Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jan 1924, p. 16

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG = - jo | ing. Monday night he played for ||)" . HC---- | Frontepacs in Cornwall. Tuesday | SPOR | Kingston at| | | night he played for P-- smn ind { Napanee. Wednesday--whiol is to- | { night--he is playing for Live Wires | | . | im the city ieague. Some of those of- 5 » | dndoor Baseball. { ficials who have been claiming that | Ll. dl A double-header of indoor base-! One game a week is enough for any | > al aw S ball was played in the armouries man should come out and see the | | last night when 4th Hussars defeat- | red<head tonight. ® {ed H.Q., R.C.A. -by the score of | 3 oy ¥ a FSR {14-3 in an interesting game. Fourth | Comes Up Thursday. - | Hussars are now playing ball of the | The Frontenacs-- Belleville pro- Rho | same stile which so pleased the | test over ithe game here last Friday | ap ( a t 1€ S ¥ Bd ou CE rr er Founded 1847 | evening will come up before the O. | | eithough unfortunately not having | H.A. tomorrow night. The official | | won a game this season, are to be |timer- says that there still' remain- { complimented upon their sporis- | ed three minutes and eighteen sec- : manship, and clean play which they | Onds to play when Referee Cum- --_-- rr r-------- | display throughout the games. mings called the game. The game | The second game was interesting | should .nevér have been started un- SH from the point that both Machine |der his direction anywdy as he had EETI S | Gunners and "A" Battery had not |already shown incompetence In ING. {won a game this season, and a first | the first match. . . : | win had to be made by one of then. > Best quality Canadian and English makes. | This was accomplished by Maching Want Exhibition Games.| 3 Gunners to the score of 23-13, cr- On Wednesday, the management " > { rors being numerous on both teams, | Of Queen's senior Intercollegiate 45 a, d 84 94 7 hockey team received a request from C.- C 50c¢- Ottawa Valley Hockey. the Shamrock hockey team of Ot- « ya... $1.00 yd. 69c.-$1.25 vd. At Arnprior on Monday night|tawa and the St. Thomas hockey : Renfrew and Arnprior played thirty | team of St. Paul, Minn., forsexhibi- minutes overtime without either |tion matches to be playe in King- team being able to break a four to | ston. It is not likely that 'the games four -tie. can be played on account of every " At Pembroke on Monday night evening at the rink being taken up, Almont pulled a big surprise when | with either skating or hockey match- SHEETS h lefeated Pembroke, 2 : ? : . they defeate embroke to es, High grade Sheets, well made and nicely hem- Perth won a great game there on | Monday night when they defeated | K.A.B.A. GRTS EARLY med. Size 2x 2} yards Munitions 6-5 in overtime, . START FOR THE YFAR. ' At Carleton Place on Monday There was a meeting of the King- $3.25-$4.50 pair night Smith's Falls trimmed Carle- [ston Amateur Baseball Association, 4 ton Pface 3 to 2 in a Rideau group | (the C.0.B.L. club) in the office of . ., . DRESS SUITS AND TUXEDOS game, the Standard last night. The fol- Better quality, hemstitched. Size 2x 21. 4 ing officers were elected for 2 . 3 | Senior Hockey Scores, 1054: ) $5.00 pair sree Suls of five Fasathies Worsted, Stratford, 8; Galt 6. > Patrons--Hon. W. F. Nickle, K.C.; . 1 aced an 1 ne 1 1 Aura Lee 5; St. Mary's 3.» Hon. Dr. A. E. Ross, M.P.; Mayor Q . 1 d 1 y HAW ESS In tailor -- T. B. Angrove; Warden D. Gemmill; Same as above--size 2} X 24. ing and style--Coat, Vest and Trousers. NAPANEE CURLERS WIN. J. F. Sowards, J. Evans, Sr., Leman $5.50 pai The two Napanee rinks skipped | Guild, W. R. Givens, Dr. E. Ryan, y parr 5 | by F. Bell and M. Taylor won the J. M. Campbell, Thomas Carson, Tho- ° ---_-- 0" e district cup at the Kingston curling | mas Stewart, W. J. O'Brien. . '| rink on Tuesday evening when they Past president--T. A. McGinnis, defeated the two Rockwood rinks-in President--B. Noble Steacy. h Tuneds Suite of Barathea Worsted, Silk the finals .by a score of 31 to 27. Vice-president--Ald. Howard : ace: 1 In the afternoon Kingston curlers | Kelly. . : ! ned, fancy Braided Trousers, were defeated by Napanee by a score Secretary--A. Murray. PILLOW SLIPS. well tailored-- Jacket, Vest, Trousers. of 29 to 27. Rockwood curlers won Treasurer--W. L. Kennedy. . . . : : trom Brockville in the afternoon by | Manager of team--J. J. Daley. Fine quality material, well made and nicely | a score of 36 to 30 and qualified to Business manager--Bert Booth. . . . 5 00 20° meet Napanee in thd finals, The Grounds manager----W. J. Arnfel. finished. Hemmed or hemstitched. Sizes 40-44. * 0 ° Kingston curling club has held the Publicity manager and official : Te | scorer--J. J. O'Neill. 30c¢. to 50c. each district cup for some years. Prospects for the season are re- Every correct thing in dress accessories. rinks and scores were: : ; ported to be very bright and the Napanee Kingston executive is well fitted ta handle af- DRESS VESTS, DRESS SHIRTS, COL- F.Rikly R. J. McClelland fairs in a business-like manner, LARS, TIES, GLOVES, etc. . P. Killonan W. J. Frizzell . Vanalstyne W. J. Drysdale KINGSTON : VICTORIOUS M. Tayler R.N.F: McFarlane IN MATCH AT NAPANEE. BLANKETS ~ IVINGST 9 Skip 14 - Skip 18 The Kingston Bay of Quinte Lea- t 0 t over Napanee -11- : i . LRobin SB News Su tea WG SN: Ser Napauee 11 Fine, All-Wool Blankets < soft and warm. » hi ° . Wor P00 ny rtainly plentiful and the X He : . 75-79 BROCK STREET I A. Frisgle 2 A. Turcotte pw to rnb ou both teams. White with Blue or Pink borders. Size 66x84. . C. Ponsford : The Kingston erew took scoring " $8 95 . . pair: "" " If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk skip 15 Skip 9 blo in oBg pa Total--29 Total--27. and piled up a lead that could not be -- overtaken, A large crowd attended ---------- Rockwood. Brockville and local players report Napanee J. Scally N. J. Cole ; : fans very strong for their team. | B > 3 raham Dr aa er, McCarthy; de- ta . f , Bennett, T. Angrove; centre, ! pesto oi ry 6 ONLY, ALL-WOOL BLANKETS | spectators last year. R.C.A. H.Q., " ~ C. Jenkins J. Tobin Lanos; wings, Millan and ' Watts; NOTICE 10 FARMERS Seip 25 Skip 9. subs., Devlin and A. Angrove. We ; s . We arc buying large 'quantities of Potatoes daily and --- Napanee--Goal, Fenn; defence, Pink or Blue checks: nicely bound. Sizes 64 3: are open to quote prices to those interested in selling. R. Ralph Dr. A. P. Cooke > at L. 'Spencer, Bentley; centre, Mec- A. Mclver J. Ferguson Neill; wings, Huffman, I. Spencer; 84 and 72 xX 84. Reg. $6.50 to $8.00 each. : $5.50 each H. Flowers T. Stratton subs., Johnson and Naphin. 2 C. J. Thompson J. E. Algile levil 9 Skip 11, Skip 21. Referee--Stan. Nurse, Belleville. Total -- 36. Total -- 30, no Basketball Dates. . - ; » entative schedule has been Sapunce oral drewn up in the Central Ontario ; * . group of the O.A.B.A. by Convenor . J Roblin R- Raiph P. F. Brockel, Belleville. The LINEN TOWELS NN W. A. Steacy A. Mclver games are: I : . J. A. Pringle H. Flowers . - . ' y . Feb. 1--Delleville at Peterboro. He . Quality--Larger Market--Service [| #5: itn "55 Fee w ree avy quality, Linen Huck Towels. Big values ; Poth Skip 13 Feb. 13--Peterboro at Belleville. 35c. to $1.50 each . » C. - Retail Market Phones 458-459. sincss Office Bu 800. -- Feb. 14--Peterboro at Queen's Wholesale NDepartment 1707. F. Rikley J. Scally Feb. 20, 22 or 23--Belleville at P. Killoran R. 8. Graham : Queen's; ' F. Vanalstyne B. F. Sears , A M. Taylor C. Jenkins Feb. 29--Queen's at Peterboro. Ship 18 Total--27 Rush Seats for Sale, Ld ) A Rush seats for Kingston Choral w= ' Society concert, at 25c., wil be on ROLLER TOWELLING An hin ou i 1 1 Kingston Club Serfes, sale at Grant Hall from 7 p.m this : : ything you want in Fish variety -- R Livingston. - '1 H. Hoppas |v ne Contort commbucee harp Splendid value in this All-Linen Roller Towel- Silver Bright, Cohoe, Qualla Salmon, Hali- [|| ¥ Mamba X 5 Wasa ~~ [st oieht ook. ling. Blue or Red borders. 16" and 17" wide. . . . L. Langdon C. M. Smith but, Sea Herrings, Brill, Haddock, Pike, 1 8kip 14 Skip 7 Te i inet will 20c. yd ' | . . up. Pickerel, Salmon Trout, White Fish. : E. Wood R be charged in police cvurt Thursday han r Grant, with the theft of turkeys. It fs al- - Everything in SMOKED FISH r wn Stewart 3 oleae leged that the turkeys were stolen 'innan Haddie, Smoked Fillets, Kippers, Bloaters Ci JI CR : on the island and sold in Kingsto Hooked ready to serve--a real Fish treat. Salmon Snacks, por I Bae A uhningham = . . enn, y xouked, Select cuts of British Columbia Salmon, ? P L. C. Lockett has been elec e . Ladies Club Series first vice-president of the Nationa : GLASS CLOTH-- : Shoe Retailers' Association of Can- WE RECOMMEND ig Sowgius Nu, Listen ada, meeting in convention in Mont- Fine quality All-Linen Glass Cloth--all White Winter caught Whitefish Lake Ontario 2 3 y k stock. Clean Miss Daly Mrs. W. M real. ite wi Fights modu se: Fick, 'eOntario » . Mise Daly, Mrs. McFarlane | Kingston has certainly been on and White with Blue and Red check. 23" wide 20¢ Skip 13 Skip 8 her good behaviour this week as Per pound . » » there has not been a session of the 25¢ y d D \ . : . . . -- Poing Competition. polite court so far, - i Pozen, 4 The games in the point competi- There is now plenty of snow for Ty oul a dressed ike from deep tion will be played at. the Tvs good sleighing. Autos out in the with dressing; weights vary 2 to 5 bs. treat baked 'rink today. Horm on Tuesday night had a most ny Sale of oranges at 15¢ dozen will WINTER SMELTS Pe 124s. HE DOT FRDAY SuENING | nue until February at Car- MADAPOLAM s ; v. v Th ao) ] G novsky's. «. 5 . : ers tor coder In. | High grade English quality Madapolam. Suit- Winter caught, 'win frozen, 3 ; the nicety in a er -- ---- rsh have tolerated for the doubletieader In- The Dany MENORANDEN. | the : termediate O.H.A. game on Fri- Kingetor bi nap on Jap. 24th, at 11) able for Lin. . V. Say Suing. The games will be | a.m. ater "Dr. Bake g€rie purposes. ery fine weave as they are drawn up in tne |, Presbyterians, hear , es. schedule, with Bei ville as SE Taare the - --soft and durable. 40 wide, Queen's starting early and Fron- special e o he . 3 : tenacs and Cornwall playing the | aist church thie evening = Mone 35c¢. and 45c¢. yd. second game. No excuses or : I Old-time Buckwheat Flour trom the. c PRINTERS ; 3 nw. a a ASSES oy. 8 iG : Bont Jemina Pancake Flou WIE aay rontenac County Maple Syrup pattie tod ie ) DTIC Ic Per quart 70c. Per galion $2. $2.50. tie oe JOB DEPT, BRI1 BRITISH WHIG I Bee-Kist Honey ......... 5b. pail 7 : : Lon Brand om ¢ 4 : 3 | ei : For list of Births, | Seiled Iden Syrup, 1 Ib. tin . . . . . . i Player, s and Deaths, || 4 Crown Brand Corn Syrup, 5 Ib. tin . . Broken Walnuts... .. ae Cla ---- -

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