ter the peace all forms of industry revived. In fact, considering its size, surroundings and prospects, Kingston had become after the war (of 1912) an extravagant, fashton- able and even sinful town. Ana yet there was a minority of shrewd, well-informed and public-spirited citizens.' IF CONSTIPATED, SICK, BILIOUS | i Harmless, Laxative for the | Liver and Bowels Feel fine! No gripiug or .ncon-| venience follows a gentle liver and bowel cleansing with = '"'Cascarets." | Sick Headache, Biliousness, Gases, | Indigestion, and all such distress | gone by morning. For men, Women | and Children--10c. boxes, also 25 and 50c. sizes, any drug store. DRY SLABS S | Choice Hardwood. Nut Coal, Stove Coal, Coke.. Split Pea and |W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 ONTARIO STREET i .Walroth, Fallbrook, won the highest progressive euchre and other games In the euchre contest Mrs. Wesley |[SOWAR STARTS WITH SERVICE, ENDS WITH SATISFACTION SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 153. UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. [e-------- em 'WE SERVE GOOD MEALS meals served to your liking. EVENING PARTIES given first class attention, THE VICTORIA CAFE 8514 King Street. Sing Lee and Gan Lee, Props. Telephone 702. i ---------- or So. A ar a oe MAKE YOUR WORK EASY | Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc, Halliday Electric Co. PHONE 94. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. Gourdier's For Furs A fine collection of skins of all kinds, small Furs and Fur Coats. 78 BROCK STREET Phone 700 Clearing odd lines of $25.00 to $35.00 ] Suits for $19.00 OVERCOAT SALE SPE VALUES AT $25.00 SEE OUR FINE BLUE SERGE SUITS, INDIGO DYE $27.5 'TWEDDELL"S d

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