Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jan 1924, p. 6

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG CEE TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1024' TO REPEAL PROHIBITION. At least one country in the world has tried prohibition and found it wanting. * The announcement comes from Christiana that the Norwegian government intends. to propose -to parliament the abolition of prohibi- tion upon spitits, and as the ban on wines was cancelled nearly a year that indictment as the non-compre- hending attitude of those of an older generation towards the ways of a younger. But no mattér how the situation is discounted, our own in- sanity figures here at home are sérious enough to demand immediate thought™dnd. investigation. The old stand-by of arraigning the 'Business As Usual =~ ago, there will be nothing left of the | "'sheiks" and "flappers," as our boys prohibitory laws which were enacted and girls are dubbed ir modern in that country. It is not 'stated | slang, does not hold for a minute. | what considerations led -to this de- | It stands to reasqn that if the chil- | cision on the part of the Norwegian | dren of the present generation are a . government, but it is a very signifi- | wild and unruly lot, then thers cer- | EAL Rus gaily vs aut | cant action, particularly in view of | tainly must be something radically | poe mber the definite periods off | the reaction against absolute prohi- | wrong with the parents, for no gen- hand, but in thinking of that ody, | bition in several of the provinces of | eration of children will fall from | of yours I can think of three definite | Canada. | grace if the proper guidange and | periods. The first is the age of fif- Any legislation of a prohibitory | upbringing have been given, Recste| teen in a boy, or thirteen in a girl, , _-- , nature of this kind is bound to have | who arraign their children continu- the age of puberty. The man and FG SRR Sh URLISRofS (on rescion, In Norway that reve. | aly should sop to make curetal| ¥omas bas emerged trom childhood CO, LIMITED { tion has reached the stage at which | analysis of their own mode of life. twenty-five to tweniv-seves. when vee... President! a Tepeal of the laws is necessary. The first and best treatment of both men #nd womes have reached Managing Director] The votes taken in Manitoba, British | any evil is the confidence of ability | their full maturity. They may grow TELEPHONE Columbia and Alberta show that the |to fight and overcome it. Let us| stronger or weaker, but insofar as Private Exchange, Hone, Soi same reaction is at work, to a cer-| then adopt the opinion that tH% great natural growth _and developmént .is _ departments | tain extent, in Canada. Just how | increases in our insane population concerned Nature has completed her SUBSCRIPTION. RATES: | soon jt will reach! Ontario in suffic- | are due first, to the 4rying period of 'work. One yea¥ ur Edition): 87.50| fent force to bring about another | war and, secondly, an¢ in much! You are then at your full growth Sue year, vy Ices, $5.00] VOle on the question cannot be pro-| greater proportion perh is, to the|@nd what happens Shereulion ly Sue nae] Phesied with any accuracy, because | hard years after the war when eco. | 10 Datural or inherited qua 5.0 Une year, to y il, . | : ! Ith, w develop for Sue Tons: ar United a . 82,00 the question here has becomé s0 | nomie, political and social) onditions | health and hat you : Pe 'o figures and believe us quality for duality. vou will OUT-OF-TOWN REPRFSENTATIVES: bound up in politics that it does not | have been endeavoring to recover |' And the third period is that of g d 9 Y qu yy ill have to . Calder, St. John St, Montrea . | troi : VW in at: John Mo Montreal stand «on its own feet as a great | oh oe of the sremtest shocks in| Soi, Joa tad Perle travel some to meet or beat them. moral question. e world's history. I have often thought how these . ~~ Let us accept | Letters to the Editor are published 5 : f BOYS' SUITS MEN'S OVER- MEN'S SUITS only over the actual mame of the| It Is significant, however, that the | the fact in all sobriety. but without three periods are fraught with dan- writer. prohibition forces are preparing for | panic or fear and fight it slowly and | gers, and also with privileges. . COATS Sizes 28-34. $18.00 $19.50 $22.50 Attached is ome of the beat job| a fight in Ontario. On the evening | scientifically, in the same manner as| That the boy and girl at puberty printing offices in Canada. before the vote in Alberta a few (We would. eliminate business and |should be taught by parents' about $25.00 $25.00 $27.50 $29.50 The ation of THE BRITISH || M0nths ago, one of the prominent | trade depression, by a search for the | the transformaton that has taken Extra special values | Extra special values|Extra special values WHIG is authenticated by the social leaders of the Methodist | causes and a gradual rebuilding. place in their bodies and ifs signific- BIBBY'S At Bibby's Bi laa W. Sum, up, "Something doing right along. a i ERE Every day is bargain day here. la Ril 4 5 e meet and beat all'competition. : 5 e offer no baits, no discounts. We do offer first quality .merchandise at remarkably low price. i! J. G. Elliott .. Ventana Guild Quality always being considered. . Our constant aim is to give Better Service, Better Qualities, Better Value. i We buy for Cash. We sell for Cash. ° We have one price and that price is marked in plain y opal ance. ABO Shuseh: ih @ Spouch no ered 1n an| = . The man and woman at twenty- | Untario city, said, "We fear the re- JANUARY five and twenty-seven should realize : , } ; ® Audit Bureau of Circuiations | sult in Alberta to-morrow, and a vie- | Janus, the ancient deity, for whom | that they have reached the point of tory for the wet forces there will full maturity. If at this time they | this month was named, is usuall All that stands between us and {mean that their slogan will be, 'Sas-{ | will take the ordinary thought as they would ictured as having two faces, and a hot time is three months. katchewan next,' and after that, 'On | ple tact Is not ne h it 2 i Sr to food and exercise, ------ to Ontario'." This shows that the! t 8 a 2 » 1 To s we ey avo e embarrassing fat, and pro- = j ton. Extremely cold days vie With! ryding abdomen that now ensues. Blessed ._ are the = pesce-makers. Joulers of he Proufuliion ema | those of milder temperature now, yet You see Nature is through build- | They will never be out of # Job, SS raparing oN nog oy oe | withal the ice and snow and biting ing you up, and so your food now | TINS Tear mee Tor arts wake) oo aa bs Ain oe pind winds are regnant and not at all|is not required for that purpose. If | : backward is assertin their auth-| you continue to eat it, then it should | but it is often art for jack's sake, ing tide of opinion which is opposed otity. g orien gh Safi Sido pot to prohibition bf the nature now in otherwise you will accumulate Fable: "They lost their money | force. jm 15.00 Jones 20 uh femjitee weight. years ago, but they are social arbi- There is not; in Ontario, nor any 3: JW. BR accep gues ose And so from twenty seven. to fifty 4 Btay for some weeks' duration is ters still. other province of Canada, for that you are at your best--insofar as matter, any desire to make so drastic taken as a matter of course. Too physical vigor is concerned. The man who loves his neighbor as | a fepeal of the prohibition laws as jg | P2d that the aristocratic sleigh, the| Ang now the third stage--fifty himself is seldom crazy about him- | being - put into effect in Norway. plebian bob-sled and .especially the years old. y 11 It. i : _ | merry jingle bells are but a memory. Nature has maintained you well, Belt, Tote wil roti bys Fetes bis i But the boy with the coaster is still | You have been sensible as to diet and Ta ---- as were prior to Sep- ; ¢ h escap- with us, an exercise. You hag¥e perhaps escap The only fur-bearing animal that tember, 1916, but there is a decided hill A ho weih Bim Take 4 ed any severe fifess, no Appears to be holding its own is wo- possibility that ere long there will for the eyes and better for th = L What should be your programme? man, = be some changes of a modifying na- oF the heart, Really no changes in one sense. Moreover, the skaters are holding . ture in the prohibition legislation of Scheme 8r raising prices: First. province, \ You will still continue .the care of : carnivals, so heigh-ho for the rink, your body by diet and exercise. get the stuff out of the hands of the producer, RE Mr ------ Whatever You Want in the way of machine shop repairs or original work, we can do it for you. We have a model plant for manufacturing or repair work, Our men are expert in all kinds of ma- chine work, adjustments, etc; - Bishop Machine Shop | KING AND QUEEN STREET» Hemsley & Son WATCHMAKERS Try Us for Watch and Clock Repairs 109 BROCK STREET Phone 2066w. the river and the lake, the frolic and But your exercise now, should not the fun and the clever capers cut by | be competitive. It should be plenty steel-shod boots, of walking, or golf, and the slower January skigs at night are ripe for | more moderate forms of 'exeréise. | rae eir excitement rise as the date \ Because you feel strong don't go | of'publication comes near. Then they {n for any endurance tests. Because! receive a complimentary copy from you are still strong, don't try to| the publisher, and how they fondle show up some of the younger fellows | 411 Opening it at odd pages to see half your age. what part of their wonderful tale 3 Because you are strong, don't im-| dazzles the searching eye, thinking days in every home, namely the re- | shines with a steady white brilliance. agine you are just as supple as you | how well the author's name looks, gular reading of newspaper adver-| Toward the southwest Tarus, 'the | were at thirty. Your whole thought | going next day into a shop and non- ~ Civilization ig getting to be a mere tisitg. "Advertisements are now," 'Bull, with his two celebrated clus- | should be to preserve what you have chalantly buying the one copy there, mania for attending to the other fel- | yo sald, &'so carefully printed and so ters, the Hyades and the Plefades, | acquired between your second and | and smiling to think. that the sales- 'low's business, carefully written, presenting in con- | coruscates. Of all the star groups | third periods. That health and that| mgn does not know who the purch- \ vineing language suggestions of mer-| none is more famous than the Plei- fair measure of strength will stay by aser is. Yet stranger still is the ques- you, if you eat less, exercise a little | tion of who reads the bodks. Some chandige needed by thousands of | ades, seven 18 BUMDOE,.. which, aes less, particularly along strenuous one must. Probably the author's people every day, that to many read- | cording to an Indian legend, are as |, Remember, you should be| relatives. At any rate, the impressive ers they are as interesting as news. | 50 many lovely children who once good for another thirty years of life, | yotal of 1,058 proves that the Brit- In fact, advertiseménts are of them-| danced themselves into the sky and | with ordinary care. ish publisher does not throttle tal- selves/news. They announce new [never came back. Orion, the "Gol- ent. Critics may lament his taste, books; latest styles, inventions which conda of the heavens," is resplendent but not his optimism. | have been perfected for useful pur-|in his glory, and the starry, river | on p O'Connor in London Sunday Times poses, special prizes. They suggest called Eridanus may be glimpsed I have just been reading of the improvements -. to the home, new| west of Rigel, which glitters like a | mishaps to which politicians are sub- : 'peace propositions. ideas in business. They stimulate|gem on the glant's left foot. Ang |Jected when they come in contact en er a east ie & sales and are a useful, necessary | these are but a few of the diadems with excited people in days of acute Ch t Colds ™#| controversy. The case has be men Wheezy es Well, Vanizelos is a shrewd man, | force with a tendency to make hu- that stud the heavens on a January tioned a ae i a) = . h and if anything happens, he won't| man life easier, better and more | night. oneé o Be RAVINE the Panes Subdued Over Nig t Trained Nurse Tells How of his temporary house in Hari wait for a firing squad. pleasant. Advertising in a news- The woods are drear and stark for | street pe ay mob on bE ------ Colds Are Quickly Broken Up. paper may cover a continent or be| the most part and bear the marks of ular Sunday when there had been a The regulars and the rebels in| restricted to a state or a city. It| battle. Nature has put on the weeds | demonstration led by Bradlaugh Mexico don't really hate one another. | comes the nearest to the fundamen- | of widowhood, and every greem| against the Eastern policy of Lord < 'They are not allies. tal principle of successful marketing | thing save the firs the balsam. and | Beaconsfield. I do not see mentioned Smite nen --the bringing together of buyer and | other trees not deciduous is at a|@nOther incident Which I remember Speaking of valuable home res Man says thie world is 8,000,000 | seller in the quickest and cheapest premium. The cbttontails are joy-| Well: When Gladstone reached Dover medies that every mother should years-old. That's how. many times| way." One who only skims lightly ous and much in evidenec in the | O" PIS Way to one of his Continental always keep on hand, Nurse Care rington says: "I haven't met any preparation more dependable than 'Nerviline.' It is the ideal liniment; every drop rubs init peach erop has been killed. over the advertising columns of his fields along the roadways, Coveys SHips; Xo 19104 sio¥ 98 fhe yi is absorbed quickly, eases and re- lieves in a short time. : newspaper can néver know what op-| of partridges, while not abundant J . + | streets began to snowball him. The ra oer service has Does Teh- | portunities or bargains he may be are flushed occasionally by the] old man showed great indignation. le to o a a : 1 Pe0- | missing. chance pedestrian in isolated regions | A mob of members--also during the Pp! © stock market alone, only to disappear {in a flutter and | controversy on the Bastern question "| luff of brown and a whir of muffled | --howled at him in the House of For chest colds, pain in the side, stiff neck, earache and toothache, I have found Nerviline invaluable; In treating the minor ills that arise iw 'every home, 18! palanced eye m fas, Fable: Once there was a husband OUR SANITY. Co 3 n mmons as he was passing through who didn't burn more fuel in the The fitty-fourth annual report on|™usic. Here and there a Junco, or 'the division lobby. There is also the nothing more efficient than Nerviline." ; . For nearly fifty years Nerviline! ymportant for the reliet of constant househol eyestrain. E than his wie burned all day. | the hospitals for insance and feeble- | ShO¥ bird, is cheerily hopping about. old story of some member -of the 8 -- ee minded in Ontario, compiled for the | A 'onely and sombre crow flaps over- Carlton Club who threatened to It is fine to do a good thing every year ending October 31st, 1921, heud, Cawing as he goos--a raucous | prow him out of the window-when, » but when you find a good thing | gives us much food for thought. Ia |2°t® and In keeping with the wintri- | or a Peelite, he was beginning to | has been a Important for the preservation of your sight. : Our glasses are scientifically 'built and meet the severest test. Bard to do-him more than once. [it we find that while Ontarios popu-| M¢®® Of the January landscape. show some of the Liberal leanings x Aa! > : R. ARTHEY, RO. ---------- is A HABIT IN EVERY HOME, The only thing in the world that Excellent reasons were given the seems smaller ag you draw nearer is | other day In an address before the | the enjoyment of astronomy with the . greatness. Rotary Club of Mount Vernon, New | naked eye. Go out of doors at nine i et eee. York, by Louis Wiley, business man-| o'clock on'a clear evening and the "A "good neighborhood" - is: one ager of the New York Times, - for | heavens will reward you lavishly. * Where the houses are large and the what he described as a habit.nowa- | Almost directly overhead Capella 'families small. - Se int, | Hot Water | Bottles In zero weather or times of sickness a Hot Water Bottle is a great comfort and conveni- We have private funds to loan on mortgages, T. J. Lockhart Real Estate and Insurance 68 BROCK ST., KINGSTON Phones 322J and 1797J. i Hotel Fronte | . Kingston's Leading Motes ' Every room has running het and oolq water. One-half block from Railway Statious and Steamboat Landings. J. A. HUGHES, ~ Proprietor ------ His arrogance is in exact propor- tion to the squalor of the level from ' which he climbed. S-------- .'* Out In the great open spaces it is ®asier to keep a shirt clean, but it dsn't so necessary. ence, We have them in™ Earthenware, Metal and Rubber From small face bottle, 75c¢c., to highest grade--$4.00. | Dr. Chow's Drug Store 185 Princess Street. Phone 343 WHEN GLADSTONE WAS MOBBED One objection to the radio is that you can't talk back. 3 -------- Mr. Bok bas achieved his object: The whole world is again studying --~---- The quality is kept up to its usual high standard, while the price remains the same 50c. per Ib. Roasted and ground om the premises. Absolutely pure. Jas. REDDEN & CO. PHONES 20-and 990. -- \ lation was increasing thirty-eight i which afterwards developed. Correct this sentence: "I don't| per cent., the insane population was The Little House. We all remember the narrow es- t the set of books," sald he; "and | increasing 135 §0 tiny seemed the little house, | cape Mr. Lioyd George had at Bir- I "No" that ends. the sd : 8 per cent., which is out Scarce room for bed and board; mingham. -A Welshman, who recog- say 'No' ends the mat- | of all reasonable proportion and de- Yet here were love and happiness nized him by his eyes under the po- : mands an explanation. In heaping measures poured. liceman's helmet, pointed to the "on the 'weak _muith A " There is a glimmer of hope in the | But now too large the little house, | "criminal" the angry mob was seek. Iy 'the weak multiply fast," | introduction of W. W. Dunlop, ig-| ' For one has gone away: ing. Fortunately the deneuncer was 8 & naturalist. Which shows that | spector, when he says that the in-| And through the high and empty | regarded as trying to play a trick Inows something about law-mak- creases latterly can be explained as rooms on the savage crowd; and he was ? Ty due to a period of war. But he also| The joyless echoes stray. kicked and béaten himself, during - Questions whether the United States | Stil! ever round the little house which process Mr. Lloyd George was bah 'RAWFORD'S ban. nh kA : 2 Ma The sweetest memories eling able to away, I have been told | a R Anaticism hasn't changed much. | National Council of Méntal Hyglene | Of laughing face and dancing feet, | by Bron aw people that the city | FanAL y (0) {201 'second man Killed the first be-| Was not right when jt mentioned as: TYSaE made on : a1 QUARTET a La ET ey id r hearts to sing. has never ceased to be ashamed of x 4 i 0 they disagreed concerning the | Other hig reasons: "The mania for Oh, Father, keep the little house; | this performance. I have been there " ' mr i "ws ht way, to worship God, wealth, the craze for publicity, the Bring balm and tender efire; since in pretty hot times, and I was 4 - -- " : {3 ------------ ~ {loss of confidence in spiritual leader- May smiles again of happiness treated with the greatest courtesy. ; ' a SET ee ° : E'RE public servants : ship, the wild enthusiasm out of all] In Thy good! time /be there, : i . © . i x Wana we're glad of it. proportion to the importance of the | --E. LILLIAN MORLEY. : our a avings We perform our duties : By x A ; . to our patrons In a manner Io sport; the mania for modern danc- For every unit of $100. you have in the Savings that meets with their entire ng and the disregard of the Golden Bank you can obtain a good bond that will vield , Rule as a working principle in lite." nore, and it is saleable at any time. tual Jaina aud nearly so fully as in the United : ; 5% 3 States, though the matter in hand, especially in regard approval. They say that we We may thank God that in Cane : la ught. Who are the| | = You 5% or more,

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